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CC ORD 1925-550 Subdivisions (Repealed by 803)
10. in ORDINANCE NO. 550. AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING CONDITIONS, R- QUIREMENTS AND REGULATIONS FOR LAYING OUT OF TRACTS AND SUBDIVISIONS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF NATIONAL CITY, CALIFORNIA, FOR THE MAPS AND PLATS THEREOF, AND FOR THE AP- PROVAL OF THE SAME. The Board of Trustees of the City of National City, Oalifornia, do ordain as follows; Wheneverany tract or par oe of land is to be laid out into lots and blocks or otherwise subdivided and the reap or plat thereof is to be presented to the Board of Trustees, the subdivision and the map or plat thereof shall meet and fulfill the following requirements, in addition to complying with the State laws, before the same is approved by the Board of Trustees. SECTION 1. CxFI ,% REQ IRE S. 1. The esenter lines of all proposed streets snail be continuatione of the center lines of existing streets in adjacent and contiguous subdivisions and territory, whenever practicable, and be designated by the same names. 3. Egress and Ingress. a. Streets ehall be so designed or laid out as to permit of free and unobstructed passage to and from abuttin7 property and to allow for the continuation of such streets into adjacent territory. b. Every lot or tract of land, intended for sale, shall abut on a public street. 3. Width of Streets. a. The minimum width of all etreete or other public highways, except alleys, bridges, courts, and places shall be 60 feet. 11. b. The minimum. width of all alleys, bridges, courts and places shall be 20 feet. c. There shall be offered for dedioation, on the exterior boundary of the subdivision, a or fractional street or alley that may be necessary or required; or when such or fractional street or alley is necessary to complete a i or fractional street or alley dedicated to public use in a previous subdivision. 4. Grades. Unless deemed unavoidable by the City Engineer, no grades of streets shall exceed 8% and all such grades shall be so established as to properly provide for drainage of the subdivision propelled, due regard being ha d for existing and adjacent subdivisions and lands. SECTION 2. SVRVT AND MAPO PLAT. 1. Location and conreetione with adjacent and contiguous euhdivisione. The map or plat shall show definite l.+cati.on by course and distance to v section corners or established corners or larger tracte or parcels of land; also definite ties to contiguous subdivisions if any, and the bearings of the center lines of the streets, which rare to be continued in the proposed subdivision. 2. Courses. The courses shall be true and the magnetio deciination given, determined by either solar or stellar observation. 3. Markers and Monuments. a. Exterior boundaries, the intersections of all center lines of streets, the intersections of the center lines of streets with the exterior boundary lines of the tract 12. subdivided, angle points and the beginnings and endings o•f all curves on the center lines of streets shall be marked by iron pine not lees than fiver -eighths inch in diameter by eighteen inches in length, with cross or center, or by galvanized iron pipes not less than one and one-half (li") inches in diameter by eighteen inches in length, with screw oap marked with cross or center, or by cement or stone monuments not leee than six inohea in diameter by fourteen inches in length, with copper center; all markers or monuments to be buried with their tops not leas than six inches below the ground or graded surface of the street. b. All street and alley corners ehed.l be marked by tack points in redwood or cedar plugn not leso then two inches square by twelve inohee in length, or by galvanized iron pipes not less than three-quarter inch in diameter by twelve inches in length, or by iron pins not less than one-half inch in diameter by twelve inches in length; all to be driven flush with the ground. 4. Profilers a Profiles and emotions. erxtions of the streets to be graded drawn on standard profile and cross-section tracing paper with black India inks shall be submitted to the City Engineer for approval. Such profiles and arose -sections shall show the orige. incl ground ©urfaoe and gradients, and the typical cross -sections to which the highways are to be graded. All elevations shall, be reduced to, true elevations from ectabliehed official bench marks. Such profiles and croe€- sections shall have been presented to and approved and accepted by the City Engineer before any grading is done. All such pro- files and cross-eectione shall be filed in the City Engineer's office and become a public reoord; and they may be declared by the Board of Trustees and become rades and be changed only after due vonsdern and lawful process. 5. Drainage. ' ane drawn on tracing cloth in black India ink and specifications shall be submitted to the City Engineer for approval, showing kind, size, location and construction of proposed culverts and drains, gutters, bridges, fences, or barriers which are to be constructed or placed on the highways. Such plane and specifications shall be approved. by the City Engineer before any such work or construction ie dole. 6. Af:fidavitss, Cextii'icetes and Acknowledgments. e. The owner`s certificate ehali contain, when- ever streets or other highwayska, eto. , are desired to be dedicated to public use, a specific designation by name, number or otherwise or the particular str:ete, avenues caw other highways and parks, which are offered for dedication and not merely a reference thereto. b. The certificate of the civil engineer a licensed surveyor making the survey or subdivision shall con- tain a statement: 1. That he has aotually made the survey and set tine monuments and marks as indicated for the exterior bound- treet and alley oorners, the intersections of the center of streets with each other and with the exterior boundaries„ angle points and the beginntnge and ending of curves; 3. Specifying the size and kind of stakes, monuments and marks not, found and reset at the several pointe; 3. That the streets have been graded according to the profiles and typical cross -sections previously submitted and ap- proved; 14. 4. That the culverts and drains, gutters, bridges and fences have been constructed according to the plane and epeci- ficationa previously submitted and approved. o. On the map or plat shall appear a ce*- tifioatite signed by the Recorder of the County of San Die. ag- proving the name, title or designation of the subdivision. SECTION 3. f t7NsTRugn9N. 1. streets. All streets of sixty feet or more: in width or one-h .f or fractional part of such streets shall be graded and the culverts, bridges, gut re drainage ditches, and all other structures and work necefieary or required shall be con,. otructed and done in accordance with the proi!' les, von -sever tions, plane and a„cecif icatione previously submitted and ap- proved. 2. Drainage. a. Whenever deemed neceenary or required and directed by the Board of Trustees and City Engineer, the gutters and side drains shall be cobbled, cemented or otherwise durably protected against erosion. b. Permanent culverts and bridges shall be roper fences and barriers eha.l1. be provided. Cu1- be of cement, galvanized iron, brick or masonry, and existing place veste bridges shall be of durable oonetruction. Culverts on streets shall be enlarged whenever necessary by reason of divert- ed or concentrated drainage. 3. Structures and Other Work. a. Curbs and sidewalks constructed, planted, or any other work done on streets or planes intended to be dedicated, shall conform to, and comply with all the re- quirements of any late, or of any ordinance, resolution or re- e 5. 15. quirement of the Board of Trustees in effect and thereto. b. A11 pipe and pole .inee or other work or atrunturee, which are placed on streets or plac3ee intended,to be dedicated, shall conform to and comply with the requirements of any law or of any ordinance, resolution or requirements of the Board of Trustees in effect and relative thereto. SECTION 4. 1. Ex FIELD E4PZN4TXoN. ination. An examination of the subdiv3..eion and the map or plat thereof shall be made by the City Engineer to determine; a. That the streets, if any, have been properly graded in conformity with the profiles and arose -sections submitted; b. That the cu1verte, bridges, gutters, and other water gays, if any, have been properly constructed, and of the size, material and in the manner and at the locations epeoified and indicated by the plans and profiles approved by the City Enge- ineer as hereinbefore required, o. That the stakes, mono rents ,and markings are of the sizes and kinds, specified and are placed in conformity with the requirements of this ordinance and acoording to the map or plat; d. That pipes, polee, curbs, sidewalks or any structures of whatever nature have been oonstructed any placed in conformity ith any law, ordinance, resolution or requirement that may be in force or applicable thereto; e. That the tract eubrivided and its boun� arise have been accurately and lawfully surveyed. SECTION 5. APPROVAL AND FILING. 1. Certificates. Upon the map or plat there shall bea oerti-• ficate, signed by the City Engineer and by the City Assessor, stating that they have examined both the subdivision and the 16. map thereof, and that they api,ove the same. 2. Acceptance and Filing. then all the requirements of the State Law and this ordinance have been complied with, the Board of Trustees may approve the eubdivi€sion and the map thereof, and may accept on behalf of the public, the streets and other places dedicated to the public, and ehall certify thereto on the map. Upon the recording of said map a verified copy thereof with all endorsements thereon shall be filed with the Clerk of said City who, shall receive Fifty Cents for such filing and a like copy thereof shall be filed with the City Engineer of said City. SECTION 6. A11 ordinances or paste of ordinances in con- flict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 7. The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause this Ordinance to be published once in The National Clt Neese, a newspaper printed and published in said City and of general circulation therein, SECTION 8. This Ordinance shall take effect on the 31st day after its passage and approval. PASS ET AND ADOPTED by the Board of trustees of the City of National City, California, this 17th day of March 1925, by the following vote, to -wit: AYES: TRUSTEES Adis, Bird, Cordingly, Fritz, Murray NAYS: Trustees None ABSENT: Truetees None Alex Murray dent of the Board of Trustees the City of National City, California. 1.7. ATTEST: O. A. Mullen City ..=irk. (SEAL) hereby approve the foregoing Ordinance this 1 -Syr day of March , 1925. Alex Murray olden t of the board of ' ruste of the City of National City, California. I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 550 of the Ordinances of the City of National City, California, as ad- opted by the Board of Trustees of said City, and approved by the President of said Board of Trustees on the 17th day of March, 1925; and the title of said Ordinance is as follows: AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING CONDITIONS, REQUIREMENTS AND RE- GULATIONS FOR LAYING OUT OF TRACTS AND SUBDIVISIONS OF LAND WITHIN TEE CITY OF NATIONAL CITY, CALIFORNIA, FOR THE MAPS AND PLATS THEREOF, ANT) FOR THE APPROVAL OF THE SAME; and said Ordinance was published once in a regular issue of The National City News, as required by law. a City Clerk o theCity of National City, California. J