HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC ORD 1927-566 Bond issuance (Special)72. Ofi:DINhNOk. NO. . 5 6 AN OhiadANOU OF 24.r.: OITI OP NATIONAL CAL- WORN:A, PPOVIDTHO POP THS MILING4 OF Oda1)6 OF UITY IN TH.-. SIM OF 0180,000.00 FOL TILE AOC/OUTTION OF A OfteTAIN YUNICIfAL 7414PhQV.t.:JCATT ooN816T130 op n 1=IN CITY. Wi1itO4iAti, the board of Trueteot tr the City or National City, ealifornia, at a regular nestinti, thereof held on the 5th day of Oetober, 102d, by a vote of more than two.thirda of all of ite mombere„ duly paeasd and adopted lta liesolution No. 1074, wberein it determined that the public interest amd necessity de. mandod the acquisition, construction and completion b said City of !latienal GIty of that oertain municipal Improvement, to -wit: &tract work, coneleting of the oonstruction of a pave- ment time 1neta6 thiolc Pnid, mixteen feet in width, oic;ht feet on ouch oide of the center line thereof, oxevt that tht% earners be. tween intersecting pavements at all ttreot intereections shall be Paved t4 aOUrV4, 4104VOK to the center of said Intereuotions, having a realms of twenty foot* upon the follewinL namoil street* 14 the said Oity of Rational City, to -wit: FIR5T.4TBalt from the easterly line of P Avenue to a lino paral lel thereto and dietut 290 feet eafterly fron the easter. ly line of F Avenue; . abg9dir,,Th4.47 from the easterly line of Firet Avenue to a line parallel thereto quid 41etant eisht felt westerly frum tbe °enter .the of V Avenue and from line parallel thereto end distant faight feet easterly from the center tin e of Highland tvonus to R line parallel thereto and diatult eight foot westerly crom ',:ne center iine or Laurel ,5-venue; THIRD OTHAIT fre,, .he easterly /ine of First Avenue to a line paJ.,allei thereto end dietant eigilt feet westerly from the (xlx“;er Itna of agialand tvenue; 1:92:21jamagt2rom the oastorly line of Firet Avenue, to n tine parallel thereto and distant eight feet westerly from the 7 3 . center line of elehlene Avenue and from the westerly line of L Avenue to a line eaeallee therote MNI dieteet eight feet easterly free tee eeetor lino of e evenue; n SeNeeT ream the eaeterle liee ee Feeet e,aeve te te erie ltne of L Avenue; eeTee *Tee:2T from the easterly line of First A ore line of e Avenue; Seiteee from the easterle lie A Av line E Aveleue; 7:::UTH,3TA4ZZ- trom tee easterly 1lne et Viret .venue to a line parellel thereto and distant etght feet weeterle from the center Itne et eighland Ave; sINV:13VT4 e7eeET tram a line perallel tbereto and diatant eight feet masterly tram the eenter line of Firet Avenue to a line parallel thereto amt. dletent eight feet wet .; rozn this center lino of L Avenue; eleeTee'T" 4 °from the easterly line ef Biehth evezue to a line parallel thereto end dlotant eight feet terir from tee• oenter line of tlend Avemnel ieeleirr ein '11 fro a line parallel teareto meld distant eight feet easterly from the ()enter line of Richland Avenue to a line parallel thereto and dietant 456 feet easterly from the easterly line of R Avenue; FIRST AVM= tram a line parallel thereto and distant 20 teet souther y tram tee center line of Mole Street to the oene ter lime of lath etroot; 4Ree eeeted4,from the *enter line of leth Street to a line passel lel thereto and distant °lett feet nertherle from the eerie ter line or 1Sth etreet; eveeee from the southerly line of Dim n 8tro erle line of Thirtieth Street; Leeetee from a line parallel thereto and distant eight feet rtherly from the •center line of &mond Street to a line parallel thereto and distant eight feet southerly from the center line of Fourth Street; - 2 - ?�. northerly line of ' tW. m a lipp sourly from the iino parallel thereto from .. the center lire of Twenty, from a line parallel thereto and diatent ¢ : y fram t B center lire of Fourth Stroot t p r ie t o aand distant eight root northerly t sete�r of3tnth trot foliow s Also st ''ti!e°' me to €1 y from the l-i to and distant the eenter line or w3 The construction of a pavement 1 ihee th3 e3 s ty .four feet in sixth on E AVLITUU f i hth +treet 9 o is lino parallel tboxlato and a iet t 3 northex iy from the center of Tenth Street and bo' o+en of said E. Avenie and a line parallel to and easterly from tho cent r line of said Wale paw berl sixteen to and distant 24 fob to a line parallel t the center lip or lifeblood Avenue and distant eight feet northerly center line of Tenth Street; t ween lines. et oath. of N Alamo 3. from thereto Es The construction. of a pav Ettatnwidth onki&%: 4 feet `th Tenth tre t e. 1141 a enter llna ' WO and >�r 3.Y2t? fly e bas t iekk a 7,1rJF., from a line ei tho center tt nslata t f:of lne between *o t In width distant sigh rth Street to a Xing s lel rrtberly from the center line lineo parallel t t.s from u Line ss r lletl OZ Ulf) ccn,tr lime rxez h a treat: oat westerly 1averJao astruction `f a pavement Lie InchebiC and x .EWE= 3TVLIIT trim alino parallel start arid. 4 #' rtwesterly frx .z the eon Co t of Thirti in width en dts 26 feet vrostariy from the cantor l',na of en o to a line peralle1 thereto and dtst2AaL aso foot air the fluter iino of hi bland Avenue and bet s►e e1to and distant e s t feet nort e 1 24 foot y dry. tho °eatery �. ins of i 1 te{■e�nthStreet; J� �,PfE i c 4ion of a paYy five e Inches thick.�.' 1d width on HIOniAN3) r poet to e line from the northerly y l ine hereto .fit' distant 620 Coat northerly from the :u t Zrrly .1 of Thirtieth Street and between linos parallel to and distant, eight Coot westerly an 0 feet wear rly from the center line of Highland Avenue; and :' ► by said mAif 3 tint the ee too grey of ec+.id City; and o1utt33 No. 1174 it was also deter. of said municipal Improvement was erdinary awl totem and revenue 76. HER4i8, the Be untoes of said Olt 4 regular meeting thereof held on the 3rd day of Hovether* by a vote of tore than twowthirde of all its duly Passed and adopted its Ordinance No. 564 ealling aspoeial election and submitting to the qualified voters or said city the proposition of incurring a bonded debt in the sum of One Hundred Eighty Thou. sand (1 ,:4,000*00) Dollars for the purpose of the acquisition, o struetion and completion of said municipal lavrovemont„ and said Ordinanee was thereupon duly published once a week for two (2) weeks in The National Cl News* a weekly newspaper published and 'arm. lilted in said Cit7 of National City less than sin (6) days a week; r id City on the 6th day of Deelember* 1926* as provided in said Ordinance *all* ing the stAmes and by law for holding municipal el,—tione in said otitis and there was eubmitted at said election the proposition of inourring a bonded indebtedness of :*,00041,00 for the following purpose, to -wits street work consisting of the paving of certain portions of certain streets and avenues in *aid City, all as set forth in the o milling said elections and WERfitA8, said proposition reeelved more than two.thirds of the votes of all the voters voting at such special eleotionj and the Leslie authorising the to/Nerving or ifldebtodre*s by cities, town. rt municipal (coporations* for municipal lawsevements* and egelat. inc the acquisition* menstruation or completien thereof** which bee -,,,, a law February 26* 1901* and of all aete emd*tor thereof or eupplementary thereto* and the provisions of the ordinances of said City have been fully complied with me as to authorise the issuance of said bons* 7 7 . NOW, THE/WORE, the Board of City of National City do ordain as follows: SocitiOn 1, That bonds of the 0tt7 of National City in the sum of tI80,000.00 be issued in accordance with the provisions of an ant of the Legislature of the State of California entitled "An Act authorizing the incurring of indebtedness by cities, towns, and mnnicipal corporations, for nunicipal improv rite, and regum lating the aoquisition, oonstruotion or completion thereof", which became a law February 26, 1901, and with the acts amendatory there. of and supplementary thereto, and with the ordinances a said city, for the construction, acquisition and completion of the municipal improvement sonsisting of the street work hereinbefore described*. That said bonds Shall be Ono Hundred eighty (180) in and shall be numbered from 1 to 180, both inclusive, and shall be issued in the denomination of el„000.00 each, and the principal and interest thereof shall be payable in gold coin of the United States of America; that said bonds shall be dated Feb. ruary 15, lam, and shall bear interest at the rate of five per cent per annum, paeable semt.annually on the fifteenth day of Feb- ruary and on the fifteenth day of August of eaoh and every year during the life of said bonds* Said bonds shall be payable as follows: Six (6) of sidd bonds shall be due and payable 6n the fifteenth day of February, 1928„ together with interest thereon and on all emu unpaid at such date, and Six (6) of said bonds shall bo due and payable on the fifteenth day of February of each and every year thereafter until all of said bonds are paid, to- gether with interest thereon and on all sums unpaid on said re- spective dates. Said bonds and mild interest shall be payable at the office of the Treasurer of the City of National City, California. Said bonds Shall be aubstantially in the following form, to -wit: 16, ST Tis OF AMERICA ciLIFonsiA NATIONAL CITY dear tZ'te'[3ia prosisea to of February, l with interest t o n at coat per annum, payable day. of February and the t and every year hereafter un" pr en tnttz and surrender of they soyorQ2 i.7 become due, both payable in gold coin of the United thea co of the Treasurer of said is taau in purge of the Previa. � 3i�tx a of tra State of C 1tfo 28th, 1901, and all incurring rri.ng of indebtedness esa ta, and the tissue at the pert has been authorised e of all the duly qualified at .a special election duly and din said city an the sixth t which the PrePosition c$ autb . ryas aubmitted, to d and doeIa ced that by law to exist, and in the issu.. and been per.. oquired by lee, with all other the limit pre•• the State ot e, as required collection of t of this bond fund for the before matur•� of National t of prin. 1 res d.� the Ci' 7 9 . to coupons sx1 na a i:nata1iment of tar th re , whieh said be aubetanttally in form, to -wit: =TER= COUPON rest improvemen` d of 1927. Intern t• Coaatpcn No. the tittee: of National this coupon a tatty will pay to bearer eoln of the United State* of aemi..anrual Interest due on t his coupon is attached. th day of February their numbering. The six lowest on the t' f ennth day of February, of FE bV cry of each and every yes eat numbered bondo ehell become d o each of said accrue on such st coupons stall all be dated the fifteen. e due in the order of bonds shall become due on the fifteenth flay f'ter the six next high.• ayablo until a l% of said bonds s a 1.1 have been paid. interest said bonds ohail become due and payable semi-annual 1y on the f 3 ft th day of February and on the fifteenth day of Ault of each year upon the presentation to the Treasurer of said City of the coupons therefor. the , i and City of 'Truth e°; e mine. Ito meet r w Per ti e?':eh bonds and also swell ' arr of nnid ttod to. is hereby er tho i 'i tiro eorporeata surer of !mid t ixeterest emplane or to 9ff aed f and said bo said City Treasurer 1 t4 of Nattonel G4 of du 0 1 o id w rtvic to cottn i ty of National authorised w ee by hor r,!o eh ai:l be Eeh ;prinr 1pr .1 for of of fix aw levy or until apt for that ter. ent to 'pa the ammual intoz eat tbo prinsipal thereof i' as shall ehle before the time for i'iaix g tho nett general tax lever, a herein required to be levied and oolleoted shall be in on to all ether taxe* X evtec . for 'vuni.e pai purposes ana +al. +.ee ; 13 ,.t t .me € n 9 in the ea manner r as other ev aro eoiaeetol ce e be used for no other purpcaeo art of said 1,,enee an ; interesta� 15,E mere is here t or of the dity oi'* +ton t City nt ei tte i*i7C.atpal lobed ae3 It on id bo ds Sis and the pros aforesaid shell be paid into said sinking fUnd as soon as shall be colleted* and ahall row in in said sinking fund until required for the payment of tho prineipal or intersot of said bonds. When the respective payments of principel tad interest of said bends shall fall duo, the Tra*.• surer of mai eity is hereby authorised and directed to pay the saw out of the money*• in said fund upon the surrender of the bonds end eoupone representing 4eet104 d, The proceed* be pl in the City sbeausivy t* the oredit of a fund to be imown as• "Uwai44m1 Street Bond Fund of 1987w, and the ewe shall be applied exclusively to the purposes and objects mentioned in this ea said Board of trustee* and shall lished ono& in The National Citr News, slesehlYnewspi and eireulated in said City of National Cibi#0 gsu.and adopted on this 414.,, day by the following vote* to.cits Per Published a JKOMarrik 1927, AdI.is1 Biz" Ccrc3.ing1y, iritzLur attest; 10,0 Alex Murray f w trus. City tiona2 A= OF' CA. OVJUTY or ant .'+, 7,1 sty day of December ill el C" Ming of said was thereupon emu, Cox r 4a', ..z.z., :''°1 Trust roved and signed r3 or said City *t Hational City ama a r the `"ii. seal this...WI or January ,AL) I hereby certify that the above and foreR7cinR is fu.i , true correct copy of Ordinance ITo. 566 of the Ora— inances of the City of x't;wtio na.i City, California, as adopted by the Board of Truste....on the 4th day of January 1927; and the title of said Orai nanoe is as follows: "AN OPJ)INiAITC7 OF THE CITY OF ATT,O CITY, I -�..Rr I O .. :�x3� CT'.L,.�I �- �; �:° , PROVIDING �; FOR THE T1 i `S7UAYC.OF BO_Qf6 JF 6_ 1 CITY IN T E SUM OF4' 6O,v Q• FOR .i�.� CST iF+ U� ].gin "O 00 TF`. ACQUISITION OF A C FTAIN MUNICIPAL IMPR O T- r T CONSIST— ING OF STREET WORK i tt TIIIN SAID CITY." and said Ordinance was published once in a required by Law. sular issue of Thy N ,tiona-i. City News, as. City Clerk of the City of National City, California.