HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RESO 2 (3)On motion of Mr½a'seconded by Mr. ifme;
the following resolution was unanimoiy adopted.
WHEREAS, Charles E. brnner of San Diego, California,
has heretofore made application to this Board Par a franchise to
'erect, maintain, and operate over and upon the streets, alleys and
tigrJays of this city a line or dines of telephone and telegraph
wires by means of poles with Wires the±'etb attache.; for the purpose
of carrying on a general telephone and telegraph business and said
anl)lication has been accompanied by a copy of said franch1e,
NOW, THEREFORE, Be it resolved that this Board accept said
application and advertiie the fact of said-p-atfl tt'ir
with a statement that it is proposed. to ;rant the same
by -6tt,666 Z7Cei
as provided
To Whom It May Concern:
Notice its hereby given than at application
has beei made to the Y3oard of Trustees of Nt1onai City,
State of California, for a franih1se to construct, erect, maintain,
and operate <. lIne or iine oi' telephone and t!Legrph wires by
means of nonduitl ant poles with wlreFi attached thereto under, upon,
over and, alon8 the street, alley, and public hIghways ofNational City
California, now oib hereafter stah11she, for th p.up6e of
carrying on a gnerai telephone and telegraph hwiness with oeriain
appurt'nanoej aMincident rightn hereinafter mentioned; that it
is the purpoeof the said_ T3< of Trustees to offer for ale and
grant to the highest bidder said franch1iie upon the terms and con-
}iereunder =mentioned.
Said franchise Iis, dacribed a follows:
?irt: The poles to ,bp erted and maint thed. under said
franchise shall, ,as to s1e aM }1PIght, and aa to etotion and
location, conform to tYreasgnahle ruleand regulation9 of. fale
-•-- City
Stre&• Departm.mt ofmihR
0a-s4,6m4 mum
WWWW10 and to the ordinncen cif
econd;- That all telephone lines constructed or operated in. -
der said. franchise shall have fuli!xuet1ll1c circultr5.
Third:- That the grantees, of said franchise, his or ltr3
succenror assigns, ThIl, if requird by airi city, furnish and
allovz to it, during the trm f said franchThe, fre use of foux
pins on the tan nross arrnof euh f the poles rected and main -
tained under 8a1d franchise during the, whole term thereof for. the
purpoe of carrying or trIngin wires used by said city for tel.e-
grs��h, t4eephone, pol1c or fire alarm purposes; provided however,
that gat Raid tlity F3ha11 in its use and mintenane of it condi�t-
�ion sad cros arms comply with the reas�nabie Plana and rules
of said gant:ee, hi or its mic(;P,SsQZ`s or asigns, so that, thee
shall he arninimwa danger of contact between th said �fldUOtOD3 and
543,2`g8 or cables of the aaidgrante.B,.
Fth:- That the pergon, partnershIp or corporatIOn to
whom o,ced-rt firrchie T granted gym. awcas*,d_etcL.:1"1-14 orits)ft_suarfo-ssollt45 ter.
tissi-grvitshoAl fturince lIfe of said franchise, pay t�- tkm Mitnof
NatIonarc1y, in lawful money of the United StateR, 4 of the gross
annual rece1its of said grantee, his or its successors or aasigns,
arising from the use, operation or posseAsion of said franchise.
No peroentag shall he paid for the first five years succeeding the
date Of. the fra1chi90, hut, thereafter, wh percentage shall hePaY
able annuaUy.
It shall be the duty of the grantee Of said franehie, his or
Its sly3oeFmr8 or ass1gni, to file With the said Bord Of Trustees,
at the expiration ofyears from the data, of the of said___
franhi, and at the expiration of each and every year thereafter,
a statement, verified by oath of said grantee, his or its successors
or a8a1gn8, or by oath of the manager or presiding officer of said
grantee, A ., �.:.-. = �.: - ; 1114f,, ehowing the total gro?8
receipt3 and wogs earnings o11erted or received, or in any manner
g&inedor derived by aairl grantee,. hIs or its ucoesor AT aa1gns,
during the preowiing twelve months through telephone, telegraph,
district messenget' and hurglarralarra oharges and rentals, and from
the leasing or letting of lines, po1e and conduit. And. rri.thiit
ten day3 after the time for Piling said statement, it shall b the
duty of said grantee, hir its successors or assigns, to pay to
tki National city the aggregate nun of said percentage upon the
amount of the gros annual receipts arising from the ue, operatioh
or p0a8es810n of Bald franchie, determined and oornuted in the
manner heeinbefore nrovided, and any nglect, omision or reftia1 of
said gt'antee, hiR or, It or assigns, to file said yen i
statement rvJ�o pay such percentage of the said grosn annual receipts at
the time or to the manner herin provided 8ha11 work the fo5,reiture
of the franohi� hern proP4sed to by granted and of all rIghts
Fourth:- That the grantee of said franchise, shall, within
fiv=> dws after said fronohl8e is awarded, file with saili3oard of
Trutees of ai4 National City a bond riiflTrir to ifaid city with at
ie1 twgooj..nt buffNlive)-.ffit.war I *are penal um of i3OOO.do
cr�riittond that said grantee, hip rir its successors or assigns
:hall well and truly observe, fulfIll and perform each
and every terra and condition set forth in oaid franchi#e; and that
in oae of any breach coflditioned by said bond, thewho1ee amount
of the penal um 'therein named 8ha11 be taken any deemed to he
llqi4dated damagei; and shall be recoverable from the prIncipal'
case such
and sureties upon saId bond. in wxaxe bond shall not be so
filed, the award of such franchie Rhall be set asIde and the ame
may by granted to the next highest bidder or again nffere&ior sale
at the discretIon of. ki floard .
PIM:- That the grant of said franchise, rights and privi-
leges ghall he su)ij eat to all the pr0v1310n8 of the law relative
to th granting of. such frannhIre, rights and rivI1eges.
SIxth:- Work shall be coimnencerl under t1hii franchise in good
faith within not more than four months from the granting of
said rram-thise, arid, if not so corhmenced within said time, said
ftanhte so g:ratited shall by declared forfAited; and said work
shall he r:oM;iAE'.tP,d within not, more than threeyears thereafter and
not being so complited iithin said time , said franch.ine so granted
shall tyP foreited, povi4ed that, for good. ^atzsP shown, the said
floarrt of Trntees of said city by reBolution may extend the time
for the cornDLetion thereof not exoeeUthg thre months therafter.
That any nglat, faIlure or refwmi to comply with any of
the condItIons of f3aid franchiFie shall thereupon work the for-
feitur.P theeof and the fiaid CIty, 1* its Board of. Trustees may,
thereupoft, derlAare said franch1e'forfe1ted and may exclude sa1i
grantee, his or It successors or aignB from the urther use of.
the of F,flici city under naid frannhise.
That sealed kids in writIngWili�be receid by the CIty
Clerk of. Nationia City rho is ex-oT4210 clerk of the BOad of
Trustees of said c1ty1up to
-4� Ti the
play o�
b4!cl�ck A. H.
1905 in that certaIn room kfloWfl
as the Chamber of the Board f Trustees of said city.
' i tip_ -p' ` t - .o ` r[`
ia' body of said Cit, to -wit the aid
c om�. n €o ncil of ' said City .shall
through -ts. 1l r , namely the City Clerk
of said City, t : born said bids shall be
delivered, and by '-.o-said bids shall
be received, for and on -beh .lf of the
id governing body, pro e -_- t3' en
avid' - iid.
.ler•rr i it body, through� .,
' Body , its said C1 #
shall proceed to hear and e eive the
bids of any responsible person,
crpora.tion, present or represented, o
may bid for said franchise or privilege,
a sum not less than ten -per cent above
the highest sealed hid therefor, and said
bid so made rays be raised not less than
ten per cent by any responsible bidder,
d said bidding may so continue to be
made, and bids continue to be
received by the said. governing body
through its said Clerk, until finally said
franchise shall be struck off, sold, and
aAN arded by said governing body therou h
its said Clerk to the said highest bidder
therefor, in gold coin of the'United
States, subject, however, to suchstrik-
ing off, sale, and award being confirmed.
•oi-dina.ncel by the said' governing ;b-ody
and the said bid being accepted by .or-
inanee by the said governing body, and
no such sale or award of such franchise
shall be made, nor any bid therefor
finally accepted, until so acc pted and
made by said! governing body by ordi-
nance, that, all bids must h for the
payment of a stated sum in gold coin
of the i ted States. Each sealed bid
shall be accompanied with cash .or a
certified check, payable to the TTeasr eT
of said municipality, for the full amount
of said bid, and no sealed hid shall be
considered tin+less said cash or ch-eck is
enclosed therawitho the successful
lidie~ shall deposit at least ten per cent
of the amount of hisbid with the +City iyze
Clerk of the said iGity .: f .Saw - i
before. the franchise shall be struck off
tohim; and if he shall fail to make s. cli
derwit inirnediateivs then and� inth
t -,
v shall not rcp a
shall be considered as void. and the said
franchise shall then and there he agate . --
offered for sale to the bidder who shall
make the highest ca.sh bid therefor, sub-
ject to the same conditions as to de-
posit, as above mentioned.
Said procedure shall be had until said
franchise is struck off, sold, and award-
ed to a bidder who shall make the nec-
essary deposit of at least ten per cent
of the amount of his bid therefor. Said
successful bidder shall deposit with the
said City Clerk of the said •it ,o4f- �.rr
Digs. within twenty-four hours after
the acceptance of his bid, the remaining
ninety per cent of the amount thereof,
and in case he or it shall fail to do so,
then the said deposit, theretofore made,
shall be forfeited and the said award
of said fradchise shall be void', 'and the
said franchise shall then and there, by
said governing body, be again offered
for ale to the highest bidder
thcrefor, , in the same manner and
iw ier the same _ restriction ,as - ere-
inlifoe provided. , and in -case said
bidder shall fail to deposit -with
be said Clerk the remaining ninety
per cent of his laid, within twenty-four
after its acre ta`n.ce the aa.Td..
to him of said franchigie shall be set
aside', and the d positi heretofore made
by him shall b e forfeited, and no further
prose =drugs • for a sale of said franchise
shall be had unless the same shall be
re-a.dvertts-ed and again offered for sale
in the manner lIttrelpbefore provided_._____
- -2-
-; 4,11
tazid nur suant t t hs) p:r5o 1r :LE.: ions
or the statute oi' the State of Ca.lirornia, approved March lit., 1901
aManiencieri March 6th,. 19O3') entitled " giga.nr. v' . � M fi r ,;,al
sale o?' -�Ppt railroad,and Qther fL€znnr�:tsevin municipalitiesand ularlau l�411 t `� fOT' thn rantineY OS BucliarTFEFUTdria
4ai3iative Fula �heT g,overnTh� 0 � 4,722orepeallwv oonrictin
acts." to Thih"referenre i hereby made for furtjr par !.Cll. ar9
I?1 WiTN}ffL'WH)BEOF I have herepflo -81Dt my haM and corporate
seal of, said city of April, 1905
_ J-
City Clerk Plaid EXOffiC19
ClerX of Board of Trutees
of said „_
est ce for Investiets,
eAANv IN vivv,,
S�uthorn Crlifona�.
Nicely 1ocated, on the Best Harbor on the Pacific Coast,
LtvtI ItU1d, slightly 510p1no' towards the bay acid ocean,
a. line breeze from the sea da11sT makes this r one cif the.i
III6St famed: places oR tho' PA- 4 .0 ST
� a
e iLk1tU IE' I ope ets [or J :tiofl al City are
w leed brip'ht ;trid p,1.t1e1 buying now eaJITiflOt
fltil o profit izudgely.
We shall .not prornis you 100 per cent profit in sixty days, but it
would not surprise if purchase.. made now would realize such an advance
within a year from this time.
hav"ffine.verY line Pieces oivroperty which We can 1111t in
your pqssessioi which at - pisent Prices, <<•xt boui'id to make money
for the purchaser.
VTrite 1-1 s4 for Lj't and Prices,
the Rialto�Jompail
Fre cl Atherton, Mgr
144%-ei s7glf‘
• •
the streets of said city under said • _
That sealed bids in • writing -r-4- said SOME SECRETS OF
franchise will be received hf the :City
Clerk of National City wAr-rit) is extrofficio
clerk of the Board oi_lrustees' 'of said
city, up to 10 o'clock a. m.on the 29th
day of May, 1905,"- in that certain_ room
known as the Chamber of theB-6ard of
Trustees of ---said city.'
To Whom It liNt iy Concern: At the. said time andrgALOce, the govern-
ing body of said to -wit, the said
Notice is hereby given that an appli-
Board of Trus,tecIT of said )c.ity , 'shall
cation has been made to the Board of
through its clef, namely, the city Clerk
Pfrustees of National City, State of Cali through
said nity-r to whom said bids shall he
fornia, fur a francnise to construct, erect,
delivereie, and by whom said bids shall
maintain, and operate a line, -or lines of reeilived, for and on behalf of the
telepho112 and telegraph wires by means be
and declare said bids, and at the. said ViiIT TO A LABORATM1
s-rr.i'd governing body, proceed to. open conduits and poles with wires attach-
ed thereto under, upon, over and
the streets, lley, and public highwfoys,
time of so opening said bids, the 49...aid gov-
as -
now or hereafter estatilished, of N,>.tional erning body, through its said Clerk,
City, California, for -'he purposn'of car-
shall proced to- hear and receiVe the
rying a genefttl teleph-onand tele- bids of .any responsible person, firm, or
raph businesswith certairtp.,r
corporation, present or represented, who
and urtenaneesrriy bid for said franchise ''or privilege,
incithoi-Frights hereixiaTter mentioned -
that it-j,ethe purposso-rthe said Hoard (Y.,fr'-'-a sum not less than ten per cent. above
offer tor sale and granto the highest sealed bid therefor, and said
4-nhighest bidr aid franrchi
bid so made may be- raised not less than
e 51,-es.upon
the terms and.s&ditions herenaider ten per cent. by iany responsible bidder,
t and said bidding raay so continue to be If we could tr-Oe the origin of the
Said fnaff6h1se is descoimade, and bids continue tobe
bed as follows: received by the said governing body inany thingsicli enter into our daily
First-A.1.'1)e poles to Jae ei'ected and main- through its said Clerk, until finally said life We world doubtless be -greatly sur-
tainOrti under said, franchise shall, as to A:e anti height,and as to erection and franchise shall be struck off, sold, and prise&gewhat we would learn, in some
lorcation. contiffin to the reasonable rules awarded by said governing body through instafices we would find that they had
tnd its said Clerk to the said highest bidder
reguldelo.ns of the Street Depart- therefor, in gold coin of the United their beginning in mere accident. In
inent offtsaid City and to the ordinances
ti•iti;ame. Stgates,„ stua e?÷Indhoawweavredr,
in' off other cases we would find that the
.5.441,e:tea or operated under said franchise betc'ingstincohnfisriLrrilek---
by ordinance by the said governing body
d originated in some stroke of genius. In
,sicAlnid—That all telephone lines con lug
the said bid being: accepted by or-. still others we would find that they are
The History Of the Origin of Many.
of These Remedies Has
Been Peculiar.
Process of Manufactitte as Seen in
an Establishment Knol7
Buffalo's Seventh libAder.
shall have full metallic circuits.
dinanee by the said governing body, and the direct outgrowth of patience and per
grantee of said fran-
sizeply retaining them in private mac-
:.tienessorrs or assigns, to pay to National lzain offt,red for sale in the manner here -
city the aggregate s.um of said percentage inhefore provided. idwil carp from the beginning to
tice. And- solie -defied-44e ethie-rs-- ol'itiary
,orkonjhe amount .of the gross annual re. This notice.is given under and pur- his profession, which deny physicians the end. NJ 'business such as is done at
cel-pt-,.irefstif-g-froTi-i' the use. operation or snant to the provisions of the statute of
poss,ession of isaid franchise, determined t-h•:_l, Stale of California. approved March the right, to advertise, and be is now thish(Butiloffito.hbleeslialdblisstlilemeeesnstfucloruelcdorldiallo-et
and computed in the manner hereinbe- 11th. 1901, and (amended March epth, 190:1) known as not only the proprietor of one on
fore provided, and any neglect, omission entitled, "AN ACT PROVIDING FOR of the best of the many patent medi- nearly (Arty years if. it were aonducted
or refusa4-a.,slYtd,grantee. his or its sue- THE SALE OF STREET RAILROAD ---'1ea'. wOtkiertila. Honesty and honor
eines but as one of the world's greatest
oep...wrs 4-A. assigM,I4rut-r--46..,_sald verified AND OTHER FRANCHISES IN MGNI- tfOunzi in the patent medicine businen,
advertisers. Because he has been a,,
statement or to pay such pare:TRitgle;_of,QTA-1,1111E,%-i_AND PROVIDING CONDI.-
the said gross annual receipts at the 'LIMNS FOR THE GRANTING OF SUCH liberal patron of the newspapers fe- aa in all others. •
time or in the manner herein provided FRANCHISES BY LEGISLATIVE AND over one-third of a century, Dr. P,:zfice
shmll work the forfeiture of thei.-,-fran- OTHER GOVERNING BODIES AND
chise herein proposed to be grantedr----affi--T-11-3,ZALTNG CONFLICTING. ACTS." to
tion of his fellow townsmen ,
has never suffered any in therj. effilallaci..:
of all rights thereunder. --.. ,,-; ._.
_..... whic7E-rterence is hereby made for fur -
Ins ment is
Fourth —That the grantee of said fran- Trrerztpa-nhieuilays. _ .,,-witete his mammoth estP
. .
chiFe shall, within Ifive days after said
franchise is awarded, file with said Board
of Trustees of said National City a bond
running to said city with at least two
good and snITicient sureties. in the penal
sum of .1.1,0(10.00 conditioned that said
;iranlee, his or its successors or assigns
shall well and truly observe, fulfill and •
porform each and every term and con-
dition set forth in said franchise; and
thot in case of any breach conditioned by
said bond, the whole amount of the penal
sum therein named shall be taken and .
deemed to be liquidated damages; and
shall be recoverable from the principal
and sureties upon 'said bond. In ease such
bond shall not be So filed, the award of
such franchise shall be set. aside and the
--ii-ne T1 ay be granted to the next highest
bid412eror-=--again offered for sale at the
discretion of said Board.
Fifth —That he grant of said franch,ise
•=-71%vigil-t;=a-r.d_ nrivilcIrrps._-_a_h -111-4_,,--wa--:- -s-rribieltrt-rt o
fill the provisions of the law relative to
tne granting of such franchise, rights
ared privileges.
Sixth—Worli shall be commenced uriroi
this franchise'ili --fronirP---farit-h._ withk.an+,
more than four months from tin r'14.
ing of .p,nid franchise, and. ,-tatizimiLrasn°.,
commenced within said tinli&lax,i
ehise so granted shall
felted; and said woLilr .41Thall be con;plet„,z
nil within xo-1,-rorore than three years
thervallt(-P Atha not beir_ig_ SO Cznplet...,e,d .
within said tinie. •
. :t I— Itiitxxi
no such sale or award of such -franchise,: <sistence. In others
sfi-oill 'rldrequired 12y said city, furnish and shall be made, nor any bid thery,of- 0 • *
we would discover
(wise, his ' or its ticcessors or assigns,
- ,..,,, . finally accepted, until so accepted,d•dnd la some article which is of constant
;dip.- . te it, during the term of said fran- made by said governing body iNe ordi- and almost universal use was known to
$4, free use .of four pins on the top naee, that all bids must Ir_rdiw---for the only the few until some man decided
eroF.s arm of each of the poles erected and payment of a S t a ted sum in gold coin
Of the United States. ..Elrch sealed bid to give what he knew to be of great
maintained under said franchise during
the whole term thereof for the purpose -
shall be accompanietWwith cfv4i or a benefit to the whole world.
of carrying or stringing wires used by
certified check, pa.W5le to the Treasurer The history of the origin of propri-
Fp:aid city for telegraph, telephone, police
of said municipality, for the full amount
Of said bid. and no sealed *bid shall be etary, or as they are more commonly
or fire a:arm. purposes; provided, however,
that S aid city shall in its use and main -
considered unless said cash or check is known, patent medicines, has in some
tern:Ante of its conductors on said cross
enclosed therewith and the successful instances been peculiar. For instance,
arms comply with the reasonable plans
and rules of said grantee, his or its sue- bidder shall deposit a-t4:east ten per cent a certain tonic which is dispensed at
of the amount of...,,..hie, bid with the City
etsaa•s or asignis. so i that- there shall bt.,
Clerk of the saki National City before all soda water fountains and is found
a minimum danger of contact between the
-aid conductors and wires or cables of the franchis,4,5Wall be struck off to him; most refreshing by thousands of per
me said grantee. and if hw-dall fail to make such deposit Eons, and which is used constantly by,
Feertn—That the person, pa•rtnership irilmecOatrelY, then and in that case, his many brain workers, was originated
bid _...leall not be received, and shall be
or corporation to whom said franchise is .,
by a Harvard profegoor. ,It, was found
efr5Rsidered as void, and the said franchise &
granted or awarded, his or its vonness.4
shall then and there be again onered "for t“ be so beneficial that This professor
ors or assigns, shall, din•itig the life or,
said franchise, pay to Na.tional City. -#In sale to the bidder who shall make the afterward determined to put it upon the
highest cash bid therefor, subject to the
lawful money of the Unitea Stat---'.! per
of Farid P. a m e conditions as to deposit, as abovt; .
market in shape for use by all who de-
cent. of the gross,annual r(ceip,t,:-.;-
mentioned. sired, The result has been that not! only
grantee, his or it- vuecessr4r.sor assigns,
Said procedure shall be had until is this tonic us.ed with benefit by almost
arising from the use, opei.Kon or posses -
said franchise is struck 'off, s-old, and
sion of said francll,ise o percentage •
shall be paid for the:1-first live.years Fi u e - awarded to a bidder who shall make the iin.tc)Id is
. but the -professor's
necessary deposit of at lea-st ten per cenL family is in receipt of a large income
needing the d:Ytt of the franchiste, but,
therenfter,,-gtich percentaKe shall be pay- of the amount of his bid therefor. Said from the sale. There is certainly noth-
successful bidder shall deposit with the 4
able annually.
it shall be the duty 67 the grantee of said .City Clerk o.f the said Natio:nal City, ifng wrong hi this. The professor con-.
within twenty-Thur hours after' the ac- erred a benefit upon mankind and be
su id franchise, hi or is successors or
centance of his bid, the remaining ninety was surely entitled to reap the reward
;i s‘4igns, to file with th( raid Board of
Trustees. at the expiratim of six years per. cent. of the amount thereof, 4' and in- of his labors.
case he or it shall fail to. Co so, then the -ii
from the date of 'the ganting of said Many other patent medicines have a
said deposit, theretofore - made, shall be . . . - . franchise. and atthe exation bf each .
veriMcrro3PAfifi his or it: tot
hi shall then and said kthr- silt lbar ,history_. , .,For,,;;• instivioe, again,.
67 Medicines -known
.19.11d-'eremaiply year . 'thaw a c:. _ - ,4 a izig t;L(er-r1 i jirr fQr felt ctfj- .411)(.1 the said :AM/ A 6,14K-it s Fact iraii7 - .
es e• 'il-ilil'..be .1-vold, .,...all_d The said -'Tfi•ah- . DrAqerce's Fami
souce!i-.1*-ors or assigns, or ly oath of the thrhg-ihout the world as the "Favorite
ernint,r, body, be again VTered. for sale to
manager or- presiding oficerd of said
grantee, showing the r total gt!oss the hilzhc.l.st bidder therefojin. in the same' Prescription" and the !! Golden Medical
inanne-r and under the ,sarne restri&ion Di8C0
receipts and gross iarnings col- very "—were first used by Doc or
leeted , or received, or in any man- 'as. hEreinbefore provided, and in case Rif V. Pierce, in his private practice,
sivri liidder shail fail to deposit with the
ner gained or derived bi% said grantee, with great success. He finally deter-
hi:6, or its successors or ;, ssi gn s , during said City Clerk.Jh_e_ remaining ninet3r per g
phone, telegraph, district messenger and after its ajnceptitnce, the award to him d that.beould do more -gro- ittor
the preceding twelve months through -tel- cont. of his bid. wili-iiTClitIrrzfulire--1,i.rxg-t- -mine,
suffnenig iiiiumanity by placing them on
burglar of .aid franchise shall be set aside, and ' alarm charges ald rentals, and public sale where they could be ob-
from the leasing' or letting. of lines, poles the deposit heretofore made by him shall A
;Ind conduits. And within. ten days after be forfeited, and no further proceedings tamed NN;ithout the expense of a phy-
the time for filing said statement. it shall for a sale of said franchise shall be had Sinian's prescription, than he could by
1.e the duty of said grantee, his or its unless the same shall re -advertised and
in witness wirerreolh---17=Lesti-V-Imi7wlirvireilirt t
my -hand and corporate seal of said city,
this 12th day of April. 1905.
Ci t y Clerk and • x-Oeitank of the
• Board of Trustees of said
This Office is
Pplly Fv-apped
ffor 3DOing
cetirs'e gfa-syrtik- In_
nri shall be forfeited, nroven-e
2'0 0 d ldr 0 Ult jar,
MAT -rict
Oxceeding three months theyeafter. •
extend time for the completion ther0--
That anyeg•lect, failure or refusal to
eornply with any of the conditions of
1merriber us wile:1-i
- ,.....,
t-'aid franchise Shall thereilpon_ work- tlief.
forfeiture th_q•eof-- aild'ibe said city, by
declare said franchise forfeited and may VOVIL nee a . .
a -TrUstees may, thereupon,
cla n 37 tin n g -
k ' x el i i de said grantee, his or its•succes-
LT '-. -1--) -141-latill.0. El
. 1 n
scirs or a•ssigns from the further use of
LLI. _a_ tI) ine.
..qt of ii 3 value in this world has a short.
existence, and if the -Pierce Family
Medicines were not what they are
elaimed,to be they isibuld not have a
pravr-i--911-i ---f millions of cures in
period during
tie6"n upon the market.
One of the illost intpe
-wiliell they have
restn.3 estab-
lishmefire'in Buffalo is the World
Dispensary, where these inedicinesare
rains a great labor-Qts/7-16i the manly. :C43 I. Per 'Year.
top iwiesEt,u fed. Here D‘,Pierel main.
_La_ Ptare-a-fr;trri'el'Femedclies which bear his
krcey9. He also has a hospital adjunct,
thousaie,R the Invalids' Hotel, where
fii)ecial treaci.--nersons have gone for
hospital ire vlb- This laboratory and
TINN071„1.7ant. I i i 1 1 .n.. of Doctor
tl----.7,many curious
persons t,?7
Pierce is .
4-11 Fr4e
the establishment which he has count
up because of the efficacy of his reins
edies. It is worth-4advisit. It employs
a force of Efrbezit. 350 persons, including
.pliysiciansP'surgeons, chemists, bac-
terioy.k.gigis, pharmacists and other pros
fes,siAal men.
FITo the observer, perhaps the most
interestipg--department of this place is
the 10oilatory, where the Pierce Family
yoaiedies are made. The difference
between the maker of a patent medi-
cine and- a private practitioner is
simply that while the latter buys the
medicines which be gives his patient or
gives him a prescription which he takes
to the druggist and which the latter
puts up in a small dose, behind a par-
tition, where you can not see him, the
patent medicine maker takes the in-
gredients which he knows will produce
certain desired effects and puts them
together in large quantities. But the
latter does his work just as carefully
and just as scientifically as do the phy-
sician and the druggist. At least that
is the rule in Dr. Pierce's establish-
The Pierce Medicines are made of
roots and herbs and "Darks of known
and tried properties. These are gath-
ered in the woods and fields by experts
and are brought to Dr. Pierce's estab-
lishmeat in large quantities. There are
bins and bins of these roots and herbs
and lurks, ready for the use. of the
chemists when needed. Let us suppose
that it is time to make up a quantity
of the "Favorite Prescription." The
necesstry ingredients are taken from
the storage bins and carried to. the
mill, 'here they are 'ground. Then
they tue taken to the laboratory, where
they fee mixed in the proper propor-
tions trid put to steep in great vats
eon -tailing 800 gallons. This labor-
atory is just as cleanly as a woman's
kitchei. All the machinery is run by
electri(ity and there is entire absence
of anything to create dust and dirt.
When these ingredients have been
properly combined the medicine ia
rapiP bottled, the bottles corked and
sealed, then labled, then wrapped and
then packed for shipment to almost
every point in the world.
Another interesting department in
this establishment is that devoted to
printing the familiar little yellow cov-
ered memorandum books which bear
the Pierce name. Sometiling like 65,000
of...Allege areprinted and sent out every
day-. The Hotel,
1,;(1.4g.tix„oleid by IT71-f
hundred -of 1.ev
I P l
cause,- they are assured of the mo-st,
scientific tfealarie-rmt,-- -A-Ifirge staff of
specialists is maintained ir connection
pu rpose
of caring for the immense numbr of
inquiries which eomt constantly from
all directions concrning the
ailments. Each Iftter of this sort goes
to the_nroper sAnailist, and receives-hia
have ,•been him many
located, for they
rtmgress and State
honors, sent him to
enate, and he ieco.g.nized. as a pro-
SY ressiye _and „.•ilic-spirited citizen.
anr attJ11:s have been made upon
patentj ..,edi.cines of late. For some
persons have felt them-
03;147-.43,0n bt, unon, thei r...e_f&eari-jrT 8 b *
u scribe for the
‘-ie‘s called upon to decry their use, to,
question that; 17ineT'sly as well as the
honor of those who have spent a life-
time in perfecting them and making
their value known to the public. But
in answer to thesT
lion was demanded aTfor
i attaeksitnillyestitt
that these n%flifeliiinedix,_.
th rirk I
fVfvjea-Mi* did have merit and hon-
behin.d them. The thing millet'