HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC ORD 1934-633 Special election (Special)ORDINANCE NO. 633 AN ORDINANCE CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION IN THE CITY OF NATIONAL CITY, CAI.IFORNIA, FOR THE PUR- POSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE QUALIFIED ELF:CPORS THEREOF A PROPOSITH)N FOR THE INCURRING OF A BONDED IN DF:H7'F:DNESS. WHEREAS, on the 12th day of January, 1934. the City Council of the City of National City, Cali- fornia. did adopt by a two-thirds vote of all of its members that cer- tain Resolution No. 1728 entitled "Resolution Determining that the Public Interest and Necessity of the City of National City demand the Acquisition. Construction and 1 'utn!tletion of a certain Municipal Improvement necessary and con- venient to carry out the Ohjeets, FM poses and I'owers of said City. the ('ost of Which will be too great to he paid out of the ordinary. an- nual income and revenue", and WHEREAS, it was by sald Reso- lution determined that the public interest and necessity of the City of National City, and of the in- habitants thereof. demanded the acquisition. construction and com- pletion of that certain municipal improvement deserihed in said Resolution. and as hereinafter set forth, and determined that said municipal improvement was ner.•S- sary and convenient to carry nut the objects. purposes and powers of the municipality. and further determined that the cost of said municipal improvement was esti- mated to he the sum of Twenty- six Thousand Dollars ($26.000.00) and that such cost was too great to be paid out of the ordinary- an- nual income and revenue of said Pity: and WHEREAS. this being the next regular meeting of said City Coun- cil after the adoption of the afore- said Resolution, and in accordance with the provisions of an Act of the f.c•gislatur•o of the State of ('a1i- fornla. entitled "An Act authorizing the incu-ring of indebtedness by Cities. towns. and municipal ee•- "orations for municipal Improve- ments and regntattng the acquis' +ton. construction or completion the -ear" Statutes 1901, tinge 27. as amended. NOW THEREFORE The C'v ('nttnci1 of the City of N••Nona' City California. DO OR- DAIN as follows: ceeI'nn 1. That a Special Elee- tion Ito and the same is 'hereby .^•[led and nr.lererl to h^ held for the n•rueso of submitting to the nuallfied &errors in said City the ..r,.eredttnn of Incurring a bonded ,.+.oebtrdness to', the purposes set forth In said Resolution, as fol- lows. to -wit: PROPOSITION. Shall the City of National City incur n bonded indebtedness in the sum of Twenty-six Thou - 'nod De'1^rc (126 000.00) for the ,. en nisl:ion. Construction end cornnletinn of a certain municipal improvement. to - wit: The acquisition, con- stroct!on and completion of a public building to he used for a City Hall and general muni- cipal purposes including the furnishing and equipment of same. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED INDEBTEDNESS Section 2. That the objects and purposes for which said indebted- ness is proposed to be incurred are for theacquisition, eonstt•ue- tion and completion of a public building to be used for a City hall and general municipal purposes including the furnishing and equipment o• same. ESTIMATED COST. Section 3. 'Mat the estimated cost of said proposed public im provement is the sum of 'Pwenty- six Thousand Dollars ($26,000.00). AMOUNT OF PROPOSED IN- DEBTEDNESS. Section 4. That the amount of the principal of the indebtedness proposed to he incurred therefor is the stem Twenty-six Thousand Dollars ($26,000.(.0)• all in law- ful rnon•.y of the United States, a high indebtedness. If Incurred. shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed five per eentum (6%) p, r tutntnn. payable semi-annually, in like lawful money of the United States. I)A'I'1•: OF I•:I.E:CTION. Section 5. That said Special Erection shall be held neon the 19th day of February. 1934. and that the po'ls therefor. as here- inafter sneered. shall be opened anon said day at the hour of 7:00 n'ren.]: A. 51. and remain open until the hour of 7:00 o'clock 1'. M.. at which time they shall be closed. MANNER OF BOLDING ELEC- TION ANI) VOTING ON PM/POSITION. Sestina 6, That the manner of holding said Special Election and the voting for or against the In- curring of said indebtedness, shall ue as follows: The bullet provided for said Speelal Election shall he so Printed its to state the stint proposition set out 1n Section 1 hereof. in man- ner and form as follows: I Shall the City of Na- I tfonal City Incur a I bonded indebted- I nese, of Twenty-six Thousand Dollars I Yes. I (626.000.00) for the acquisition. c o n - struction and com- pletion of a public I— —._ building to he used I for a City Hall and I general municipal! purposes !nc:teUng I No. the furnishing and I equipment of I some? 1 I — In addition to the directions which are renuired by law to be printed on the ballot. it shall con- tain the fol'owing directions to the voters. to -wit: "Electo^s voting eft snid elections shall indicate their choice on the proposition con- tained on this ballot by stamp- ing a cross (x) in the voting square after the word "Yes" or after the word "No", To vote for the proposition stamp a cross (x) in the vot- ing square at the right of the [curd "Yes". To vote against the proposition stamp a cross (x) in the voting square at the right of the word "No". All marks execpt the cross (x) are forbidden, and all dis- tinguishing marks or erasures are forbidden and make the ballot void. If you wrongly stamp. tear er defece this ballot. return itto the Inspector of election a.nd obtain another." In all particulars not recited in shirt ordinance. such Special Elec- tion shall he held and conducted in the manner provided by law for holding menlelntl elections to ell !es of the Sixth Class. ELECTION PRECINCTS. POLL- ING PLACES AND OFFICERS Section 7. That there is hereby established five (6) voting pre- cincts for the purpose of holding said Special Election, consisting of a eonsolid,tton of the regular elec- tion precincts established by the Roard or Supervisors of the County of r)doro State of California. for holding State or County elec- tions. 1rs 'ollow•s: (1) Consolidated Voting Precinct "A" comprising State and County Nutlonal City Pre- cinris Numbers One (1) and Nino (91: ^.ud the polling nlace thereof and officers of said election appointed for such precinct are as follows: Polling Place, L. R. Smith's, Store Building located at 1224 National Avenue. Inspector, Mrs. Florence J011s. Judge, Mrs. Ilarrlet W. Scott. Clerk. Mrs. Ora Curtis. Clerk. Mrs. Etta L. Russell. (2) Consolidated Voting Precinct "B" comprising State and County National City Pre- cincts Numbers Two (2). Three (31 and Four (4); And the polling glare thereof nd officers of said election ap- nolnted fo'r such precinct are as follows: Pullin_ Place, P. II. Dewhurst's Garage, rear, 182 East 3rd St. Inspector. Mrs. Fanny J. Thelen. Judge, Chas. H. Sweet. Clerk. Mrs. Mary S. Jamison. Clerk. Mrs. Dorothy A. Bell. (3) Consolidated Voting Precinct "C" comprising State and County National City Pre- cincts Numbers Five (6) and Six (6); And the polling place thereof and officers of said election ap- pointed for such precinct are as follows: Polling Place. Wm. Field's Garage. 940 East 7th Street. Inspector. Frank Cordingly. (Continued on next page) ORDINANCE NO. 633 (Continued) Judge, Mrs. Sarah E. Berry. Clerk. Mrs. Leonora M. Gond- rich. Clerk, Mrs. Sarah A. Chase. (4) Consolidated Voting Precinct. "D" comprising State and County National City Pre- cincts Numbers Seven (7) and Eight (8); And the polling place thereof and nfficers of said election ap- pointed for such precinct are as follows: Polling Place, R. R. Reid's Garage, Rear 340 East 9th Street. Inspector, Mrs. Annie M. Hoover. .lodge, Mrs, Nellie F. Iiamilton. Clerk, Mrs. Maude S. Reran. Clerk. Mrs. Fannie D. Blaine. (5) Consolidated Voting Preclnet "le" comprising' State and County National City Pre- cincts Numbers Ten (10), Eleven (11) and Twelve (12); And the polling place thereof and officers of said election appointed for such Precinct are as follows: Polling Place, Olirewnod Club Hose, located at the North- westerly Corner of 24ih Street & F Avenue. Inspector, O. C. Noyes. Judge. Esther W. Hadley. Clerk, John Delatour. Clerk, Mrs. Shirley La Rue. Section N. That the City Clerk Is hereby ordered and directed tr, Procure and have printed the re- quisite number of ballots and such other supplies and printed matter as may be necessary or required in order to hold said eleotion. Section 9. That the City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to cause this ordinance to be published once a 'week for two weeks in the NATIONAL CITY NEWS," being w n r jublished Less than sir dims a *Peek, and n. newspaper of aelaeetta L•treulation published and +:Atntlattlt in said City. gPtllli 11 10. 'rhat this ordinance to atte calling or otherwise relating it) 4t1a eteetion and It shall become effective Immediately. lJIGN13D AND APPROVED HAROLD P. REQUA, r 1t114p'r of the City of National r lty, n ia. t ,. ) KA E Ih GtMf C y Cf'rk of the City of National City, California. (SEAL) CERTD 1tCATI OF CITY CLEUK .-I HL+'REtY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance Is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 633 of the City of National City, Calt- fornts. entitled "An Ordinance Cull- ing a Special Election in the City of Aliilbnal City, California. for the Ourfoteoe of submitting to the quall- ifLd eeimstoes thereof a Proposition dot fiaie Incurring of a bonded in- 't101I11t0dVtebe"; that said ordinance Witt yiWelted and adopted by said City Council at a reguler meeting thereof on the 1Gth day of January, 1939, by the following vote, to -wit: AYES: Councilmen Pettit, Thatcher, Waddell, Requa. NOES: Councilmen, none. ABSENT: Councilmen, sjttone. AND I HEREBy CETIFY that the name has ben dttJ'y pub- lished nccordin to/1 (SEAL) ICA'l7iER City Clerk of the atr y of Na- tional City, California_ 1-19-2 t. 2-2