Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of National City as follows:
That a special zone variance permit be granted to San Miguel School for Boys
for the purpose of building immediately an additional rest room facility,
an additional room for athletic equipment, and other additions
as they become necessary in the future, such as classroom
buildings, an administration building, a chapel, a gymnasium,
athletic fi ld, bleachers, a swimming
poo , aui ing an grounds maintenance shops, utility rooms
or a utility building,a transportation maintenance or storage
buildi , tennis courts, an auditorium, an outdoor theater and
any other building that may be necessary for the operation of
the school or the housing and feeding of the faculty or the
Said property is more particularly described in Exhibit A
heretofore attached and made a part hereof.
That said permit is granted upon the conditions and recommendations of the City Planning Commis-
Construction is to be commenced within ninety days from date hereof.
This permit shall expire day of 19 Any violation of any of
the above conditions will void this permit and the same shall lapse and be of no effect.
PAS S:t?;D AND ADO T E.D the
day of November, 1955.
City Clerk
Parcel 1: All o1 Lot 5 of Sar
Kimball's Subdivision of 40 Ac
2. Quarter Section 133 of Ranch
Nacion, in the City of National
County of San Diego, State of Ca
nia, according to Map thereof N
filed in the office of the Count
corder of San Diego County; and
Also the Southerly Half of that
tion of 25rd Street adjoining sal
t to the North, vacated by Rao
' f the Board of T niateer of the Ci
National City, No. 72, and adopted
Ordinance No.'281 on Jane I, 1909
Aiao that portion of Palm A
vacated by jesolution .No. 2016
joining said Lot 5 to the rant:
Excepting therefrom that portio
Lot 5, bounded and described as
tows: Beginning at the Southwest*
corner' of aaltt Lot 5; thence raster
song the Southerly line of said Lo
a distance of 427.50 feet to the
pint of beginning; thence Nor
at. right singles to the Southerly
of said Lot 5, a distance of 164 fee
a point; thence Easterly at right
let to aforesaid line a distance
• 152.50 feet, more or less, to the in
section with the Easterly line of
Lr,t 5, thence Southerly along
Easterly line of said Lot 5, a than
of 154 feet, more or lem, to the
easterly corner thereof: thence W
er:�y along the Southerly line of
Lot 5 • distance of 133.30 feet. -
ondor � to the true point of teginnl
Also. excepting, from said Let l the
Westerly 125 feet thereof, and
Also, excepting from said parcel the
Western' 1a5 feet of vacated Southerly
Half of. lord Street,
Panel 2: All that portion of the
Northwesterly Quarter Section 1g7 of
Rancho de la Nacion, In the County of
San Diego, Stele of California, accord-
ing to Map thereof made by George
Morrill in KIN, No. lee. in the Office
of the County Recorder of San Diego
County, deem -Abed as follows: Begin-
ning at the Northwesterly corner of
said Northwesterly Quarter; thence
North 71' East along the Northerly
Line of Quarter Section 600 feet; thence
South l9' lYst 600 feet; thence South
44' 26' Wept 670.E feet to a point is
the Westerly lire of said Quarter See -
lion, thence North 19' West along said
Westerly line 600 feet to the Place of
Parcel 3: The Westerly 3t6 feet at
even width at the South Quarter of
the West Hall of M Acre Lot 2 Quar-
ter Section 1M of Rancho de la Na-
don, 1st the City of National Qty,
Courl.ty of San Diego, State of Caldfor-
made by
llorrilllap om filleto Kap thereof
oCounty Eecoeder of San
Parcel 4: That portion of 40
Acre Lot
1 of Quarter Section 134 of the Rancho
de la Necion, City, County of the tie,, State, K
California, acCordi Mate of
Morrill No. 1e6, filed b the office e of
describedthe Recorder of mid Son Diego follows Beginning at
ah C. fit' thence North and perellel�with
the Wert line of said Lot 1, • d{rtance
re Lot of cpt .gm the Point of s
point 155 feet Fast of the Northwest
corner of the North Half of the North-
east Quarter of said 40 Acre Lot I;
thence Easterly a distance of 300 feet
on the North line of said Lot 1; these
South and parallel with East line of
said Lot 1, • distance of 246 feet:
thence Wert and parallel with North
line of said Lot 1 a distance
Description made a part of Resolution No. 4,670