HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC ORD 1933-622 Zoning (Repealed by 750)ORDINANCE NO. 622 erty abutting on one side of a street and lying between the two nearest intersecting streets. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING "COMMISSION" shall metal the FOR THE CREATION IN NA- TIONAL CITY OF SEVEN (7) ZONES CONSISTING OF VARI- OUS ZONES OR DISTRICTS A N D PRESCRIBING T H E CLASSES OF BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES AND IMPROVE- MENTS IN SAID SEVERAL ZONES; AND THE USE TIIEREOF; THE HEIGHTS OF BUILDINGS, AND THE AREA OF LOTS CO V E R E I) BY BUILDINGS; ESTABLISHING SET -BACK IN FRONT AND City Planning Commission. "BT:ILDING" shall mean any article, substance or commodity structure for the shelter. housing whatsoever and including the oper- and/or enclosure of any person, ation of stables. animal or chattel; and when any "I,O'C" shall mean a parcel of portion thereof is completely sepa- land abutting on at least one street rated from every other portion or alley or where no alley exists, thereof by a masonry division or the rear line of the lot having a fire wall, without any window, door frontage on two parallel or ap- or other opening therein and which proximately parlaallel streets shall wall extends from the ground to be considered as equidistant from the upper surface of the roof at those streets except where the full every point, then each such portion length or depth of such lot is less shall be a separate building. than one hundred twenty five SIDE YARDS: DEFINING THE ••MAIN BUILDING" shall mean TERMS USED I1E1tEIN, PRE- nnv building and/or structure, ex - SCRIBING THF: PENALTY FOR cent an accessar, w bleb is spe- THE VIOLATION OF THE eifically alto wed by this ordinance 1'ROVISh)NS HEREOF AND REPEALING CERTAIN ORDI- NANCES OF SAID CITY. in the zone in which it is located. •'P.USINESS OR COMMERCE" shall swim the purchase, sale or other trio. near: ion involving the more than seventy - fiva (75) feet 'Whereas the City Council of the handling of any article or com- wide, at the intersection of two or City- of National City find and de- modity for profit or livelihood and more streets. intersecting at an terminr• that a zoning p:an will shall include office building. of- noel., not exceeding one hundred protect residence section::, encour- fices, recreational or amusement thir••--five (13a) degrees. age home ownership, prevent, undue enterp, Ines. "KEY LOT" shall mean the first concentration, reduce fire. health , "DWELLING" shall mean any lot to the rear of a corner lot, the and traffic haz-irds, conserve prop-! boil d'.ng. nr any portion thereof, front line of which is a continua- €i'lv values, ! nerease business and,wh.eh is not an apartment house or lion of the side line of the corner industrial efficiency, direct the la hotel as defined in this ordinance, lot and fronting on the street building of the city along orderly; a tot which contains one or more which intersects the street upon and ecenoolc lines and thereby iapartments or guest rooms which which the corner lot fronts. promote the public health, safety. !are designed, intended. built, "LOT LINE" shall mean the comfort, con veuienec, prosperity l rented. leased. let or hired out to established division lines between and general welfare, now therefore: be occupied or are occupied as llv- parcels of property, public or pri- vate. as shown by the instrument conveying title. "DEPTII OF LOT" shall mean the average distance from the street line of the lot to its rear line measured in the general direction of the side lines of the lot. "PUBLIC i RI' ET" slva ll mean the land dedicated to or condemned for use as public highway, or es- tablished as such by use and des- ignated on the official records of the rdty as streets. "STREET" shall mean also boulevard, avenue, place, drive, court lane, or other thoroughfare dedicated to public travel, but not. including an alley. "STREET LINE" shall mean the boundary line between street and the abutting property. The City Council of the city of ing quarters. National City do ordain as follows:; "F'A AWN' shall mean an indi- DEFINITIONS vidual or two or more persons re - SECTION 1. For the purpose of lated by blood or marriage living this ordinance. certain terms used l to telh. r and/or a group of indi- 1,'rrin are defined as follows: All's-ideals of nut more than five (5) w nrds used in the present tense persons not related by blond or Shall Intl ode the future: all words marriage, but living together as a in the plural number shall include ,s:ngle housekeeping unit. In each the singular number and oh wurda lea:e the farni:y shall he under - in the singular number shall in -;stood to iu'lode neec`r:try servants. elude the plural nunlbei•: the word "Fnox'r WALL" shall mean the "lot" includes the word "plot.' I wall of the building, structure or "ALLEY" shall mean any pub!!c.• improyem-nt nearest the street thoroughfare for the us.:. of pedes- upon which the building' faros but tria.nr, and/or vehicles, not less than :not inrlrldirg nn open veranda. ten feet (DO nor more than twenty I "GT'F,ST Rooms" .shall mean n (20) feet in width which has been (room which is intended or designed deeded or dedicated to the ei:y and !to be oecunied or is occupied by Qh"wn as such on the official City • om• or rro,rr guests but shall not maps. I he deemed to include dartnatories (125) feet in which case it shall be deemed one lot. "INSIDE LOT" shall be a lot with not more than one side abut- ting upon a dedicated public street. "CORNER LOT" 1,s a parcel of land under common ownership not and detained under legal restraint. "INDUSTRIAL R U I L D I N G S" shall mean a. building devoted to the storage repair, manufacture preparation or treatment of any "ACCESSORY"' shall mean any for sleeping purposes. "S1'OR V" shall mean that pnr- httilding and.'or structure or a par- "BUILDING HEIGHT" shall lion OC n. I'�uilding included between lion of arty main building the use'ulean the ver!tctl distance from the the surface of any floor and the and maintenance of which is inci-.level of the e-rb opposite the raid- surface of the next floor above it. dental to the ore and maintenance I di. of the front of the building or if there be no floor above it, of the main bui: di ng. and which is:to the ceiling of the up nermost then the space between the floor tired exclusively by the occupants ,story. Where no curb exists the and the ceiling next above it. of the main building and which is, measurement shall he taken from "IIALF STOILY" shall mean a located on the same lot or parcel lthe a yen:ac,` level of the highest story with at least two (2) of its of land. and lowest point of that portion opposite sides situated in a sloping "Ail' A OFLOT' shall mean the I of the lot covered by the building. roof. the floor area of such half tutu horizontal area included with- "ITOTEI:' shall mean any build- story shall not exceed two-thirds In lot lines rind .shall include one- leg or portion thereof containing (2-3) the floor area of the story half ( 1) of the width of any alley !six ,,r more guest rooms used or immediately below it and which abutting any such In: line. Untended or designed to be used, does not contain an Independent "A I'ART\IENT HOUSE" shall Ilet or hired out to be occupied or apartment. mean any building or portion there- which are oceupicd by six or more "USE" shall mean the purpose of more than ono story in height, guests. whether the enmpensation for which premises or a building which is designed, built, leased, let for hire he paid directly or indi- thereon Is designed, arranged or or hired nut to he occupied. or rectly in money, goods. wares, mer- intended or for which it Is or may which is occupied us the home or chandise, labor or otherwise, anldbe oernpied or maintained. residence of three or more families shall include hotels, lodging and "REAR YARD" shall mean an living* independently of each other rooming houses, dormatnries. Lurk- open unoccupied space on the same and doing their cooking in the said fish baths, bachelor hotels, studios, lot with u building between the building 'hotels, public and private clubs, rear line of the building and the "APARTMENT' •',till mean aland any of such building of any roar lot line of the lot unobstructed room or suite of r.onis which is 'nature whatsoever so occupied de- to the sky except as herein spe- e •eupied or designed to be Oeell- signed or intended to be occupied. cif:cnlly authorized. r.icd by one furnily for living and except Iatls, hospitals. asylums. "SIDE YARD" shall mean an s'eephn,i purposes in an apartment sanitariums, orphanages, prisons, open unoccupied space on the same house or dwelling. j<letenaon and similar buildings lot with a building situated between "BLOCK" shall mean that prop- Il where human beings are housed the building and the side lot line of the lot and extending through from the street to the rear yard, or where no rear yard is required to the rear line of the lot unobstructed to the sky "DISTRICT" shall mean an en- tire city block, any portion thereof two or more adjacent city blocks or any urea of land. "VISION CLEARANCE" shall mean an open unoccupied trian- gular space at the street corner of a corner lot. the spooe being de- fined by a set -back line extending across the r•orner between points established on the street line by \measurements from the corner. ESTABLISHMENT OF DISTRICTS SECTION 2. In order to desig- nate, regulate and rest ri et the loot- tion of con, mrrce, business, trades and industries and the locations of all buildings designed, arranged or intended for special uses and to regulate and limit the height and bulk Of buildings hereafter erectc.l or altered, to regulate and Ihnit the maximum building area of the any building., structure or improve- find he heard. lot and to regulate and determine P the area. of wards and other open the in any of said zones which (2) Hy mailing a postal card uo re<; rimed against said build- notice not later than ten (10) days spa oe•i surrounding such buildings 'lg. structure ur improvement, or prior to date of such hearing to the the City of National City is hereby . the use of such premises upon such owner or owners of all property divided Into zones or districts of I terms and con die ion:: as said Conn- „-ithin the posting area above des which there shall he seven (i ), ril rutty deg il1' l punier. pon the fined, using for this purpose the known as. r I Tingofsuch petition, the Commis- last known name and address of g RI Sine Family 1>°.striots I .on shall make its findings and de- such owners as s P.2 'two ,oily and Single itown upon the Itcrnlination thereon ,within ihh•t}' records of the City Clerk or the F'u rn i:c District ( N4 Multiple Family Dntrirt (30) day.: thereafter and mail a City Assessor. or if unknown, ad - post card notice of the fact of the dressed to National City, California, C2 Local or Ni••g hl,,,rhood Hits iness District C3 Coin ne rcial or T'uli nait ed }rosiness District M2 Ll,tht Manufacturing Dis- ordinance in any of said zones or thereof. district. 1n order to come with- (1) By posting public notice in the provisions of Section 4. three thereof not less than ten (10) days things must be shown relative to prior to date of hearing mentioned the parcel of property contained in therein, such notices shall be placed the application for an exception. not more than One hundred (100) viz: feet apart along both sides of each Ist. That there are special cir- and every street upon which prop- cumstance.s or conditions applicable erty proposed to he reclassified to the parcel of property referred abutts and providing that such to in the application; posting shell extend along said 2nd. That such exception is nec- street. or streets a distance of not essary for the preservutiun and en- less than three hundred (300) feet joyment of a substantial property from the exterior limits of such right of the Petitioner; properties as are proposed for re- 3rd. That the granting of such classification. Such notices shall exception will not be materially consist of the words "Notice of Pro - detrimental to 1)1,, public welfare posed Change of Zone" printed In or injurious to the property or im- plain type notless than one and provements in such zone or district I anc-half (1 ',fi) inches in height and in which the property is located. tin addition thereto•u statement. in f'Pet on the mk;ng of such find- smolt type setting forth a descrlp- ings, the Commission may recom- Lion of the property involved In the mend to the Clty Council that CON- proposed change in zone and the DITIONAL EXCEPTIONS be made time and place at which a pubile and said Council may by Ite:solo- hearing on the proposed change :ion permit the erection, alteration, will be heard: and at which time reconstruction, or enlargement of any ner50I1 interested may appear rendition of such report to said provided. however. that failure to pe:itioner. If the petition is ap- reeeive the post card notice shall n-o, cd, then the (7Orlmission shall notdeprive the Commission of jur- forwo,'d its tindtngs and recom- lsdlction to pass npnn such peti- mendations to the City Council. If tion. In the case of the granting t•lct • the petition Is disapproved, peti- of a petition, a report of the find- ,r:: Heavy 31anufachrring ])ix tiuner may, within twenty (20) ings and recommendations of the I riet days from Ore date of action by Commission shall be made within which said several zones a nd the , said ('ommission, appeal to the City thirty on) days from the filing of b'' erected, constructed or estab- lished which is designed, arrang- ddrl or intended for urenl,ney or use and no premises shall be used in any may in said zones or districts restricted by this ordinance against such erection. construction, estab- lishment or use. ADJI-ST ')•,N'I'S AND VARIATION RI?C'i' i'" .1. THE CITY PLAN- NING COMMISSION may, upon the verified petition of any property owner filed with •"`d COMMIS- SION. stating fully tin• G}tOTTNDS of the apnl:r•alion and all FACTS retied tom -hp petitioner. re•curn- n•cd I, the City ('o,nc11 CONDI- TIONAL EXCEPTIONS to any of said restrictions established by this districts of each thereof so far as r`ounet! by written notice of a ppeal said • petition and thereupon shall tiled ,with the City Clerk. Such ap- he transmitted to the City Council n^a1 shall ;et forth specifically the and a post curd notice mailed of grounds therefor and s,id anpcal the filet of the rendition of such may be referred to the City Plan- report to said petitioner and • (' said ( 'omrni.=sion for reconsidera- findings and recommendations be lion as in the first instance, or if against the petitioner, or if no the City Council deem it necessary action he taken hy the Commission or expedient to do so they may set within such thirty (30) days, he she matter for hearing upon such may within twenty (20) days from ',lice to tute'cx'erl parties as they the date of action by the Commis - may deem pion:-r and the decision sion. or• within twenty (20) days of the Council upon s',Id appeal after the expiration of such thirty shall be rendered within ninety (30) days. 1f no report is made by (90) ,hays from the date of such said Commission, appeal to the City -rpneal and if riot so rendered. sucn Council hy written notice of appeal ' .lpeal shall be deemed d.nted, h,tt 111ed with the City Clerk. Such ap- „ le time during which such Erin!!,••• neat shall set forth specifically the 's ner,ri ing before. the Commis -ion grounds therefor and said appeal � u such reference shall not b- 000• may he. referred to the Clty Plan - as p:ul ,.f sue!: ciao: (901 nhlg Commission for recurnmenda- d.,y pr rilil, tion as In the first. instance, or 1f ZONE; CHANGES the City Council deeps it necessary SECTION 5, Boundaries of zones or expedient so to do, it may set. altered or enlarged a1,1 nil building. or the districts thereof. or the the matter for hearing upon such or struCtre or improvement shall e!r,s (tie;rlion or property tberein notice to interested parties as they may he amended, reclassified and may deem proper and the decision altered whenever the public neces- of the City Council upon said ap- sity and convenience and the gen- peal shall be fined and conclusive eral welfare require. as to all matters and things In- (0) Ilpnn the verified petition of valved in said petition. fifteen (15) per cent of the owners! The decision of the City Council of property proposed to be :o shall be rendered within ninety changed or reclassified or (90) days after the receipt of a (h) By resolution of Intention report and recommendation from of the City Planning Commission the Commission or of an appeal or the City Council, 'from the action of said Commission Upon the tiling of such verified as hereinbefore set forth. petition or the passage or such FOICM OF PETITIO\ resolution of intention, 111e foal- 1 SECTION 6. The Commission miss+on shall set the matter for l ma3', in its rules and regulations, hearing before a member or mem- prescribe the form and scope of the 1-et's of said Commission nnrl shall formal Petition and accompanying fibre notice of the time and place .Ofdata eo as to assure the fullest such hearing and the purpose, said disc riets have been defined. are hereby esta hushed• and the hrnend- :•ries of sold districts and each of them arc shown upon the DIS- TRICT /ONE MAP of National City attach eel hereto. made a part hereof and referred to for a par- ticular description of said districts, noel each of them. NONCONFORMING USES SECTION 3. Except as h- rein - after provided, the lawful use or uses of all buildings. inlpro•:emer'1s and tlrP 1r11JP. exiS•ing in any of said zones or districts ther•'- o", respectively, at the time of the adoption of this ordi- nance may continue except that .rah Imes ,which 1,O 7' he existing in the city In violation of any existing o`dhr nccs. Except as he"e'.natter p rarided. nil building. structure or improvement now existing shall be 622 practicable presentation of facts scent of the required rear yard area. across the entire width of the lot. for the permanent record provided (h) OTHER USES •Nothing in Accessory buildings not over one that any petition for ❑n exception this section shall 'he construed as (1) story in height may occupy as provided in Section 4 or a prohibiting farming and truck gar- forty (40(7,.) per cent of the re - Change of Zone as provided in See- denier, parks, playgrounds, recur- ,iuir, d rear yard arca. Lion n shall Include a verification atinnal and community buildings ZONE "lt4"—REGtATIONS AND of at least one of the owners of the owned by the City. PROTECTIONS property petitioned for, attesting ZONE "I72" REGULATIONS AND SECTION 9. USES —No building, to the truth and correctness of all PRIyJE(TIONS structure and/or improvement or Parrs and maps presented with said SECTION 8. No building, slrue- Portion thereof, shall he erected, Petition, Such verification shall be tore and/or Improvement or poi- const•uc•t'd. converted, established, dated and attested to before a tion thereof shall be erected, con- altered and/or enlarged in Zone notary public structed, converted. established, al- "R-I" and no lot or premises in ZONE: RI. REGULATIONS ANTI tered or enlarged on any lot In 'Lone "I:4" shall be used for any PROTECTIONS Znne '•122", and no such lot or Purpose except as hereinafter spe- SF:CTION 7. Nn building, strue_ pr. mists shall be used for any pur- cifically provided and allowed in tore and/or improvement shall be hoses except as hereinafter spe- this section. •. meters, constructed. concerted. al- ,.ifically provided and allowed in (a) Any lot or prentifies 1n (erect and/or enlarged in one , 'R1" ,his section. :one '•le4" inay be used for any and no lot or premises shall he (a) Any lot or premises in Zone purpose allowed in Zone "721" and used except as hereinafter provided •,F.2" may be us d for any purpose •'::,ar "Rz." and allowed this section. .)flowed in %one "III." (b) 'There may be on any such (a) AI:EA—There may be not to exceed ONE SINGLE FAMILY (b) 'There may be one or more lot or premises one or more Ito- DR'EL.LING on any lot having andwellings, flats, double dwellings, less. apartment huilding, private duplexes,a area less than ten thousand (ln,_ duplexes, bungalow C'.ur•t8, Crater- eluh:', church .', hospitals and clin- u00) square feet. provided such lot nity or sorority hole: s. churches, ic:.. public institutions of a philan- is forty (40) Legit or more in width public and private educational in- ',tropic or eleemosynary nature. -. and has an newt of 5000 souure titutio ne, on any such tit, pro- provided that all such buildings feet or wit'? uflirtally recorded to the vtd' d that all such buildings and; anri/or structures, and every ucces- otlirr, of the County Recorder of .�� sir;"•t❑rrs, and every accessory sory over one (1) story in height Nan Diego County Prier to January 't'11,1 eL over one story in height, do not cover more titan seventy Lies[, 1932. d" not cover more than forty (70Y1 ) Per cont. of the total area (b) 'There may be one or more (40'i- I per c nt of the total area of an inside lot and do not exceed such single family de•rlliu;,s mt o on inside lot, and do not cover eighty (80%) per cent of the any lot having an area of ten thou- !nor:• than fifty (50'; 1 per rent of total area of a corner lot. sand (10,('00) square feet or more the total area of :' corner lot. (c) There may be the usual ac- provided that Ruch dwellings, rota (c) There may be an office for cessurt.a in connection with such a rr"ssories over one (11 story in phy: ;rice. dentist, h:'aler or other i.uildiugs, sirueturos and including height, do not cover more than person authorized by law to prat- ,rage entice not to exceed that thirty (30) per rent ni the total tire medicine acd/or healing, pro- nenos,,ary for three (3) automobiles urea of such lot and that there I: `'`rigid that any a.u':li office is in a in addition to one (1) automobile not less than five thousand (seen) room or rooms Unnneceted to the for each family unit contained on square feet of lot area for each of clove'ling which is the home of such such lot. such dwellings. Person. (d) HEIGHT..- -No such bulld- (e) A(tCESSORIES—There any (d) 'I'hrm ma3' be the usual ac_ in e;, xt curt err, ad/or improvement -��- he the usual acc,'ssories in runner. ''"s�nries in connection with any in %unr "R9" shallnhe more than [ion with such dwelling including, such buildings and/or structures, six (5) stories nor more than sew- garago swrcr not to exceed that including ,ara^_e space r,ot to ex- ('uty-fie•' (75) (clet in height meas- neces•rny for three (3) automobiles r,ed that necessary for three (3) ured in a manner defined in this for each said dwelling,-.,utomnbtles in addition to one (1) ordinance. (d1 IIEIGIIT LTNI IT • No snob ant: mobile for each family unit (el FRONT YARD- -Nu such bui'.ding structure and/or Improve- contained on such lot. building, St ruotiu•e and/or improve- ment shall he more than two and (e) lil•IIGHT—•No such build- ewer in Zone "R4" shall have its one-half (21/21 stories nor more in.', structure and/or Improvement front wall nearer the street line at than thirty-five (35) fret in height, in. Zone "r12" shall be more than any point than fifteen (15) feet, measured In the manner defined in two and one-half (2-1/2) stories except where the lots In any block Otis ordinance. (Section 1). nor mar: than thirty-five (35) feet have an average or normal depth (e) FRONT YARD No snr•h in height measured in a manner o: less Ilan one hundred fifteen hulldln'r. structure and /or improve_ defined in this urdina ace provided (115) feet in whir' rase the front merit shell !tour Its front w•„:1 [hot nit such half story shall con- wall shall not he n arer the street nearer the street line than t etily an independent apartment. line at any point than ten (10) feet, (201 feet except where the lots in . (f) FRONT YARD- No surd' except as hereinafter provided. any Mock have no average or nor- building. ecrtletu re and/"r ins- (f) SIDE YARD —There shall met depth of less than one hundred provein nt In Zone "R'm shall have be a side yard on both sides of fifteen (115) feet, In which case the it; front wall nrurcr the street line cvory such building, st ructune and/ f-ont well shall no: lie nearer the .,an fifteen (1n) feet, except where or improvement which side yard street 1'ne itt any point than fif- the let•: in any block have an aver- "hall not be less than four (4) feet :e+•n (15) feet. except as herein- age or normal depth of less than in width for a building two stor- fie'• provided, one hundred fifteen (115) feet in iea or less in height and for each (f) SIDE YARD-- Therm shall ',which rase the front wall shall not :additional story height the width be a side ynrd on bo:h sl'les of h be nearer the street lino. at a.ny. o: such side yards, and/or courts every •na•building, structure or polo[ than fen (Ltd fret except as shall be increased in the case of imprm'r meet. which side yard shall her inaftor provided, hnteli. n nil apart n,ent buildings as 1,e not less than fear (4) feet in (g) SIDE YARD —There shall provided in Section 21 to Section w'dth and the suet of the widths of he a side yard on both sides of 24, inclusive, of the State housing the two side yards shall be not less everysuch bulldin,, structure and/ Act as amended. ride, twenty -flue (25) p,•r event of or improvement, which side yard (g) 'REAR YARD —There shall the width of tiny lot under fifty shall loot be less than four (4) feet be a rear yard of at least fifteen (50) feet in width nor less than fourteen (14) feet for any other in width and the sum of the widths (15) feet in depth extending across let. The width of the side yard of the two side yards shall not be the retire width of the lot, and for ad'acent to the street. on a COR- less then twenty (20%) per cent each additional story in height NER tut '},ell equal not. less than of tli width of any lot under fifty ahoy.) two stories the rear yard wenty (20'-) per cent of the(a0) feet in width. nor less than shall be Increased one foot In ten { 10) feet any other lot. The [depth, Accessory buildings not over width 0` the lot tip to a maximum ecru star in height ma of ten (10) feet. width of side yard adjacent to the. y y occupy not (g) I1EA l: YARD —There shall 'street on at corner lot shall „analt0 "xreed forty (40°u) per cent of too provided a rear y:'-d nt at (east' not less than twenty (20'<) per the required rear yard area. --lire (2n) feet ' • scent of the width of the dot up to ZONE. "C2"—.REGULATIONS— • 'tending across the e•ntir,' width: a inaxlmum of ten (10) feet, (LOCAL BUSINESS) of the lot. Accessory buildings not (h) REAR YARD —There shall SECTION 10—USES—No build - over one story in height may ov- ! he a rear yard of at least twenty- Ing, structure and/or improvement ropy not to exceed forty (40^ ) per' five (25) Pert in depth extending 0' portion thereof shall be erect- 4)(' J A v Cx, :•d, constructed, converted, altered and/or enlarged on any lot in Zone "C2". and no such lot or premises shall be used for any purpose ex- cept as hereinafter specifically pro- vided and ullo wv'd in this section. (a) Any lot ur premises in Zone '.C2" may he used for any purpose allowed in Zone "It1," Zone "R2" or Zone "R4." (b) Any such lot, building and/ or structure in Zone "t'2" may be used and occupied for the following purposes: stores or shops for the conduct of a retail business; offi- ces, automobile camps, banks, beauty parlors, conservatories, stu- dio', photographic galleries, hos- pitals, Sanitariums, dressmaking, millinery. shoe or tailor shops, un- dr-rialdng parlors, auto ,yi rvice sta- -ions and storage garages, fire an,' police stations, libraries, museums, telephone exchange without service yard or outside storage of sup- plies, electrical distributing station for the purpose of distributing elec- trical energy to the inhabitants of tho district and other similar pur- pose:: which in the opinion of the lution of r, curd is not more ob- Commission es evidenced by resoh,- roxi„tit ar detrimental to the wet- manufacture, except mixing; brick lint; of r.rurd, arc not more ob- :.ire of the particular community or terra costa tilt manufacture noxious or detrimental to the wen- .han businesses or enterprises concrete pipe or building bloc rare of the particular community onumera!ed in this section, pro vide manufactti rut lime. cement, or piss than the businesses or enterprises ell that all saHl L iIrlin,,s and;"or ter of parts manufacture. concrcti , nutnerat,d in this section, provide 7:11r. urea do not cover nor, than mixing plants; plants for crush ed that all such hnidings audio!' 1.nett' (9u) Per cent of the iota! in, stora_e or distribution of roek st sueture:: do not rover more than area of an inside nut, sand or gravel, stone mill or quarry eighty (SO ) per cent of the (c) There may be ,he usual gun powder, fire works or explosive total area of an inside lot, and do accessories iu connection with such' manufacture or storage, illuminat- nut cover more than ninety (90%) buildings, sl rnct - s and/or uses. ling or heating gas manufacture; pep cent Of the total area of a cor- (d) HEIGHT Id3IIT—No such boils- worts railroad yard or round ner lot. huodin structure and/or ini- house: or for in brneral those utses (e) There may br the usual ace pruveanent in Zane "C3" shall he which have been declared a nui- c:•e:x,ries in connection with such buildings. structures an(i,or Im- prov:ment and/or uses. (d) HEIGHT --No such build- ing, 91 rue: ur and/or improvement ing, structure and,/or improvement orportion thereof, shall be erected, constructed, converted, altered and/or .enlarged on any lot in Zone "C3" and no such lot or premises shall be used for any purpose. ex- cept as hereinafter specifically providedand allowed In this sec- tion. (a) Any lot or premises on Zone "C3" may he used for any purpose allowed in 'Lone "R1", Zone "R2", Zone "1(4" and Zone "C2'• (b) Any lot, premises, building and/or structure in Zone "C3" may he used and occupied for the fol- lowing purposes: stores or shops ,for the conduct of wholesale busi- ness, auitumubile repair shops, auto laundries, commercial garages. dancing academies, places of amusements, carpenter shops. paint, hacco manufacture, fertilizer munu paper hanging and decorating ::adore, glue manufacture.; dis shops. printing establishments, tiIia iort of coal, wood, or hones plumbic, ~hops. tinsmith shops, u pllulstering shops, household :toed sturagr, and other similar purposes which In the (pinion nt the Commission ev`deneed by resso- the total area of an inside lot. Automobile wrecking and used parts storage, except in a build- ing enclosed on all sides, scrap iron, junk or rag storage or baling, iron foundry, iron smelting; steel mill, rolling mill; ammonia, chlo- rine or bleaching powder manufac- ture, sulphurous, sulphuric, nitric. or hyd roehlo riu arid manufacture; hug ranch; stock yard; fat render- ing plant, incineration or reduction o. garbage offal. dead animals or retusc; soap manufacture except where the cold process is used; curing, tanning, or stompsof raw hides or skins; tallow, grease or lard manufacture or refining, slaughter of animals or fowls; pickle, sauerkraut, sausage or vinegar manufacture; chewing to- r'tnntury asphalt manufacture or refining, petroleum pumping, re- fining ur storage; creasote treat- ment or manufacture: tar roofing or tar water proofing manufacture; lamp b:ttcit manufacture; paint k • more than four (4) stories nor sane^ In any court of record or more than fiff y '-lice (5:;) feet In • which may bu obnoxious or often- heeight, uteasin'ed in a manner de - I Siva by reason of the emission of fined in :his. ordinance. I uclor, su,ok,', gas or noise. (r) YARDS —Every such build- i (b) LLEIGH'I' LIMIT —No such in %one "C2" shall be more than ing or plr, Ito thereof in Zone building, structure and/or im- fou.• (4) stories nor mare than "C3" which is: designed, intended fifty feet (501 in hipht measurd and/or uy.d for any purpose Per- in a manner defined In this ordi- milted in the "I(4" Zone shall mince. comply with the provisions of said (e) Ev, ry such building or par- "It.," Zone regarding rear yards, lion thereof in Zone "("C' which is side yards and percentage of lut desig net. intended and/or used for any purpose permitted in the "R4" Zone shall comply with the provis- ions of :told "R4" Zen,-, regarding front ye ri;, r,r: r yards, Sill, yards and prreenlage of lot (renn:ed. r. pruv ided that when the ground Poor of any such building is used for any commercial purpose per- mitted in Zone "C2" no aid.-. Yard is and for a rear yard along the side r (Mired :: d,i:-cent. to the surer.) and/or the rear of every such (f) snit; Y•11:1)--•'I'her'e shall building, structure and/or irnprove- hr• a ride yard anti or rear yawl m.nt which is bordering on "1:1," along the end or ill:, rear of every ' R3" or "t(4" Zones, which yard such building, structure and/or im- shall nutbe less than a side yard as prevenient which Is bordering on requited in the "124" 'Lone, "It.1", "R2", or "114" Zones, which ZONE "M3"—REGCLATIONS ,.tdr yard shall not be less than it ANI) PROTECTIONS ii.de yarn a 1 required in "H4" Zone. SECTION 12--USES--Nu build - (b) FRONT YARD —No such ing, structure and/or improvement building, structure and/or im- or portion thereof, ::hall be erected. prove ment in a Zone "C2" district eonstmoted, converted, altered and which Ir. entirely surrounded by /or enlaraad on any lot in Lone "It" rrvidenee districts shall have "1%12" and no such lot. or premises its front wall nearer the streetline shall be used for any purposes ex - than ten (.10) feet, provided that cept as hereinafter specifically 7.t)NI: "]t3"—HECCLATIO''S the set -back line of adjacent "R" provided and allowed in this sec- SECTION 13 --Any building, resident e district is at least ten tine structure and/or improvement or (1e) fc Qt: and in no case shall the (a) Any building, structure and- portion thereof may he erected, front rr;:ll in "C2" Zone districts ."or lot In Zone "M2" may b.: used constructed. converted, altered and Lr required to set. bark farther for any purpose not specifically iur enlarged for any use or pur- thnn is required of adjacent "It' mentioned in the following pares- pose, aol any lot or pretniscs in • esidence districts. graph, if not prohibited by law, or Zone "M3" may he used for any ZONE "C3" REGULATIONS AND ordinance in effect at the tittle of purpose if not prohibited by Law PROTECTIONS such use, provided that all such or ordinance, provided that all SECTION 11--USES—No build- buildings do not cover more met' buildings, structures and/or than ninety (90) per cent of provemcnt shall he more than four (4) is. orics nor enure thctr, fifty -live (53) feet in height measured in a manner defined in this ordinance. (c) YARDS —Every such build- ing or portion thereof in Zone "ht2" occupied, provided that wh,n the r which i:; designed, intended and/or ground floor of any such building used for any purpose permitted in Is used for tiny commercial purr- _h,: "RI" Zone shall comply with pate perntitt,,d to Zone "C3" no tli' provisions of said "R•4" Zone side yard is required adjacent ,''gardin;; rear yards, side yur.,s to a street line but a vision clear- and percentage of lot occupied ance of not -rss than ten (10) feet provided that when the ground will be required in Bach eases, .loot of any such building is used (f) There shall be a ride yard :or any commercial or industrial use permitted in Zone "M2" no side ^surd is required adjacent to a street line. (d) There shall he a side yard and/or rear yard along the side and/or the rear of every such building, structure and/or improve- ment which 1s bordering on "RI", "I:2" or "i,14" Zone, which yard shall be not less than a side and/or rear yard as required in the "114" Zone. (e) VISION CLEARANCE — There shall be a vision clearance on all corner lots of not less than ten (10) feet, 2' -7! improvements conform to the re - quirk ments of Zone "D12" re:--ard- ing pi., stage of lot covered, h't'ight and sizes of side and rear yards and vision clearance. (:E\Eft A1. PROVISItONS AND EXCEPTIONS SECTION 1.1—(a) Any unlit] • ing may be altered or repaired to Ili,,, extent of not more than fifty (50) per cent of its assessed value; provided, however, that if any building is altered or repaired to more than fifty (50) per coat of its assessed value or any additions or enlargements whatsoever are made such build- ing and its additions or enlarge- ments shall conform to the re- strictions herein set forth for Zone or Lti,iriet in which such building is located as shun on th, Zone Afar. except. where per- mit its issued as pros id, d in Section tour (4) hereof; and further pro- vided that tit.- aggregate value of separate alterations or repairs shall not exceed fifty (50) per cent of tit rase, ssed value Its of the date this ordinance became effective. (b) In any "P." residential none where lifts (r,o) per cent or more of tit 3otS in any block and located in the Zone, exclusive oi' the frontage along the side of a corner lot, has r,een imt roved istitil bttikling at the time of the passage of this or- dinance and the average distance of the front walls of these buildings f'toa the street line is greater or le:;-, than that r',ittircd in such zone, then such required distance :711u11 be disr_,:arded, but no building or street are hereafter erected, Con- structed or altered in such Zone hall have its front. wail nearer the ordlt>ances of Nrtt!onai City. u'eet line than the avtiaae dis- tance from l)o• street line of the front walls of the existing buildings t 1! to :t maximum of ttvt my -five (2i) feet, provid, d that the front wall o` a bui:ding to he erect, d, established or altered on a lit be- t. the let eirrererl by the building. tweer two adjoining lots on each ('1) In determining the depth of of which a building exists at the rear yard for any building where of tits passage of this ordl- sseit yard opens Into an alley, one- essets shall not be 10,11v1' the street half the width of such alley may line Chad Use average distance from to Consider; d as a portion of the the eti, t line of the front sval.s of yard, such buildings. 1n the esent that (") BUILDING AREA- Noth- a proposed building is to be erected, .re: in the area and yard require - constructed, established or altered menu of this orditai n•-e shall re- ran a lot adjoining or within sec- t my-fl';o (75) feet of an existing building schuss front wall Is closer :o thy• st re. t lime than the distance re,1t1 e(1 in ,aid Zone, then ttu' I :runt w,t.l ut the proposed building not d or.:y b:' removed from the front prop. sty fine n distance equal io the average of the distances from tIt street lire of the front w all of said existing building on one side and the near. st building within seventy-fve (75) feet of the proposed building on the other side, provided that where there Is only one existing building within -t•v,•nty-fiv,t (7J) feet then the av,:raio shall be made with the way oe place, between which build - distance required in that zone. ing li1a and the street line the On any Key lot the distance of front wall of no building, structure the front wall from the street line 1 or improvement may be erected, a,: re qu :, d in ‘the zone in which I constructed or established. Before the Ins is located, may be disre- I ordering the establishment of any g;treled, provided that the front such building line the City Coucil tvall of any building on a k,'y lot I n shall first refer the matter to the :hall not he nearer the strtx•t line 1 Cornunssiun for investigation and .:Inn the :tverage of the distance i recommendation.. It shall then required in the buck and the side I pars a resolution of intention so to y'.ud required on the corner lot, 1 do. designating, the building line ...wild that in ease there is a build- i or lines proposed to b•- established. lino than the average dlslanoe ahnvt• computed then the building on the key lot may be erected on line with said building. For the purpose of computing the distance fre.in the front wall to tho street line the measurement shall be taken front the neal!est point of said front wall to the street lino but except that Di_ else thin architectural features herein- after enumerated shall not be con- `sid:red in making such rru::ttiur,•- ments: to wit: 1. Cornices, canopies, eaves or any oilier nrchitect.,n'al features mrty ex ten,l beyond said front wall a distance of not to exceed two and one-half (2 iI,) 1t et. Mg on the adjoining lot. whose width resolution shall be aubllshed front wall is closer to the street litinCe in a newspaper published and circulated in said city. Such reso- httion -of Intention shall contain a notice of the day, the hour and the place of the public hearing be- fore said City Council and shall also be posted in the same manner as provided in Subsection 1 of Section 5, except that said notice ::hall consist of the words "Resolu- tion of Intculion to Establish Building Line.' After the adoption of said resolution of intention and prior to the timer the ordinance estuh:ishiub such building line or liner, becomes effective, no build- ing permit shall be Issued for the er% etion, construction or establish- ment of any building or structure between such proposed building -. Fire escapes may extend be- lino and the street line, yond said front wall a distance ZONE BOUNDARIES not to exceed four and one-half S.' '1'JUN 15-1]•-here any uncer- (4%) feel. utility exists with respect to the 3. A landing place or porch may boundaries of zones as shown on extend beyond t..t;d front wall 10 said Zone Map, the following rules 't distant:o not Ie, exoeerl six (6) shall apply: "crt, prosuch landing place (a) The Zone boundaries are • porch shall have its floor no either center lines of streets, or hi�h.•r than the entrance floor of :;Illy whet:: otherwise shown, and ho hnildi ;;. An open railing no the indict>,d boundaries on said ;tip her than two and one-half ...Mc- .1t.,p are approximately street (° iz) fe. t may be placed around ,t. alley line. tt here such streets aicl !tinning place or porch. or alley lines shall be construed to 4. Parapet walls not exceeding oc tite boundaries of such Zone. (our (4) feet In height. chimneys, (b) \, acre the Zone boundaries •ooltne tt,tvers. el.' t :ttor bulkheads, ;u•c 1101 shown to be streets or alleys fi_o lo'ccrs. pent huusrx, slacks, .:..0 where the property has been ititee :ulcer:; or seem ry lofts, tanks, ,t: leas• hereafter ite divided into .Sates towers. rad lei;' towers, orna- °.,1oits and lot;, the zono boundar- mental towers, monuments, cupalos, ies shall be construed to be lot domes and spires may be erected iinc , and where the indicated as to th. it height in accordance boundaries on said Zone Map are With. exi,•t gig or hereafter adopted 0pp rox ima1. iy lot lines, said lot lima shall be coastt'ued to be the (,•) The architectural features boundttry of such zone. includad In paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 (e) In unsubdivi'.led property, may also ex:end into the r ar :hu zone boundary lines on said . L.:.1 the same distance that they _,ne map shall be determined by fro permitted in the, front yard and the scale contained on such map shall r.ol be considered 111 flit' area ..rid where uncertainty exists Chu zone boundary line shall be dvter- ... iced by the City Planning Cottm- .,:.:h,on upuu w'ritt,'r, application to: an interpretation of said Zone ...ap and records thereof. placed in the °trice of the City dunning Commission. (d) Where the Zone boundaries fu:to to approximately the real* prop, ray line parallel to any street. -i:,ce the allowable buildable area .he said rear property line of prop- oi a lit to a size less than four erty itontiog such street., or the h,tndeed eighty square feet (e.g. —1d ai,ey tine, if there; be such, 16x30 ft.) provided such lot at .:hall constitute the zone boundary, th., time of the passage of this or- provided that no such rear prop- dinance was held under separate .a' line shall be employed as said ownership from adJoining lots of zone boundary If said line be far - was officially recorded on a map or •leer Ouzo the front parallel street •,!at In the office of the County ,. it:rn titIONVII by the scale of meas- Recurder of Nan Diego county as a arement upon said map. separate and distinct number•:(1 lot. I\TE1tPRETAT1ON—PURPOSE ( f ) BUILDING LINli---when_ a1:Ci1Oti 16—In interpreting the ever the publie penile, hcall h, provisions of this ordinance, they Safety, comfort, convenience or .:hall be held to be the minimum general W. lftir•e may require, the ''equ irements adopted for the pro - City Council may establish a build- 11106011 o: the public health, safety, in;; line along any street, public-°mlirt, convenience and general ,voifzu•e. IL is not intended by this .>rdinunce to repeal, abrogate, annul ur in any way to impair or woad -ere with any existing Drovi- :rens of law or ordinance, Or any rules regulations or permits pre- viously adopted or issued, or which ..hail bo adopted or issued pursuurrt to the law relating to the use of ouildings or premises, or relating Lei the erection, construction, es- abtinhment, alterations, or enlarge - sent of any buildings or improve- 622 ments; nor is It Intended by this ordinant&t to interfere with or abro- gate or annul any easement cove- nant or other agreement between parties, provided, however, that where the ordinance imposes a greater restriction upon the erec- tion, construction, establishment, alteration or enlargement of build- ings, structures or improvements or the use of any such structure Or premises -in said several zones or any of them, than is imposed or required by such existing provi- sions of law or ordinance. or by such rules, regulations or permits. or by such easements, covenants or agreements, the provisions of this ordinance shall control except that ranch procedure of this ordinance Fh101 not apply to permits previous- ly granted, ADHEItANCE SECTION 17—No building, struc- ture, improvement or premises shall be occupied or used for any purpose other than the purpose permitted in the zone or district in which such building, structure or Improvement is situated, except as provided In sections ;t and 4 hereof, VALIDITY t- SECTION 18—If any section, sub- section, sentence. clause or phrase of this ordinance Is for any reason hell to be invalid or unconstitu- tional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction. such de- cision shall not effect the validity of the remaining portions of the of dinane , The City Council of Na- tional City hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance and each section, subsection, sen- tence, clause and phrase thtreof ir- respective of the fact that any One or more other sections. subsections, clauses or phrases be declared In- valid or unconstitutional. ENFORCEMENT SECTION 19—All departments, of.iclals or public employees. vested with the duty or authority to Issue permits or licenses where required br law, shall conform to the pro- visions of this ordinance and Issue no such license or permit for uses, hui'dtngs or purposes where the sam•, would be to conflict with the provision of this ordinance and any such license or permit, if issued in conflict with the provisions of this ordbrance, shall he null and void. Each application for a building permit shall be accompanied by a statcrnent as to the use, area of bonding applied for, on a blank to he furnished by the City, on which shall be shown on a blank to be furnished by the City, on which shall also be shown an accurate block plan of the location of the building on the lot. r' IOLATION—PEN AL1'IES s1•:CTION 20—Any person, firm, association Or corporation violating any of the terms of this ordinance shall he def med guilty of a mis- demeanor. punishable by a fine of not exceeding Three Ilundred ($300.00) Dollars or by imprison- ment in the city or county jail for a term not exceeding three months or by bo•h surh fine and imprison- ment. Each day's continuance of the violation shall be deemed a rcparate offense. puniQhahle as such in the manner and form above pfoided. SEC'l'luN 21—This ordinanct •h:, , take effect and be 1n force on the thirty-first day from and after the date of its final passage. SECTION 22—The Clerk of Na- tional City is directed to cause this ordinance, together with a copy of the Zone Step referred to herein, to be published one time after its final passage in the National City News, which newspaper is hereby designated for that purpose, SIGNE!) .4ND A1'I'1tOVED HAI-Wl L) P. REQUA, Mayor of the City of National City. ATTEST: KATIIERINE KING, City Clerk of the City of Na- tional City, California. (Sh:AL) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Urdinanoe is a true and correct ropy of Ordinance No. 622 of the City of National City, ( ,.Iifurniu, entitled "An ordinance providing for the creation in Na- tional City -of seven (7) zones eon- isling of various zom,s or districts and prescribing the classes of buildings, strnettlres and improve- ments in said several zones: and the use thereof; the hf ight of buildings, and the area of lots cov- ered I•y bnildiu:;s: establishing not - back in front and ride yards; de- fining the t :rnts used If iroin, pre- ..i•ribin.g the penalty for the viola- tion of the provisions hereof and repealing certain ordinances of said ei,v•': ill. ". raid Ordinance was in- troduced and read at a meeting of the ('icy Council of said City on the 2lst day of February. 1933; that is was thereafter passed and adopt- ed by said City Council at a. regular meeting thereof on the 21st day of March, 1933, hy the following vote, to -wit: A Y E S : Councilmen Pettit, Thatcher. Waddell, Requa. NOES: 1'ouncilraan Wade. ABSENT: Councilmen none. AND 1 HEREBY CEI-tTI 'Y that the :tune lays been d published according to la -jj- litTTIIER City Clerk of the City of National City, ('nlifornia, (SEAL) (r`