HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC ORD 1963-1067ORDINANCE N0. 1067
WHEREAS, the San Diego County Department of Public
Health, by special contract with the City of National City,
provides the City of National City with all appropriate ser-
vices required of a municipal health department, and
WHEREAS, it is in the interest of efficient public
health administration that the San Diego County Health Depart-
ment operate under a uniform system of health laws, rules
and regulations, and
WHEREAS, the County of San Diego by County Ordinance
No. 2443, has adopted and promulgated a complete set of laws,
rules and regulations pertaining to the efficient administra-
tion of a public health program insofar as it relates to the
preparation and distribution of food,
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of
National City, California, hereby ordains as follows:
SECTION 1: The City Council of National City hereby adopts
San Diego County Ordinance No. 2443 pertaining to the prepara-
tion and distribution of food by reference to a copy of said
ordinance, which said copy is attached hereto and by this
reference made a part hereof, subject to the following ad-
ditions, amendments and deletions:
(a) Section 1 and the preamble to Section 2 ending
with the words "to read as follows:" are hereby deleted.
(b) Section 61.100 is amended to read "the City
Council of the City of National City" in place of the words
"the Board of Supervisors".
(c) Section 61.10l(f) is amended to read as follows:
"'Health Officer' means the San Diego County Director of Public
Health acting as the Health Officer of the City of National
City and any regularly appointed sanitarian or employee of the
County of San Diego Department of Public Health,"
(d) Section 61.101(i) is amended to read as
follows: "'PROVIDED BY LAW' means authorized or required
by this code, the rules of the San Diego County Board of
Health, the California Restaurant Act, and other applicable
City ordinances and State laws, and the rules or regulations
of the State Department of Public Health."
(e) Section 61.103 is amended to insert the
words, "Section 2 of this Ordinance" for the words "Section
11.116 of this code".
(f) Section 61.111 is amended by substituting
the words "City Treasurer of the City of National City" for
the words "Health Department" and by substituting "City
Treasurer of the City of National City" for the words "Health
(g) Section 61.113 shall be amended by substi-
tuting the words "City Council of the City of National City"
for the words "Board of Supervisor".
(h) Section 61.121 shall be amended by substi-
tuting the words "City of National City" for the word "County".
(i) Section 61.123 shall be amended by deleting
the words "to Sections 11.116 and 11.117 of this code" and
inserting therein the words "Section 2 of this ordinance."
(j) Section 61.126 shall be amended by substi-
tuting the words "City Council of the City of National City"
for the words "Board of Supervisors" whereever used in said
(k) Section 61.172 shall be amended as follows:
"The provisions of this division and of other National City or-
dinances, County ordinances and State laws and regulations rel-
ative to health and sanitation apply to food vending vehicles."
(1) Section 3 and Section 4 of San Diego County
Ordinance No. 2443 are hereby deleted.
(a) Any violation of this ordinance shall con-
stitute a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by a fine of
five hundred dollars ($500.00) or imprisonment in the county
jail for a period not longer than six (6) months or by both
such fine and imprisonment.
(b) Any person guilty of any separate offense
under Section I hereto shall be guilty of a separate offense
for each and every day during any portion of which any violation
of the preceeding Section I was committed, existed or allowed
to continue.
AN aDttamius AMiHDID
ffilaar?E$ 1 OP DIVEMO1t 1 OF
T�eI�yy �P Ati*'Dp ( ADD DIF
TIa1JTtow oP goOD.
The Board et Supervisors of the
Cooly a Sea Dregs do ordain aa
pate aify-food or beverage
wltWMver that a *spewed ma-
chine, inseam er not ouch food or
beverage product L oeriebable and
.whether or net such dlsomehee ma-
chine Is a vending machineas
detlned in the Califoata Restaurant
Act: temporary or permanent food
or beverage coaceaefon: ow liter y:
package Wpm store, or any other
place in the Comity where food or
beverages are prepared for a a 1 e.
sold. stored, distributed or displayed
for sale.
t, 1- of Divisbn Establishment" does not %elude
1 t the sn Diego Lunn- a wholesale delivery truck used ex-
ty Is r to al.d. elusively to transportprevfataty or
8 ON 2. 1 is hereby sheeted cut pa canuad
to Divfstos of Ttte 6 of the
San Diego County Code to read as
ientariViscro GENERAL
r e..1`I[f)RIsCOOU
foods or beverages, or any
combination thereof, and does not
include a retail delivery truck used
exclusively to transport previously
inspected and packaged. canoed or
botted milk. water er groceries or
any combination thereof establish-
ment" does include any wholesale or
retail delivery truck transporting any
food or beverage product other than
fRE61'AUR or in addition to the atereMentioned
The rd of Sup.rvtsore hereby tag d) °fFOOpD�OR BEVERAGE"
enacts the tsllowlag regdatlom e• and. -- r, defined In Section
staadasde - miler the authority of 26460 of the CaYtfernta Health and
Section 2�6/8 of the California Res-
taurant Act, and finds that they are, Eel "FOOD VENDING VEHICLE"
more duct than those at the Cali- means an vehicle as dettned in
1eea/a Reetiment Act The Health section 670 oe the Vehicle Code. or
Ofttee° slit eatorce the Prov(skele any mobile unit bows o eve r pro-
of this division as Well as the Cali- petted. upon or from which any food
ford& Reoaatakt Act or beverage is vended. displayed or
Sec. SL.161. DEFnIrnows.
Any word or phreee hereinafter gtto ••HEALTH OFFICER" means
need end sot herein dettned shall the Director of Public Health and
be dyes the meaning estaWbhed for any regularly appointed sanitarian
sireh word or phrase by the Cali empkgtea of. 'tka pep. tmnsf of
th an COMM the err- onda Act or. ff not Pe(bifc Health.
�}p�ry recede* by the con- f respect
to food and b [Means: wi-
rers is which it a used. Wham*
respect to food and beverage pport
br this chapter the following terns Ma are cproduct/ to which au
than have the or conducive to the ttowtk of
ppaathoogg c micro-organisms: per -
food beverage products
-T►1 itOVW. "APPROVED- Include but arere not limited to fresh.
or AL" means the approve cured. prepared or kkaagged meat
rt at at a Meatk.Officer_ or the State or Wrest products, Majoe or aea
Department td Publle Health, as a food products, custard and/or cream
resultetteats or D ions or pies and pastries. wrapped or un-
by_yaasoa � Dln of milk or p du . aatads. 4 n d
P (b))"CAL FORM* RESTAURANT (h) "P)l1RY rITo"d means the public
ALT' gMaMe Chapter 11 of Division health
21 4 1W Dada and Safsty Code of (O 'WADED BY LAW' means
the State tit California. authorised or required by this code,
(c) "EBfABiti1D[][ENT means the rules of the Board of Health.
asgt rss iiimhf, ..d- reweetrant the California Restaurant Act and
food vendMg vehicle: vending ma-
chine. other than a vending ma-
chine which dispenses wrapped non-
perishable Solid toodi.or wblch dis-
penses bottled or canned liquid foods
or, beverarnme_pothsr than mAk, piece
or bborersnjia or which
exclusively dispenses peanuts.
wrapped candy. chewing gum or
tVO, men. risk idowc food`
ket: meat or fish market: bakery:
confectionary' daUcateseea: food or
potable liquid melting or bottling
Plant: plant or mom seed to Pre-
other applicable State laws, end the
rules or regulations at the State De-
partment of Public Health.
tet�Q1 used
• means RETAIL le ERY
for the- transportation d toed or
beverage Products which to not a
wholesale delivery track as defined
herein, and includes a *Mode mod
to service vending
(till "RULES' OPIreffleithalthige
HEALTH" means rules and regula-
tions protnulg6ated abgyd the County
Board cot Hothe Board of Sapervigersan Proved by
thortty, of any provision,el this
chapter. the Restaurant.
Act. nil. of the Board of Health.
or rule or regulation of the State
Board of He
(1) •'WHOLESALE DEIdVERt &ball title with the Health De-
TRUCK- means a vehicle that de- pertinent a written application
livers food or beverage .•. wbteh shall set forth the name and
from a producer or distributor to a address of the applicatd: a deecrlp-
consumer, retailer er wheleeater tion of the premises w h ere in or
pursuant -o order% therefore pprreevl- whereon it 1s proposed to conduct
ouety obtained: wholesale iellvery the establishment: the type and na-
truck does not include a vehicle ture of the establishment proposed:
fromwhich selling is done directly and such other information as the
by a driver, salesmen or other per- Board of Health by rule may re -
son. quire. Every applicant for a permit
Sec. 61.103. ACTS PROHIBITED. strait pay to the Health Officer the
It is unlawful for any person to annual inspection fee *talk hed by
do any act herein prohibited: to this chapter at ttthe- time of making
maintain any establishment eostrnry Sec. n an INVI TIDA N BY
to the provisions of this chapter: or HEALTH �)FFP'ER—G8 T OR
or give away any food orrter. trade beverage, DENIAL OF PF;RMI1
or permit he same to be done. with- Upon the filing of the application
out complying wive the require- and the payment of the required
meats provided by law in tonne- fee, It shall be the d u t y of the
tion therewith.
Sec. 41.133. NUISANCE —POWER
Apy establishment or tie e t t Yy
which is found by the Health °M-
cer to be uneanitary or a menace to
the public health or which is in vio-
lation sit this chapter or ot the Cali-
fornia Restaurant Act ta declared to
be a public nuisance. The Health
OMcer is authorized and empowered
to take such action as is necessary
Health Officer to investigate the in-
formation contained in .the applica-
tion and the sanitary conditions of.
in. and about the establishment, and
to determine whether or not such
establishment conforms to the re-
quirements of this chapter. the Cal-
ifornia Apitaurant Act. the rules of
the Board of Health and the rules
and regulations stThe of the State Board
of l
grant the- peermitef sueht eeHalth etrbtt�sh-
to abate the nuisance. In the event ment is sanitary and does conform
that immediate action is necessary with such laws and ,loch lairs and
to preserve or protect the public tiomc otherwise. he shah den
health ar safety, the Hedtb. oa .:such application. The Health Otit-
is authorized and empowered to ter shall send, deliver or give writ -
is abate seen nuisance by ten notice of such grant or denial
any reasonable means: etherwiae. to the applicant within five (5) days
the Heattlt ofHerr shall: totlowtng such grant or dental. A
proceeding. in accordance with Sec- purmiesue roe -which &Chapter lay b'
tion 11.116 of this cote or shall seek pursuant to this chapter may be
a court ester abating the nuisance. year. at any time during the
Nothing in this code contained shall Sea gmeg. APPEAL FROlC DE -
be deemed to Inuit the right and
duty --of-tKe- H0mith Meer to take
immediate action in the .ntenens of
the pp he heaped..ies eryta elblforized -
A person aggrieved by the dentat
to him of & permit may appeal front
are. a rem an such denial to the Board of Super
~ visors in the manner net forth in
Super -
this section are not exclusive. but Section 61.126.
are, cmmalattae to either. rented - - See delft GRANRTlia AND
provided by law. REV ATION of PERMIT-C O N-
FILER: AUTHORITY-INSPECITON. A permit shall be granted only en
The Health Go Ricer is authorized the express counties that it is *P-
end empowered to enforce the pre- ject to revocation or suspension
visions of the division and to in- upon. a showing satisfactory/ to the
sheet such activities as are rem- Health Oflker of the violation by the
fated in this division for the Dur- permittee. nil employee, servant or
poet of determining health condi- agent, or any other person acting
tons of such activities. No person with his consent or under his au -
shall obstruct or interfere with the
Health Officer in the pe
of his duties.
the Boma shall- salttet t-e: r new YOR ETCH RLTSi1iE93:
sale, barter, trade or give away any A separate permit shall be re -
food or beverage and no person slits quire* Mr each place of bminees.
permit the same to be done, tram concession or vehicle used by par
en establishment unless such mittee.
ta6lishment has • valid public heal Sec. 61.116, ANNUAL !NSPCC -
permit, which permit has not been TION FEE.
revoked or suspended: Every parson applying for a per
Sec. 61.111. APPLICATION FOE: mit under the Previsions if them *i-
Every person applying for a
PERMIT. vision .hall at the time of
appYoWan tor the penulttrnWy'IIInnas�k�ltttgi
following annual inspection teem
1. For each establishment, other
than a vehicle or vowing era-
chase, a fee based on the av-
erage number of employees
during the edl year or..
if in the opinion of the Hodth
Officer said average number
does not reflect the number ot
employees during the year for
which the permit Is sought
with reasonable accuracy, the
estimated average number of
1 to 10 employees .. tit 10.00
Ike 14. 611• employees 1.00
per employee
100 or more employ 100
2. For one or two vehicles un-
der the sane ownership and
operating out of the same es-
tablishment 610.00
3. For each vehicle in excess of
two under the same owner-
ship and operating out of the
same establiehment I0.00
4. For each vending machine dis-
pensing milk, ice cream, or
milk products or other kinds
of perishable foods or bever-
ages. or ditherwing mhottled
or untanned: liquid- foods- or
beverages. excepting vending
machines which d:ses an-
wrapped_ nanperiehi no n-
liquid toed products 2.00
5. For each duel -irate permit re-
tlaeciing a permit previouslys-
6. For each smorgasbord or buf-
fet -type sct=gervtC rastaUraat:
in addition to all other tees
. - 10.00
than 60 perceat- or the
fee. The impofition or payment of
the penalty imposed by thiasectien
shall not prevent the Impaaklea of
any other penalty_ pre _scribed by this
clmDter- 'ore a etitaenal u[oj t
for violation of this ro ass- teeth-
tutions exempt from Preperty
assessments and taxation are .ex-
empt from paying the feel Male•
fished by this division.
See. 61.117. RBNIAI, O! PI4IF
A hermit Meted "anew ti -thhl
the sug,nu
logand each pions*
ar for
shall be renewed annually,
• for the renews[ shag be
to the Health Officer. At tiro tkae
application a made there shall -be.
paid to the Health Moor the an-
nual fee preae.ibed by Seethe
pd1..111a6: wheel annual fee 11 dueyesaotd
Jemmy 1st ot eThe annua. tee 11 unpaid cs loan.
anent Jana♦ry Stet at 6.60 P.M. fol-
lowing the date It is due and there-
attee a_ penalty Moil be lammed ruamter PY' h d In61.116.
Sec. 61.118. PERMIT NOT TRANS-
A permit east transferable trots
MC person or one Baca to another,
reeved from the • skallplace
smite*la the written applloatsa
and In the
Sec. 61 . SC E 0 PERCENT -
ing estabi
inspection. any eNo permit .caring
teen issuthe re percent` dtr the Mire
card. Each g14. 01 msitwhs i t 1,
utahtale stele* to of
buealth sufficient la score 88
oonnmthe�nsscpoer�e card at all tines. If
shall fa3 to ns$I�l aya stuo 1 e
percent. due trt'ttte• notice be
served On the for
nth: Tier MO* Malt list
flctenclea and state that d!-
ficienceS malls be corrected. within
- where the applicant 30 days. at which time a reins**.
In any "*2
has failed tor- a period of 3 days to falls test be [pads. wit eohe
file the application fad.. [allttie with the written
permit required by this crispier. so
there shall be added to and collected them until
with the insn inspection fee a peaty CemA et leant
greater. and for each additimai The�neat iseps
month or fraction of a month aft. alphabetical"meant,-t0 eepR Feb
equal to to "meant of the fee e e is
one dollar I$i.O01 whichever la the:
the expiration of said. 8d 'MYppee-- taneam
nod that the apt*** falls to file
such apphc*Uon and oltlalt 11a c
permit. there shall be added to and
hn collected with the suseten tee •..
additional penalty equal to 10 pe
cent of the impaction tee • provided.
however. in no evert shall the total
pursuant to this section be more i" .c.
to in a *ere
the te
ey close yid retuithe
More at 111
an • ntheigeore
the restaurant la'Bbb2� to the glib•
lice Restautaate 68
.e : stn,
axhe • cirloseine ttmaein Mote
shot reed,
whet 1,
` _a.._fl a---
mien or reach ra may die-
pew d fruits, vegepiblea wed farm and Zones on your behalf at this
-pe taw actually produced on- their hearing if you so desire. You may
Manses..Jarn a or prepe1t a pat- be represented by legal counsel.
nit MO ha honied tyr.et(or without Your failure to $I1Pear will not Pee -
charge provllad that wadi aid w► cat the issuance of an order of
cry vt�n of this node Mullett* suspension or revocation should such
the -e� produce to be or order appear justified by the evi-
distr! simian
is colaplied With, that. iussented."
sale .er dItrtlm of. such produce S. 61.125. HEARING - R13 L N S
or food Wan,. : of dope -rdth ANL PHD4- k PPRE.
the rltlit of ways f any pubIc street The following ruled and procedures
11Weray if the Canty, and that shall govern hearings held pursuant
the prwdues is said from the prop -to this chapter:
-arty. on ,fah ch t is gown. (a) Hearing Ofncer-D:squalitica-
PERMIT-, lion of Director of Public Health
Ditector of Pwbllc_ elealt11 Mali
or sugar dlatr:cts be the hearing officer. Upon the dia-
1 Director
Moir EpEvaidmoes are put c Health to act as hearing officer.
stable Y epeciai permit may be either on his own motion or that of
Di -
Mr„if ip the pWto4 0[ the earth the permittee acceded m by the
Gste8t wltb Its ad1#rtNe.And d is con- rector, any member of the Board
oat_ oat with the preservation of the of Meath may act as -hearing offi-
PUIUc hWth and safety. All such car. The sole grounds for disquale
special peruses shall be revocable ficatlon are financial interest, bias
%1', *I1t1i ttaR felt affects the pub- orprejudice: noes not constiknowtute bias
gak�ealfh,,Iatn��rd,, P ` ION OR or pr aejudl .ee.
REVOCATirfN O PEB II'. (b) Time: The hearing date shall
The pleader of Public earth shall be no less' than 11) and no more than
order that q hearing be held, with. 30 days following the date on which
h notice thereof was sent to the per-
(c) Continuance: 'The hearing of-
ficer may order such continuance
or continuances as he deems neces-
platned of are u follows: net forth
actions or insane, and the dates
of sock, and the code sections.
statutes, or idoiatetl
Be epar to present evidence
of Pub -
whale rtrWhgr water a ectrlclty or qualification of the
tr=fas eating officer. to Be-
e whether air sat the heath
Dena of an establishment should
be rtapeaded or revoked whenever
4 apppeeaars to him. by reason of el-
ther clfixea �eem�lt or Health De- nary and proper.
)Aent lnvestig_ation, that the hold- (a) Transcript of Hearing: Tin,
Sr of sucti permit er bb ttmgoyee,, County is not required to'[urnish a
servant or men, or any person act- shorthand reporter or any o t h e r
tog with his consent or under his method of reporting the hearing: the
rtstpedty. Lea ora+ay-have violated permittee may furnish such at his
any prevision of thiS division ar any sole and nonretmbursable cost and
relevant requirement established or expense if he so desires.
provided by law. Any heartier D 8- le) Waiver of Irregularheis: Any
want to this section and any order procedural or evidentiary irregulari-
of suspension or revocation result- ties in the hearing are deemed to
isa therefrom is supplemental to and
Proceedings against such se subsequent
oast arson
initiated pnrnWnt to ions 11.116
and 11.111 of this code.
Sec• 61.124. NOTICE OF HEAR-
INUGpon the determination t hat a
hearing be held pursuant to Section
61.123, the. Health Officer shall Im-
be waived unless objection is taken
thereto and a specific ruling request-
ed thereon.
(t) Findings: Specific findings. in-
cluding a finding that the public
health, safety and welfare are sub-
ject to a clear and present danger
may bemade but are not required.
If specific findings are not made
the hearing officer shall make a gen-
era finding that the actions or in -
duly send to the permittee a
N otice et Hearing', -SOMM shall. on- union complained of, as set forth
vide substantially as loti0ws: in the Notice of Hearing, are true
-OTICE OF HEARING or untrue, and that such actions or
To: (name and address of permit- inactions do or do not constitute a
tee). violation of the condition set forth
Notice lit hereby given that on in Section 61.114.
the Dbectur re Public (g) Decision and Order: If the
Health Of San Diego County (insert hearing officer finds that the actions
`and of the City of ---= . or inactions complained of are un-
it Appropriate) ordered that a hear- true he shall order that the pro-
isg be held on (date and hour) at seeding' are dismissed. If the hear -
(O&M of hearing) to determine ing officer finds that the actions o'
H inactions :.omplalned of are true
'whether or not earth Permit No.
issued to ybu for the -ea-
taaefit *.Bows a9----
should he suspended or revoked.
The actions or leaCelb.e cora -
and that a violation .as aforesaid
has occured. he shall order either
that the Vervutt-be suspended for a
-period not to exceed six months o
sent. and ►t1a agreement tote boned (c) Continuance - Transcript - Ir-
try the terms thereat. by altixing reo„laritles - Finding- - Decision -
his signature thereto. ^ds'
periodtee ideeon
iyi•1' pet po
uspe8lsLsi114 o-d'otmdn r ,.Hie -re-. mfng of the notice 0`olappe Min et hot-
tnaitide o aheIDpe 02fi ritablished by der of the heart officer Shall be
new proceedingstorsuspension or and welfare are threatened, in which
revocation of the ppe!rtnit. The order case the Director of Public Health
tee bearing o leer with respect shall malts .uch order or orders as
to such petition is shall
al, and no are necessaryto safeguard the pub -
administrative appeal ,hail Ile there- tic health, safety and welfare. If
(1) Probation: If the hearing offi-
cer orders that the permit be sus-
pended or revoked, he may, in the
interests of justice and equity, fur-
order that the order of suspen-
sion or revocation be stayed and
the permittee be placed on proba-
tion ter a .pe lad_ind jp exceed three
years. The hearing officer may
that thereat di be the .d de-eRionDell and
dthe order or rniors
claioa ora'r el the e. of
fliers 1 be Steal melees en alp- appeal shall be ! by de-
renaseaall le . carnal' to Section positing In the office the Clerk to
s. - the Beard of Supervisory within said
(b) illedaptlao : 1! 111 teslmt of le days a notice of alp cal which
o er ry that the penile the decision and d th`�ieae
out a cattalo ptIey pe. the
e p entry petition
the nl... oas�f ans"adsth tre-
sets forth the Noticeof d earl and
ing officer. The Clerk shall -present
the notice of ay to the Board of
-mat newt "metier
meeting, at which time the Board
lnetatement of the permit. The hear- shall set the matter for hearing de
ing officer. is ids diacratien, Ana V neve IR the earliest date Imeeible
grant or deny tha ppeetition: or he is ht d Its regular business.
may Ip'sea the >,ntaaoe larbject to Sec 61327
of 9bMe im PROCEDUR.b.S.
the condition
posl�ion of a
probationary tfyd. dwiiig which The following ruler( and proced-
by yermit- urea shall govern appeals pursuant
en fort In Sec- to thia chapter
or summary a Effect
the anginal Orde ampension. era stayed unless the hearing officer has
ill also grounds for the instltutlon of found that the public health, safety
the permittee agrees in writing ie
comply with such order or orders
pending the outcome d the appeal
the order of the hearing olftcer aha11
in that case also be stayed, other-
it shall not be stayed.
(b) Hearing De Novo: The Board
of Supervisors shall hold a hearing
de aorta at which time the Usaith
Officer and the permittee may of -
grant probation on su- h conditlons ter any and all relevant evidence.
a9 he deems to he fat, ani ream- whether or not such evidence was
able. If the i ermitte:4 is dissatisfied before the bearing officer, and may
with the • .rder off probation, or with make oral arguments. The Board of
the eenditions there'd' be ma reject. Supervisors is not bound or limited
the offer of t•robat)on in which event in any
th order of suspension or revoca-
way by the evidence before
.Lion pleall Lecome final: if the Per- the eatng officer, although it may
consider such evidence, = it by the
mlttee is eatishal with the order of rulings. tind►nga, decision or order
probation he shall indicate such sr.- of the hearing officer.
Or r - Modification of Order -Pro -
Upon the charge by the Health Of- batin: The provisions of Subsec-
tions (c). (d). (e). (f). (g), (h) and
(I) of Section 61.125 apply tohear-
ings conducted pursuant to this sec-
tion: provided, that in the hearings
conducted pursuant to this section
the Board of Supervisors shall exer-
cise the powers given to the hear-
ing officer by said Subsections of
Section 61.126 and further provided
pat, be anted again that the decision and order of the
ficer of the violation by the permit -
tee of a condition of probation a
hearing shell be Mkt pursuant to
this section, limited to the issue of
whether or not such condition was
in fact breached. It it is found that
the condition was breached the orig-
inal order of suspension or revoca-
tion shall be forthwith enforced, and
probation in the same matter shall
Upon the of tbe permittee Hoard i8 i'4sp.8r,i» shall be fhaal
for terms on of probation and re- for all purposes.
lease from the conditions thereof, ARTICLE 3
the rules and procedures established GENERAL REGULATIONS
by Subsection (h) hereof shall apply Sec. 61.130. RECOGNIZED IN -
except that the hearing officer shall SPECTION SERVICE.
either grant or deny such petition No person shall sell. distribute, of -
and shall not impose any condition fer for sale, vend or give away an)
on such grant or denial. manufactured or prepared food or
Sec. 61.126. APPEAL. beverage product in the County Mil.
Any permittee aggrieved by the er than the product of en establish -
decision or the order of the hear- went that is regularly inspected by
Mg officer or by the denial of an. the Health Officer or some other
application for a health permit ma , Health Department Inspection Serv-
within 15 Sys of the date of - . ice recognized and -approved by the
written announcement of the decl- Director of Public Health.
Sec. 61.131. FOOD TO BE COV- era of aata►llabtamta aha11 keep an
EKED. No person shall sell, expose. accurate ate. completx.ustof all per-
or otter for sale, or cause or permit sons employednoWnOng :he phys-
to be .sold,--egp4wed, ,proffered for =cal descrlotion id._and: the duties
sale in the County any article of performed riy an respterea.
food prepared . or intended for hu- copy of the limen
shall be furnished
man consent lion. which article of to the Health Officer and shall be
food is amoked, cooked, dried or kept constantly up to date, by said
otherwise prepared and intended for .owner.. Drooppr�te�t�r�,Dr. onager.
human consumption without further Sec. 61.135. MAP ti) CLOTH -
oohing, washing or other prepare- -If Pe=eons employed in an eNablieh-
coveunless such article of food it ment for serving. preparing or hand-
some er appioeed bums glass or food for human consumption, or
some a in suchd,ved Lams to bag hall
material a such a manner as to handling food ingoutensils, shall w e a r
of food
the na perio r such saline r a.-.S�ottilshaor aprons which
of food by any person other than the are made o washable material and
person selling offering or exposing kept clean at all times.
such articl of God for sale, and to Sec. 61.136. LIGHT VENTILA-
prevent such article of food from TION AND PLUMBING.
coming in contact with any deleteri- Every establishment shall be rop-
-aus,-mttfhaleeonrc or Mesa -trey sob- ^'.3.'5�g .drained, ventilated and
stance or material: provided, how- provi-dedt with adequate plumbing
ever, that she provisions of this sec- and sanitary drainage. as Provided
tion do not apply
to food uncovered by law.
in the process ot preparation, or to Sec. 61.137. FLOORS, WALLS.
food uncovered tor display for Im- CEILINGS AND DRAINBOARDS.
mediate c assumption on the premi- The floors of every establishment
ma where steam tables or other are shall be .smooth and ,Cleanable, shall
proved service tables are to use and be of good quality nonabeorbent ma -
are properly protected from un- terlal and shall be kept in good re -
wholesome or onheeltsv contamina- pair and In a clean, sanitary condi-
tion asprovided in this division and lion at all times. The walls and ceil-
Ihe Oalifornie Restaurant Actings shalt be smooth, sound and
Sec. 61.132. REFRIGERATION OF cleanable and shall be kept painted
PERISHABLES. with oil paintor other approved tin -
All perishable food and beverage ishing material and maintained in
products shall be refrigerated at a tan condrepair
In athec proximity
temperaWre of not more than 60 de- sinks. mixers. stoves. ranges or oth-
aeeeadheitfi'omtbeetmesucher equipment where water. -grease
food or beverage products are man- or other matter is likely to be
splashed, walls shall be constructed
of tile or other approved material
to a sufficient height thoroughly to
protect said walls: provided. t h e
backs of stoves may be flasbed with
shall be conspicuously a- metal' Drainbtor ds shall he mwne
productsy or constructed of metal. tile or ap-
e•led"PEit!SHA'bL — SEEP -RE- provedsubstitutes. T11e d8.-1rf-waed-
FRIGERATED". en drainboards or wooden drat n-
Seo. 61.133. COMMUNICABLE PIS- boards covered with metal is pro -
EASE. hiblted. Food preparation and uten-
No pers..n proprietor, or manag- ail washing areas shall be painted
er of any establishment shall re- with light colored oil paint or eneni-
quire or permit any person to work. el
nor shall any person work, in any Sec. 61.138. TOILET AND WASH
establishment, who is affected with ROOMS.
any communicable disease. It shall Floors of toilet and wash rooms
be the duty of all ownersproprie- shall be of cement. tile laid in ce-
tors. or managers to report to the ment. or other nonabsot be'it mole -
Health Officer any person afflicted rial. The interior an t of a toilet
with, or reasonably suspected of be- room shall not be leas than 16 square
ing afflicted with, venereal disease. feet. No door or other opening from
smallpox, diphtheria, scarlet fever, a toilet room shall ?min dlrec/ Y into
dysentery. measles. mumps. Ger- a kitchen, dining mor ether mace
man itteasles, tuberculosis, typhoid w1uw e roadie aerd,.cooked, stored
fever. eldckennox or env other inteo- or prepared: en anteroom not less
than 16 square feet hi interior area
with a solid door and ventilated- to
the outer air. shall be provided be-
tween the toilet and the other rooms
of the establishment. The entrance
to an anteroom shall be not less
than four feet from the entrance to
the toilet room. Every establishment
shall be eauloped with a water flush
toilet. hand baste wkh hat and cold
running water. hand soap. toilet tis-
sue and single -use hand towels. all
of which shall be thiated c nverdent-
ufactured. processed or otherwise
made suitable for human consump-
tion _until such time as such food
or beverage products are delivered
or served to the consumer. A pack-
ages of perishable food or beverage
time or contagious disease, where-
upon it shall be the duty of the
Health Officer to examine or cause
to be examined any such person af-
flicted with or reasonably suepeel-
ed of being afflicted with any of the
above mentioned diseases and said
person shall no Ion er be permitted
to work in any establishment where
food 18 handled, prepared. sold or
Sec 61.1114. LIST OF EW-
AIl1t owner. proprietors ormanse-handling nurposea. 'Whenever three
or alms emptimain wa�
with be hot provided
hand soap and single -use hand tow-
els in such kitchen. Toilet tact toes
for empployees shall be locatedk a r -
veniently on the premisee: w
there are five or Mere employees
not all of whom are the same sex,
separate toilet twill es s .r all be
provided tor etc GE CANS:
ec. 61.139. G
Fivery establishment Akan be: pro-
vided with garbage and' trash eaaa
with fly -tight coverd, made of metal
or other approved material, for dis-
posalof vegetable trimmings. food
scraps and other refuse. A sutfloneet
number of cans shall be available
to prevent overloading, ano ught iite
Ling covers shall be kept in place at
all times Garbage - and trash carts
shall be maintained In a sanitary
oondition and in good repair, end
shall be cleaned at such mterva
as the Department may direct. Gar-
bage and trash oars placed outside
o the establishment shall be located
on smooth, washable co.a..ete - or
some other foundation approved by
the Health -Officer. - W,klere there fe
an excess of vegetablia trimtttm
or other waste material subject o
decomposition. a. fly -tight screened
room shall be constructed of screen
wire of not less than 14 meehes to
the inch and all such excess weyete
serial shall be kept in said
of wall space shall be construe
of a smooth, washable material in
a workmanlike manner, and main-
tained in good repair.
No person shall use or permit to
be used any sawdust or similar ma-
terial on the floor of any room of
au_ estahlishment, except that in
butcher shops clean sawdust may
be used on floors in a cooler or be-
hind the counter.
Sec. 61.141. SLEEPING IN ES-
Living end sleeping quarters shall
be, separated entirely with a solid
partition from the establishment: No
couch. cot. bed bedding and/or ar-
ticles used for Heins( or sleeping pur-
poses shall be maintained or kept
in any room of the establishment
where food is prepared, store d,
served. or displayed
Sac- 61,142. LOCKER ROOMS.
There shall be provided In all es-
tablishment a room or enclosure,
separateed from lollets sr food stor-
age or preparation area wherein -
employees. may change and store Paper.
outer garments: no person shall Sec. 61.149_ SURPLUS CONTAIN -
change or store clothes elsewhere ERS.
in an establishment. All surplus boxes. crates, lug box -
Sec. 61.143. RODENT OR VERMIN es and similar containers to which
The owner, operator or ma
of every establishment shalt t a e
every precaution to keep the prem-
ises free and rid of r a t s. mice,
.dallies: sates and, other vermin and
nests Whenever --it. shall appear to
tys ttsdut oar that any coow
lte+msttt. le =Lasted with rodents,
versltitt or pasts, a written notice
given to the person ow*
operating or managing the es -
eat that ssid infestation
s�snpubhcr verminoran ast con -
ty, and that such infestation shall
be abated within 30 days from the
date of the written notice. Failure
to com�ply with said wrttten notice
w. n f days
yprovisions constitute
t� chap¢p--
ter. and the Health Mk -sr stisli.
suspend the permit eummar9ty and
close such establishment until said
nuisance has been abated.
Set. 61.144. COMMON DRINK-
It ts unlawful for any person con-
ducting, having charge or control of
any hotel, restaurant,saloon, soda
fountain, theatre, public hall. public
or private school, church hospital
club: office building. park p 1 a Y-
ground, lavatory or wash room, bar-
ber shop or any other public place.
building, room or conveyance. to
prevtde or oxense tor commm use.
or to
so to_ bee use T i n ccin-
mon. any cup, glass or other reeep
tacle used for drinking purposes.
No cask, water cooler or other
ma receptacle shall be used for storing
screened room until removal from. or supplying drinking water to the
the. premtaes. Where screened rooms public or to employees unless it is
are provided. the lower three feet covered and protected so as to pre-
vent persons from dipping the wa-
ter there}r..-net t t. from otherwise
contaminating such water. All such
containers shall be provided with a
faucet or other approved device for
drawing the water.
Sec. 61.146. DISPLAYS ON SIDE-
DNo food or food product, fruit or
vegetable shall he displayed outside
of any building or property lines or
on any sidewalk. public street or
highway in any fruit stand or mar-
Sec. 61.147. SUN DAMAGE — DE-
Deciduous fruits or other
yyf•oo�od mute
lent sun shall damage kept attaallrtintesfwell
inside of the building proper. and
elevated not less than 18 inches
above the fluor level.
Sec. 61.148. WRAPPING PAPER.
No person shalt use newspapers
for wrapping fruits, vegetables or
other food produtta unless a-u.c h
fruits, vegetables or other food first
fruits. vegetables and other products
isre dedtsore d-or received by an es-
tablishment shall be kept fn a cMeen-
and sanitary condition and shall be
removed from premises daily unless
b�uthHticis es-
tablished heremoval interval
Om_ 11.16e. WIN *nun A..✓ w-
Alt wineries or cider mills where_
wino or cider is manufactured, proc-
essed qr bottled shall.
(a) gave properly drained cement
floors sad a properly installed sink
with naming water.
(Il) Wash and sterilize thoroughly
all bottles. jugs or receptacles used
for bottling wine or cider.
(c) Use new corks or stoppers in
all bottles, jugs or containers.
(d) Dispose of all pulp by a meth-
od approved by the Heal Officer.
(e) Be equipped with a conveni-
ently Rotated water flush toilet I
accordance with this code.
Pre -prepared and wrapped sand-
wiches shall be clearly stamped or
marked with Inc date of prepara-
tion by the manufacturer. Such sand-
wiches,properly refrigerated, m a y
ppsa solduring the 72 hour period
/sllowtag the date of preparation:
p ovtded. that sandwiches sold from
,(cod vending vehicles are subject
to Sec�tiigo�jn, 61.177.
Alt fruit juices, soft drinks. honey
•itandt okbettled in a . or foods.
11 bottled in a s, y is.
plant, and s h a 1.1 not be
frppottm one container to an-
etherSSet.egx1c 163-in said CUSTARDANDPAS-
All commercially prepared cus-
tards or cream fillings of pastries
stall be prepared under the follow-
ing conditions:
(a) They shall be manufactured
fader conditions of cleanliness.
(b) Only efficiently pasteurized
Grade d A" milk or cream shall
be lc) The mtmerum temperature
and minimum time of heating the
mix is the equivalent of a tem-
a re of 140 degrees Fahren-
heit or a period of one hour:
pro . however, that other tem-
peratures and times may be used
When epeciflcafly approved by the
t1 (d). U)ppotn completion of cooking.
the custard immediately 'hall be
transferred into properly covered
prevletnle sterlitsed- cont&t e.:t and-
chtlled without delay to a tempera-
ture not hither than 50 degrees
(e) Cunard" shall be kept In
ing cooling
mom pastries:
until used 'r (f) Filling apparstue shall be
• cleaned whir bet waters 14=1-
lzed brushes. or with a jet of five
steam under pressure..
fined Piling enearwhne shall lines
sterilised before rue afther by bou-
Ing Mr ten minutest. th$v streaming
In a steam sterilizer or one hour.
or by some ether met ben-
t approved
pl Pastries •••csstabLLng custard
filling shall not be gold from ve-
hicles unless suet vehicles a r e
equipped with a refrigerated com-
partment maintaining a maximum
temperature of 50 degrees Fahren-
heit: provided, however, that pas-
tries may be delivered from manu-
facturera to retail dealers or con-
sumers, without continuous refrig-
eration, when it is possible to cone
plete such delivery within t w o
hours' time.
Sgeecc 61.1u4. FOOD HANDLING
No person shall operate or main-
tain any establishment without com-
plying with the' following regula-
(a) Hoods for Rommel. All stoves.
ranges, cooking kettles, doughnut
kettles, ovens and hot plates shall
be equipped with a metal hood
(canopy) of • doe at least six
inches greater on each side than
the cooking surface of such cook-
ing device or devices. The hood
shall be ventilated to the outside
air by a separate ventilating tse
not leas than 12 niches in diatim-
eter for- an ordinary stove, or of
such larger diameter as the Health
Officer may deem necessary for
effective operation. Hoods and me-
chanical ventilation shall be In-
stalled to aeoempuah air circula-
tion In accordance with standard
ventilation tables maintained by
the Department.
(b) Water and Sinks: All sinks
of establishment shall have an
and cold watei of a safe, sanitary
quality available at all times. Ail
apiinks s}haallllervious be of metal or ap-
material. Num-
berandtype of sinks shall
rules- fthe Width
Officer approved by the Board of
Su sore.
c) Damaged Utensils: Dishes.
glasses, drinkbeg glasses or other
utensils thatseweraeked. chipped
or damaged• "hall - not be used.
and may be terminated or de-
stroyed at ;Winwhen necea-
saryry in the of Me Health
Oflleer top the public health
and safety.
(d) Residing* hate and female
personsengagedresis cooking or
foodshall ' weer' an
approved nip. hairnet •- or. 'head-
dress to prevent the fakhne of
hair into such fords.
ley Contahrerse ter Stem= `o
Fends. Ns tin 'rank'rd dtt `taw
foor¢t11. TiUIMet l 4 used
TM- ocelot #floor sfaoh•
and/or deetrev all food
'efts e�oMMrary 40 the pruvtIMna
Itt nrceiis: .
(t) reeAn.- AS. esfablishtneAts
..v its Reilth Officer. whore fond.* pMAsted,t seared or
fin -No nirus�ttrlee eimieftli.i r.ereern - kept l .have wire aWenn et
Milne ahsit fete dleplav=G in wen- wsr-'twr, f, arglane nitre
doer. fir shnwrases unless chilled ppsf of- e 11t► i wkothee
m and mnintained at a tempera- lnvefa :�i ,A n snit t he
-tare net Meter then 50 referee. spit-cMl4l iMe id she
raring or miter of tit
p -
open outwards only. All screening"
used in aught pieces shall be not
less than 14 meshes to the inch.
Fly tans may be substuated for
screen doors and when used, shall
be installed inside the building
over the door opening so that the
airflow is directed downward and
outward. Flyfans shall produce
anairflow with a minimum veloc-
ity of 750 feet per minute over
the entire door opening from the
top thereof to a point three feet
above the floor.
See 61160_ WILK.
Market milk and goat's milk
served by any establishment shall
be served in the original bottle.
the cap of which shall not be re-
moved except in the presence of
the consumer or patron: provided,
however, that this section does not
apply to market cream and does
not prevent the use of milk -dispens-
ing devices as authorized by this
Milk dispensing devices approved
for such use by the Director of
Agriculture of the State of Call
(ornla may be. used, for dispensing
homogenised milk, subject to the
fotlowing regulations:
(a) The milk dispensing device
and its operate n shall comply
with State laws ant regulations.
this code and all ordinances ap-
plicable thereto.
(b) The milk dispensing device
shall be installed and located. in a
place and manner acceptable to
the Health (Nicer.
(c) Milk dispensing devices are
permitted only in. eattingestablish-
ments and only in those rooms or
in such eataig ente
ho a food is served and en by
the consumer. or where b
prepared for service and such
preparation is conducted .within
view of the container.
(d) All milk dispensing devices
shall be displayed openly to the
(el A milk dlspenatna devwa
shall be operated only by persons
regularly employed by the estab-
lishment in which the dispensing_
deviceis located. The operation
of a self -serene milk ddi�at�ppeers
device is prohibited, unless ..such
operation is specifically Approved
by th Health Officer.
ltaann1 =}�y
utor "implying milk loge the
dtapansisg devlee, legatksr
the grade of the milks dist.
=seed. ahiest ap-
prey (dalllT be plainly labeled
n gt e as of deow ydevine in- *te Health l= the
the Milk cosfaiaerF used fa tilt!
milk d(seeutng drvfee ON No milk shalt be
tram such, dente mere
hours from the date of del
of-suchmilk to 5he-establkennent.
such mutt wpmahnt deV15e f4tl1
be eight ounces.
suc1) h dispenThe sing k device espensed ahatMen
the time of delivery to the
consthe umer,
standards gradedf
(k) The milk Mspensing device,
including the milk container and
all other appliances used in con-
nection with such device, shall be
maintained l a sanitary condition
at all times.
Sec. 61.162. )(ALTER MILK -MILK
qf-rn/UM, RTC.
Ile, peewee =M t operate or main-
tain an establishment serving malted
milk, malted slim milk or other
milk drink without complying with
the following regulations:
"a) Malted milk aka)1 be •
mixture of Grade "A" raw or pas-
teurized milk, containing net lees
than three and three -tenths per-
cent of milk fat, with malted mule
and flavoring substances; and ei-
ther ice cream c ntaininngg not lees
than 10 per cent of milk fat or
ice milk containing not lees than
four per cent of milk fat. Au ice
cresm or ice milk shall coeform
to the provisions of the ttUM1
at=.Code of tab* Star -et. Flitornta.
It is unlawful to prepare, serve,
sell or distribute in an establish-
ment any maltedmilkunlees made
of Grade "A" raw or pasteurised
whole milk, witch milk either has
been poured from the oinal
standard container from whirigch tim
cap has been removed in t h e
presence- of the eueteraer or pa-
tron, the contents of said container
containing no more than the in-
dividual requirements of the cus-
tomer at rite time of servile, or
poured from a standard milk bot-
tle the maximum -content of which
does not exceed one quart and
which has attached a metal top
designed to cover the port k
which top must be app
a e e Health
Officerd bottap end Kai
provided. however, this sehlectlon.
shall �noott�oprtoohibit the ddute'' al a
mice with BeBecifdeviee = 61151.�iMV• O
Mixer to*
drinb sekshakes taid rr it ppprepsrregeffe the
addition of Ilivoring iub.t*nceed �M Or
ether e.
ehige 'be'
�rdieen�wM nnet
Intik the eeauired ode 15. Grids
-.t '1154 le, mra•
Pith malted
cars at
aerved or
*We aim
.realer 1
4{nfibgadeas snide the f
lowishterhs GM red t,shall
a t
mYOe aVtoad
skids-Mez•which say
's ..: ` `wW�'g/ p ed, or darted
fa mile; ,�aE�ggravtLg�tMesher'ahgn an
main, vabkets,
eaia Man •: tt+rt• o►
her • Me dream eroded
•... + vehlsie froze abide
term sew _ n,
eydtter fasd rasa. am
or food product
da6Lualimited node. mean
stop or paarrlkYila
Oa a t��wtly rod
a see -
sari salt say (cod fir bovera$e
T t� , Jar a period of time
sW �1r an im-
No possm
p.:Itttlrg or cam* any
veMYe to refmain an any
sir'. the _lw�ww of makoo fro
the vehicle: in ao
Perm* sell or give
away: or beverage product
trees a vending vehicle while
oS Property other than
a No person s4 lI
stop or caws a food vending
vra�okt�slee�t be remain
the la onany
ddaggg artw swla)athg t e Mad-
ud agN ayy puma other than kCh the
otpearr d Mush Property employees.'r hie
yrovlst(y�. sal this Bunton
State and dv�lade other
554 lWa td4haaeunluhand
mtation ad
(fti gfi:178 1t beans bide. TION.
perms sari- 0pe1Yi+ G_ tune
ifM it
fe au e5 white
115I1R! ree1t11i[ nt to.
rthrfood net bow
.v,ao *Mans or
of the
er which
ifyintt num-
to tits ve-
t of Public
Odell apt�lbelte err-
rrpstretmWeod ati•
• CI.E aCI.E,: i.
e interior and the exterior of
every had woofinga la and all
egts . meat er in shill Mu
ra smooth
palr yid in ■
ruednail be
iligrip= tsar
No perm ai.0 epsrste or cause
to be operated as unprepared food
vend (pt v(11witbatt comPiYing
with aA of.tlle foilirnp [ regulations:
(a) AIi..tools, imoomeats a n d
Ptaole/ /haul ba hePt in a
clean and sanitary condition.
(b)eadf�t niderit fla eiaypsRgfie t 0eothe=t ie--
vided for list dl•r poa I et trridean be m
winngg.s annd relate Wad shall be
emptied (etin+ washed daily.o
an(z o poultry 1 other
vei cleaned la h food
tr a nor shall the er
trails Sd era poultry or other
be t1at removed. co uch.
shaltry meat toro meal products
be cut. ,Diseased or vending
wise 1prOPar*c •food vending
(d) Scales and other weighing
suites shall be protected from
s and otter vermin
ft) every emprepared rood vend-
liengYtvehicle shall inspected at
e cked Healthhe l° icc Oe o
so requirr5q5mere after vend r� �v�eyhicle
shall be fitly loaded ar ready for
operation a the tiros of such he
' ce��dtonuiamee a certificate inspection
his tdpedim diatheses that t h e
vehleM ceatornr to the require-
ments of this code. The certflcate
at las0esilen *ell expire -six
nnotyti MM ater the date of
it issue. and eked/ •pacify the
particular toed sad bagrge
onts autherised to be solmtd
otherwise distributed
from the ve-
hict) ( Every unprepared food vend -
tug vehicle than be aresufd or
aWgsrwarlerd faimilLathemer
Webb. Alma establish tdtbinthe Downy
hasike.egtrzei Much
tie tredter or distributed./es. it.t r, SID FOOD
No penes gw ate or ee
anent be ert a prepared food
vsndlog uncle without complying
with all of the IoNmteng require-
g� establish.
wtttnp)I.n yt6a aspraviicae room
000d and be products preparation
viyp 1. N.
heat the food beverage
vehtcle Ne b01 M therwi
trot be mid or vented
hicle m tram a food ro rot was ve-
psr.uedees such product was vice
pared �s the approved service
room. Stehrvtce rooms abed' meet
all of a requirements et Itch
division relative t• food establish-
lb) No bet prepared nod or bev-
erage product, iwcaot coffee or
tea, shall be sold from a food
vendiva vebieleo
(c) Na dtrepartdcoffee Asadat
annuls and caka shall
sold mtithe t MI boars after the
preperatlm thereat. and all such
prepared foods shall be clearly
marked with the date of prepara-
tion thereof.
(d) Every prepared food vend -
OM v e /ball be inspected. on
dames -by -the_ tieelth Of-
ficer. as ten as he deems such
inspections to be necessary. The
outbid vehicle shall be fully load-
ed and ready for operation at the
time of such inspection. T h e
Health Officer shall issue a certif-
icate of inspection if his inspection
discloses that the vehicle con-
forms to the requirements of this
code. The certificate d inspection
shall expire one month from and
after the date of its bieue. and
shell specify the particular food
and beversga products authorized
to be sold or otherwise distributed
from the vehicle.
VETCLIE Feed vending vehicles shall be
used for no peruse other than those
purposes permitted by this Division.
unless the Heath Officer has ap-
proved in writing some other pro•
Posed use .
;wiS III
Sec. 61.100. VENDING MACH
No operator shall maintain. .
duct. manage ar operate any v
ing machine unless • permit
such machine km been issued
the Multh Officer sad enclose n
permit is valid and unexpired.
applicant for a hermit shall des-
rI ended. andndperin is ship products to
only for those products listed
on the permit. Unless it appears to
the Health Officer that the vending
machines will at all Limn be main-
tained.in a clean .and sanitary con-
dition, and that all products of the
machine will reach the eonsumer
in a clean and whole@sgptreee condition.
he shall deny the apptcatlod for the
permit. If Me perrslt is granted,
the operator shall be responsible for
the proper opernnon and mainte-
nance of the vending machine and
for complying with the requirements
of this divsion and ouState lawn
and regulations is connection there-
with..The Dams and address of the
operator /ball be posted conspicu-
ously on the vending machine.
"OPERATOR" means the person
who furnishes, installs and services
the ve dlag machine.
flee. el.366 VEHICLE PERMIT.
No operator shall we a vehicle
to service vending machines. or al-
low such use. unless the Health Of-
ficer has Issued a permit for such
The operator slidn furnish the
Health Officer with (lee location of
any vending machine iaatalled sul?-
ficiently soon so that. within Tz
hours subsequent to such installa-
tion, the Health Officer may inspect
the vending machine and the loca-
teen. 11 the location of the machine
1s not approved by the Health Officer
the vending machine stall be re-
moved immediately and not operated
until the location thereof is rendered
acceptable. 'Each vending machine
shall be located so that unitary
facilities, fixtures and receptacles
for emptying waste containers and
for performing required sanitation
are readily accessible. The area
around the vending machine shall
be maintained clean and free of ac-
cumulated paper cups and wrap-
spillage and other waste ma-
terial and trash. Approved trash
receptacles shall be provided by the
machine operator. proximate to
vending machines whenever re-
quired by the Health Officer.
Sec. 61.184. SERVICE ROOM.
.All operators shall establish with-
in the County a marries mom or
rooms, which shall be used only
for cleaning. staring sad 'maintain-
ing vending madames. supplies and
unitized parts. All elea dng and
tsanitising of vending modtMe parts
wtdch sans in contact with food.
food Products or liquids dispensed
by a vending machine shall be done
NSI- M the service room previously air
proved by the Health Officer. The
service room shall meet all the re -
end. quirements of this division relative
ter to food handithgs establishments.
Set.. 61.1t6. ('i 1AN1$G AND SAN-
The Vending machines dbmensing liq-
uids shall be cleaned not tees fre-
e quently than three times each week.
and macbines dispensing unwrapped
non ay9Wfifoid ysodelets Vaal
el -meonce 5 net fees freedman,'t7tIra
once each 'maw, ese*eep as YNtiR
after noted, In Hot onion set feNh
att veg' t6 # General: The folkeripg i`
hag machine':
ilte 13betatort t
clean the dripappa�te Wield, can.
anLL eaa4ttaers nail be
emptied khadalnned,._ shall
be with a eleand moist
cloth * solution aWednb not lass than
7W parts eof[ sane chlorine per
netlike parts. or in Mane -sucb.
other approved aanitsing a g e n t
or material.
(b) Cold Carbonation 8eversges:
In addition to the servir
qrd h the general regulate**.
disprimamf cold carbonat-
ed beverages sha11 be serviced as
follows: Nth lass frequently than
once each 66 days ail t oMact parts
�oofe�tphee machine
s shall be cleaned
by fect last taW.and 'saheb,
terior water tftppy and condition-
ing elements akafi be taken to the
service rotasmepfor gpercvvicming: prep -
be i tiraseporie0 till der sanitary con-
ditions from the service nous and
iastailed while the other water fil-
ter andcn�e0kes}s a� water dvieeasbalbe of ap(type
t�t iiic�awl ph permit periodic
ral rintoulations, machines dis-
o de* se equlred Fieldshall be Mood as follows'
e( k sad milk products
milk or cream shall be removed
from the machine and discarded
daily, and fresh products added.
Canned evaporated milk may be
dispersed for 72 hours before dis-
carding provided that throughout
this period the temperature .d such
milk Is maintained at not more
than 50 degrees FahreneiAll
parts and appurtenances of vend-
ing machines that come in cos-
u�cts t msl tuuid be m7eHnoved daily or mlik prod -
cleaned and wedtised. Vendirg
< e• eetily theme than three the • 01
-M) dlefilliar Vendinmaddens.
in. logsEions fur whin -the Meant
r has nth issued -a ,feed aim-
ie "=eg blishment pit. et
reflfemdduonly substituting for
ertipty collation 'awn-w
aneiL sanitised_roomfilled izt
the sereioe 'The emend cos -
talker shall -be ttauau porgy to fibs
service room for cis • a d
e anitteino.-
WTION 8. Tat provision . of
es -1 as added by Section 2
leered, lnsdar as t1ee''are ,web-
st thestantialiy
fife acme enrelusion, be hapter pprovWana
1 as
repealed by denim1 berme shall
be construed as restatements • n d
continuations thereof and not as new
' O SM 4. This ordinals*, than
take effect and be to force thirty
(30) days 'her the date of Its pas-
sage, and before the exptrattm d
fifteen (1e)pd••Wys Ifs Ag�rt�Le
named of iW mentb,rs seam tor
against the lama, la the Sun
end ciUnion.culation f�r iner
(b e
CountyS S P. Dr PRp
ADOPTED this day of Norma -
bee. 111113.
Chairman et the
Marl re dapevvleors
of the County of San DDftseggqo,
State et 0.l=_
The above ordinates Was -sdq(ed
by the following vote:
Supervisor Frank A. G1kam, be -
mg absent and nth voting. 8ilper-
visor D. W. Biro veging re*.
Supervisor Robert C. Duet Audis. Aye", Supervisor De Graff ♦ttrads.
voted "Aye". Supervisor Robert C.
Catevoting "
Ana'r my and the seal
• the Board of this 7thna,
day of November.
R. B. JAItre
County Clerk and ex CNtt
(SEAL) of the Board d
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the
day of
AYES: Councilmen
, 19 63
Allen, Colburn,
City of National City, California, this 2nd
, by the following vote, to -wit:
Hart, Morgan, Gautereaux
NAYS: Councilmen None
-� �—
City Clerk
ayor of the City of National City, California
I hereby approve the foregoing
Resolution this
N 41119i
2nd day of April
, 19._ 63...
ayor of the City of No onal City, California
I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full and true copy of Resolution No
of the j
r of the City of National City, California, as adopted by the City Council of said
City, and approved by the Mayor of said City, on the day of , 19
City Clerk of the City of National City, California.