HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC ORD 15031503
ORDINANCE NO.1503 height, bulk and size of buildings ATTEST:
AN ORDINANCE OF THE and other structures; yards, IoneCampbell
CITY OF NATIONAL CITY, courts, and other private and CITY CLERK
CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING, BY public open spaces; parking and Passed and adopted by the
REFERENCE, THE NATIONAL loading; signs; the division of Council of the City of National
CITY LAND USE CODE TO land; parcel maps; private City, California, on March 16,1976
streets; building lines; grading of by the following vote, to -wit:
land; landscaping; en- Ayes: Councilmen Camacho,
vironmental controls; and, land Dalla, Pinson, Reid
use administrative procedures. Nays: Councilmen none
ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY Three (3) copies of the National Absent: Councilmen Morgan
WHEREAS, the document City Land Use Code have been Abstain: Councilmen none
known as the National City Land and are now on file in the office of AUTHENTICATED BY:
Use Code is a compilation of the Clerk of the City of National LUTHER G. REID
existing ordinances of the City of City and the same are hereby Vice Mayor of the City of
National City, and adopted and incorporated as fully National City, California
WHEREAS, pursuant to the as if set out at length herein. lone Campbell
SECTION 2. This Ordinance CITY CLERK
terms and provisions of the shall take effect and be in force on I HEREBY CERTIFY that the
Government Code of California, and after thirty (30) days from foregoing ordinance was riot
proceedings were duly initiated ado adoption as required by the
for the adoption of the National p 4 finally adopted until seven
City Land Use Code, and Government Code of California. calendar days had elapsed bet
SECTION 3. The Ordinances caseweethe day of its introduction
WHEREAS, pursuant to due listed below are specifically p
and legal notice, hearings were and the day of its final passage, to
held by the City Planning Com-and
wit, on February 17, 1976 and on
Ordinances 569, 588, 962, 978, March 16, 1976.
mission of said City and also by 979, 981, 984, 989, 997, 1002, 1005, I FURTHER CERTIFY
the City Council of said City and 1010, 1017, 1022, 1025, 1029, 1031, said ordinance was read THATin full
all etons interested were given 1041, 1046, 1050, 1054, 1057, 1058, prior to its final passage or that
opportunitydto appear and be 1060, 1070, 1074, 1077, 1081, 1097,
heard before said Planning 1105, 1106, 1107, 1109, 1112, 1114, the reading of said ordinance in
Commission and said City 1116, 1119, 1121, 1126, 1127, 1129, full was dispensed with by a vote
Council, and 1131, 1133, 1135, 1136, 1139, 1142, of not less than a majority of the
WHEREAS, the City Planning members elected to the Council,
1144, 1148, 1149, 1151, 1153, 1160, and that there was available for
Nationalommission of the City of 1162, 1172, 1173, 1174, 1175, 1176, consideration of each member
City has legally and duly 1177, 1178, 1180, 1183, 1186, 1188, the the Council the public prior
certifiedporto the City omCoen es 1190, 1192, 1194, 1196,_ 1198, 1199, of the dayc its and the p a written
report and has recommended 1202, 1204, 1206, 1207, 1208, 1213, toor printed ofopy of said ordinance.
such adoption, and 1216, 1217, 1218, 1221, 1222, 1224,
WHEREAS, the City Council I FURTHER CERTIFY that the
has approved the recom 1229, 1235, 1236, 1237, 1239, 1242, above and foregoing is a full, true
1246, 1251, 1256, 1258, 1265, 1267, and correct copy of ORDINANCE
mendation of the City Planning 1270, 1271, 1272, 1273, 1274, 1275, NO. 1503 of the City of National
Commission; 1276, 1277, 1278, 1279, 1282, 1283, ., sad a adopted by the
CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 1287,3011290,3021292,3061296,3131299, 1300,15Cou cil of .i• City on es 16,
OF NATIONAL CITY, 1301, 1302, 1306, 1313, 1314, 1315, 197• / v
1318, 1319, 1320, 1321, 1330, 1331, ,�_
CALIFORNIA DOES ORDAIN AS 1332, 1336, 1338, 1340, 1341, 1342, (Sea lone Cam ell
FOLLOWS: 1343, 1344, 1345, 1346, 1347, 1348, City C ark
SECTION 1. There is hereby 1349, 1350, 1351, 1352, 1353, 1355, 3/25/76
adopted, by reference, by the City NC 4571
Council of the City of National 1357, 1359, 1362, 1363, 1365, 1367,
1368, 1370, 1372, 1373, 1377, 1381,
City, that certain document
known as the National City Land 1382, 1383, 1384, 1385, 1386, 1391,
Use Code, which will become Title 1392, 1393, 1394, 1399, 1400, 1403,
18 of the Municipal Code of 1406, 1409, 1410, 1411, 1417, 1418,
National City. The purpose of the 1425, 1429, 1430, 1432, 1435, 1442,
National City Land Use Code is to 1448, 1454, 1459, 1463, 1464, 1465, AND I EREBY CERTIFY that
prescribe regulations governing 1466, 1468, 1469, 1470, 1475, 148 , a �'e has beepcft y publish -
the use and intensity of use of 1483, 1485, 1486, 1487, 1492, 149 ed ac �� rding to
structures and land for 1495, 1496, and 1497.
residential, commercial, in 16th day of March, 1976. Seal)CityClerkofth City of
dustrial or other purposes; Luther G. Reid National City, California
population density; the location, VICE -MAYOR