HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC ORD 1969-1224 Amends § 4 of Ord. 962, zoning (Repealed by 1503)ORDINANCE NO. 1224
(Tourist, Commercial, Recre-
ation Planned Devel pment
WHEREAS, pursuant to the
terms and provisions of the
Government Code of California,
proceedings were duly initiated
for the amendment of National
City Zoning Ordinance No. 962,
r, '.°, nd
e WHEREAS, pursuant to due
and legal notice, hearings were
held by the City Planning Com-
mission of said City and also
by the City Council of said City,
and all persons interested were
given opportunity to appear and
i be heard before said Planning
Commission and said City Coun-
cil, and
WHEREAS, the City Planning
Commission of National City
has regularly and duly certified
to the City Council its report
and has recommended such
amendment, and
WHEREAS, the City Council
has approved the recommenda-
tion of the City Planning
SECTION 1. All protests, if
any, against said amendments
to Ordinance No. 962, and each
of them, be and hereby are de-
nied and overruled.
SECTION 2. There is hereby
added to Paragraph A of Sec-
tion 4 of Ordinance No. 962, a
new sub -section 4-D.
4-D. TCR-PD. Tourist, Com-
mercial, Recreation Planned
Development Zone.
SECTION 3. There is hereby
added to Section 6 of Ordinance
No. 962, a new Paragraph G,
which shall read as follows:
G. TCR-P-D. Tourist, Com-
mercial, Recreation Planned
Development Zone.
This zone is primarily in-
tended to provide areas where
t'establishments catering to the
dining, lodging and recreational
needs of the community and
tourists may be located. Said
zoning should, therefore, be
placed adjacent to main tourist
routes, interstate highways and
major tourist attractions. This
zone seeks to encourage de-
velopment characterized by
open space, attractive land-
scaping and ample off-street
parking. To successfully reach
the highest and best use of the
land this zone is placed under
a Planned Development Zone to
permit the property owners and/
or developers to work with the
Planning Commission for the
most aesthetic end results.
The Planning Commission
may grant a Tourist, Commer-
cial, Recreation Planned De-
velopment Permit by resolution
for each parcel of land p]aeed
in a Tourist, Commercial, Rec-
reation Planned Development
Zone which it finds meets the
requirements of this ordinance.
The Planning Commission may
impose additional concitinr.s
and requirements upon a 'l our-
ist, Commercial, Recreation
Planned Development project as
it finds are reasonable and nec-
essary to carry out the purpose
and requirements of this zone.
No buildings and/or structure
shall be erected, constructed,
converted, established, ncr shall
any premises be used, except
for one or more of the following
purposes and subject to the
approval of the plans by the
Planning Commission:
a. Hotels, motels, garden
apartments, town houses and
apartment houses.
a. Doctors' and dentists'
offices and clinics, prohibiting
overnight patients, and such
accessory businesses or services
as are intended for the conveni-
ence or necessity of the patients
or employees, Including drug
store and/or prescription room
for compounding and dispensing
medical prescriptions and the
sale of incidental medical and
surgical supplies.
a. Buildings and/or struc-
tures designed and arranged for
professional offices.
a. Restaurants, provided
that food and beverages shall
be served only within buildings
and/or enclosed patio, and fur-
ther provided that full meal fa-
cilities shall be available. Drive-
in restaurants and restaurants
providing primarily food "to
go" shall not be permitted.
a. Regulation and pitch and
putt golf courses and driving
ranges with the customary club-
houses and incidental facilities.
b. Public and private parks
with the customary play-
grounds, refreshments, service
and storage buildings, incidental
a. Mobile Home Parks pro-
vided that no park shall be con-
structed or maintained on any
parcel of land containing less
than five acres in area; and
further provided that said park
is constructed under the stand-
ards of a five star mobile home
Private clubs, fraternal
organizations and lodges oper-
ated as an association of per-
sons, whether incorporated or
unincorporated, for the promo-
tion of some common social,
cultural, educational, religious
(not a church) or recreational
objective, but shall not include
any group whose primary ob-
jective is a business usually or
customarily carried on for a
Each place of business shall
be entitled to the usual and cus-
tomary incidental or accessory
uses, including:
a. Storage:
Storage buildings, garages.
b. Incidental Businesses:
Incidental businesses as
may serve the customer or pa-
tron of the permitted use, pro-
vided such incidental uses and
business not specifically per-
mitted in this section, does not
exceed a total of fifteen percent
(15%) of the gross floor area
of the permitted use. Examples
of permitted incidental busi-
nesses or uses may include: (1)
restaurants and cocktail
lounges; (2) news and tobacco
shops; (3) barber and beauty
shops; (4) valet service, agency
for laundering, cleaning, press-
ing of clothing; (5) travel ticket
and car rental agencies; (6) gift
shops; (7) banquet hall facili-
ties; (8) ready to wear clothing
shops; (9) such other incidental
businesses which the Planning
Commission finds to be clearly
intended for the primary con-
venience of the occupants of the
permitted use and not objection-
able or detrimental to public
health, safety or welfare. All
incidental businesses shall be
operated in compliance with the
following regulations:
(1) There shall be no en-
trance to the place of business
except from a foyer, court, lob-
by or interior of the main build-
c. Recreational Facilities:
Recreational facilities oper-
ated as an incidental use as
may serve the customer or pa-
tron of the permitted use as
hereinafter enumerated: (1)
swimming pools and gymna-
siums; (2) Tennis, badminton,
volley ball, croquet, and similar
courts; (3) bowling alleys: (4)
such other recreational facilities
which the Planning Commission
may find to be clearly intended
for the primary convenience of
the occupants of the permitted
use and not objectionable to or
detrimental to public health,
safety or welfare.
d. Alcoholic Beverages:
On -Sale alcoholic beverages,
entertainment and dancing as
an incidental use to any of the
enumerated uses.
e. Parking Facilities:
Open air automobile park-
ing, provided said parking area
is improved in accordance with
the improvement requirements
for off-street parking as enum-
erated within this section.
r pe-a-'te arc
f. Service Stations:
Automobile service stations
developed in accordance with
all requirements of Ordinance
No. 1213 and operated as an
accessory use, including; (1)
the retail sale of gasoline, oil,
tires and automobile acces-
sories; (2) the rendering of
lubrication services, limited to
two lubrication hoists and such
hoist or hoists shall be located
within an enclosed structure; no
grease pits shall be permitted;
(3) steam cleaning; (4) brake
replacement and drum turning;
(5) alignment and front end
alignment work including wheel
balancing; (6) the performing
of minor emergency automobile
repairs or installation of acces-
sories, but specifically ex-
cluding (a) automobile paint-
ing: (b) repairing, replacing or
overhauling of engines, motors,
transmissions, driving mechan-
isms, steering mechanisms,
differential assemblies or any
other major automobile part or
parts; (c) body and fender work
of any kind; (d) tire rebuilding
or recapping; (e) conducting
any type of rental business,
selling or servicing trucks; (f)
any other service station uses
which in the opinion of the
Planning Commission are more
obnoxious or detrimental to the
welfare of the particular com-
munity than the uses enum-
erated herein.
g. Accessory Uses:
In addition, other accessory
uses may be permitted if the
Planning Commission finds such
to be clearly within the intent
and purpose recited above and
to be similar to permitted uses
listed above and not more ob-
jectionable or detrimental to
public health, welfare and
1. All permitted uses ex-
cept recreational facilities,
parking, loading and incidental
storage as limited herein shall
be conducted entirely within
completely enclosed buildings.
2. No mechanical equip-
ment, tank, duct, elevator en-
closure, cooling tower or
mechanical ventilator shall be
erected, constructed, main-
tained or altered on the roof
of any building, or elsewhere
on the premises unless all such
equipment and appurtenances
mentioned above are contained
within a completely enclosed
penthouse or portion of the
same building having walls and
roofs with construction and
appearance similar to the
building served by the equip-
ment and other appurtenances.
3. No material, equipment
or goods of any kind shall be
stored on the roof of any build-
ing in this zone.
4. Metal Buildings
Metal buildings shall be
permitted only in the construc-
tion of service stations and enly
when said construction is of
metal panels with factory ap-
plied baked enamel finished ex-
terior surface, or other exterior
finish which in the opinion of
the Planning Commission is as
durable and aesthetic as the
factory applied baked enamel
5. Aesthetic Materials:
All building fronts shall In-
corporate and present either a
finished parapet and/or com-
bination facia gutter. Finished
soffits shall be required. All
structures maintaining an out-
side pump station shall include
and incorporate a canopy or
other architectural feature over
the area between the pumps or
the pump island and the struc-
ture, or the entire pump station
or pump island shall be covered
by a canopy or other architec-
tural feature.
6. On any surface visible
to the public, the Planning
Commission shall take under
consideration the use of decora-
tive materials to enhance the
aesthetic appearance of the
building or structure. The
Planning Commission shall take
under consideration the use of
decorative materials to enhance
the aesthetic appearance of the
building or structure. The
Planning Commission may re-
quire any such surface to be
constructed of, or surfaced with
new glass or new or used stone,
wood, brick, decorative mason -
1 22
ary and/or decorative materials,
which in the opinion of the
Planning Commission are as
aesthetic as those materials
1. Minimum Yard Require-
a. Front - twenty-five feet
b. Side - ten feet (10').
2. Off Street Parking Re-
a. Off -Street parking for
passenger automobiles shall be
provided on the same premises
in accordance with the following
(1) Each parking space,
exclusive of aisles and driveway
areas, shall contain not less
than one hundred eighty (180)
square feet, and shall be usable
without moving another vehicle.
(2) Driveways and parking
areas shall be plainly marked,
provided with appropriate wheel
stops, and improved with not
less than two inches (2") of
asphaltic concrete or its equiva-
(3) Off-street parking but
n of garages and/or carports
may be permitted within the
front and exterior side yard set-
backs, provided however, that
no parking may be permitted
within ten feet (10') of the front
property line.
(4) Where said parking
areas adjoin any lot line of a
lot in an R-4 Zone or more re-
strictive zone, parking shall be
prohibited within four feet (4')
of said lot line; and there shall
be erected and maintained in
said four foot (4') strip a
masonary wall or redwood
fence or chain link fence with
inserts of wood or colored alum-
inum lattice or metal slats
having a factory applied baked
enamel exterior finish, with a
height of six feet (6') above
average adjacent ground level,
except that within setback areas
such height shall be three feet
(3'). Any such wall or fence
shall be constructed and main-
tained in a manner which will
prevent the passage of light. In
lieu of said fence, however, an
evergreen hedge may be -per-
mitted which shall be well
maintained and allowed to grow
to a maximum height of six
feet (6') above average adja-
cent ground level, except that
within setback areas, the maxi-
mum height shall be three feet
(3'). The requirements specified
herein may be eliminated in
whole or in part where in the
opinion of the Planning Com-
mission such requirements are
not necessary for the proper
protection of abutting residen-
tially zoned property because of
substantial grade differentials,
the existence of adequate walls,
or other equally valid reasons.
b. The number of parking
spaces required on the same
premises shall be as follows:
(1) For dwellings and
apartment houses, at least one
and one-fourth (114) parking
space for each living unit.
(2) For hotels, motels and
similar establishments, at least
one parking space for each
guest room.
(3) For each sixty (60)
square feet of floor area used
for dining, dancing, or the serv-
ing of drinks, at least one (1)
parking space.
(4) For administrative,
clerical or professional offices,
at least one (1) space for each
two hundred (200) square feet
of gross floor area.
(5) For places of public
assembly not otherwise pro-
vided for in this section, at least
one (1) parking space for each
five (5) seats, or for each
thirty-five (35) square feet of
seating area where there are
no fixed seats.
(c) Where ambiguity exists
in the application of these off-
street parking requirements, or
where any use not covered by
said off-street parking require-
ments, it is proposed the off-
street parking requirements shall
be determined by the Planning
Commission. Such requirements
shall be consistent with that of
comparable uses in this zone.
3. Landscaping:
Except for approved ways of
ingress and egress, all required
setback areas and a ten foot
(10') wide strip of land com-
pletely surrounding any struc-
ture housing a permitted use
and all its incidental uses shall
be permanently landscaped with
any combination of lawn,
shrubs, trees- and flowers. An
adequate watering system shall
be installed for maintenance of
said landscaping. Notwith-
standing the above, parking
areas shall be permitted in the
setback area, but in no case
closer than ten feet (10') from
thefront property line.
4. Outdoor Storage:
Outdoor storage of merchan-
dise, material or equipment,
except vehicles, shall be per-
mitted only when incidental to
a permitted use located on the
same lot, and provided that:
a. Such storage is located
at the rear of a lot and is con-
fined to an area not to exceed
five percent (5%) of the gross
floor area of the permitted
building or buildings.
b. The storage area shall
be completely enclosed by
masonry walls, redwood fence
or chain link fence with inverts
of wood, colored aluminum
lattice or metal slats having a
factory baked enamel finish, or
buildings, or a combination
thereof. Any such walls or
fences shall not be less than
six feet (6') in height.
c. There shall be no outdoor
storage of merchandise, ma-
terials, equipment or other
goods to a height greater than
that of any wall, fence, or gate
enclosing the storage area.
5. Lighting:
All outdoor lighting shall be
so shaded and adjusted that the
light therefrom is directed to
fall only on the same premises
upon which light source is lo-
6. Signs:
a. An owner may erect and
(1) One architecturally de-
signed, single or double-faced,
free standing advertising struc-
ture; provided, however, the
advertising permitted shall
refer exclusively to the business
conducted, the services ren-
dered, or the goods sold or pro-
duced upon the property where
the advertising structure is
(2) Signs designating the
permitted uses of the premises
on the face of canopies or porch
roofs or hung from the under-
side of said canopies or porch
roofs; provided, however, that
signs attached to any face of
a canopy or porch ro.)f shall
be parallel to the face of said
canopy or porch roof and shall
not project above the parapet
or eaves of the building to
which the canopy or porch roof
is attached. Signs hung from
the underside of canopies or
porch roofs shall not projeet be-
yond any face of said canopy
or porch roof.
(3) One directional sign
-located at each driveway enter-
ing or leaving the premises.
(4) Wall or free standing
signs designating the premises
for sale, rent or lease.
b. The combined total
aggregate area of all wall signs
or signs which are attached to
the face or hung `rom the un-
derside of canopies or porch
roofs, free standing sign, (ex-
cluding signs designating the
premises for sale, rent or lease)
shall not exceed 300 square feet.
The height of any free standing
signs shall not exceed the height
of 50 feet measured vertically
from the base and ground level
to the apex of said sign.
c. Signs permitted herein
may be lighted; provided, how-
ever, no sign shall display any
red or blinking or intermittent
light likely to be mistaken for
a warning or danger signal and
provided further that any
illumination thereof shall not be
of such brilliance and so posi-
tioned as to blind or dazzle the
vision of the travelers on adja-
cent streets and highways.
d. Nothing in this section
shall be construed as permitting
bill boards or outdoor adver-
tising other than those enum-
erated in this section to be
erected, constructed and/or
maintained or established on
lots or premises within this
e. The base of all signs shall
be located no closer than the
required distance of any front
or exterior setback. Said sign
may overhang from the base
of said sign one-half the dis-
tance of the required setback;
provided, however, that any
portion of said sign overhanging
any portion of the required set-
back shall maintain a distance
of twelve feet (12') between the
bottom of the sign and the
ground level.
EXCEPTIONS: The Planning
Commission may grant an ex-
ception to the requirements of
this ordinance if in the opinion
of the Planning Commission the
granting is necessary to achieve
the goals which are outlined in
the Purpose and Intent Section
of this ordinance; providing,
however, that the Planning
Commission shall not grant an
exception from the require-
ments restricting the use of
metal buildings in conjunction
with the service stations .nly.
the City Council of the City of
National City, California, this
24th day of June, 1969, by the
following vote, to -wit:
AYES: Councilmen Cainaeho,
Colburn, Hogue, Reid, Morgan
NAYES: Councilmen None
Mayor of the City of
National City, California
Ione Minogue, City Clerk
I hereby approve the fore-
going Ordinance this 24th day
of June, 1969.
Mayor of the City of
National City, California
I hereby certify chat the
above and foregoing is a full
and true copy of Ordinance No.
1224 of the Ordinances of the
City of National City, Ca ' ornia,
as adopted • . City Co..cil
of said ► ty, and 'p. oved .y
the May. of said •'; on
24th day o
City Cl rk of the
City of National
(Seal) City, •alifornia
NC4811 - 7-6-69
that the sa e as been duly
p• hed ac ordi o law.
C'ty Clerk, City of
N. tional City, Californ