HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946 10-01 CC MIN1046 National City, California, October 1, 1946 Regular meetin:' of the City Council called to order by Acting Mayor Thatcher. Councilmen present: Adams, Cordinray, Newberry, Thatcher. Councilmen abtent: Fritz. Moved by Cordingly, seconded by Newberry, that the reading of the minutes of the adjourned neetin7 of Septe.,ber 24, 1946, be dis- pensed with. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. ADLIMISTR_T=VE OFFICI_^.LS present: Smith, Gautereaux, Bird, Dick- son, Campbell, Rogers. BILLS AUDITED by the Finance Committee presented: General Fund gt 1,222.31 Street Imp." 2,307.79 Park M & 1 " 113.10 Lighting Dist. #,F1 Fund 32.65 1946 Sewer Fund 150.00 Plan. Com. " 25.00 Payroll If 7,231.73 TOTAL L7;11, 082.58 Moved by Cordinr*ly, seconded by Newberry, that the bills be allowed and warrants ordered drawn for same. Carried, all Coun- cilmen present votinu aye. COIIITUNICK2 ION FROM L. A. JER.ULD, Sr. was read, requesting that the bid on Lighting District #2 be rejected. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER DICKSON reported that Robert Coyner, Cham- ber of Commerce Secretary, checked with tho property ownors ro- lativo to tho bid and it is the consensus that the bid should bo rejected. RESOLUTION NO. 4201 wax road, rejecting the bid of tho State Con- struction Co. on LiFhting District #2. Movod by Adams, seconded by Nowborry, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried, all Coun- cilmen present votinn, aye. COMMUNICMION FROM ZER) 'SL,4 ..'CODS, :;nc. was read, requesting per- mission to romovc troes in the parkway of thoir proporty on the northeast corner of 21st street and National Avonua, at thoir own oxponsc and to Dave the parkway. Moved by Nowborry, socondod by 1047 Cordin"1y, that °ormission be Granted and the expense 'to be borne by the Zero Isle Foods, Inc. Carried, all Councilmen present voting- aye. RESOLUTION ?I0. 4202 was read, accepting the following doc;ds for street purposes only: B. C. Pcrduo and Ruby Mac Perdue, dcoding tho N 40' and the W 30' of W-.',,- of NWh of 40 Acre Lot 1, 4 Section 132; John H. and Bortha M. Stafford, dooding as follows: beg. at NE corner of 20 Acre Lot 1, e Section 132, thence S 71° W 170', thence S 19° E 40', thonco N 71° E 140', thonco S 19° E 455' thonco N 71° E 30', thonco N 19° n 495' to point of beginning; Nunzio Joe Casciano, deeding tho E 30' of S 165' of 20 Acro Lotl, 4 Sec- tion 132. Moved by Adams, socondod by Nowborry, that tho Reso- lution be adopted. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting aye. CITY ASSESSOR R0 ERS requested pormission to cancel duplicato assossnont #1236A, assessed to Joseph P'a.'s. R,SOLUTIOL gO. 4203 wus rt,2d, authorizing Frank W. Rogers, City Assessor, to cancol duplicato assessment #123SA on thc 1946-1947 tax roll, assessed to Josoph Faas. Iovcd by Cordin;ly, seconded by Adams, that tho Rosolution bo adoptod, Carried, all Council- man present voting ago. ORDINANCE N0. for a spur track was presented. Moved by Adams, socondod by Nowborry, thc.t only thc hooding be rcad. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting aye. ORDINANCE NO. 722 was road, AN ORDINANCE GR.YTINC A FRANCHISE TO POULSEN & NNtR ON, INC., A CORPORATION, TO COgSTRUCT AID OPERATE A SPUR R' 1LR0 :D ?R.CL ACROSS CERT IN: STRL 1TS r 1 TITS CITY OF NATTOTL_L CITY. :'ovod by Adams, socondod by Cording*,ly, that the Ordinance be adopted. Carried, all Councilmen prosont voting ayo. ORDIic': ;'E ^'0. for a franchise wac proscntod. Moved by Ncwhorry, seconded by Adams, that only the heading bo rood. Carried, all 1048 CouncilTaon proscnt votin_; _Lye, ORDINANCE PTO. 723 v' s rood, A,' CRDI?Thi•TC.. OF TTT CITY OF NATIONAL CITY STRILINC OFF, SELT,INC-, L.i. RD:T'C TD C=RJNTING TO SAiT DIEGO ELECTRIC RAILWP Y COt,PA `dY, .. CCRPOR TION, AS THD TIIrI EST C' SH TiID- Ti-EREFOR, ITS SUCCESSORS A' D ASSIGNS, A ?i?..NCH-SE .AND ATTTITORITY TO OPER''•TE, FOR A PERIOD CO.- ENCING ON THE EF'_•'ECTJVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE, AND E"D1:TG OiT TIE 10TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1973, AUTO,iO- BILE BUSES, STAGES ..ND/OR OTHER SELF PROPELLED VEHICLES FOR TIE TRANSPORTAT SON OF PASSENGERS FOR HIIRE ALONG AIID UPON CERT..IN STREETS IF THE CITY OF NATIONAL CITY. Moved by Nowborry, seconded by Cordingly, that the Ordinance bo adopted. Carried, all Council- men prosont voting cys. ADMINISTR^.TIVE OFFICER DICKSON requested official sanction of tho Council to use the Community Building Octobor 7th at 7:30 P. 1.4. for a rzoncral open mooting. Movod by Nowborry, socondod by Cord- ingly, that the r„qucst bo gr:ntod. Carried, all Councilmen pros- ont votinn ayo. ADMINISTR•.TIVE OFFICER DICKSON rcportod on the injunction filod against tho City Building Inspector about a wook ago. As ono of the interested partios of the injunction is a cliont of the City an Attorney, Mr. Campboll roquostod Mr. Dickson to obtain/unbiased opinion from anothor attorney. iir. Dickson contacted City Attorney Higgs of Chula Vistc and he ruled that tho City should not appear In tho action as they arc a disintorosted party. ADLIINISTR.TIVE OFFICER DICKSON AND ASS'T ENGINEER SthITH rcportod on thotr invostig:.tion of chc 15th Stroot problom. :r. Dickson rcportod that the omb:•nkment :t tho end of the street is about three feet above Lt. Ilurphy's s.idow•lk and thought that the only solutton would be to black top that area and ch,ngo the course of the drain, which of course would be tomporary. STILES C. ;TARTER, 902 E 15th Stroot, was proscnt relative to tho 1011: 13 1"":,.r Gcc tmst h, 15 `LL111nr to pcy hts portion of th , poi -. to COPi r Gh0 situ, tlon 3u; .is clof- 5: t.:ly Liar, brur Lr An co -In is C.,. Hr. -':rt,r 'Y s ..n_or:.:fd ;a t i Ls C'C,i _ni.t'17 up GO G:_: prop..rty Olncrs tfi' t 'rill b. Cone. _1 _D:="": � ^' TT'r� OFFICEfl D'"CKSO? roport;d th, t th. City is still without a Poundnc st r, ,. nd roco,,*ir ndod the tompor ry .'ppointisnt of Loon:r' R. 3c1:.;r, 200 '? 13th Str,.,b, o '7.50 p',: d y. RESOLUTION 20. 4204 VI, s r_.•'C, ut:ior z .n t'_v r o nt ,. nc of Loon'rd F. 3 L-or, 20b . 13t'i Str:»,t, s to 'par r,, Pound-k stor, s 1 ry 7.50 )cr d - Cff ,ct _'7., Octob r 1, 1043. _ ov,(1 by ::i no, s;con''•;d by Cord tn_'ly, th t :hc R..solution b, . dopt:d. Carrl, d, all Council iLha iros..aat vot_n • :'i �::�11TISi��.�:T1'✓_� 0]'i _ LiR DI: S0 r..Uorto L3 nr,-o ar:, t o vac= nclos in GhC. Pork Dpp:rc_.icnt .,lr. su-, .,st;C th t ca:'_i_n c,.ons bo cal10c for thrcc vrornc' in ordor to cr,-'t. :n Cli',ib Llit' 1'3t. _r. DLoi:son st t,O th- G t_2:. C nooc,:C: n ras3I t Pare Sept. :.n orf'ar to rcl i avo th,; P,'rk Supc , o2 tho lonr; hours he -rorkin: nd th.r t thc, C.v Ll Sory . c., sal, ry schcdulL, for this pos LLLon is ',,225.00--' 235.00--' 250.00. .ftar a. lunathy discussion, it ,ras aov0d by 7rowb,rry, cocondcd by Cordinrly, th,'t tno sc.1:'ry schoiulo bo ,,21').00-4225.00--:240.00 por monc'z. Car ri. C , all Council- mcn Tosont vot.n; ,"c, Movoc' by Cordirc17. scuon..o6 by Horborry, th.'t bh:, following .lcr, schodulo be ,'doptcd. Jr. Gc:rdncr9 � ,,160.00- 1,170.00--`>100.08; , Sr. Parl. G2ri'ncr, 0135r00-4195.00--1,p205.00, per month. Carriod, all Councilman prescnt voting ayc. COUNCIL.:D."1 S roportud that chc Wostgatc Packin-, Co. cont.m- Jirt..;, loc:'tin in National C. cj-. r.dhiiniatrat'_vo Officor Dickson s `. :tD!1 hC, gib^." born approa chcd b? c ropresonta.t: vc, of tho CO,?pcny c.nd he rof cr rod theid to Gh, C1 :racer of Commerce in o rd; 'r to the concenous or Cie pooplc, W. C. HOLDER, r.;prosont:tiv3 of two-ncrican Lo3ion, was present and requested pca'fission for hio r;: nizction to hold c pnrcdu on HovcAbor llth -t 10:21A 1To7cd L Y;,r:bc rry, sccondod by Ld :ins, that the; roqucst be ,'r.rtod Ctrried, ell Council.acn present vot- in;, Tye. iiovcd by Cordinsly, socondod by Newberry, thct thu noctin„ bo closed. Cc'.rriod, all Councilmen proscnt votin3 ye. LCTING iL.YI'LTION:. CI C_.LIFORPL'. LTTEST: