HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946 10-31 CC ADJ MIN&UOV National City, California,, October 31, 1946 Adjourned meeting of October 15, 1)46, of the City Council called to order by'Mayor Fritz at 3:PM o+clock. Councilmen present: Cordingly, Newberry, Thatcher, Fritz, Councilmen absent: Adams. ADMINISTRATIVE 0r ims present: Dickson, Campbell, Ro ge_ s, BILLS AUDITED by the Finance Committee presented: General Pund Payroll " $ 153,75 7 028 91 7,182,66 Moved by.Cordingly, seconded by Newberry, ttat the bills be allowed aid warrants ordered drawn for same, Carrie d, all Councilmen present voting aye, PETITION WOM PART( SOCIAL CLUB was read, relative to the exist- ing conditions, Mayor :Fritz referred the petition to Admin- • ietrative Officer Dickson, Councilman fewberry also suggested that Mr, Dickson contact other members of the Social Club, RESOLUTION NO, 4223 was read, accepting checks from the County of San Diego on the following tax sales: Sale #4220-1-2, $33,99; sale #4266, $35,12; -sale #4290-1, $16,84; sale # 4290-2, $34,36, Moved -by Cordingly, seconded by Newberry that the Resolution be adopted. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, RESOLUTION NO, 4224 was read, accepting a check for $90.48 from the Federal Works Agency for final settlement of expenditures for the operation of the USO, Moved by Cordingly, eeooaied by Newberry, that the Reeolution be adopted, Carried, all Council- men present voting aye, RESOLUTION NO, l4225 was read, authorizing the following cancel- lations and additions:on the 1946-1947 tax roll: cancel ass'mt #1411, $41.85; cancel improvement on asamt, #2958, $29,40; cancel ass'mt, #1866, $36,26 as the property as been dividcd and other buildings moved on the property, Add assent #5, $25;48 and ass'mt #6, $25,48 to cover same, Asem't #1411 was • -tan pr.id by thc Vctcrcns nclf -.rc -trod the impr wcmcnt on tss'mt ;°2958 vns erroneously rtsscsscd, Moved by Cordingly, seconded by Thatchcr, that thc Resolution "Jc ndontcd, Carried, r.11 Council - present voting r.yc, KIwANIS CLUB rcqucstcd thc Council to waivc thc business lic- cnsc on gum machines which they wish to install throughout the City and their 20% of thc proceeds will be given to the crippled children's fund, Attorney Campbell ruled that the Ordinancc prohibits the Council from granting thc request, COMMUNICATION FROM COUNTY B)ARD OF SUPERVISORS was read, rel- ativc to the alleged health mcnaco six blocks cast of 24th Street and Taft Avenue, Administrative officer Dickson maintained that thc County Health Deat, should takc action as they have a contract with thc City on health problems, Moved by Newberry, seconded by Thatchcr, that the condition be referred to thc County Health Dept, for action, Carried, all Councilmen prescnt voting aye, RF,4OLUTION NO, 4226 was rcad, authorizin3 a refund to E, P, Kilcoync, electrical contractor, of $12,00 for an electrical permit he obtained but was not used, Moved by Oordin3ly, scc- onded by Ncwberry, that the Resolution be adoptcd, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. COMMUNICATION PROM CHARLES CLARKE was read, rcquesting permis- sion to remove a palm tree in thc parkway of his property at 234 National Avonuc, Moved by Ncwberry, seconded by Cordingly, that Mr, Clarke remove thc trce at his own expense and pave the parkway, Carried, all Councilmcn present voting,ayc, CO3MUNICATION FROM M, N, `cILSON, PRESIDENT, UNITED STATES NAT'L BANK, in regard to the "open letter to the people of National City", and offering advice and help from any of thcir resources, and statcd, "I think that the time has arrivcd when all of us should cooperatc to the fullest," Mayor Fritz ordered the communication filed, ORDINANCE,ND,_, amcnding Ordinance No, 686 was presented for 1062 the second and final reading, Moved by Newberry, sccondcd by Cordingly, that only the heading be reed, Carried, all Coun- cilmen present voting aye, ORDINANCE NO, 724, ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0, 686 ENTITLED "AY ORDINANCE '2EPEALING ORDINANCE N0, 628 OF THE CITY OF NAT- IONAL CITY, ENTITLED 'AN ORDINANCE or THE CITY OF NATIONAL CITY, CALIFORNIA, REGULATING THE INSTALLATION OF Sweat LATERALS' AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AMENDING ORDINANCE N0, 628 AND ALL OTHER ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH AND PROVIDING FOR THE REGULATION OF THE INSTALLATION OF um LATERALS IN THE CITY OF NkTIJNAL CITY, CALIFORNIA," Moved by Newberry, seconded by Cordingly, that the Ordinance be adopted. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, ORDINANCE NO, creating a fund for capital outlays was ;resented for the second and final reading, Moved by Newberry, sccondcd by Thatcher, that only the heading be read, Curried, all Coun- cilmen present voting aye, ORRDINANCE NO, 725, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING roe THE CREATION AND ACCUMULATION OF A FUND FOR CAPITAL OUTLAYS, was read, Moved by Thatcher, sccondcd by Newberry, that the Ordinance be adopted. Carried, all Councilmen present voting ayc, RESOLUTION N0, 4227 was read, authorizing Mayor Gilbert E. Fritz to sign an agreement between the City and Clara F, Dins to accept the sewer line in the vicinity of 24th Street and G Avento; Moved by Newberry, seconded by Cordingly, that the Resolution be adopted. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER DICKSON reported tint a patrol -grader is available and requested permission to advertise for bids, Moved by Cordingly, sccondcd by Newberry, that Mr, Dickson advertise for bids next week, Carried. all Councilmen present Toting ayc, 1063 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER DICKSON reported that the insIrcirec oom- panics• h-:d_rgqucstsd addittitnal time to eorn lets -their bids on -the comprchensiyc liability insurance and. that the -time -for opcn- ing•-thxbitls„t as extended to November 6, 1946, at 8:00 P, M, ADMINISTRATIVE OPEICER DICKSON reported that a hijh embankments has been rLmovs&cnidthe residents have requested that the stop sign at 18th Street and Granger Avenue be removed as the cor- ner is no longer denger0u3, Mayor Fritz referred the matter to Chief of Police Bates, ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER DICKSON stated that the Camera Club has requested use of the Council or Judge's Chambers on tic even- ing of November 5th, Moved by Newberry, seconded by Cardingly, that the request be granted, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER DICKSON reported that there is about $13, 500,00 in County Gas Tax Funds available and math. the folloer ing suggestions: pave the City's portion of Rachel Avcnuc be- tween 16th and 18th Streets as the County and City of San Diego arc willing to pry their portion,; link Harbison Avenue to 18th Street; fix about a dozcn corners Where thc curbs arc broken and drngcrous for the pedestrian, Moved by Newberry, seconded by oordingly, that Mr, Dickson ascertain the post of the Rachel Avenue job, Carried, all Councilmen present voting cyc, COUNCIJ1LN CJRDINGLY complained of cars parking on thc side- walks in front of places of business where the curbs have been taken out and made into driveways, Moved by Cordingly, seconded' by Newberry, that Administrative Officer Dickson write a letter to each place of business having this type of driveway, request- ing them to keep the cars off the sidewalks, Carried, all Coun- cilmen present voting aye, LDMINISTR:.TIVE OFFICER DICi{SON stated that thc City needs a net 1063 ADMINISTRATIVE Omom DICKSON reported that the. ins;k: ntc..00m- panics• had,rlqucpt.:d addi4itna1 time to eon;lete'their bid*. on -the comprchensiyc liability insurance and, that the -time -for open- ingr-thrbids.Aas extended to November 6, 1946, at 8:00 P, M, ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER DICKSON reported that a high• embr.nkxncnt5+ lines been rcmbved:eaidthe residents have requested that the stop sign at 18th Street and Granger Avenuo be removed as the cor- ner is no longer dangerous. Mayor Fritz referred the matter to Chief of Police Bates, ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER DICKSON stated that thc Camcrr. Club has requested use of the Council or Judge's Chambers on thc even- ing of November 5th. Moved by Newberry, seconded by Cordingly, that the request be granted, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER DICKSON reported that there is about $13,500.00 in County Gas Tax Funds available and mach. the follow' ing suggestions: pave the City's portion of Rachel Avenue be- tween 16th and 18th Streets as the County and City of San Diego are willing to pay their portion,; link Harbison Avenue to 18th Street; fix about a dozcn corners where thc curbs arc broken and dangerous for the pedestrian, Moved by Newberry, seconded by Gordingly, that Mr, Dickson ascertain the cost of thc Rachel ',venue job, Carried, all Councilmen present voting ^ye, COTINNCILTILIT CORDINGLY complained of cars parking on the side- walks in front of places of business where the curbs have been taken out and made into driveways, Moved by Cordingly, seconded by Newberry, that Administrative Officer Dickson write a letter to each place of business having this type of driveway, request- ing them to keep the cars off the sidewalks, Carried, all Coun- cilmen present voting aye, LDMINISTRITIVE OPPICER DICKSON stated that thc City needs a new 1064 compressor and the prices range from $2,195,00 to $2,483,00, the latter is r. Sullivan -.nd the only compressor available for several months The equipment is needed for sewer construction v*ork, Moved by Newberry, seconded by Cordingly, that the City advertise for bids on r. compressor and that D5•, Dickson draw up the specifications for the bid, same to be opened November 19th, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER DICKSON reported that Park Supt, Gaut- crcaux would like permission to employ a temporary Jr, Garda:cy RESOLUTION N0,-4228 is read, setting the salary of the Jr, Park Gardcncr as follows: $170,00.-$180,00--$190,00; authorizing Park Supt, Gautcreaux to employ a temporary Jr, Polk Gardeners Moved by Newberry, seconded by Cordingly, that the Resolution be adopted, Carried, all Councilmen present voting ,aye, ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER DICX'SON regeustcd r. revolving fund to bc deposited with the City Treasurer and to bc drawn from by voucher, to take care of stamps and small expenditures, RESOLUTION N0, 4229 was read, authorizing Administrative Officer Dickson a revolving fund of $500,00 to be deposited with the City Treasurer and drawn from by voucher, Moved by Cordingly, seconded by Newberry, that the Resolution be .doptted, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, MAYOR FRITZ brought up the question of City Officials voting at Planning Commission meetings, also decreasing the membership to five, Councilman Thatcher thought the Council should get the opinion of the Commission oh the matter, 1ayor Fritz requested Administrative Officer Dickson to attend the next Planning meet- ing and get their reaction, • RESOLUTI0II N0, 4230 was read, authorizing Chief of Palioe Bates 1065 to re-employ Chas, M, Hill as a temporary officer during thc absence of Henry Bolen, injured, Salary $200,00 per month, effective this date, Moved by Newberry, seconded by Cordingly, that the Resolution be adopted, Carried, all Councilmen prcs- cnt voting nyc, MAYOR FRITZ requested Administrative Officer Dickson to get the work started on the proposed sidewalks on National .Avenue, south of 16th Street to the City limits, COUNCILMAN NEWBE RY requested thc employees to park their oars a block from the City Hall in order to provide space for patrons, also suggested that a parking lot be made on City property on 14th Street, Administrative Officer Dickson stated that Park Supt, G^.utcreaux suggested that the Police Parking arca be en- larged to take care of thc employees cars When the parking meters arc installed, Moved by Cordingly, seconded by Newberry, that thc meeting be closed, Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye, .9�+..� MAYOR, C TY O NATIOaN:,L C CADIRORNIA ATTEST: