HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC ORD 1950-806 Annexation (Special)806
1A-1-11:TC1':AS. on lhr. first (lay of An^-
ui.t. I0'4', the (Thy Council of the City
.d Xa'_',.n.:tl City. California, ptc;uant
to Se: tine Xn. .•'::11 i •,I the (4) 11,-
rncnt (:' l< of the . .::[r of (':n:ifornla.
ail i-.;rid hen„edi': ,< for Trio annexa-
tion to, in,•orjo:':,Ilr'!t and inc.cxi• n (n
tip, City of Naliortl City of cart,in
::nine silt'ai tcrri'ory heroiunfter d„-
sr,ri'ocd, it the booty of S-n Diego,
cr n. ,: ni't. ,,nil a,.:-it:nat,•'l
r", pin'..,::,:v n., lh,• :,nnrx:,tit••:
tit•. uninhabited territory Act. :tf
(139, as arna;ded: :u:d
the terms
ant :ern i;icy. ‘if .._. army'.,i(on of
t"::ilia+,n!:rel 'I'crri :'v;1 .1• t , f
a r'r •a, rd. N:e ('•,linoii of the
\•, -:,.. City, at :t regula .... ,- nr it :
-e1.1 ,.c tbo ., . - `'ty of
1950. :,dopted a r, solution eiv'Stg n,--
ti:;_ f ti:e )ridch
rc=,ieih •t de<4'rihe.i the bnundv.rir s „
(1.1 territory =n to ., :t. h
hexed to the City National City. and
,i••;i ,,:n. rail ..(,.„t ',.rri:nry ::s
:u:d .:ail re;:ac(i:,n '-wide-0 feu'
L(-aril_ r, b,. h,:l,i on :1!c .'ifah d:•y of
Scnirn: h,q', 143n. :<t tLo I:ner c.' c t00
In :]c (':,,.m,il Ch-.mberr ❑t Or.
City rlall. Xa'. i•ca: ('It' Ctliforr.ia,
at a regu!-::' :•stir.): of Ill,' ('it
(•.loll^!I City. at \c 1, i:•h tir.te
ar)' nrrscn o•cnl.:;( r,•:t1 Pen ,r:'t tt iti:-
in sceb territory' !n'n•, .;rid C., 1,1' _.-
Hexed and having any ebJ<<tior:'.,
rn•:r,-I: before .:oil'.. City [',:call ail
.hells ra'.ts: \rhl' , a I-'•'n'i'r.: r shm:ld
not L•e anw-s,d:
\S, th•. ('i:' C', rh
('in' of N:tti ,n:'. C''''
of s,,id rcF>[u'tea to :te rui''('._, ,. onre
i.1 fif!h dap of S,j <'!,ber,
In Ile 7,1,0 'nn! (lily Y,'n'•:, )e•ek:y
newspaper of general :Ir:'r:Ia'. Ion, pttU-
Ii'ie'l In :-,b'. City. to -wit: 1 "r
l)teaty-`ifth ,lay pf .Au' -post. 1950, and
upon the first day Of Sententh, r,
\\'Hl':Ttl:.1S, ou tny'i'ti !•,y "f -
tr.tobrr. at ?:O(( 1'.?l., nt n :-ycul:n'
meeting cf the Ci'y Corn: it oil so. i.
City. it )Was .,:toll Ih:,t nn ,,email:
tyre,. fit^,I a(1:115C Luc:u I:r0('''<ec ::'.t-
NOR". TIIE(.i:FORH. •he Ci1y Cn,.tn-
ci: of the r'i'y of Nat(o,t^1 ('(:y. C' 1(-
fn:-bia, ,roes ordain as follows:
SECTION 1. 'ncc City (.'cottonl nr
the City of Nnlir.t!al City -•;.hy ap-
I:roecs the annexation ti the Cl::: r,f
National (1(9 of the fn t)tvi t . •) rriit-
ed L - . t r CS :'f
Stan It:f.•ru e of California. (e ift-
nrl,,l :is ' I t. ne- to -wit
Beginning ,tr the most south, r (or -
nor of 1.rq. I.r of a nortinn of 11x-
"cinn f.an.i,: of :u: 11(cg.,, it, -
cording to Atari thereof No. $41 on
fill: in the Ofl:'e of the I:er order
S': n Diego Co,Int' : s:1 i,' collie"
b, lnc on Cite northe'd_. hnuc,la.ry
line of the Ciiy of National C(ty:
Ci'.nce n.ort' , rl': alongthe ',.-ester'y
line of said Lot GD :n the scath•'rlY
boundary line of the City of San
Diego: thence east along poi:) south-
erly boundary line of the City of
San Diego to the east line of said
i lot G9: thecae south _:ong sal 1
east line of Lot (.) to the northeaiit
corner of Seheuermmn heights, tic-
cu:d(ng to ATop thereof. No. 2227nn
file in said I:eta:f•.ler's Office of
Mtn Diego County: tierce )vest
I mg the 00:1(1 line of said S, heru-
t'rl',;a t Ileights to the northwest
cornyr'hereof: then southerly :doer,
tit(' we.terly line of said suhdici=ion
and the southerly prolongation of
said n'es'criy line to the scut:aerl "
i etc rf sai,i Los I.): thence t,:estel9v
along sad soathaiy (Inc of I,at 09,
b"ing a.lon_ raid northerly line of
the (•'•v a' Notional City, to the
point 01' h, glln l4.
2 'tr.rhat the City Chink of
('it, 1: hcrehc :tuthorize:i and
,. ^(r•^d In file :( rm'tified copy of this
or•iillilloo (r. Cori office of ::a,- c,".•.e-
; n-y of the date of Califo:'n:'t.: 1ri' inr,
•:'ae ,!at of its uz ss-, gc: and (roan :url
:, it •:r tin• lint•. rf filing' of said dour-
- - in: the office of said Seeretary
Of r rC^rt„ lily V.:meYatlnn of such te.ri-
tofy ,o pr,'»osed to
d; a:'r feed hr:',.lu sly,11 be deein.:t to be
n :.I sh-1:1 ho completiiiii. an') th•.n:.e
(onto r.ah a::next,: trrrd(::-r s`ta:: be.
to a11 ;n'(.^.•. and l) 11;02,es. a par( , f
t'.x• City- et' Nodal^.] City, :aril such
annexed tr-rrtl•,l'y shall be taxed to pa;'
^nrl(mtate sl:::re of any Indebt-
edness or liability of thy: City of Na.!i•'cnl Cay 'on'.r i.•ted p'Ior to or ex-
I.;t!t:,; r.t Cue time of the annexation
SECTION :1, TI.at the City Clerk be,
.nil ssll City Cirri: Is hereby
Ct,r ou::a!rizcd and dlrecied to
file In the will:, of the Tie-•, •-1-
er or the rctinty of Sn❑ Diego
a:t :':fr iarit stiiting tha' nil re-
:air•<a.e nt; of tilt, laws pertaining to
floe •-hogs for the annexation of
the territory ht•reir-above in S.'c'!,.n 1
^rihed LaWe hoen ro:nplied With.
tc I'irl' sans '.ff!da)il shall b„ are:)cr.oan-
1r. i by a certified (:on.- of the
•it, srr:p(!•on as s„t (myth i:A s:ud :vre_
oeed1nC. "ad :tl.o by a n:',q del(•.:,"•.I-
`nr, boll•ulo ry, vs rrqu(rC'1 !1 For-
Ii'vts f1(19(1 and :7-I0c1 of the Ca. -em-
inent C'o,le of oho Stale of California..
:.!':("Pill\ .1. Ti:.. Oily (1,'r.k !: hero-
1',c ,Ilrect,.,i to cause. title. Ordhir,r.:r
to 1'' published clue Ir. the National
City N.•w s, a no)'sT7.nor pr(!:ted :oral
p:tbli::ftcl in slid Cily, at:d of general
cir',•al:•l inn therein.
SKCTTCIN 5. This ordinance s'rn"
t::ke effect and no in f,, ,:e r.n
day ,f tale the dale cf its ((tall passage.
('ASSF.i) AND ,\DOYTh:I) by tin)
City C:.unril of th.e City of N',!lat,nl
(it'. California. this 21:tt C:,r of No_
by the following cote. to -
Wit :
Cottnc(hn:n Clarke, Curry,
NAYS Counciluyn \ono.
Carrigan. >f.tttl:errs.
JOHN II. CI 1 1 y,..
National al C-1)) (.alyforratt.
ATTEST: Irene if V .inn,'✓
City CI rlt ;
1 hyreb} a Dirty, thr!'fo 'ef going Ord -
t:,nrc this 21dt day of Nove!nher, 1950.
JO11N II. Ct1(Itl',
Vice Mayor of the City of
National City, California.
T hereby certify that the above and
foregoing Is a full and true (-,sty of
Or•l ir-an cc No. SO4; of the Ordinances
of the City of NationalC+,l!for-
nia, as adopted by the Cirty. Council
nr sa i:i ('it', and ttppn>Ced by the
:Mayor of said City, on the 21(t
or November, 195(1. t/P,
City Clerk of the" 1ty of
National City, California,
AND t F•1}?R-i;(1sY CETITIT'Y that
the sane has beet duly published ac-
cording to law.
City Clerk, City of
National City. California.