HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC ORD 1977-1581 Rezone (Special)1581
AN ORDINANCE REZONING thereof No. 63, filed in the office of 822.85 feet to the Northeast corner
CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY the County Recorder of San Diego of Lot 23 of said Bonita Vista No.
FROM RM-1-PD (RESIDEN- County, May 11, 1885, together 2, being the true point of begin-
TIAL MULTIPLE -PLANNED with a portion of the South- ning of the herein described line;
DEVELOPMENT) TO RS-2-PD westerly Quarter of Quarter thence North 550 20' West 242.67
(SINGLE FAMILY -PLANNED Section 100 of Rancho de la feet; thence North 8° 25' 30" West
DEVELOPMENT) AND Nacion, in the County of San to the Northerly line of the above
ADOPTING SAID ORDINANCE Diego, State of California, ac- described property.
AS AN INTERIM ZONING cording to the map thereof No.166 Also excepting therefrom all of
ORDINANCE AND ADOPTING made by Morrill, filed in said Sweetwater Road as shown on
SAID ORDINANCE AS AN County Recorder's office, said Road Survey Number 558 as filed
URGENCY ORDINANCE. property being described as a with said County Recorder.
ZC-15-77 whole as follows: BE IT ORDAINED that this
WHEREAS, the below Commencing at the Nor- ordinance is adopted as an in -
described real property is zoned thwesterly corner of said Quarter terim zoning ordinance pending a
D-10 (Density 10), one unit per lot, Section 99, being also the South- public hearing before the City
in addition to its zoning of RM-1 westerly corner of said Quarter Planning Cornmission and this
PD (Residential Mulitple- Section 100; thence Southerly ordinance shall expire four (4)
Planned Development); and, along the Westerly line of said months from the date of adoption
WHEREAS, said property is Quarter Section 99, a distance of unless extended by terms of
shown on the National City 440.01 feet to the Southwesterly applicable laws.
General Plan for residential use corner of the Northerly One -BE IT ORDAINED that the City
6-10 dwelling units per acre; and, Third of said Lot 8; thence Council find that this ordinance
WHEREAS, the General Plan Easterly along the Southerly line be adopted as an urgency or -
states that "... It is intended that of said Northerly One -Third, 464 dinance for the reasons set forth
areas designated for 1 5 and 6 10 feet to the true point of beginning; above.
dwelling units per net acre be thence Northerly parallel with the PASSED AND ADOPTED this
limited to single family Westerly line of said Quarter 5th day of July, 1977. Kire Morgan
development of one unit per lot"; Section, 440feet more or less to its MAYOR
and, intersection with the common line
WHEREAS, an application for between said Quarter Sections99 ATTEST:
a planned development permit for and 100; thence North 19° West Ione Campbell
a 32 dwelling unit apartment along a line parallel with the CITY CLERK
project on this site has been filed Westerly line of said Quarter Passed and adopted by the
with the city; and, Section 100, to the Northerly line Council of the City of National
WHEREAS, said property is of a portion of said Quarter City, California, on July 5,1977 by
situated within an area of Section conveyed to C.C. Inskeep the following vote, to -wit:
National City and adjoining an by deed dated January 18, 1911 Ayes; Councilmen Camacho,
unincorporated area of San Diego and recorded in Book 506, page Dalla, Pinson, Morgan.
County now used and developed 466 of Deeds, said Northerly line Nays: Councilmen Reid
exclusively for detached single being along the center line of a 40 Absent: None
family and single family con -foot County Road; thence North Abstain: None
dominium type residential usage; 88° 38' East along said Northerly AUTHENTICATED BY.:
and, line, 210 feet more or less to an KILE MORGAN
WHEREAS, the development of angle point therein; thence Mayor of the City of
this site for apartment usage continuing along said Northerly National City, California
would be contrary to adopted line, South 68° 42' East, 123.2 feet, IONE CAMPBELL
policies contained within the and South 82° 31' East, 260 feet City Clerk of the City of
National City General Plan more or Tess to an intersection National City, California
calling for the protection, with the Northerly prolongation I HEREBY CERTIFY that the
rereservation and conservation of of the Easterly line of the foregoing ordinance was adopted
National City's residential neigh- Westerly Half of said Lot 5; on July 5, 1977 under the
borhoads, in a manner that thence Southerly along the provisions of Secs. 65856 and 65858
preserves the character and Easterly line and the Northerly of the Government Code.
attracti mess of the existing prolongation thereof of said I FURTHER CERTIFY that
neighborhoods and prevents new Westerly Half, -a distance of 480 the reading of said ordinance in
. apartmeat construction in feet more or less to the Southerly full was dispensed with by a vote
predominantly single family line of the Northerly One -Third of of not less than a majority of the
home areas; and, said Lot; thence Westerly along members elected to the Council.
WHEREAS, the City Council the Southerly line of the Northerly I FURTHER CERTIFY that
has determined that allowing the One -Third of said Lots 5 and 8, a the above and foregoing is a full,
construction of the proposed distance of 530feet more or less true and correct copy of
project would be detrimental to the true point of beginning. Or r nce o. 1581 of the of
the health, safety, and welfare of Except that portion of the abo e N atio I City, pa ed d
the people of National City; described property lyi g adopted the Cou cil of id
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT Westerly of the foliowi
ORDAINED that the below described line: lone Campbell,
described real property be Commencing at the South- City Clerk
rezoned from RM-1-PD westerly corner of the Northerly . City of National City, Calif.
(Residential Multiple- Planned One -Third of said Lot 8, thence NC5941 7/14/77
Development) to RS-2-PD (Single North 71° 53' East along the
Family -Planned Development): southerly line of said Northerly
All that portion of the Northerly One -Third and along the AND I HEREBY CERTIFY that
One -Third of Lots 5 and 8, in Southerly line of the North
Quarter Section 99, of L.W. One -Third of said Lot 5 bein• also t Sa a has been y}�(y?3IlSh
Kimball's Subdivision of parts of along the Northerly line of Bonita eda•;•rdingtola
Quarter Sections 98, 99, 110 and Vista No. 2 according to the
111 of the Rancho de la Nacion, in thereof No. 3236 filed in the Office Seal) City Clerk of theCi fof
the County of San Diego, State of of the Recorder of said San Diego National City, California
California, according to the Map County May 25, 1955, a distance of