HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC ORD 1933-628 Sewer laterals (Repealed by 686 and 784)BE IT ORDAINED by the City
Council of the City of National
(7ity, California, as follows:
Section 1. It shall be unlawfn'
for any person other than the City
of National City. its officers, agents
and/or employees to connect any
pipe, drain or sewer with or to
open or penetrate any public sewer
in the City of National City or to
injure,, remove or open any. por-
tion of any manhole, flush tank,
lamp hole, Inspection pipe or any
other part of or appurtenance to
any- public sewer.
All sewer laterals from mains to
the property line shall be con-
structed and the connections made
by the City of National City under
tile provisions of this ordinance
and under the supervision of tti.
Superintendent of Streets of said
��. tic'cthrn 2. That in addition to
/tiny fee for a permit or tithe=
charge which the City may make
for connecting, with the public
sewer. the owner of any property
to be served or the person mak-
ing application for such connec-
tion, where the conduct is no
larger than four inches (4") in-
side diameter, or where the leng_t
of the lateral Is not more thaa
five feet greater than half the
width of the Street or alley. shall
pay to the City of Notional City
for the work of constructing and
laying laterals the sum of Thirty
T)ollars ($30.00). -
Where a conduit larger than four
inches (4") Inside diameter Is Used,
an additional charge equal to the
excess of the cost of the four inch
(4") conduit shall be made.
Moe deep sewer laterals, an extra
charge shall be made equal to the
cost of the excavation and backfill
in excess of eight feet (8') in depth.
In ease a connection is made to
a. public sewer where the service
lateral is already installed to the
property line, the property owner
shall install the pipe to the prop-
erty line and uncover the
existing sewer sothat a emn-
neetion can be made at such prop-
,'r:y line. which connection shall
he made by the City of National
City. in such case a charge of $2.50,
in addition to the permit, fee, shall
be made for making such con-
nect inn.
Whenever an unusual condition
exists, so it is necessary to make
a diagonal run of over forty-five
feet (45') for u street sewer lateral,
or more than fifteen feet (15') for
an alley sewer lateral to reach the
center-Iine of such street or alley.,
an estimate of the cost for any
work in excess of t he foregoing
mentioned distances will be fur-
nished by the City Engineer and
tho amount specified in such esti-
mate shall be deposited with the s
Superintendent of Streets at the s
time the Permit is taken out for C
such work.
Where property owners excavate
outside of the property lines and
into the streets for basement pur
_ poses and desire connections with
public sewers across such excava
tion, they shall install the necessary
soil pipe at their own expense to
the outside line of such excavation
from which point to the public
sewer, the City of National City
will make the required installation
Section 3. Every house or build-
ing shall be separately and -inde-
pendently connected with the public
sewers, except in eases where there
may be a house in the rear of the
lot. In such case it may be con-
nected.w•ith the sewer of the house
in front, provided the existing
sewer is of sufficient capacity and
the property is owned by the same
'.'henever a sewer line is• br
installed at the cost of the prop-
erty owners on or across any
street, alley- or any ground deli-
etted to the City for street otrtither
purposes, or across private prop-
erty and where said sewer' is •
be connected to the public sewers,
or is to run to any out fall or septic
tank which may he on City prop-
erty, or which may ever be con-
nected with the public sewers, or may become a part of the public
sewer system, the same shall he
installed under the• --,supervision of
the Superintendent of Streets and
the City shall have the right to
make extensions" and connections
thereto at any and all times. Be-
fore any lateral connections are
made to any such 'sewer, so in-
stalled by property owners. a per-
mit therefor must be taken out
and the regular fee paid therefor.
Section 4. Every soil pipe or
private drain, laid within the Prop-
erty linos, which Is to be connected
'with the public sewers, shall he of
east iron. The grade and align-
ment of any such pipe shall meet
with the approval of the City Coun-
cil, exet pt that matters pertain-
:ri0.• to plumbing shall be governed
by the ordinances of said City re-
lating to plumbing, and shall he
subject to inspection and approval
by the City Plumbing Inspectors.
Ni connection whatsoever shall be
made between sewers on private
property and the public sewers
until *he City Plumbing Inspector
has approved the same and Is-
sued a eertificate of approval
Section 5. The words 'public
sewers" shall mean and include any
and all publicly owned pipe lines,
manholes, lamp holes, inspection
holes, cleanouts, septic tanks, cess-
pools, accessories, eglpment or ap-
pl:rtenaaees to any and all de-
vices used for the disposal of the
sewage of the City of National City
whether within or without the
boundary lines of private property.
Section 8. Wheneve+r it is neces-
sary for the City to relieve stop -
ups in laterals 1f the obstruction
Is In the street between the sewer
main and the property line, and
is due to waste matter which
should not have been placed 1n the
ewer, the owner of such property
hall Fay to the City of National
ity the cult of the removal of
uch obstruction; and it is herc-
by declared to be unlawful for
any person to put into any sewer,
fixture or pipe connected there-
with, any insoluble material, garb-
age, wood, or metallic substance.
;�. Section 7. No connection to the
piddle sewers shall be made, or any
• 1 work done thereon, either in the
Public streets or alleys, or within
property lines, until a permit for
such construction and work has
been issued therefor by the City.
Permits for sewer connection shall
he issued only to persons who have
plumbing already installed In their
premises, or have taken out per-
mits therefor under the provisions
of Ordinance No. 506. Applica-
tions for permits required by the
provisions of this ordinance shall
bo made to the Superintendent o.'
'1'h,• Superintendent of Streets
shall collect the following fees for
permits issued under the provis-
ions of the ordinance:
(a) Fur a connection with pub-
lic sewers, the sn III of
$ 2.00.
(b) For the installation of a
septic tank or eels -pool
located on private prop-
perty, the sum of $1.00
for the permit and $2.00
for inspection.
Section A Any money coilectej
by the Superintendent of Streets
under the provisions of this ordi-
nance shall he paid forthwith to thy.•.
City Treasurer and credited to the
General Fund of the City of No-
tional City. Upon receipt of an
application for a permit under the
provisions of this ordinance, the
Superintendent of Streets shall, if
the same is in accord with
provisions hereof, issue a permit Ip
the owners of the property to be
served. in triplicate, one copy t •
:,e delivered In the p,•rmittee, un,•
copy to be kept in his office and
one copy- to be delivered to the
City Engineer.
Section 9. Upon the issua nee of
a permit under the provisions of
this ordinance, the Superintendent
n' Streets shall ',reeved vvIth the
-�-t- caged for by the permit. and
complete the same without delay,
nd upon t'111n pletiun shall file with
the City Engineer, a eoPY of the
permit with a notation there-
on that the work has reen com-
leted and the conned ion made
and the date of completion tu-
g, --:her with an itemizer' statemeet
of the cost thereof.
Section 10. It shall be the duty of
the Superintendent of Streets to
keep on file all records of seV,4,"
permits issued. It shall be the
duty of the City Engineer to plat
sewer lines constructed hereunder
on the plats in his o flirt,. I -le
shall, when necessary or requester,
by the till p, rintendent of Streets,
lay out on the ground told stake
the same, any work called for by
any permit issued hereunder. The
Superintendent. of Streets, however
shall have general supervislrn of
the work, and all work done here-
under must be done to his satis-
Section 11. All public sewers
constructed and conduits leading
thereto installed under the lv-oci.•
ions of this ordinance shall be left
e oruvered until the Superinten-
dent of Street has given permisslo,
to cover the same.
Section 12. Immediately after
the adoption of this ordinance, the
City Engineer stroll prepare plans
and specifications governing all
construction hereafter of public
sewer laterals, and the necessary
conduits therefor, and submit the
same to the City Council for ap-
proval, and upon such approval,
said plans and specifications shall
be filed in the office of the City
Clerk and the same shall have the
same force and effect as any of the
provisions of this ordinance.
Section 13. Any person who
;hall violate any of the provisions
of this ordinance shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor and upon
conviction thereof shall be punished
by u fine of not more than $300.00
or by initirkunusent in the City or
County .lail for a period not ex-
cs•eding three months, or by both
such tine and Imprisonment. Any
plumber who shall be convicted of
a. violation of this ordinance shall
forfeit any license that may have:
.•ecn granted him as a plumber
within said City and he shall not
receive another license as a plum-
ber except upon the vote of the
City Council granting the same to
Section 14. Sub -section 3-a of
Section Ill of Ordinance No. 506
,-ntltled '.An ordinance relating 17,
and regulating plumbing and pre
scribing conditions under which
plumbing may be curried on in th.•
City of National City" is hereby
Section 15. This ordnance shall
take effect and be in force on the
thirty-first day from and after the
date of its final passage.
Section 16. The City Clerk shalt
certify to the passage of this or-
dinance and said ordinance shall
be published once in the National
C,ly hews.
Mayor of the City of N tional City,
FiaCIIE P.I. • i C!ty Cl k
o e ty of Na-
tiol:a1fCity. California
(SEA I.)
foe -going Ordinance is ntrue and
correct- copy of Ordinance No. 62X
of the:• ('ity of National City. Cali-
fornia, entitled: "An Ordinance of
the City of National City, Cali-
t'ecnia, neeulating the Installation
of Sewer Laterals:" that said or-
dinance vv:19 introduced and read
at a meeting of the City Council
of said City, nu the 1st day of
August, 1923: that it way there-
after passed ar,d adopted by said
City Council at a regular meeting
tb •r, of on the 1St h day of August,
1933, by the following vote, to -wit:
AYES: Councilmen Thatcher,
Wade, \Vaddell, Rcqua.
NOES: Councilmen none.
At'Setnl: Councilmen Pettit.
the same has been duly ftitbits
according to law.
1-AT II I,{}f(\
(Thy Clerk ,'--i it, CitNational
City, t•aliterni:t.