HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RESO 8488RESOLUTION NO. 8488
ii 11 }} ���� ASSISTANCE
'.,,_ }} A�.II. �jj _++ /�.}♦C FROM
FOR �.i��11:�i �SS1L.ii4 iCiiiiJlJ WITH FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE 1Y\�.i1s� TEE L��G'J2',9.�°^. RE-
OF 1954, AS rii"END
WHEREAS, the City of National City, California desires to provide
for a planning study contributing to an overall program for future
community development, the preservation of coiuinanity values, the pre-
vention of conditions ten.ing to cause urban blight, and the promotion
of the general health, safety and welfare of its citizens; and
WHEREAS, the State Department of Finance, under authority of
Chapter 1641, Statutes of 1959, may provide planning assistance for such
a orolram_ and receive financial assistance from tlie Orban Renewal
Administration, as authorized by Section 701 of the Rousing Act of 1954,
as amendeI (Public Laws, 83rd Congress);
NO xY z.:uisLN `::.E BE i1 RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City
of National City. Hereby requests the State Department of Finance to pro-
vide planning assistance under authority of Chapter 1641, Statutes of
1959, with such financial assistance as may be provided by the Urban
Renewal Administration, under authority of Section 701 of the Housing Act
of 1954, as amended (Public Laws 860, 83rd Congress). That such planning
assistance is more particularly described in a project description that
is attached hereto and made a part of this resolution as if fully set
forth herein.
TAT, the City Council of the City of National City, subject to
approval of such planning assistance by the State and Federal authorities,
hereby authorizes:
(a) payment to the State Department of Finance of a sum not to ex-
ceed $8,000.00, and
(b) use of personnel of the City of National City for technical
assistance in this project, which assistance has an estimate value of
THAT, the total estimated cost of the City of National Cityts pro-
ject as planned is $62,516.00.
THL.T, the Mayor of the City of National City be, and he hereby is,
authorize and empowered to execute in the name of the City all necessary
a plications, contracts, and agreements to implement and carry out the
)urposes ;specified in this resolution.
&S ED by the City Council of the City of National City this �5th
day of October, 19o3.
Effective October 15 , 1963
T"7i;'i j
��:��,±. - :iri'eF:.=:a:'Oh, City Clerk
The Natiena C;ty par plannin area wH! Gclucie lands to the east and outside
of the City s e:dsting boundaries, folloGng Sweetwater River Valley. to Otay Lakes
Applicant: Ctv of National City (County of San Diego)
Populatio: "327/7! (1960)
Pr'r oj monts
Total Project Senst:
Federa Grant 41766
City Cash Cotribution 00C
City's local services ]2,750 .
Projec: Handling Fee 399.
ConsuLant Fee 4.3,367 -
1. Econemi: base analysis and populat on forecast.
Prdored economic base anaysisFor National City to include the Soutb Bay
Are.,:, Complex.
c. Ana yze eteciemic eomend of variot:s land usss basee on i.a. and 7.b. abose.
2. Basic Rosearch
a. Lan c Use Inventory
b. Zon:ng Survey
c. Trarsportation and circulation.
d. Nottral Fstures
e. Pubic Facilities and Utilitics
f. Schcol plant and enrollment
g. Public buildings
h. Recreation
j. Physical improvement of City approaches
k. Plerning objectives
1. Annexation
�- General P)ae
W Prehm|nary Pian and Report
b Genera/ Plan and Ropor-,
Land Use
CircuYa Linn
Public BuiiJingo
Popu]anon ~ dcnsloy standards
Zoning aid 6ubdivisio: ordinances rev:uw
�Maps: LjnJ Use
Lynd Use 1135
PAblic Buildings
MaJor City Entrances
�Reports: [cocumic Base Analysis
Preliminary General Plan
Genera} Plan
Zoning and Subdivision 0rdirances R:vie*
Data for Appi cation Form PO-1
1. Econo is Base Analysis and Population Forecasts 10% of program
a. Economic base analysis of National City, the Scuth Bay area and the
relation to San Diego County will be prepared. The study will identify
the important factors affecting the economic structure of the planninc
a, -ea as physical resources, climate, employment and income. An ana1.s,
w 11 be made of 1933 conditions which are assumed to develop in the
area. Future employment, income and buying power will be analysed.
Consideration will be given to the use of the City's tidelands and
harbor development based on available engineering data.
b. Population studies will be correlated with the economic analysis.
Present and future population characteristics will be determined.
Projections of population growth to the year 1985 will be prepared.
Tc make the data more useful. the material wil ba presented in five
year intervals.
c. B,sed upon the economic analysis and population projections, the
economic demand for various kinds of land uses will be analyzed to
1585. Acreage requirements will be set forth for residential,
ccm.mercial, industrial, public facilities and recreational Open spac9
2. Basic Research
a. Lend Use Survey 10% or program
The present use of all land in the planning area wi1i be ;mapped.
information will be mapped ar tabulated in acres acc=arding to tha
following categories.
1) Residential
Single ily
Two Fami i ies
Multiple Family
Mobile Nome Parks
Transient Lodgings
2) Commercial
Retail Services and Trade
Commercial Services
Offices and Professional Use
Wholesale and Distribution (incl. Lumber)
Commercial Recreation
Commercial Parking Lots over 0,1. Area
isphat, etc.)
?'. t;ens Manufact'_,ring, Assembly, etc,)
Publi and ?mi-�Utl
Public 'Schools
Chu r ,:hes and Parochlai Is
instizutio:zs (City; County, State, Federal)
Communication and is:'lines
5) Open Land
Parks and Recreation
Water Areas and Creeks
Tide Lands
Vacant Land Within City 1_imits
Watershed Areas
6) Transportation and Circulation
Streets, Highways and Terminals
Railroads and Terminas
Harbor Area
Civilian Airport
b, Zoning Survey 3% of program
A survey of existing zoning %rt the planning area will be made.
Patterns of existing land use and existing zoning will be compa,
in order to adjust and relate zoned areas more closely to futur:
land -use needs.
c. Transportation and Circulation 5% of program
Review available data and develop an inventory and analysis and
present graphic material regarding available traffic data on maj'
trade routes, Correlate this data with land -use and population datE
(existing and proposed). Supplement available traffic volume count re,;L•
by fieid counts. in this connection the following field studies will
be undertaken:
1) Route reconnaissance and informal field observations of traffic
2) Traffic volume counts,as required to supplement available data,
to provide Average Daily Traffic and peak hour volume data for
all major routes.
3) City-wide parking survey.
Data will be developed to aid in the determination of mass -transit
(I. Natural
f p-cgram
A: 1 natural i-eatii ?"E:S 4. h. e the development of the
area such as slopes, drain a e. water', soi.', vegetation, etc, will
be studied.
Public facilities and utiiis,;es
of program
An inventory will be made of existi7.9major .wilt facilities and
major utilities of Iuenddnc the dr aw'ts o` the e:'ea. Assist the City
Engineer in chec';ing the adeq a :xisting :d::alnage and sewer
facilities to serve prejected l98 `,use,
School Plant and Enrollment
Review of ava;-labie data and forecastinq educational requirements
to 1985.
g. Public Buildings to of program
Study available information on pubic tJuiidings and develop the
future requirements necessary for the Gene;--.' Plan.
h. Recreation. (Indoor and Outdoor)
Review available data on. rec:eati°o
Prepare information on the various re
by 1985.
2% of program
Supplement data by field trips,
ational facilities needed
Downtown 9% of program
Analyze downtown's existing and poter
improvement of the physical appearance
and prepare downtown design d;agraa,
Physical Improvement of City Ppproaches
land uses, propose
parking deficiencics
3% of program
Analyze visual environment a major city entrances and propose
Plani ng Objectives_ 3% of program
Present to the City and citizens` committee ,iternatives of future
city growth and development. Discus there alternatives and cognize
the citizens major goals in the preparation of the General Plan,
3. General Plan 1935
Based on the above data and studies a Preliminary General Plan will be
prepared for the planning area.
a, Preliminary Plan and Report 14% of program
The Preliminary Plan or sketch plan will set forth ail the recemmcnnd
basic allocations of land use, and it will provide the basis for pub is
r<,=iew at a formative stage during a one month period, When the Pre-
! rrinary Plan has been reviewed and accepted in principle, it becomes
tie basis for the General Plan ,cself.
b. GErne"a.! Plan and Report
31% o;" program
e General Plan will include tpe following elements:
Land use Plan element (IO;c of program) indicet nvj residential
commercial, industrial and public land uses. This element will
show both the proposed aircent and the location of land to be
allocated to each of the Land Use categories.
2) Circulation Plan element (6% of program) showing the general location
and extent of major thoroughfares, transportation routes, terminals
for road rails, air and water traffic, and other commercial traffic
components all correlated with the Land Use element plan.
3) Statement of Standards (4;, of program) of p;pulaton density and
building intensity based upon the Land Use Plan.
4) Recreation element (4% of program) showing the general location,
extent of a comprehensive system of areas and sites for recreation
to be acquired and/or improved by the Ci.y,
5) Public Buildings element (3% of program; indicating the arrangement
of schools, libraries, fire stations and other- propriaate buildings.
6) Recommendations on a coordinated Capita' improvement Program (3%
of program) in the fore; of e statement o priorities for public
improvement projects of major importance in 5 years interval.
7) Recommendations on general policies concerning ;r;vexation (i cf
4. Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance Rview
To implement the recommendations c,f the General "'?urreyr ps-ogram of
zoning and sub" -division regulatieee wn 1 be institu ThL5 w':11 include:
a. Review of existing ordinances
the light. e _,er.erai Plan, 1985.
b. Recommendations on content of the Zoning Ore e dece will be prepared based
on existing patterns of development and objectives of the General Plan.
The recommendations will be presented in a form suitable to assist
National City's Attorney in preparation of the legal document.
c. Recommendations on the content of subdivision regulations will be based
on accepted planning techniques with consideration of neighborhood unit
and hillside development in order to insure sound City growth. The
proposed regulations wiii be presented in a form suitable to assist
the City Attorney in preparation of the legal document.
5, The follow ing_reproducible maps will be prepared:
a. Base Maps 1" - 2000', 1" - 800', I°' - 400', 1" - 100'
b, Existing Land Use 1963, 1" -- 800'
c, Preliminary General Plan 1985, 1" - 300'
d. General Plan 1905, 1" 800'
e. Downtown Area Design Diagram, 1 `' -' 100'
f. Park and Recreation Map, 1" - 800'
g. Transportation and Circulation Map, 1" - 300'
h. Public Buildings Map, 1" - 800'
o. Reports
a. Economic Base Analysis, 100 copies stencilled.
b. Preliminary General Plan 1985, 500 copies - stencilled.
c. General Plan, 1985, 500 copies - lithographed and illustrated.
d. Downtown Area, 300 copies lithographed and illustrated.
e Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance revew, 15 copies. - stencilled,
7. Participation of Local Jurisdiction
The local jurisdiction will provide planning assistance for the per-
formance of some of the planning work constituting a part of the program
be�ing 20% of the estimated total cost of the planning to be rendered.
The planning services to be provided by the local jurisdiction will
consist of:
a. Compilation of data on city revenues and expenditures,
tax rates, assessed valuation and other relevant data
for the economic base study.
b. Existing land use inventory covering the National City
Planning Area. Field survey, mapping on reproducible
and acreage compilation.
c. Transportation and Circulation study, Preparation of
traffic volume counts to supplement available data,
compilation and mapping of these data. City-wide
parking survey.
d. Collection of data and mapping of public facilities
and utilities in the planning area. Study and analyze
the adequacy of existing main sewer collection and
disposal facilities for projected 1985 land use.
$ 4,750
$ 2,500
$ 1,500
e. Compilation of data on school plant and enrollment and
on recreational facilities. $ 500
f, The c:onsuitant will review the zoning and subdivision
ordinances and prasethe recommendations to the City.
The City Attorney wit; prepare the two legal docJ-nents. $ 1,000
g. Changes and additions on existing base maps. $ 500
h. Assist the planning director in developing general
$ 1,250
policies concerning annexation.
$ 12,750
1. Thi` plant?ingj program will prepare the comprehensive General Plan for
Nat onal City and its planning area, which will Corm the guide for long-
rane development or the Area with respect to the pattern and intensity
of and use and the provision Dubuc facilities, This plan will be
the basis for future long-range fiscal plans which are not part a
prey ent irogram.
Tt'rit program will nrovide the iniCial _'cep in _ha development of a Capital
Improvement Program in the form of a statement of priorities for the
majc-r public improvements called for in the General -Plan,
3. The planning program erlb. ac!nn t area of the inc: r ed city, Port
Authority and San Diego County lands, I provide c.t: coordinating plan
for the various local departmeIlrs, Co-;.rty, State and Federal plans affecting
the Area,
4. After adoption, the General Plan will ice a policy guide for the City and
County relative to coordination with State ant local agencies concerned
in r_he Area.
5. The present program will provide a reiy,iew of aoning and subdivision
ord'=nances in effect in the City, and will recommend measures aimed at
coordination of regulatory ordinances.
The proposed project will aid in preventing conditions ieadirg to urban blight
and slums, facilitate progress in the reduction of urban vulnerability and
otherwise aid in meeting the purposes of the Housing Act by providing funda-
mental research in the economic, social and physical characteristics of the
area; and by providing a basis for the allocation of land uses plus zoning
and subuivision regulations review which will prevent overcrowding, faulty
development patterns and mixed uses, all of which lead to blight, waste and
The City has prepaved a t_on ng Ordinance and z )r.. n- rap and subdivision
regulations. The L •, has no General Plan a ola-,-lns progra7 of the
scope to consider .ora; City ar,I.l`S N' ";. _raz ccmprehensive
plan as this project proposes.
The proposed projec-; will provide the City vith four basic planning documents;
a General Plan, ' -. i ,_., .O "�.� aLia'J urthe zoning and
ere-C:,�. _: an of the .0 nrai PInn, r'arther planning
work will consist eocwz nat'jn c zoning and subdivision measures and
develoament of a Capital Improvement Program to carry forward the recommend-
ations of the General Plan.
Aithouyh National City it a broader sense is a part of the San Diego Region
and the South Bay Area in particular, the proposed General Plan covers a
well defined area of potential urbanization. it is confined by the Say of
San Diego, the Naval Station, and the Port Authority on the west, the
Chula Vista City boundary, Count; lands .with the Future South Say Freeway
(State Highway 2$C) to the South. The San Diego City 1;Hts define clearly
the northern and also partly the eastern boundaries. To the east. the General
Plan covers lands of the Sweetwater River Valley and related hills as
planning Area.
The praject provisions ensure that the Area vfil.1 be planned in its int rety
as described in Sections. A, B and C above.