HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC ORD 1950-784 Sewer connection, repeals Ords. 628, 705 and 724 (Repealed by 1395 and 1489)\a� 784 ORDINANCE NO. 784 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE CONSTRUCTION, USE AND CONNECTION TO PUBLIC SEW- ERS IN TIIE CITY OF NATION- AL CITY, CALIFORNIA, AND THE CONSTRUCTION, USE AND CON- NECTION OF HOUSE LATERALS THERETO, AND REPEALING ORDINANCES .NOS. 628, 686, :05, AND 724 OF THE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF NATIONAL CITY, CALIFORNIA. The City Council of the City of National City DOES ORDAIN, as follows: SECTION 1. Ordinances Nos. 628. (tW1, 705 and 721 of the ordinances of the City of National City. Califor- nia, are hereby repealed. SECTION 2. PRIVATE PROPERTY DEFINED: For the purposes of this ordinance, "Private property" shall mean any parcel of property lying within the corporate limits of Nation- al City, not belonging to the City of National City, and shown as a sep- arate lot or parcel on reaps filed in either the County Recorder's Office or the County Clerk's Office, or on resubrtivisions authorized by the City Council, as provided In ordinances of the City of National City regulating such re -subdivisions or lot splits as shown on the current tax roll for said City. SECTION 3. BUILDING CONNEC- TION DEFINED: For the purposes cf this ordinance, "building connec- tion" shall be defined as that part of any sewer extending from the sewer main or service lateral in a public street or right of way to private property for the use of such property. SECTION 4, PERSON DEFINED: For the purposes of this ordinance, "person" shall mean and include an individual, partnership, firs, associa- tion. or corporation. SECTION .'. SEWER SYSTEM SERVICE DEFINED: For purposes f this ordinance, "sewer system ser- vice", also referred to herein as "service" shall be defined to be the making available of the city sewer system to any parcel of property by the City of National City. SECTION 6. I'I'IILIC' SEWERS DEFINED: The words "public sew- ers" shall mean and include any and all publicly owned pipe lines, man- holes, lamp holes, inspection holes, cleanouts, accessories. equipment or appurtenances to any and all devices used for the disposal of the sewage of the Ct:y of National City within the boundary lines of streets, alleys or public easements. SECTION 7. PROPERTY ASSESS- ED - FEES: if private property which Is sought to be connected with a public sewer system has actually been assessed to pay for the cost and expenses of the construction of such public sewer system, or If said public .sewer system has been constructed for the use of said private property by private contract by an owner of said private property, or his assign- or, at no expense to the City of Na- tional City. either partially or 'Whol- ly, from its funds or from money de- rived from a bond issue authorized by an election, the Street Superin- tendent shall issue a permit upon the payment of connection and permit fees as set forth in this ordinance. SECTION S. It shall be unlawful for any person other than the City of National City, its officers. agents per- mittees and/or employees to connect any pipe. drain or sewer with, or to open or penetrate any public sewer in the City of National City or to in- jure, remove or open any portion of any manhole, flush tank, lamp hole, inslection pipe or any other part or appurtenance to any public sewer. All sewer laterals from mains to the property line shall be constructed and the connections made by the City of National City under the provisions of this Ordinance and under the su- pervision of the Superintendent of Streets of said City. The Street Su- perintendent may allow private prop- erty to be connected to any available public sewer system designated by him, In the event there is more than one public sewer system available to said private. property. SECTION 9. That in addition to Y, :)\, any fee for a permit or other charge • ;e, which the City may make for con- - .a., nesting with the public sewer, the -` owner of any property to be served or the person making the application Y for such connection, where the con- dult is no larger than four Inches (4") inside diameter, shall pay to the City of National City for the work of constructing and laying a building connection as defined in Section 3, the following: (a) $73.00 when the sewer main or service laterals are laid in streets. (b) $23.00 when the sewer main or service laterals are laid in alleys, and In the above eases, the regular per- mit charge of and In the sure of Two Dollars ($2,00). Where a con- duit larger than four inches (4") in- side diameter is used, an additional charge equal to the excess of the c.x:st of the four inch (4") conduit shall he rnade. For deep sewer lat- erals, an extra charge shall be made equal to the cost of the excavation and backfill in excess of eight feet (S') in rtep:h. In case a connection is made to a puhlic sewer where the sewer main or service lateral is al- ready installed to the property line, the property owner shall in -tall the pipe to the property line and uncover the existing sewer so that a connec- tion can be made at such property line, which connection shall be made by the City of National City, In such case a charge of Three 0.3.00) Dol- lars. in addition to the permit fee, shall be paid for making such connec- tion. Whenever an unusual condition exists, so it Is necessary to make a run of over forty-five feet (.15) In a street for a building co:mccaon, or more than fifteen feet (15') in art alley for a building connection to reach the sewer main or service lat- eral in such street or alley, an csti- rnate of the cost for any work in excess of the foregoing mentioned distances ar.4jor depths will be furn- ished by the City Engineer and the amount specified in such estimate shall be deposits d with the 'Measurer prior to the l.ssuance of the permit by the Superintendent of Streets. Whore property owners excavate out- side of the property tines and into the streets for basement purposes and desire connections with public sew- ers across such excavation, they shall install the necessary soil pipe at their own expense to the outside line of such excavation from which point to the public sewer, the City of NationA City will make the required installa- tion. SECTION 10. In addition to any fee for a permit or other charge a.which the City may make for con- Zl nesting with the public sewer systent the owner of any property to he serv- ed by the sower system or the person '.-:ntaking the application for such serv- \, ice. upon making application for sew - ,)'sr system senice, pay the minimum sum of One Ilundred and Seventy Dollars ($170.00) to the City of Na- ti tiona.l City. An additional surn of One Hundred and Seventy Dollars X' (x170.00) each shall be paid to the City of National Ci:y for each addi- tional service required for adequate sewage disposal for the property. In the ease of several connections to multiple dwellings cr multiple build- ings on the same or contiguous prop- erty the number of sewer services re- quired shall be determined by the City Ituild ing Inspector. The charge for sewer sys':''m serv- ice set forth In this sec:ion shall not be rnade if the private property which is sought to be connected with a public sewer system has actually been assessed to pay for the cost and expenses of the construction of such Public sewer system. or if said public sewer system has been constructed for the use of said private property by private contract by an owner of said private property. or his as- signor, at no expense to the City of National City. either partially or wholly, as set forth in Section 7 of this ordinance. Any money or payments collected by or deposited with the City prior to the effective date of this Ordi- nance for sewer system service are and each of there is hereby validated and accepted a-s a proper charge for such sewer system service. ". SECTION 11. There is hereby creat- ed a Sewers Appeal Roard consisting of the City Engineer, the Street Su- perintendent, and a representative of the City Council to be appointed by `o the Mayor. Any applicant for serv- ,,.. Ice (ram the sewer system who pre- sents ra special or peculiar case may be referred to the Sewers Appeal Board by the City Building Inspec- tor for decision on the amount of charge to be made in addition to the One Hundred Seventy Dollars (8170.00) • minimum charge, or any applicant who desires to present a plan of sewer service different from the num- ber of services required by the City Building Inspector, may Make a writ- ten request to the Sewers Appeal Hoard for a decision. Nothing in this section shall deny the right of appeal of the applicant to the City Council of the City of National City for the fixing of the charges, provided, how- ever, that such appeal to the said City Council Is made within 30 days from the date of the decision render- ed by the Sewers Appeal Board and the decision of the City Council on any such appeal shall he final. SECTION 12. It shall be unlawful for any person, first. partnership, as- sociation, or corporation, to Install, or vans.. to be installed. a septic: tank, a cesspool, or other device or devices for disposal of sewage in the City of National City where the building to be connected is within one hun- dred twenty-five feet of the available sewer system after the effective date of this ordinance. The sewer system shall he deemed available where a building coon ect on pi Pe may be laid with a fall of one quarter inch per font. SECTION 13. haven' building with plumbing installation shall be seP- ar:rely and Independently connected wish the puhlic sewers; except in cases where there may he a build- ing In the rear of the lot and both buildings are owned by the same per- son. In such ease the rear building nay be connected with the sewer of the building in front, provided the exis.ing sewer Is of sufficient capa- city and that an caserner:t across the property in which said server iS 10- cated has been executed and rceorded by the property owner. R-henever a sewer line is to be Installed at the cost of the Property owner: on or :ucrcrs any street, alley or any ground dedicated to the City for street or other purposes, or across private r:re;rerty. and where said sewer Is to be connected with the public sew- ers. or tray beantie a part of the public sewer system. the same shall be Installed under the supervision of ire Superintendent of Streets and the Ci.y shall have the right to make extensions and connections thereto at ray and all times. Before any build- ing connections are made to any such ewer, so installed by property owm- tas. :a permit therefor must be taken out and the regular fee paid therefor. sEC'rION 1f. Every soil pipe or private drain laid within the proper'tV lines which is to be connected with the public sewers, shall be of east hen pipe with leaded joints, vitri- fied pipe with teagle joints, spun al- uminum pipe, transite pipe, or such other pipe as may be approved by resolution of the City Council. The grade and alignment of any such Pine shall be governed by the Ordi- nances of said City relating to plumb- ing, and shall be subject to Inspec- tion and approval by the City Plumb- ing Inspector. No connection whatso- ever shall be made between sewers on private property and the publi' sewers until the City Plumbing In- sr'ector has approved the same :and Issued a. certificate of approval there- for. SECTION 15. PROPERTY OWNER TO 'MAINTAIN IiCIIdHNC CON- NECTION.. All building connections inside of property lines shall be main- tained by the property owner. SECTION 16. Ex'r RA INSl7?C- TION FEES. When any person shall have violated cr failed to comply with any of the requirements of this ordinance or when, through any such violation sir failure to comply by any person doing the work, it is necessary to make extra inspections of the work, there shall be charged said Person a fee of One Dollar (81.00) for each such extra inspection mule necessary on account of such viola- tion or failure to comply. S1 CTIUX 17. Except as provided in Section 19 of this ordinance, it shall be unlawful fur any person. firm or corporation to place, throw or de- posit or cause or permit to be placed, thrown or deposited in any public sewer, drain, catch basin, water clos- et, privy, vault or cesspool, any dead animal, offal or garbage, or to throw, deposit or discharge, or cause or per- mit to be placed, thrown, deposited or discharged in any public sewer, drain or catch basin, any fish, fruit or veg- etable waste or any other solid mat- ter or material of any kind wltat- 784 soever, of such a nature or In such quantities as will, or will be likely to clog, or obstruct any such pub- lic sewer, drain, or catch basin, or which will, or will be likely to in- terfere with or prevent the effective or efficient use of the operation of any of the sane. SECTION 1S. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to cause or permit to be deposited or discharged into any public sewer. drain or catch basin. [cater or sew- age, or liquid waste of any kind. containing chemicals, greases, oil, tar or any inflammable liquid or gas, or other matter ' z material which would be reason or precipitation of settle- ment of such matter or materials be likely to clog or obstruct any of the some, or which by reason thereof will be likely to Interfere with or prevent th effective or efficient use of any of same, or which will be likely to necessitate or require frequent re- pair, cleaning out or flushing of any such sewer, drain or catch basin, or would cause a dangerous explosive hazard. SI')CTION 1!). Garbage resulting from the preparation of any food or drink prepared on premises where same are served or proposed to be served for consumption, properly ground to such fineness and by such methods as may be from time to time. approv- ed by the Council by resolution may be discharged into a public. sewer by such methods as may be from time to time approved by the Council by resolution. SECTION 20. Ft -believer it is neces- sary for the City to relieve stop -ups in laterals, if the obstruction is in the street between the sewer main and the property- line, and is due to waste matter which should not have been placed in the sewer, the own- er of such property shall pay to the City of National City the cost of the removal of such obstruction. SECTION 21. No connection to the Public sewers shall be made, or any work done thereon, either in the public streets or alleys, or within property lines. until a permit for such construction and work has been issued therefor by the City. 1'onnits for sewer connection shall be issued only 10 persons who have plumbing already installed In their premises, or have token out permits therefor un- der the provisions of City Ordinances. Applications for permits required by the provisions of this ordinance. shall be made to the Superintendent of Streets. SECTION :2. Any money collected under the provisions of this ordinance .shall be credited as follows; (1) Per- mit inspection and connection fees to the General fund of the City of Na- tional City; (2) sewer system charges to the capital reserve fund of the City of National City. Upon the re- ceipt of an application fur a permit under the provisions of this ordi- nance, the Superintendent of Streets .shall, if the same is in accord with the provisions hereof, and if the fee has been paid to the 'treasurer, is- sue a permit to the owners of the property to be served, in triplicate, one copy to be delivered to the per- rmittec, (Inc copy to be kept in his office and one copy to be delivered to the City Engineer. SECTION 25. Upon the issuance of a permit under the provisions of this ordinance, the Superintendent of Streets shall proceed with the work called for by the permit, and upon completion shall file with the City Engineer, a copy of that permit with a natation thereon that the work has been completed and the connection made and the date of completion, to- gether with an itemized statement of the eost thereof, and accurate loca- tion of some. SECTION 24. 1t shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Streets to keep on file all records of sewer per- mits issued. It shall be the duty of the City Engineer to plat sewer lines constructed hereunder on the plats In his office. He shall, when necessary or requested by the Superintendent of Streets lay out on the ground and stake the sate, any work called for by any permit issued hereunder. SECTION 25. All public sewers con- structed and conduits leading thereto installed under the provisions of this ordinance shall be left uncovered un- til the Superintendent of Streets has given permission to cover the same. SECTION 20. No building shall be connected to the City sewer until all fixtures shall have been properly trapped and vented. All buildings within 125 feet of the available cltY sewer system shall be connected to the City sewer system within five years after the effective date of this ordinance. SECTION 27. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be (teemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than Three hundred 'Dollars ($300.00) or by imprisonment is the City or County Jail for a per- iod not exceeding three months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Any plumber who shall be convicted of a v io'.;r;inn of this ordinance shall for- feit any license that may have been granted hire as a plumber within said City and he shall not receive another license as a plumber except upon the vote of the City Council granting the same to him. S11' TION 2.S. All ordinances and parts of ordinances In conflict here- with are hereby repealed. SECTION 21). This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the thirty-first day from and after the date of its final passage. SECTION 30. The City Clerk shall certify" to the passage of this ordi- nance, said ordinance shell be pub- lished once in the National City News, a weekly newspaper of general cir- cul:rUon printed and published in the City of National City. California. 1-'A. SED ANI) ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of National ('!'y, California, this 1Gth day of May, 19a. by the following vote, to -twit: A Y`r:S: Councilmen Carrigan, Clarke, Curry. Hart. Matthews. NAYS: Councilmen None. ATISI'NT: None. CLINTON D. MATTHEWS, Mayor of the City of National City, California. ATTEST: Irene M. Alston City Clerk. I hereby approve the foregoing Or- dinance this lath day of May. 1050 CLINTON D. 5IA'!THl-: S, Slayer of the City of National City, Caiifornia. I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full and true copy of Ordinance No. 7S4 of the Ordinance:; of the City of National City, Califor- nia, as adoP' - by the City Council of said 5fayor of said of Shay, It�- IR d approved by the My. on, the tt ;NF;_ . AT3T0_ City Clerk of the City of National City, California. (SEA1.) News: It; 5-19; .Inn. 2255. AND I HEREBY CERTIFY that the same has been duly published ac- cording to -law, City Clerk, City of National City, California.