HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC ORD 1975-1485 Rezone (Repealed by 1503)Ord. I'3c3
(ZC-4-75, to rezone from TC-PD to R-1 the properties within the block located
between llth and 12th Streets and between 'R' Avenue and 1-805
Freeway and from R-4 to R-1 the properties within the blocks located between
loth and 12th Streets and between Palm Avenue and 'R' Avenue, also the
properties east of 'R' Avenue between 9th and llth Streets)
WHEREAS, pursuant to the terms and easterly quarter; thence Westerly the Easterly line of Lots 12 and 13 of
provisions of the Government Code of along said Northerly line 325 feet said Graham and Bonamo Subdivision
California, proceedings were duly more or less to a point Tying 63.68 and there Southerly and Northerly
initiated for the rezoning of those feet Easterly of the Westerly line of prolongations a distance of 320.89
parcels of real property hereinafter said Southeasterly Quarter; thence feet; thence along the arc in the
described, and for the amendment of Southerly along a line parallel to Southeasterly line of said Lot 13,
National City Zoning Ordinance No. the Westerly line of said Southeasterly 15.66 feet; thence along the Southerly
962, and quarter a distance of 30 feet; thence line of said Lot 13 and its Westerly
WHEREAS, pursuant to due and legal Westerly along a line parallel to the prolongation 582.64 feet; thence
notice, hearings were held by the City Northerly line of said Southeasterly along the arc in the Southwesterly
Planning Commission of said City and quarter a distance of 33.68 feet more line of Lot 4 of said Graham and
also by the City Council of said City, or less to a point of intersection with Bonamo Subdivision a distance of
and all persons interested were given a line 30 feet Easterly of and parallel 15.74 feet; thence along the Westerly
opportunity to appear and be heard to the Westerly line of said South- line of said Lot 4 and its Northerly
before said Planning Commission and easterly quarter; thence Southerly prolongation a distance of 191.29
said City Council, and along said parallel line to the TRUE feet to the point of commencement.
mission of National City has regularly LEGAL NO. 2806 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 14th
and duly certified to the City Council day of October, 1975.
its report and has recommended such (R 4 Zone Change) S/KILE MORGAN
rezoning and such amendment; All that portion of 80 Acre Lot 1, Mayor
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council Quarter Section 129, of Rancho De ATTEST:
of the City of National City, California La Nacion, according to Map thereof S/IONE MINOGUE CAMPBELL
does ordain as follows: Number 166 by Morrill on file in the City Clerk
Recorder's Office of San Diego SECTION 1. All protests, if any,Passed and adopted by the Council
against said rezoning and said amend- County, California, more particularly described as follows: of the City of National City, California,
ment to Ordinance No. 962, and each on October 14, 1975 by the following
of them, be and herebyare denied and Commencing at the Northwesterly vote, to -wit:
overruled. corner of Lot 2, Graham and Bonamo
Subdivision per Map thereof Number Ayes:on,Councilmen Camacho, Dalla,
SECTION 2. Section 5.18 is hereby 3880 on file in the Recorder's Office Pinson, Morgan
added to Ordinance No. 962 and shall of San Diego County, California; Nays: Councilmen Reid
read as follows: thence North 18°16' West along the Absent: Councilmen None
Section 5.18. That all the below de- Abstain: Councilmen None
scribed real property within the block Northerly prolongationLot the the Westerly AUTHENTICATED BY:
located between llth and 12th Streets line of said Lot 2 to Northwesterly
and 'R' Avenue and 1-805 corner of Lot 1, Santos Subdivision KILE MORGAN
Freeway between now zoned TC-PDue(Tourist per Map thereof Number 2458 on Mayor of the City of
Commercial wlanned Development) is by fileg in the Recorder's Office of San National City, California
this Ordinance rezoned to R-1 (Single Diego County, California; thence S/IONE MINOGUE CAMPBELL
Family Residence) and all the below North 71 °35'30 East a distance of City Clerk of the City of
described real property within the blocks 633.39 feet to a point on the National City, California
located between loth and 12th Streets, Westerly line of the Easterly Half of I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing
between Palm Avenue and 'R' Avenue the Westerly Half of said 80 Acre ordinance was not finally adopted until
and also the properties east of 'ue Lot 1; thence Northerly along said seven calendar days had elapsed
Avenue between 9th and 11th Streets Westerly line, North 18°14' West, between the day of its introduction and
now zoned R-4 (Multiple Family Resi- 377.63 feet; thence along the arc of the day of its final passage, to wit, on
dence) are by this Ordinance rezoned to a 60 foot radius curve, concave to October 7, 1975 and on October 14,
R-1 (Single Family Residence) : the Northeast and tangent to said 1975.
Westerly line a distance of 71.94
LEGAL NO. 2805 feet; thence tangent to said curve, I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT said
(T-C-P.D. Zone Change) South 86°56' East, a distance of 80.16 ordinance was readinfull prior to its
All that portion of 80 Acre Lot 1, feet; thence along the arc of a 290 final passage or that the reading of said
Quarter Section 129, of Rancho De foot radius curve, concave to the ordinance in full was dispensed with
La Nacion, according to Map thereof North and tangent to said last de- by a vote of not less than a majority
Number 166 by Morrill on file in the scribed course, a distance of 108.82 of the members elected to the Council,
Recorder's Office of San Diego County, feet; thence tangent to said curve, and that there was available for the
California, more particularly described North 71 °34' East, 168.12 feet; consideration of each member of the
as follows: thence North 18°26' West, 10 feet; Council and the public prior to the
Commencing at the Southwesterly thence North 72°03'S0" East, 25 feet day fo its passage a written or printed
corner of the Southeasterly quarter of more or less to the Westerly line of copy of said ordinance.
the Westerly half of said 80 Acre Freeway 11-SD-805; thence Southerly I FURTHER CERTIFY that the above
Lot 1, thence Northerly along the along said Westerly line of said and foregoing is a full, true and correct
Westerly line of said Southeasterly Freeway 11-SD-805 South 17°53'05" copy of ORDINANCE NO. 1485 of the
quarter a distance of 30 feet; thence East, 273.68 feet; thence leaving sal. City of National City, passed and
Easterly parallel to the Southerly line Freeway Westerly line, So.`h .opt=. y the Council of said City on
of said Southeasterly quarter a dis- 72°03'39" West, 25 feet; th
tance of 30 feet to the TRUE POINT South 17°53'05" East (Record S
OF BEGINNING; thence continuing 18°22' East per Map 2458), 26..
Easterly parallel to the Southerly line feet more or less to the South City Clerk f the City of
of said Southeasterly quarter 359.58 easterly corner of Lot 10, Block "B" National ity, California
feet more or less to a point of of said Santos Subdivision; the. AN'; HEREBY C IFY that the
termination on the Westerly line of Westerly along the Southerly li - of .m has duy pyblished accor
Freeway 11-SD-805; thence Northerly said Lot 10 and its Westerly
along said Westerly freeway line longation to the Southeasterly co
301.23 feet to the Northerly line of of Lot 12, Block "A" of said Santos
the Southerly Half of said South- Subdivision; thence Southerlyalong(Seal) City Clerk the City of
National. ty, California