HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944 03-21 CC MIN625
National City, California
March 21, 1944
A regular meeting of the City Council called to order by the
Mayor. Councilmen present: Christman, Cordnmly, Fritz, lerMXMMiq and
Thatcher. Councilmen absent: Newberry.
Administrative officials Present: Ratelle, Smith, Lamb, DeHaven,
Ireland, Bird, Pates, Finnerty, 0autereaux and Harbison.
Councilman Newberry arrived.
Minutes of the regular meeting of March 7, 1944 read and
Btlla audited by the Finance Committee presented:
General Fund
Street Inn Fund
Earl' M R- I Fund
F.W.A. Fund
0.0.0. Fund
Total ft 2,450.49
Moved b-* Newberry, seconded by Cordinr*ly, that the hill^ he allowed and
warrants drawn for same. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye On
roll -call. Councilmen absent: none.
Planning Commissioner Renard Mikkelson thanked tie Council for
making it possible for him to attend the Planning Institute as the
official representative of National City and Extended an invitation to
the City Council to attend the n_ex' reetnm of the Planning Commission •
at Which time he will give his report.
✓upon the verbal request of the City flerk Dale Smith, It was
moved by Cordingly, seconded by Christman, that Mr. Smith be authorized
to employ extra heln at 6.00 per dam.. Carried, all Councilmen Present
voting aye on roll -^all. Councilmen absent: none.
Kiin0n the verbal recuest of Mrs. Bete Dela'ren. City Treasurer,
it was moved by Fritz, aecond.ed,by Newberry, that RESOLUTION T0. 2596 be
adopted, a -inlaying T'iss F,li7aheth Tracy as deputy City Treasurer at the
monthly salary of 1, 125.00 as re r March P0, 1944. Carried, all
Councilmen nresent voting aye on roll -call. Councilmen absent: none.
"Communication from the American Red cross, the Sweetwater Union
High School and the National City Branch of the San Diego Chapter of the
American Red ^moss relative to the nroposed program in water safety for
senior high school boys of pre -induction age. Moved by Christman,
seconded by Cordingly, that Park Sup't B.T.Gauterauz be authorized to
place the pool and facilities for the use of the American Red Cross for
the training program and tient he make the necessary arrangements for
life guards and chlorine. carried, nil Councilmen present voting aye.
Con-cilmen absent: none.
Moved by Cordinpl<r, seconded by Newberry, that the following
delincuent tnyes he an.cepted without the se-ren percent interest and the
cancellation fee:
John McCurdy the 1942 tames on the N* of Lot A, Block 1 of
Lincoln Acres Orchard Subd of Sec. 107, Nat'l
Ranchp. $ 16.77
Carried, all Councilmen present voting a"e. Councilmen absent: none.
r <Quiet title action no. 117622- Metropolitan Securities Company
ns. City of Natinnal City, e municipal corporation, et el on lot 30,
Block 3, Paradena Park; lot 11, Block 3, of Olivewnod Terrace: lots
396 and 397 of Lincoln Acres Annex Nn. 3 and the N 125 ft of the West
80 feet, and the 1" 125 feet of the East 45 feet, all in the SE+ of i
of F1 of 1 Sec. 155, Nat'l Rn.... City Clerk reported no claim by City.
Moved by Fritz, seconded by Christman, that n default be ordered. Carrie
all Councilmen present voting aye. Councilmen absent: none:
VCommiulicati.on from the 'Mien Title Insurance and "'rust Company
petitioning fnr the cancellation of portion of the 1141-1942 taxes
nq7 against Block 384, Natinnal City ='let. Moved by Newberry, seconded by
Cordinrly, that pESCIPmrnrr NO 2597 be adonted, authorizing the
cancellation of portion of the 1°41-1°42 taxes against block 384,
National City Plat which accrued after April 7, 1941. Carried, all
Councilmen present noting ave on r^11-call. Councilmen absent: none
Petition for the cancellation of tames on the Sbheifer Plant
reed. Mnvod by Christman, seconded by Newherrn, the natter be referred
to the City Attnrnev. Carried. all Councilmen present vnting nye.
Councilmen absent; none.
c KWritten rem'est of Tale Smith, City Clerk, for a raise in salary
of ; 10 per month fnr Mrs. Mary L. Leah, denut.r. Moved by Cordingln,
,/ seconded by Fritz, that 7ESOL7T'?0N NO. 25°8 be adopted, granting the
raise as of March 15, 1°44. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye
on roll-nal]. Councilmen absent: nnne.
')(Reco;^mendation of the Building Committee by James A. 7ird on the
netiti_n❑ of Lyle E. A.1c,_Lmhract for permission to move a building into
Natinnal City, that the Petition be granted subject to compliance with
rules and regulations of local building nrdinance. t;"nved by Christman,
seconded by Cc^dinr;l-r, that the permit he rrrnnted. Carried, all Council-
men present voting aye. Councilmen absent: none.
✓0n the application of A.F.Finch for a pool room license which
rag referred to the Chief of Police. Chief Rates recommended the
license he denied. Moved by Christman, seconded by Cerdingly, that
the recommendation of the Chia' of Police be accepted and the license
denied. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. Councilmen absent:
4i_pplicetinn of M.O.Ferrason for transfer of card room license
from Johnnie's Card Room read. Chief Rates explained that the ownership
will remain as is at present while Johnnie is in the service and that
no transfer will be made. Letter filed.
Xcl:r_nwledgement from the A.T.&.S.P.F,y Company by C.C.MoCarty,
General Manager. of the receipt of the bill dated March 9, for rental
on the land used by the wve track and stating that the lease has not
beeasigned in behalf of the Railway Company but that he hopes to be in
position to return the executed agreement to the City within a short
cnpies of the proposed lease covering the war public works
sewer facilit.ies-
nroject Calif. 4-156 submitted. Moved by Fritz,
J seconded by Newberry,that RESOLUTION INTO. 2599 be adopted, authorizing
the Mayor to execute the lease in behalf of the City. Carried, all
Councilmen nresent voting aye on roll -call. Councilmen abcent: nnne.
Request of Dole Smith, City Clerk, f nr the cancellation of
warrant nn. 1100 iseiied Anri] 21, 1942 and warrant no. 2676 issued Jan.
30, 1943 and permissinn to issue a warrant to cover warrant no. 2676,
read. Moved br rhristman, seconded by Cording1 , that RESOLTUTION NO. Pfl"3
",J 2600 be adopted, authorizing the cancellation of warrant nn. 1100 and
warrant no. 2676. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye on roll -cal'
Councilmen absent: none.
"Ordinance prohibiting the dumping_ of ohiectiionable matter into
the sewer lines presented for final reading ani adoption. Mewed by Fritz
seconded by Newberry, that the heading only ha read. Carried. City Clerk
read the heading of the ordinance entitled " AN ORDI'TATT0E PROHIBITING
Moved by Newberry, seconded by Fritz, that ORDINANCE NO. 705 be adopted,
Carried, all Councilmen present voting a're on roll -call. Councilmen
County of San Dieco warrants no. 125269, 125270 and 125271
in the mounts of 4, 3.38, t, 30.02 and 30.51, respectively, being
the City portion of tax sales no. 2660, 2844 and 2869, presented.
Moved by Fritz, seconded by Newberry, that the warrants be accepted.
Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. Councilmen absent: none.
`-?eruest of D. T.Bates f'r permission to move a four car garage
into National City read. Moved by Fritz, seconded by Newberry, that his
request be referred to the '-uilding Committee. Carried, all Councilmen
present votin-ave. Councilmen absent: none.
fr l` resolution recomnendinr certain streets within the City of
National City, California to ibe included in the plan of Major Streets
01 of Importance and }ud;7,et ng D 5,000 for the maintenance of the streets
v of major 1rrortance for the 'sitar 1944-1945., nressented♦ 'Moved by
Newberry, seconded by Cordinaly, that RESOLLTTTnM 70. 2601 be adopted,
designating certain streets of major importance. Carried, all Council-
men present voting eye on roll -call. Councilmen absent: none.
Upon the request of the City Clerks office, following the 7
approval of the war recreation committee, it ';es noved by Newberry,
seconded by Christman, that the following transfers be made:
From the F.T.A. to the Park M & I'fund for 'salaries $ 1,230.76
From the FP .A. to the Park M & I Fund to cover cost of
urn ranging 38.49
Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. Councilmen absent: none.
Notice of Nominees for Public Office- reneral Municipal Election
Anril 11, 1944 presented and ordered fi1e3.
4enartmen t of Justice, Lands Division, submitted checks no. 4049
and 4050 in the sum of e, 114.60 and 35.77 from tkt TTnited States
District Court covering the inter-st, 6f the City of National City in
the stinrlated judgment for parcels 21 and 17- 211 SD ci-ril. Moved by
Fritz, seconded by Cordingly, that the c'r_ekos be accepted and the
City Tre =surer be authorized to sign the Receipt and Full Satisfaction
of Judgment and Tax Liens. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye.
Councilmen absent: none.
✓t)Irs. Bette DeHaven, City Treasurer, renueste'' permission to
leave the State of California on April 5, 1944. Moved by Wewhdrry,
seconded by Fritz, that Mrs. DeHniren be granted permission to leave as
renuested. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. Councilmen
absent: none.
C.B.Trel'Tnd, City Engineer, reported on the status of the traffit
signala, the proposed route of the access road for Pohl aircraft and the
connections with the Rousing project sewer by private parties.
Mowed by Fritz, seconded by Christman, that the City Engineer be
authorized to write a letter of protest on the crossing of 13th Street
by the nropcsed access road. Carried, all Councilmen present voting
aye. Councilmen absent: none.
Mayor Thatcher called a meeting for Tuesday night, March 28th
with the City Attorney on the matter of the tideland leases.
Councilman Newberry stated that in the area south of 18th street
there are over 3000 persons without transport?tion and he felt that the
City Council should go on record asking the San Diego E]e ctri^_ Railway
Company for service by every third bus routing, to Chula Pidta by National
Avenue. Moved by Newberry, seconded by Cordingly, that a letter be sont
to the bus comnanv and copies to City Council of Chula Vista, the
National City trafl"ic Commission, the National City and the Chula TTista
chambers of commerce. Carried, all Councilmen present voting ave.
Councilmen absent: none.
¥city Tudne Harhision reouested the appointment of Mrs. Virginia
Simpson as Court Clerk es of April 1, 1944 at the monthly salary of
1 125. Moved by Nevherry, seconded by Cordin^1-, that 9ESOLPTTO'N NO.
2602 be adopted, appointing Mrs. 7ir„inia Simpson as Court Clerk ss of
April 1, 1944 at the monthly salary of r 125. Carried, all Councilmen
present voting ?ye. Councilmen absent: none.
"Moved by Newberry, seconded by Fritz, that the City Attorney be
authorized to look into the proposition of the annexation of Paradise
Hills. Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye. Councilmen absent:
'Ar'3._T.C^utereauv, Park Sup't, reouested tle appointment of 'Wiliam
Lindholm as park employee et the monthly salary of ?; 160. as of March
13, 1944. Moved by Fritz, seconded by Newberry, that PESOLPTION MO.
2603 be adonted, authorizing the appointment of William Lindholm as a
park employee at the monthly salary of 1160 as of March 13, 1944.
Carried, all Councilmen present voting aye on roll -call. Councilmen
absent: none.
Being, no futher business, it was moved by T:ritz, seconded by
Cordingly, the meeting adjourn. Carried, all Councilmen present voting
aye on roll -call. Councilmen absent: non.
,ctfully st�bmifte
yor of the c
o Rational City,
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City Clerk