HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC ORD 1931-612 Public dance halls (Repealed by 1366)014,
ii •- '' G::✓l.-i_aJii DLI'ULiTIG .iELIC ii:.CJ,P1C-
v I✓I _t: T _._L_ LL G , !.:✓ :EC - __..G
1 iC.: 7_'Y T '._•2 - T. T. ' .il
.a�J LI �_l}...•. -� 1.J' is J,J-iLl✓ r`L�.i _J
tit L. V r f. _ft , A.' J TLLT_LALITTC ALL
The City Council of the City o_" :'ational Cit,r, California,
do ordain as follows:
S CTo.: 1. ri bublic dance within the meaning of this
ordinance is any dance conducted it any public :'mill or place as
a business for profit, whiCh is operated continuously or for a
>._ ,-- r the time,.4 -i a businessfor greater F•Y/ :;!�.� l.iG21 of or .. al._, <a :,,.1LLJ...n,.JJ profit
whether the ee thedoor ' f the s c'
e..,.... _. ?. t,_�t. :iC2ilav:ii021 be charged at by vale 01
tickets, or by any other method whatsoever.
6ECi I O 2. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any
person, persons, society of persons, or ind'_vidual.s, organizations,
fire: or corporation, owning, ''- ?>i.nd in ci_argo on unt'cr their
control, any hall, room Or ilaco, to _;orbit or allow to be held any
public danco in said roo i, hall or lice without first obtaining a
license from the City Council of the City of iTati_onal City there-
for. The license fee to be paid to the City. of Aatio_ al City
for such license is hereby fixed the sum of 300.00
year, ;ayatlo quarterly in advance.
i EC`_°_C _ 3. It s`a31 be the duty of the City Council
upon application for the license, as provided In erection 2,
hereof, to refer th:i same to the Chief of . olice who shall cause
the o2'eises Uo be inspected, and that.] i.nvostiL;ai;e the record
and moral carac er of the anplican:, and file :._s rece: i:endation
and report in writing with the City Council, and upon receipt of
report the \.. r s•. y > , nv
said. _ _. -_ �. Ja1i1. City. Council o '-c.l i approve C' C.C_.� said.
application. In case said application is a '.•ur'oved by the City
Council, the City Clor'_ shall thereupon, tv)on receipt of the license
fee as _ro idec in :Action 2 hereof, issue a license per' i_t i_ r. such
hall, roo41,or place to be used for public dances. Sala license
shall contain the name of the applicant and of tho owner O. person
avin` :.=a d premises under his charge or control, and: t`_'e location
of the premise:.-, and the date of ex _ r• t1or_ of the license, which
date shall be not more than one year from date of issuance thereof.
SECTIC::: 4. It is hereby declared to be unlawful, except
as in Section 2 hereof provided, for any person, persons, society
of poisons or individuals, organization or orgy nizat eof!s, firm or
corporation to give, hold, or conduct, any dance to which the
genera_ 0u✓lic is admitted in the City of a V icna, without
first obtaining a permit therefor from
xorthe Chief of =olice of said
Cite. Such permit _..a;, in the discretion of the Chief of Police
be granted for a single dance, series dances, or Co_' a specific
t• during e e held pp
period of L].: L�.. J_I.JJ �:.a11CI!. dances J may l: ,1(,�.CL by theapplicant.
Such permits nay be revos e.,. at any time by a written order of the
Chief of Police whenever, in his judgement, the said dance or
being nd; , o' improper manner, a or
dances are CU, l,�C C_ in an i_. ; I Gti.C:r a ier , in a. ?:t.'Lrk.Cr
tending to degrade or corrupt persons a ;te? ding such dance or
The said permits shall be granted under the following
terms .and conditions:
Every person, ty ri ^-•i 7
ve_ �v society, , organization, firm of
corporation desiring such permit shall first ma :.c a written
application to the Chief of Police upon blanks furnished by rilni,
and such arplicauion s :.all sate the place where said dance is to be
held, its purpose and the benefit for which it
is beln,E conducted,
if any, the hours during :h_ic_.. said dance ill be held, and the
rUr.ts of t,o _ 'sos who shall be in charge of said caicfl, and
shall be ros;consnle for the pr'orer conduct at said dance.
(b) Upon receipt of said
application the Chief of
Police shall carefully investigate the mlett.trs set out therein
and the ''lace where the dance is to be conducted and the hors ens
who are to Have charfie of oald aaece and e responsible for the
conduct thereat, and if ie his judgement said dance will be
conducted in a proper manner er and be in every wa • of good. character
and ;;ill b: in every respect for the best interest of the corm -un-
ity and those attending, ho shall grant t e said Permit; ; other-
wise lie s .all refuse said ap ;licat .on.
(c) Any ,or.. , ' persons, organization,
..':)L JCri 0.. rJ�/...1 society, �ci;�i
firm or coy' -o_rat i on may appeal i.e the City Council from any decision
of the Chief of Police in refusing an. application for po r ;it or
revoking a prmit already Kriited and the action of said City
Council shall bef _nal provided s� ch. arp:: shall bo made at
the next regular meeting of to City Council immediately follow ,.ng
the decision of the 0'.�_-ef of Police.
(d) Said permit when granted by t ; Chief of Police
shall contain the name of the applicant, the place where the said
dance is to be conducted, the
hours c'l ring which it is to be
conducted, and the period of ti.:_o durihg which said permit shall
be effective. Said permit si.l_l distinctly state whether it is
granted for a single dance, a series of dances, or for a specific
period o: time in ;r.ic_ dances may be held.
SEC72I0 . 5. Any peace o ficer of 'Cie City of iat_nal
City, oT of the State of California, n - f or any officer of the
United States ov`,rn ent charged with the duty of enforcing the
public laws of the Unitede1states government shall have free access
at ai G'_nes to any dance all licensed under the of
l..1 LL V.I
this ordinance.
SECTIC:!: C. It shall be unlawful for tho owner, proprietor,
manager, or person S77": in C;.]c'g., of any place licensed under the
provisions of this ordinance, or for any employee of said place
to _:arbor, admit, receive or permit to be or remain in or about
the place,:;. i1;�i i:10�=' underthe age
ghtcen years, unless
accompanied by a parent or ) .l guardian; any lewd or dissolute
)s n of 1 t er ex • any
'] r. boisterous
� >v person, o r person
eT uU either :i...., drunken. orOi.,i+eT lS :.C1 JO'_1
under the influence ence of intoxicating liquors; or any person whose
conduct while present in sa:ie. place tends to create a violation of
any of t.'_1^, provisions of this U-_n:'_nai?CEi„ or of a;_;v laws of the
City of t- at._Ola_City, or State of California, or which. to
ads :1:'1
any way to Corr-J the good morals of any person o.' :.rsons
attendin;:; said Glance halls, cm' in any way interferes :;_t: the
proper anagorleht and control of said dance Halls.
It shall also be uhla-a.f1._1 2cr any --inor under the age
of eighteen years, unless acco rier. a parent or legal
guardian; any l:,,d or dissolute person of either sex; an;; drunken or
boisterous person, or persons under the influence o' iotoxicating
liquors; or any person whose conduct while present in said place
tends create a violation of any of the prov c .o
ti of ;, ds
ordinance, or of an; of the ! i 's of the City, or of the Stato of
California, or Which tunas in any via: to corrupt the good morals
of any parson or er Sons attending said dance halls, or in any way
'er i _ roper ».a-..1.' �.i�1.e: ir_t:er_•. _ � ,.<�'.'. ;,__c ;.„ . ..v .. and control of said dance
halls, to be Of reilain in or a:.out any place ce licensed under the
provisions of this ordinance.
UCI'ICE. 7. Boisterous conduct a n` profanity shall b,"
-.r•n--.i 1 e. indance halls, .-,n•i- o �,a l i '- e.� i rig t orr`1..
_ .;lv i.l ....1,. in .._.. _:ui_�a.L.j:i leading t�i_t'1 U.
Lc) dance of an im eral. or vulgar character shall bo per:lifted in
any nce 'all, and no person shall �
to conduct
himself herself in a vulgar or inproper runner in man
undue familiar s, all. be por: _" tted.
.. iiOh i se shall -., ; �e
�� - iV.. 8. 1io ce_'_�., i,,. granted un�,e�? L.,
provisions of this ordnance unless the __all or place i . which
saia dance shall be held sb.a.:.1 conform to ,.-,IU. COI.,nly with the
l s City of _<ati oral City.
ordinances and re•u a' '_a:: of to City , TT
E C?I n ... J_
J�L��.-.. :r. All %��:�='l_]_Ca�f_O'.ls for IiCOhS:9S under the
Provisions of this ordinance shall be referred to the Ciiicf of
olive, who shall ."_'„ or., in .:'rit_nd to Ci;,• Counci-:. ...'_ether or
not said elaco conforms to the r.rovisons of tis ord.'.rance,
aria whether arcan e:"e .ts have aeon :1ic.do for properly lighting and
Vent.ilat.in , and shall report as to the character of the applicant.
In addition to the row,rt her: `n rocLi ned, it shall ho duty of said
Cii�-'i'of �� to make rE),�;,_zr w__ :�e� �: io-r�s of the place licensed
' �.,l�c�:,� 7_ cE,__s�.c
under file orov_i.sio:.s of i.};is ordinance.
SECTION e n :4:unlawful
5..�.�l.i�i 10. I� is hereby G(eClr r8 t0 se for any
person who has obtained a license to operate a public dance ':'--a? 1
under tho :7rov_sio:is of this ordinance, to place or maintain,
authorize or Perit to o placed or maintained upon any promises
- y ,ersthe conduct o_, _ `� ,--business,
USJC1 C;j suC' Person in S G any screen,
blind, s -aza er, curtain, partition, or
nted, ground o.o stained
glass, ""-'• ior rly bstr j .o s i • .e-� f.. i._:� t,,
L,LL -aa, ...._1::-O•' , a:._,. obstruction J:1 l: �_C_ ._,['a -1 interfere '�J _ .,�_(-'
the n t'
view from OLD?
side of said .ilkv.f._ses.
S lCr IL:::T 1 _ holder
1 ,;: 1' -,.,:.o sor, ,- a'• such
1._. :he 110 _O, C.- U:- sLiCit iCb :.�„ .> :�,. ,�_. .'Cc)v ✓
Lance hail in1 clean, healthful and sanitary condition at £
and have the stairways s .... _o othor ... s.. "i. .a ... "'.C_ all roons
and ulaces con.octi::.c with „u;_r_<rcc hall at all times open
well ?.iL_te
S EC:IC. 12. Every oersou, fir or corporation _on_ opara ;i:L •
a uublic dance hall under the provisions of this orcColanc o is
reuired to o: plG- and to have personally present of imrediatcl-y
available in such hell, room, build nf; or _'l aco whore such
i r : carried aa e e erof .w. ..e County i,��ySan D p
dancing is ,.a_ 1 Cz onU„iLC., officer 'Y V_:.:. 1J01,._ �, of .)i,.::. loco
or of the City o_ i'at i.o a__ City oovided however, that the person
:-cease under tho _ r ov'i_s io'os C- this orui:.anco shall
nl �- employ suc'_, person as oaco officer as s _ ` __ be first aeproved
the .,- f of of the City of City.shall
u� ,, .c •� =.e� rolice t: e ��.t.,, :(a,.on:l It _
. ,..
f the peace officer so aoocintec to see that all rules
ot" _ct watch over
heroin? !�:'riViC_'.;C. for Fi_F�' enforced. and to ,...,t a i
_ tt laces . ,otP, -. -t
.:_JCiiSUL.s .'_i. £ V l,"..i.:�=r'.CL ix:, s:'_�•:. ;i ..�. �.L�: L.... _ .� ..t�1'Gil$,
visitors or e -ao yes. Ho shall se .41.1 provisions of this
ordinance are carried out arcf shall arrest all viU _iz� ner: o:.'s 7 •t i
:.� i__jj
any of the provisions of tois ordnance Or violatinC any laws of
the State of California or of the ordinances of he City of
_.ationa l City in or a:on suc,. 1;_ s '.ses so licensed shereunder.
SECT _=.. 1U • It sal' be unlav f n l for any person or
persons licensed under the rov sions of this offlo_n-nee to employ
more lih-1.n:two eac:! ore or instructors witout firs t . _ovine
a:,:plicooion and e •_ed a r fro,_! the C LCou nil to o: ;log-
permit t. � not 1issued v.. ,.1. a>
Such �_ .:i'., shall o� .�� ce�.,: union « tio. : i:lo
sLiUL'iiitj to _..:.0 +lt_ �:Oi�::Ci_ Ooftthen8C@S:_'1'.:' for OZ' a:_,',.rcC;_' i11.1T1i1e;'•
,t - n er .l_• _ i this
i,: ,c^ 7 .^
Any sJerso:. _icsr.se... u.:, �_.,.� �._� provisions __o-_ �..:.i-.. ordinance _
to n:,,loy more than two teachers or instructors U.11l first u
application_ to the Glief of Police, who shall na
e such nveoV-
it;a;aio;: as _ :>r>iriris ._nd. file such apaisation
n , -oi' r; �� :i `a'_nll. and acc0'i.LLlio 'ual.i:rls • If
City Council i:o�;(, (,..•:c;l' .. - `-f,a r.., .,
the as t;; Council be not sa isl ied ith such fin ano recommend-
ations the;, shall rake such. ad(ai_ Tonal invosti,';ation as thei, deen
nn. t f e r' f t= ..e , 1 (ass ' f - s u '' 1 3: :i n r
eciU ag :: ��La,)•. I.^ a�=(+.L +SL 1.\]li (]l V._ lA1J C+ J4.��.V,)� -�i .: :i ['i. J\%i lY
v-J1 .i �_SS 4>L•' liC. J,'tOC: to e
,l O;l"
dditional 'cache. s O'.` _nstrucOrs
they shall lasao , or iJso to be issued, a jFr.l...
it for such an
additional ♦'nu . or as Lho ne'. n necessary.
�I I.• sc l ssL'_od may
be revoked by the City Council at an; i. e for cause. Such
ao � e c., `ory or i rystructors l l not b (le, c �1
sons .J ,.1 e�.. 'lo-;ed (>Val. MIDI Jam'.+- l.i J UT -.fill.._ ..O 'J !) _ _. �\/'�.l
to be dance _ __�'i;:`io: s l..'Lasi' this ordinance. It is her _ a.cc I.ai.'ei:
to bo ,_n ..;lul for any ;rso_.. ......c holds any license under the pro-
: _s _os of this ordinance to opo na e 1'nbJ.J.c dance ,..._eir
e is oprosa ,.ter'. J- - rs. otn. furnish
��.,?":L..:, rt,_ 1 • .>..Yi:J:1".:iTC)3 or ;.10;+-')..:>, „O __3C� , L..,J_i>�;", t,al 3.'1
or hoop in or abCo7.'... sue'. place any ' arson of eithor se'.': to act in.
the capacity cC dance partners.
ers. It s:hall be tn-r;^L:l _ ^r any
.person or persons .`.OlC1'Ln:-,
license Unc_ er his ord.ih. ncc ♦ V1
rep esarl .i.Li es or en 'lo a33 'L.O v. ti.i __(i\i_ Or ori__'lo',
on a n 1_-'i'.T, -cJ l -.c or oL_ to.' i.Jo any such `r:.on of either seal
to act dunce partners
?., c. ' :o _ >. such ; l; c0. It
as dunce �r� e.. � _ ).:: r.J>a o''
s h;l T .l.- l a'.: f for '^ ' or - ,_ hs _1 4;'3 ui1._a_,,..',].l 1'O:C `i(;� Oi�1,,UT1 'S:` ..
be in or about such
,)re_ sos for the n.nrose of ac :,ihi; as dance r ;r_ers with the
tro''.a of such place for .1.ir e, on a salary person to e or any
other methof -:-.ploy . .Jnt .
14. It shall be unlawful for any per; on to make
any risre s:,ontation or false s t;ater7:. ts as to tho a ,-e of bin-
herself_ > .^ any t', r person - ra the \ : ^
self or i.l_ _ se,li , or of o 0_1, 'o_ ( wu _:os of
o'. Uain'in, atlass i:...
ouch s@rsor_ _is to ,:hose a.:;e such statement
O 1'l°: �^-rrC: :>i)l!�. `-1 L. .LCI'i is L..: idV.
SECiiOT 5. All places licensed under the provisions of
thii ordinance si-...5.77 be rightly lighted during the hours such
Tel are oren and entertaining guests.
SLC21Cf 16. person shall be iormitted to sl;:ohe or
carry in his hand a i I,h,-- ciL,a, cigarette or pipe in anub:lie
dance hall, or in the ?Lally:ay::: leading to such dance hall,
at any time a dance is in .rogross or during the intorlAssion
provided, hoover, thz.., it shall .110 unlawful to
snobs in any sm.okine; CO).10CtOd with said dance
All dance halls shall be closed and the
places cleared of guests and. pain.onz.7,- and employees oh or before
tho hour of twelve ofcloc'a., midnight.‹H-
SCTIC: 18.
any of tha provisions
of this ordinance sha'll. bo u.1.1y of a niedemeanor and upon
conviction shall be punished by a fine of not
loss than a.-ent7-
five Dollars (25.00) and not more than hundred Dollars
(300.00) or by i:-prison::..ont in ;;he County Jail of the County of
San Diego not enceeding three months, or by both such fine and
imprisonment and the City- Council of said. City of 1:ational City,
is ' noreby
autLorized for any cause which it mar deem sufficient
to revoke at any tiLle any license is:sued under to Provisions
of this ordnance. conviction for a violation of any of the
torris or provisions of this ordinance shall worj:: an imr:ediate 262-
feiture of a permit Or license authorized by this ordinance, and
in case of such forfeiture no permit or license shall be granted
to the nerson violating the provisions of this ordinaries witin
one year from the date of said conviction. If at un-s)ti;fle, for
any cause, t',e license of a dance hall or place mentioned within
the provisions of this ordinance shall be forfeited or revoked,
at least one month snail have elapsed before cliother license or
pornit shall "--e given for dancing or conducting such Place of
arusement in or unci: said nromlses unless the City Council for
good cause shall decide Ali
S 0'_10:: 19. Every arson, fir i or corporation operating
a public dance hall under the provisions Of this orc i n ante s':all
er.•olo-." a reular strop provided however, that the
holdinVa license under provisions c- this orc:hna'nce :;_a_l1 only
such norson -�i ri . l rY1shall
' .a - the
;loy t o �.:, ia`c.1i.{•J.. as e_lal.� ..;�, first; a;.;;roveci by :..:e
_ ,
Chief :.`.'_ :'o1ce of the City of .,AtiC'lzal City. It shall the
duty of -1_ matron so appointed to see that
all rul:;., herein pro-
vided for are enforced and to i:-., a strict watch over all persons
attendance at such _'laces, viheLh r as patrons, visitors or
J!'_ shall zee tha . all provisions of this ordnance
are carried our: so far as sis aisle alp:', c -:a11 i:_3;_. euiatel't
re r t ny and all violations of this or'ainanco or of and laws
tit_ if ,_-. c I;, .t '•o
O}.� the .�' ��t Oi' C,�t-. -0I ilia O:' �"�' !.__f 'l,, w... :j„_71•,,,,, C,G,.u:j_t i;VCl on
or rolice.
ordinances ord �, UL'V_�.i vl. 4 • 1i_i�l, all _'l�.lnunC C�_� and. r �-"�-��u �i � `�SI('ie.S
in conflict herewith .Lre hereby repealed.
O ;, CT I , If section,
.,;,v.L.Lvl: 21. any „8C-1L`I:, St'ebss.:CziO sub -division,
sentence, clause or phrase of this or finance is for any reason
held to be unconstitutional or void, suc decision shall not
affect tiLevalidity O ::y �'li� portions of this ordinanc
The City Council hereby declares that it would .iav:passed this
ordinance and each section, subsection, sub -division, sentence,
clause and bhrase thereof irrespective of th'_e, fact that any one
or _;olio section, suh-section, sub -division, sentence, clause or
-1Dt rasa is declarei`i unconstitutional or .`o .d.
aLCTIO. 22. _ :J.v ordinance a_:c effect and .;G
in force on -ire thirty-first y frog; and after its passage' and
'.i.L... 23. The City Clerk of theCit:y of t,ational City,
is .her eu, direct�u . o 'auso thisordinancepublished once
-r c, to ui, �u� li.Jr_ec_
in the .rational City -i ows, a weekly newspaper _ uolis .ed and. of
€;enaral cir. c .,la•ion in said 0i�,, of i:< ' o rrtl City.
'ASS T.. h� t... t".. •r t
Yr.Jo:� �1i.li r'.a)C; 1."1'� i.,,J F:.e (,,1 �;. OU nCil Oj' IJ__O i,l�y
A_ :.! 1 Y l a this
of 1C� � _ _ .. 't+ City, , i;f; -;. `L: U1 ril , 20th C�::" ;1� October
the 'o1lo ing.vote, to -
AYES: Councilrae:: viral Cordi: l r, :`urralr ";:wide= "'_ ecua
• Oounc il: ,er_ lfone
;aroic. Y. iiequa
J.ayor of the Vii;-J of ..ati.al^C_.1. Citr
City Olerz:.
:..a r •aret.A..
I hereby at,;.ove tho for ': 3=_t: Ordinance this 20th day
of October, i ul.
Harold P . .:e ua
•a "U2' o: the City of : ai:ional
I hereby certify that the above and forego .Y.h; is a Sul_
true and correct copy of Ordinance WO. ' 12 of the Ordinances
o: tho City of _.al._. on'-J City, California, :as adopted 6.}r tLe City
Council of said City and al -,:proved by the L.ayor of said City on
the 20th day of October, 10:>1; and the title of s.:id Ordi .= r.co
r� T
.._.�'. �J 1 G+'_.G v�1 J • L"1 J. �: C7_ Jl 1 ..... V_� i..�l�l. 1JLL ... .t .. �'i �.. L: I_L/ r `i.�. V11 Ai.^L:JLli ,
2 Cfi 1�'..... ..'Vi'r..Jl _, i_.:.._...i�li,.�, A_.L .. :1.1=i_: 1"L.I bL 1'J IJa=:. vJ
_ :VIDI7C FOR -�- !\:: il. �'. id i - Tr.; �.'.r .\... __i _.
tJv .L11:.1: (�:, l:i_, s_u. ..� 1.... 1_, i. .___- � .. .. ..�_;...i_ 1.., ri ..J
-rTj. Tom_, �_ C _I 1_._.�_.\ � l .\ 12 (\"..^_ _ _I f (,T:.rr
_AJ:.... +. .L :.:J r i.�. ..:; . v __�1.Itr.. 11J _: •...:J. L.J LJ_ �. ... V_.. ".11.J .i ,
V:>,LI_ Lil, i:a, _.:..IL C. ... ..: 1. it
and said Orei.--.ance was : :_ished once in a relar issue of ':-e
i:atic iJ. City "ew: , as r faired law.
City Clerk of tile 'City of
..at io al City, C-v _il. yr 7 n