HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946 11-06 CC MIN1066 National City, California, November 6, 1946 Regular meeting of the City Council called to order at 7:30 P. M, by Mayor Fritz, Councilmen present: Adams, Cording ly, Newberry, Thatcher, Fritz. Moved by Adams, seconded by Newberry, that the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting of October 15, 1946, and the adjourned meeting of October 31, 1946, be dispensed with. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS present: GAUTEREAUX, CAMPBELL, DICS� SON, ROGERS. BILLS audited by the Finance Committee presented: General Fund $10,918,86 Street Imp." 819.39 Park M & I " 462.56 Light. Dist. #1 Fund 32.65 1946 Sewer " 954.56 Plan. Com, , 1.13 TOTAL„ ,,,.,.,,,,• „ „ $13,189,15 Moved by Cordingly, seconded by Newberry, that thc bills bc allowed and warrants ordered drawn for same. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. COMMUNICATION FROM WAYNE W, SMITH, Asst. City Engineer, was, read, recommending the closing of a portion of Fairmount Avenue between Division and First Street lying west of the portion of the right of way now used for street purposes. Moved by Newberry, seconded by Cordingly, that thc matter be referred to Attorney Campbell to follow through on clos- ing procedure. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. REPORT FROM THE PLANNING CJML� SSION wasread, recommending that Blocks 90-91-92-101-1C2-155, City Plat, be changed from from an M-3 zonc to a M-2 zone. Moved by Cordingly, seconded by Adams, that the report bc referred to Attorney Campbell to pro ere the procedure, Carried, all Councilmen present vot- ing aye, 1067 SUBDIVISION ',AP of Rancho Hills Unit #1 was prescntcd. Moved by Ncwbcrry, seconded by Adams, that thc reap be accepted and authorize Mayor Gilbcrt E. Fritz and City Clcrk Frank 'V, Rogcrs to sign same. Carricd, all Councilmen prescnt voting ayc, CO7L!U1iCATI)N ''ROM CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION was rcad, recom- mending thc rcqucst of B, J. Gautorcaux, Park Supt. to allow his vacation to accumulate to not more than 30 calendar days. Moved by Adams, scconded by Cordingly, that thc rcqucst be ap-)rovcd. Carried, all Councilmen present voting ayc. RESOLUTION NO, 4231 was read, approving the specifications and wage scale for the construction of an 18 inch P, C. Gravity Scwer Line, /Sound by Adams, seconded by Cardingly, that the Resolution bo adopted, Carricd, all Councilmen prcscnt voting aye. RESOLUTION NO, 4232 was road, authorizing thc City Clerk to advertise for bids on an 18 inch P, C, Gravity Scw‘r Linc and setting thc opening of same at 8:00 o'clock P, M. Nov- ember 19, 1946. R4ovcd by Cordi ng1y, seconded by Thntchcr, that the Resolution be adopted. Carricd, all Councilmen prescnt voting rye, COMMUNICATION FROM LILLIE BELLE PLUM, Scc. to The Ladies Auxiliary, ThDmas H, Cosby Jr, Past, thanking the City far waiver of the busincss license on their dance and a.pnrcc- i.^.tion for thc cooperation of the Polioc Force, wr.s read and ordered filed, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING was rend, relative to r. channel en- tr:ncc through thc Silvcr Strand. Moved by Adams, sccmndcd by Ncwbcrry, that thc City send a represLntative thc hearing. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. 1068 BID on patrol grader as follows: Southern Equip. & Supn1y Co. $7,149.54 plus tax, Movcd by Ncwbcrry, seconded by Cordingly, that the bid bc r.occpted and authorize thc Purchasing Agcnt to purchase sane, Carric d, all Councilmcn prescnt voting aye. APPEAL 02 GLEYIT Q, REYNOLDS, 2141 J Avcnue,to operate a fixit ahspe.; :r: R;gSold4r ,t't cd that he had obtained thc approval of all thc neighbors within 200 f cat, The rcqucat was turned down by the Planning Commission in order to keep business out of thc residential section, RESOLUTION NO, 4233 was read, grantin3 r. rcvok^.blc z)ne tariancc to Glcnn Q. Reynolds, 2141 J Avcnuc, to operate a fixit shop Pet that address. Movcd by Cordingly, seconded by Adams, that the Resolution bc adopted. Carried, all Councilmen prcscnt voting aye. BIDS on the Comprehensive Insurance arc as follows: National Burcau of Casualty & Surety Underwriters, Guy & Guy, Rep„ $3,610.65; Zurich General Accident & Liability Ins. Co., W. 3, Flack, Rep,. $3,610.65; American Guarantee & Liability Ins. Co„ W, E. Flack, Rcp., $3,610.65; Pacific Indemnity Co„ Fred Miller, Rcp., $3,670.74, All policies arc for three yeaxP. M>vcd by Ncwbcrry, seconded by Adams, that the bids be referred to Attorncy Campbell and Administrative Officer Dickson to check. Carried, all Councilmen presnnt voting nye. C0MMUNICATION FROM SMITTY'S RANCH HOUSE, by H. M. Smith, cans road, requesting a rcfund of $7.00 on their business license as Cho business has been sold. Moved by Adams, seconded by That- cher, that thc request be referred to Chicf Betcs, license col- lector, Carried, all C,uncilmcn prcsent voting 'ye, NOTICE OF HEARING on watcr resources by thc Crest Public Utility 1069 District against thc California W^tcr & Telc. Co., and thc City of National City, ct al is sct fDr December 3, 1946, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. in Court Room, 515 Electric Bldg. San Diego. was read and laid over until thc next meeting, RESOLUTION NO, 4234 was road, accepting thc opening bid of $30.00 plus advertising costs on Lot 7, Block 215, City Plat, by Hmzcl P.Vcrncr, 5 J Avenuc, for city tax sale at public auction on trx deeded property. Sete to bc approved by City Attorney Campbell. lwvcd by Newberry, sccondcd by Adams, that the Resolution bc adopted. Carried, all Councilmen present vet.. ing aye. OPENING BID for C^•unty Tax Sale on Lots 15-16, Block 2, 10 Aare Lot 5, * Section 153, be set :or $100.00 per lot as rccoemcndcd by Assessor Rogers. Moved by Adams, seconded by C:rdingly, that thc bid be acccpted. Carried, all Councilmen present v:t- ing aye. RESOLUTION NO, 4235 was rcrd,,acccpting,a check f-oi $2,788.13• from the Statc of C•n.lifornia,for alcoholic bcver-gc license fcca fr.m January 1 t:, Junc 30, 1946. Movcd by Cordingly, seconi cd by Newberry, that the Rcs elution be ad opt ed. Carried, all Coun- cilmen p: csent votingtyc. RESOLUTION NO, 4236 vas rend, acocpting thc Firemen's Ina, Co. policy from Walter Flack on thc Community Building for $40,000,W premium $764.00 fDr three years. M vcd by Adr.ms, seconded by Thatcher, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried, all Council- men prcscnt voting aye, RESOLUTION NO, 4237 tcs read, authorizing thc following ccnccl- lations in the 1946-1947 trx roll: Assm't #1216 reduced from $1440.00 to $720.00 on improv_monts on thc E 37' of '7 74' of Lit 19., Wr.3 reduced last year but not changed on the r_sscssment 1070 sheet; imprivemcnts on asa'mt 0677 to bc reduced fr)m $1550,00 to $300.00 ns the building was not completed the 7s t lond^.y in M?.rch; impr-vcmcnts in ass'mt #3778 in the rmnunt )f $5600.00 and $570.00, Thc buildings burned in 1945 and were nit tr'scn nff thc assessment sheets; Lots 4-5, Black 1, Itving Place, n n; owned by San Diegn Elec. Ry C). and arc assessed on the Utility Rf11, corking n dual assessment, Thc cancellations arc rcc,mmendod by Assessor Rogers, lhvcd by Newberry, scoinded by Cordingly, that the Reeilutinn be ^doptcd, Carried, all Cnun- cilmen present voting aye. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER DICKSON recommended flame printing thc drapes, curtains, and rugs in thc Community Building, at thc apprixim^te cast of $92,00. Moved by Newberry, seconded by Cordingly, that Mr. Dicks.n bc nuthnrizcd to f)Ilir through on thc recommendati)n. Carried, all Councilmen prcssnt voting nye, ATTORNEY CAEFTMT• presented r, sr.les tax ordinance which pnrallols with the City of San Dicg' ordinance and recommended by this Logue of Ca.lif trnia Cities, Mrs, Thelma. Hollingsworth, 930 E 12th Street was present and spoke in protest of thc sales tnx, also Han Hanson, 229 Natinnal Avenue- Councilman .,rams suggested a hearing before the ordinance is adopted and commended the Cham- ber of Commerce for, the hcrring thsy conducted, M^.yor Fritz stated that the City needs additional revenue s- it can grant the pn.y raise to city employees who arc fnec4rith increased living costs, %ad thought the sales tax was a fair tiny to raise the needed revenue. 3. R. Harvey, 1705 Grove Street, suggested the method of rmis ing revenue in In'.innn, Thc Council agreed it would be fine but amid have to be a State function and the City needs money to carry through thc fiscal year. Councilman New- berry spoke in favor of the sales tax, stated that it would reach a group of penplc who do not contribute to the rnrkin3s of the. City G,vernmcnt, Councilman Thatcher also stated thc City needs money this fiscal year in )rdcr to give the employees the needed 1071 salary raise and t; meet the current prices of ;per =tin„ there being no other war out. Councilman Adams says it is an unfair and unjust tax as it shifts the burden on the poor person, Roy E. Fer3crson, 2104 L Avenue, vas present in protest to the tax and stated if the buildings now under construction could be completed there would be more m,ncy in taxes. Assessor Rogers stated that most of thc homes under construction belong to vet Brans and the City will receive very little rcfcnuc from then. Moved by Newberry, seconded by Thr.tohcr, that only thc heading be read, Carried, by the following vote to-tvitt: Ayes: Corclingly, Newberry, Thatcher, Fritz, Nays: Adams, ORDINANCE NO, AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING AED LEVYI1'G I, SAT.k'.S AND USE TAX OF RETAIL SALES !WITHIN THE CITY OF NATI017L CITY, STATE 02 CLLIPORNZJ., Moved by Newberry, seconded by Corclingly, that the Ordinance be ]r.icl over until thc next meeting for the second and final reading. Carried, by thc following vote to- vritt: Ayes: Cordingly, Newberry, Thatcher, Fritz. Nays: HIBBERT S, BARNES was present relative to his pctiton presented at the previous meeting and the condition of thc shuffle board courts. Administrative Officer Dickson informed 11r, Barnes that the petition had been referred to him and he will have a consultation with Mr. Barnes, ATTORNEY CIMPBELL brought up the question of parking meters. After BJmc discussion the Council agreed as to the streets to have same. RESOLUTION PTO, 4238 was read, authorizing the installation of parking meters on certain streets in the main business district of the City and authorizing the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance regulating same, Mov cc. by Thatcher, seconded by Cord- ingly, th".t the Resolution be adopted, Carried, all Councilmen 1072 vlting aye. Moved by Cordingly, secnnded by Ncwbcrry, that the mccting ad- jsurn until Tuesday Nhvembcr 12, 1946 at 3:00 P. M. s'cl)ck. Carried, all Cluncilmcn present vfting aye. A• Q Sys C11n 1 M1+Y�B, ITY OF TIOIti'!,�" CITY AI,IFORNT!► STTffiT: