HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RESO 6946curbs be constructed; tbet oroea
gutters be constructed and that manhole rims be reset; tat
exisbinc obstructions be removed as shown upon the plane,
ativoe Ga be graded;
that subgrades be prepared and that portions of the s tz'eets
be paved; that
1 eESOLt.:i TT.;.,. .
IN THE KATT/2 iJ ,ni �'�.::�1. ',.1(iTI h; OF :[tEETS A,..`D D.PRO EXENT
itp' H. R `T al; *17I,J'i1E FftWEEN J' T q
AT,) ''f +. �'iRNTEikaI E OF S XTIR STR C"'.,' I' T"a Ge1`.L'{ OP NATIONAL
or Na; ::%i";a1 Litt that i
Coundll to order tr e Vol winG work to be dorAe and inpro-
verrents to be made in the City of National Cl t;i s County of
Saga Iie7o, State of Call.i'crnia, to wit;
That Harbison Avenue tween the
Fourth street and the
ved ea f'ol lows: The t
c:ancrete drivew,
constructed; that tier..
curbs be oonstruct,ed; that standard sidewalk* be
constructed; that type
work auxilliary to any of the above end
which may be required to carry out the same, be performed.
All of the above mentioned work is more partioue
lerly and
that any other
by the City Coun
1 of t
s the intention of said
°enter ine of
centerline of Sixth Street be impro-
r'C,, t4on a «f
and described in the plans,
profiles and specifications for said work heretofore edQpted
by the City Counoil of the City. of National City by Its
Resolution Ni, 6817 which plena, profiles end apeeifloationa
are hereby referred to for all particul,ara in connection
therewith. The public streets and rights -of -.way hereineboYe
referred to ere shown and delineated in detail and speci-
fically located on the plane herei.nabove referred to, and
reference is hereby specifically mode to said plena, oxnp
specifically set forth
notice is hereby riven t.o al parties that apecifio iose-.
tins tk ere f are contained in : ai plane; and that
BE IT ? r T IE} R SOLVED that all of the said work
ne.reinbefc re generallyasc:ibed shall be oonstruoted in
seid streets, avenues, r ds, lanes, courts, places and/a.
public ways hereina ;ve described, of the , 1nencioi,a,
materiaand In tcati perticAar l.ocat: ns se f•grth and
arrow., of rile plans a zd ,.aeoi'iceti.ons and detailed drawings
herei.nabove enfi hereafter referred to; t F,.ether with the
construction of all apuu'rtenancee thereto, inoluding nscesei y
fittings, trenchings, ;wading ami egrading, excavation
and fill, remove/ of obstru.:tions, connections to existing
services, beck filling, reconstruction of existing ground
surface as required to conditions existing prior to commencement
of construction, ell in the manner, of the materials and
to the dimensio;;,s and to the grades, and in the particular
locations as the same are more fully shown on the plans
and specificat ,:ens and detailed drawings hsre.inabove and
hereafter referred to;
That the structures and work and improvements
herein described shall be constructed to the grades, sub-
grades and elevat.ons severally shaven up...n the plans end
profiles and detailed drawings thereof in the reepeotivs
locations thereof, to which plans and profiles reference
is hereby expressly made for a description of the grades
to whioh all of the work and improvements under this
Resolution of Intention shall be done, whioh said grades
are hereby a dopted and established as the official grades
therefor for all purposes in oonneotion with proceedings
pursuant to this Resolution of Intention; notice is hereby
further given that said grades are or may be, in part, Aew
and different from those heretofore established or exis t.n
6r:.,und le
Aal Q;
s_1d i.mp,anal -. ; e don
to the „ivies an ;Tale.3 as ;,;gown on the plans and profiles
and in accordance with the plans ad specifications hereto-
fore, and .n the 18th day of December, 1956, adopted by the
City Council of t xa City cf Net? Opel City by Resolution No.
6817 for th„ doin3 of SEll worn and improvement, end which
are 4 ow on the in the ttf ic:e of the City Clerk of tt>s
City of National :pity. aid plans. and specifications,
said profiles ad detailed drawings and di, grams aoccmp4ny-
ing the same are :iereby expressly . eferred to for fu;1
end detailed description and looetion cf said proposed wor4
and improvements, the public streets and rights-o '-way
involved, and of the grades to which said it:provementa era
to be constructed.
Excepting from all of tha herein described wex k
ell of said work that has already been done to the 11n.1
and grades shown on said plane and profiles, and in tecod-
ance with said plane and specifications;
All of said work shall include, without duplica-
tion, any and all streets in'teraeetione, terminations and
opposite terminations occurring within the limitations of
said work;
The attention of all persons is directed to the
fact that all of said classes of work above described may
not be constructed upon all of the streets and/or public
ways above deacribed
particular locations
tions, to which the
for • description of
the several public streets or
in their entirety, but only upon the
as shown on the plans and speoifias-
ttention of all persons is direieted
the work to be done upon each of
rights -of -way named, a demo"
cri.ptian of thr: st4,eets end
.cf.way, and for ell other
inforrnati n contained In the said plans and specifications
inent to the doing end completion of the work and it prc.
vemen is herein- proposed; and
That the City of National City has allocated the
sum of 49k,00 from its sewer fund and that said auto wi1l
be contributed towards the total cost -of said proposed im-
provement WO t?At that _gu241. c f 499,00 the:: be p i
d out
of the Treasury of the •. 1.ty of National City from the sewer
fund for this purpose; that the C1.ty of Pational City ham
allocated the sup: of $3e95.06 from its drainage fund and
that said cum will be contributed towards the total coat
of ,said proposed improvement, and that the sum of $395.06
shalt be paid out of the Treasury of the City of National
City from the drainage Turd for this purpose; and that the
City of National City hea allocated the sums of $1,456.40
from its general fund and that said sum wi 1 be contributed
towards the total coat of said proposed improvement, and
that the sum of $1,456,40 shell be paid out of the Treasury
of the City of National City from the general fund for #hie
purpose; and that the remaining coat of said work and
iupro vementa wiJ1 be assessed on the property owners bene-
fited pursuant to the vro visions of the Improvement Aet
of 1911 and this Resolution of Intention.
WHEREAS, said contemplated work and improvements!
in the opinion of this City Council, is of more than local
or ordinary benefit, said City Council hereby makes the
expenses and costs of said work end improvements ohar$eeble
upon a district, which said district said City Council
hereby declares the district benefited by the work and i*-
provements herein described; said district shell include
that territory in the City of National City, County of 4414
Diego, State of California, which is shown on that ee>HOA
plat or map No. 120-A on file in the office of the City
Clerk of the City of National City and which is ent:itaed
and described ":Map of Proposed Assessment District for the
Improvement of iarbison Avenue from the centerline oX 4th
Street to the centerline of 6th Street," and which said
map or 11at was approved and adopted by the City Council
by Reso1T..ftiu No. 6812 an the litn day of December, 1956,
and v.iiich inciicaties, by a boundary line, the extent of
the territory included in the propo ed olstrict and covers
all deta.1s ss to the extent of the area to be assessed;
said map op plat is, by this reference Incorporated herein
and :jade a port hereof;
Excepting; fr. m the area shown and delineated
on said map or plat, heretnabove referred to, the area of
all public streets, avenues, lanes, roads, driven, courts,
places, public parks, and all easements and rights--of-way
therein contained belonging to the public, and also all
property owned by the 7nited Staten of Americo', the State
of California, or any of its political subdivisions, e
municipal corporation, or a quasi -municipal corporation
contained therein, now in use in the performance of a
public function.
Notice is hereby given that the report of the
City Engineer and the report of the City Manager and the
City Engineer on the hearing on said report, pursuant tp
the provisions of the Special Assessment Investigations,
Limitation and Majority Protest Act or 1931, ars on file
with the Cijiy Clerk of National City and may be examined
et her office.
The said Council hereby determines and -declares
that serial bonds shall be issued to represent *soh asasas-
rant, to red z & sent the ex
ty-' ve :'u?lore tin more -remaining unpaid after
tit _%i'iiy oeys from the date of the
uS sold ti:ork and impro
venrent. Said serial bonds shall extend over a period ending
nine ;ears from the second day : i' Jatuary next suceeeairtg
the next October 15tth following their date, and at the
ex drat' .h of said I im€ the whole s teen unpaid snail
:e due and payae.le; but on the second day of January of
each year fallowing the next October 15th after their date,
an even annual propnrta..rn of its whole ac:ourt shall be clue
and payable, uo, :i prese ,tat- on of the coupon therefore,
unt,i the whole is paid. Said bonds shawl bear interest
at e rate of six par cent per annum, interest payable
semi-anxtuai'y r. coupon, or e 1 suns unpaid unti1 the
whole c>f said T inc:ipal and interest thereof shall be paid
under and in pursuance to the "Improvement Act of 1911"
and amendments thereto.
The City Counc' 1 of the City of lietional City
has ascertained and declared by adoption of Resolution No.
6862 on the 13th cJa; of r^•ebruar;,•, 1957 the prevailing rate
of per diem wlEes acid by private employers in the said
y of National C
for the same quality of service.tbr
e qay of eight (8) hours for each craft, labor, type of
workman or mechanic needed to exeoute said work, end by
this reference thereto said Resolution lsmade a part hereof
Ni:TICE 12 HL.R.EFY GIVEN, that on Tuesday R the 11`�
day of v ry P 1957, e « 2:00 P.M. of said day, at the
meeting place of the City Council of the City of National
City, 1243 National Avenue, in the City of National City,
County of San Diego, State of California, any and all
persona having any objections to the proposed work or
4r improvement, to the grade at which said .,ark is to 1:
done, or to the extent of the district to be assessed to
pay .he cysts asd expenses of said proposed work or
improvement, may appear before said Council and show esuse
said propose,3 improvement should not be carried out
h. ;his Resolution.
:;test, if any, must be in writing, and
must t;dntcin a dee:cript':n of te property in which each
s.;ner thereof is in erected, s'ficlent to identify the
same, and shall be delivered and filed with the City Clerk
of said City. No other protest,: or o jpotions will be
That the ;'ity Clerk of the City of National City
shell cause this Resolution of Intention to be published
twice an the -;ati:•nal C.ty Star News, which said newspaper
has h;:retofore been designated by said City Council as the
newspaper in which shall to printed and published all
notices, resolutions, orders and other matters required to
bo published in the proceedings taken pursuant to this
olution end under the provisions of said "Improvement
Act of 1911" and amendments thereto; the first publioation
of said notice she 1 not be,less than ten (10) days prior
to the date herein fixed for hearing on this Resolution
of Intention;
That the City Clerk be, and is hereby directed
to mail notice of adoption of this Resolution of Intention
postage prepaid, to all persons owning real property pro-
posed to be assessed, whose names and addresses appear on
the last equalized County Assessment Roll, at his address
as shown upon such roll, or as Lnown to the City Clerk,
and as to property, if any, assessed by the State under
Section 14 of Article XIII of the Constitution toevary
secorderi e
&fter ';a- ad
Such pr:: L T>';;,' -^t the address tnereo.f RJwr1 on the
.f-ast State Board of iiqualizatIon roll transmitted to the
Liego County Auditor. Said mailing shall be at least
fifteen drys prior to the day herein fixed for the hearing
on this solution of Intentlo:;, ell in tha tune, form and
s9rzner required 'Ay law.
ILe Clerk of said Civy b'.hall, upon coa.pl ,tion of
said no ides, ? _'.le with the City Co _'boil
tidavi set i forf t
t.3 i
t 7.e3 and rr meaner ofu__u CV!%
: ,tb tne L. e r4+lu ire ens for mEi11ng such no tic'✓s•
t the T tree *. u x _ ir, : ende.it cf s id City shall,
this Reodlution of Intention, anus e
to be conspicuously posted along the line of said co ite..-
dated work or iu:,roveme At, at not more •than three hundred
feet in distance apart, but r,nt less than three in ell,
notices of the passage of t'ais Resolution of Intention, and
when the work to be done is only upon an entire crossing;
or intersection or any part thereof, he shall cause such
notices to be conspicuously poste: in fron t of each quarter
block or irrsgula.r block liable to be assessed, end when
the work is ohargeFt:le upon a cis rict, he shall oause such
r•otioea to b:' conscuously posted upon all open streets
within such distric- at not more than three hundred fee'.i
in distance apart on each street so posted; all in the time,
form and manner reu fired by law; 4nd thereupon said Street
Superintendent shall osuse to be filed in the office of
the City Clerk of s 1d City, an affidavit showing the posting
of said notices of improvement.
All of the, herein proposed work shell be done in
pursuance of an Act of the Legislature of the State of
California designated as the "Improvement Act of 1911K end
amendments thereto.
e 1957.