HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC ORD 1970-1253 Parades (Repealed by 2154)DRDINAlsWGE NO. 1253 Manager shall issue a permit ager, file a notice of acceptance
AN ORDINANCE RELATING therefor subject to the pro- wit
the e steal M eager. The
TO .THE REGULATION OF visions of paragraph c.
ST RE ET S AND PUBLIC Area.) If Within
Congestedardito be conforms to the requirements ments shall
WHEREAS, the City a Na-ly Traffic ted Area,t the Cite Managed subsectioni.CitManager May Consider
City does not presently shall issue the permit if he finds Late Applications. The City
havegan parades,ordiance effectively that: Manager shall have authority,
regulatingS,in and
WHEREAS, in order to facili- (a) The parade will not in- in his discretion, to consider
are the movement of traffic, movementhe safe and of other traffic along conductlication a paradeor a whiche is ifiled
fire trucks,gambulances and less than thirty (30) days before
other emergency vehicles, it is and across its route;
necessary ton immediately enactacing radeb) The conduct will not require fsuch the diver- posed to such
is pro -
a ordinance regulating
parades, and sion of so great a number of j. Officials to be Notified.
WHEREAS, ip order to pro- police officesof
tthe he Cityne toof Iomad atpaely upon
the gr nt ng
vide for the preservation of the properly police
peace, health, safety, and wel- movement and the areas con- Manager shall send a copy
fare of the people of the City tiguous thereto, as to prevent thereof to the following:
of National City, it is necessary normal police protection to the (1) The The Chief ofoPo ice; Fire
to pass and adopt this ordi- remainder of the City;
nance; (c) The ebnduct of such Department;
NOW, THEREFORE,he Council of- parade
ion`ill not of so great require number' ( ()4 CityrEngineer; c to r of Public
the City
EIA ;by
City of 'Na'tional City as of ambulances as to
service to Works;(5)General Manager or follows:re-
SECTION SECTION 1. PARADES. portions of the City other than' sponsfble: head of each public
a. Definttigns. As used in this posedt� line obe f mach bythe areas lo.rnroutes ofnwhose vehicles the are
section• affected by the route of the pro -
march, "PARADE" means any contiguous thereto;
march, procession or assembly
sons, The animals sand a vehicles 'at on of per- posed k. Interfere tee With Parade.
consisting vehicles, person,
torh ,poor combinationlitrwill mnot unduly of
parade No
consent of then shall,
thereof, upon any public street,or
sidewalk or alley which 'goes' proper fire and police protection in any icmannern interferes with
not comply regulation
normaln and of,r or ambulance service to,
usual traffic regulation or con- areas contiguous to such assem- ls. itI prThgee City or
in his
too bly areas;
(2) "CONGESTED TRAFFIC (e) The conduct of such pa -
AREA" shall include the follow- rade will not unduly interfere
ing streets: National Avenue with the movement of fire -
Prom the northern City limits fighting equipment en route to
to the southern City limits;
Highland Avenue from Division
Street to 30th Street; 8th Street
from Harbor Drive to Paradise
Valley Road; and Plaza Boule-
vard from National Avenue to
b. Permit Required. No per-
son shall conduct, manage or
wany parade
out awritten permit from the
City Manager.
c. Parade Prohibited. Permits
will not be approved for a
parade, if any major portion of
the theme of the parade is
directed at solicitation of funds,
sale of merchandise, or tickets
or any other exploitation of the
crowd. Permits shall not be
issued if the parade would
require extraordinary police
service or endanger public
d. Application for Permit. Any g. Request for Hearing. if the
person desiring to conduct or denial of a permit is based in
manage a parade shall, not less whole or in part upon the date,
than thirty (30) nor more than hour, or route of travel, the
one hundred eighty (180) days applicant may submit a new
before the date on which it is request proposing alternate
proposed to conduct such dates, hours or routes of travel.
parade, file an application for When a permit is denied, the
a permit. applicant may within fifteen
If such parade is designed to (15) days of such action appeal
be held by and on behalf of to the City Council by filing a
or for any organization other petition therefor with the City
than the applicant, the applicant Clerk. Such denial shall become
for such permit shall file a final if an appeal is not filed.
communication in writing from The City Council shall appoint
such organization, authorizing a time for hearing the petition,
the applicantto apply for such and upon hearing the petition,
permit on its behalf. the City Council may approve
The application shall include or disapprove the denial of the
information as to the sponsoring permit. The decision of the City
organization, the number of ve- Council shall be final as to all
hicles, animals, and persons to issues involved.
he in the parade, the nature h. Alternate Permit. Within
of items of equipment to be twenty-four (24) hours after
utilized to produce sounds or completion of a hearinthe g or
noise during the parade while denial of a permit,
it is being conducted, the Manager shall make his order
proposed assembly area, route, denying or granting said appli-
duration in time, speed, and cation, or the alternative appli-
dispersal area of the parade, cation, if any, and shall (by
and the proposed alternate special delivery mail) notify the
routes or times, if any. applicant of his action. The City
e. Application. The City Man- Manager, in denying such appli-
ager shall, within eight (8) days cation, may authorize the con -
after the filing of such applica- duct t
of such
hr overparade a onra date,
tion, act thereon.
f. Permit — Issuance of. ferent from that named by the
(1) Outside Congested Traf- applicant, and if the applicant
fie Area. If the City Manager desires to accept the proposed
finds that the parade is to be date, time and route„ he shall,
conducted wholly outside the within two (2) days after notice
,Congested Traffie Area, the City of the action of the City Man -
a fire;
(f) The conduct of such
parade is not reasonably likely
to cause injury to persons or
(g) Such parade will move
from its point of termination
expeditiously a n d without
stopping en route.
(3) Contents of Permit. In
each permit, the city Manager
shall prescribe:
(a) Starting time;
(b) The minimum speed;
(c) The maximum speed;
(d) The maximum interval
of space to be maintained be-
tween the units of such parade;
(e) What portions of the
street to be traversed may be
occupied by such parade;
(f) The maximum length of
such parade in miles or frac-
tions thereof.
discretion, may delegate any or
all of his functions hereunder,
subject to all of the conditions
hereof, to the Chief of Police.
m. It shall be unlawful for
any person to violate any provi-
sion or to fail to comply with
any of the requirements of this
ordinance. Any person violating
any of the provisions or failing
to comply with any of the re-
quirements of this ordinance
shall be guilty of a misde-
meanor and shall be punished
by a fine of not more than
$500.00, or by imprisonment for
a period of not More than six
(6) months, or by both fine and
the City Council of the City of
2National0 hday of y October, 1970, California, , by
the following vote, to -wit:
AYES: Councilmen Camacho,
Hogue, Waters, Morgan
NAYS: Councilmen none
Mayor of the City of
National City, California
City Clerk
I hereby approve the fore-
going Ordinance this 20th day
of October, 1970.
Mayor of the City of Na-
tional City, California
I hereby certify that the
above and fore oing is a full
nce No
nn Or di
and true copy o
1253 of the per antes of the
Ci - - Nati.' al Ci California,
s adopted ;+y the Ci y Council
of said CI and ap roved by
e Ma . `• .ai. C' on the
2 .ay of :c ..er, f-'4-9—"'
(SEAL) /City
lerk of
I City of L%
National City, Calif.
NC5109 10-29-70
that the a -me has been duly
p••. ,-d co to law.
,City, Clerk. City or
`Nattonrl City, CalHmiata