HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC ORD 1947-734 Concrete sidewalks, repeals Ords. 341, 516 and 530 (13.04)734 ORDINANCE NO. 134 AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE SPECIFICATIONS FOB THE CONSTRUCTION OF PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE S I D E- WALKS AND CURBS IN THE CITY OF NATIONAL CITY, CALI- FORNIA, AND REPEALING OR- DINANCES NOS. 341, 516 AND 530. The City Council of the City of Na- tional City, California, does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. That Ordinance No. 341 of said City, adopted on Decem- ber 6th, 1910, be and the same is here- by repealed; that Ordinance No. 516 of said City, adopted on August 15th, 1922, be and the same is hereby repeal- ed; that Ordinance No. 530 of said City, adopted on June 12th, 1923, be and the same is hereby repealed. SECTION 2. That all sidewalks and curbs hereafter constructed within the City of National City, California, shall be constructed in accordance with the following specifications: SECTION 3. WORK: The work to be done shall include the furnishing of all labor, material and equipment necessary for or ap- purtenant to the construction and com- pletion of all sidewalk and curb, shown on, and in accordance with the plans, profiles and cross -sections, approved by the City Council of said City and on file in the office of the City En- gineer, and to conform to the lines, levels and official grade of the street upon which said work is to be con- structed. The work shall be done in a thorough workmanlike manner and to the satisfaction of the Superin- tendent of Streets. work until final completion and ac- ceptance. All damage done to exist- ing improvements by the Contractor shall be repaired by him. He shall Neat Cement — remove all surplus material and rub- , 24 hours in moist air 150-200 lbs. bash from the work after its comple- I 7 days (1 day in moist air, tion, and before he makes application I (i days in water) 450-500 lbs. for acceptance of the work. 28 days (1 day in moist air, SECTION 14. DEFECTIVE WORK: 27 days in water) 'k50-650 lbs. No work which is defective in its One Part Cement, Three construction or in any of the require- Parts Sand— ments of these specifications will be 7 days (1 day in moist air, considered as accepted in consequence 6 days in water) 150-200 lbs. of the failure of any employee of the 28 days (1 day in moist air, City, or inspector connected with the 27 days in water) lbs. SECTION 4. EXAMINATION OF work, to point out said defects or de- The sand in this test shall be Stand - GROUND: flciency during construction. The Con- and Ottawa Sand or clean sharp fresh If work is to be done under a pub- tractor shall correct any imperfect water sand and pass a 20-mesh screen lie contract bidders must examine and work whenever discovered, before the and be retained on a 30-mesh screen. judge for themselves as to the loos- final acceptance of the work. In case Cement shall be received on the job in sacks filled at the cement factory and each containing not less than 94 pounds net, of cement. Said sack of cement shall be deemed to have a vol- ume of one cubic foot. The City Engi- neer shall have authority to require any lot of cement to be held in stor- age until seven day tests can be com- pleted. (B) Sand: The sand used shall be clean, sharp, fresh water sand, free from loam, oil, mica, clay, vegetable matter or dirt. To be satisfactory the sand shall not contain more than 5%, by volume of silt. Any material which will pass a 100-mesh screen will be considered as silt. (C) Gravel or Crushed Rock: The gravel or crushed rock shall be clean, hard and shall be retained on a '- inch mesh screen and shall all pass through a 1-inch mesh screen. It shall be well graded from the fine to the coarse. SECTION 19. CONSTRUCTION: (A) Mixing Materials: Concrete ma- terials shall be mixed in approved mix- ing equipment of the stationary plant type, paver type or truck mixer type. U_,-k�l:)`l Neither speed nor volume capacity of the mixer shall exceed those recom- mended by the manufacturer. Mixing shall continue a minimum of one min- ute after all materials are in the mix- er. (B) Grading; Grading shall in- clude all cuts or fills necessary to bring the area occupied by the side- walk and curb to the proper sub - grade. The space over which fills are of all materials proposed to be used to be made shall be broken up in or - in the work. Any rejected material eter round openings; and der to allow new material to unite must be immediately removed from 20-mesh, 30-mesh, 100-mesh and 200- with the old. All filling shall be done the work by the Contractor and shall mesh screens shall have respectively, with good sound earth and no mate - not again be brought upon the work. 20, 30, 100, and 200 square meshes per rial of a lumpy, perishable, spongy or SECTION 8. LABOR: linear inch, that is respectively, 400, otherwise improper nature shall be Any superintendent, foreman, labor- 900, 10,000 and 40,000 square openings used. Fills shall be placed in layers er or other person employed on the per square inch. work by the Contractor, who fails or Whenever the word "Contractor" is refuses to perform the work in the used in these specifications it refers manner specified herein, shall be dis- to the party or parties of the second charged immediately and shall not part in the agreement for the con - again be employed on the work. struction of the work. Whenever the SECTION 9. REMOVING words "Superintendent of Streets" or tion of the proposed work, the nature of the material to be excavated, and the work to be done. SECTION 5. S'ETTING STAKES: The Contractor shall give twenty- four hours notice in writing when he will require the services of the City Engineer for laying out any portion of the work. The Contractor shall preserve all stakes set for lines, grades or measurement of the work or any street monuments encounter- ed, in their proper places until au- thorized to remove them by the City Engineer. Any expense incurred in replacing said stakes, which the Con- tractor may have failed to preserve, shall be borne by the Contractor. SECTION 0. INSPECTORS: The Contractor shall prosecute work only in the presenve Of an Inspector or authorized representative of the Superintendent of Streets, and any work done in the absence of said In- spector will be subject to rejection. The Contractor shall make written ap- plication for an Inspector at least twenty-four hours before his services are required on the work. The Con- tractor shall furnish the Engineer and Inspector reasonable facilities for ob- taining full information respecting the progress and manner of the work. SECTION 7. MATERIALS AND SAMPLES: All materials must be of specified quality and fully equal to samples and the Contractor shall furnish to the City Engineer for test, whenever re- quested and free of charge, samples City in relation to the obstruction of streets, keeping open passageways and protecting the same where they are exposed or dangerous to travel. He shall also comply with all appli- cable federal and State laws under which he is operating, including those concerning the inspection of equip- ment and insurance regulations. SECTION 11. BARRIERS, LIGHTS, ETC.: The Contractor shall take all neces- sary measures to protect the work and prevent accidents during construction. He shall provide and maintain all necessary barriers, guards, temporary bridges and lights. SECTION 12. PUBLIC UTILITIES: In case it should be necessary to move the property of any owner of a public utility or franchise, such own- er will, upon proper application by the Contractor, be notified by the Superintendent of Streets to move such property within two days, and the Contractor shall not interfere -with said property until after the expira- tion of the time specified. ing or disintegrating. SECTION 13. PROTECTION OF Tensile Strength—T'he minimum re - WORK AND CLEANING UP: quirements for tensile strength for The Contractor shall care for all briquettes one -inch square in section shall be within the following limits, and shall show no retrogression in strength within the periods specified. the Contractor shall neglect or refuse to remove any rejected work or mate- rial, after written notice from the Su- perintendent of Streets to do so, such rejected work or material shall be re- moved and replaced by the Superin- tendent of Streets at the expense of the Contractor. SECTION 15. LOSS OR DAMAGE: All loss or damage arising from any unforseen obstruction or difficulties either natural or artificial which may be encountered in the prosecution of the work, or from any action of the elements prior to the final accept- ance of the work, or from any act or omission not authorized by these specifications, on the part of the Con- tractor or any agent or person em- ployed by him, shall be sustained by the Contractor. SECTION 16. FINAL INSPEC- TION: The Contractor shall notify the Su- perintendent of Streets when he de- sires a final inspection of the work. The Superintendent of Streets will, as soon thereafter as possible, make the necessary examination. If the work is found to be in compliance with these specifications, and to his satis- faction, he will furnish the Contrac- tor with a certificate to that effect. SECTION 17. DEFINITIONS: The screens 1-inch and larger, here- in specified, shall be held to have round openings and all screens smaller than 1-inch shall be held to have square openings, as: 1-inch and 1-inch screens shall have, respectively, 1-inch and k-inch diam- Fineness —It shall leave by weight, a residue of not more than 8% on the 100-mesh screen and not more than 29% on the 200-mesh screen. Time of Setting —It shall develop ini- tial set in not less than thirty min- utes and hard set in not less than one hour, nor more than ten hours. Constancy of Volume Pats of neat cement about three inches diameter, one-half inch thick at the center, and tapering to a thin edge, shall be kept in moist air for a period of twenty- four hours and then subjected to the following tests: One pat shall be kept in air at normal temperature and ob- served for at least twenty-eight days; One pat shall be kept in water main- tained at near 70 degrees F. as practic- able, and observed at intervals for at least twenty-eight days; one pat shall be exposed in an atmosphere of steam, above boiling water, in a loosely closed vessel for five hours. These pats, to satisfactorily pass the requirements, shall remain firm and hard and show no signs of distortion, checking, crack- moved and the space refilled with good earth which shall be placed in layers and compacted as above specified for or character, either natural or artifi- City or their authorized agents or in- fills. The Contractor will not be re- cial, where required for the proper spectors. quired to excavate mud or soft mate - completion of the work. SECTION 18. MATERIALS: rial to a depth greater than two feet SECTION 10. OBSERVING CITY (A) Cement; The cement used shall below grade. ORDINANCES: be Portland Cement, shall conform to (C) Sidewalks: Dimensions —All The Contractor shall observe all the the following conditions and be sub- sidewalks shall be four inches thick ordinances of the City of National ject to the following tests: and five feet in width, excepting ad - not exceeding four inches in thickness, dampened, and then compacted with heavy iron tampers. The Contractor shall remove all roots encountered to a depth of six inches below sub -grade and to a similar distance on all sides. When mud or other soft or spongy ma - OBSTRUCTIONS: "City Engineer" are used in these terial is encountered it shall be re - The Contractor shall remove, at his specifications, they refer, respectively, own expense, all trees, stone, debris or to the Superintendent of Streets or the other obstructions of whatever kind City Engineer of the City of National 734 joining property used for business pur- poses, where at the option of the prop- erty owner the walk may extend In width from the property line to the curb. Whenever the owner of busi- ness property shall exercise the option herein provided for such option shall be exercised by communication signed by such property owner and filed with the City Council prior to the passage of the resolution of intention. All side- walks, except adjoining business prop- erty shall be placed two feet from the property line, unless otherwise ap- proved by the City Council. Concrete Proportions — Sidewalks shall be constructed of Portland Ce- ment Concrete in one course. The concrete shall be made of the fol- lowing proportions: One part of Portland Cement. Two and one-half parts of sand. Four parts of gravel or broken stone. All proportions of materials shall be made by actual measurements in boxes or wheelbarrows. Mixing and Placing Concrete —The Concrete shall be mixed as specified in Section 19A of this Ordinance and enough water shall be used to make a fairly sloppy mixture. It shall then be spread upon the prepared sub - grade, well spadednext to the side forms and then lightly tamped and struck off with a straight edge rest- ing on the tops of the side forms. The surface shall then be floated with a steel float to remove irregularities and secure an even and uniform surface. After sufficient time to allow the con- crete to reach the proper consistency the surface of the walk shall be jointed transversely approximately ev- ery three feet. After all water has left the surface of the concrete it shall be lightly brushed with a soft hair brush to secure as smooth and uni- form a surface as possible. Before placing any concrete sidewalk on an adobe sub -grade a cushion of one-half inch of sand shall be spread over same. All sub -grade shall be thorough- ly wet before placing concrete. Ex- pansion joints shall be placed in side- walks not to exceed twenty-one feet apart and shall be formed by insert- ing a 1/4-inch preformed asphalt im- pregnated joint material. Sidewalks shall be cured by ponding the surface with water or by covering with earth and keeping them wet for a period of ten days. Side Grade —There shall be a drop of 1/4-inch per foot in the grade of the sidewalk from the property line to the top of the curb. (D) Curb: Dimensions —All curb shall be six inches wide on top, eight inches wide on the bottom and six inches deep, having a batter of tvzo- inches on the street side, unless other- wise approved by the City Council. Concrete Proportions Curbs shall be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete and a cement plaster finish- ing coat. The concrete for the body of the curb shall be composed of ma- terials in the same proportions as specified for sidewalks. The cement plaster finishing coat shall be made of the following proportions: One part Portland Cement and two parts of sand. Mixing and placing Concrete —The concrete and plaster shall be mixed as specified in section 19-(A) of this ordinance. The concrete of the body of the curb may be mixed with less water than specified for sidewalk; but enough water shall be used to secure a workable mix such that free water will rise to the surface when the concrete is tamped into the forms. It shall then be placed into substan- tial forms and well tamped. After the concrete has set sufficiently to be uninjured, the forms shall be remov- ed and a plaster coat at least one - quarter of an inch thick shall be placed on the street face and the top of the curb and well troweled to se- cure a smooth and uniform finish. The curb shall then be jointed off into blocks approximately three feet long. The upper edge of the curb, next to the street, shall be tooled rounded to a one -inch radius. SECTION 20. RADII OF RETURNS & STREET NAMES: The radius of curb returns shall be eight feet at street intersections and three feet at alley intersections, unless otherwise shown on the plans for the work, as approved by the City Coun- cil. The Contractor shall stamp his name on all work done by him. The letters shall be not less than %-inch in height of proportional width and shall be sunk into the surface not less than one -quarter of an inch. The Con- tractor shall stamp the names of streets on the sidewalk in the returns at street intersections in letters not less than three inches in height of proportionate width and shall be sunk into the surface not less than one - quarter of an inch. SECTION 21. This ordinance is an ordinance concerning street work and improvement and shall be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication, according to law. SECTION 22. The City Clerk of the City of National City, Calif., is hereby instructed to publish this ordin- ance once in the National City News, a newspaper printed, published and of general circulation within said City. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of National City, California, this 20th day of May, 1947, by the following vote, to -wit: AYES: Councilmen Adams, Cord- ingly, Newberry, Thatcher, Fritz. NAYES: Councilmen none. ABSENT: none. GILBERT E. FRITZ, Mayor of the City of National City, California. ATTEST: Frank W. Rogers, City Clerk. I hereby approve the foregoing Or- dinance this 20th day of May, 1947. GILBERT E. FRITZ, Mayor of the City of National City, California. I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full and true copy of Ordinance No. 734 of the Ordinances of the City of National City, Califor- nia, as adopted by the City Council of said City, and ap,proved by the May of said City, of the 20th day 1947. FRAN the City of onal City, California. News: It ; 5-30; JNo. 1392. AND I HEREBY CERTIFY that the same has been •uly published acr. E ing to law. CITY CLERK, CITY NATIONAL CITY, ORNIA.