HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RESO 758DOCUMENT NO...V si..
FILED -Julr-1". I 9 2"'
By .-1,9#.1
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City Clerk
2ND TO 3RD; B AVE. 1ST TO 10TH,;
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RESOLVED, That it is the intention of the Boarl of
Trustees of the City of National City, California, to
order the following street work to be done in said City,
To change and establish the grade of A Avenue in
said City of National City, between the Southerly line of
Second Street and the Northerly line of Third Street, as
At the Southeasterly corner of the intersection of
A Avenue in said City with Second Street be changed from
an elevation of 45.00 feet to an elevation of 47.00 feet.
At the f3outh*eterly cornea of said intereection be
0h3nged from an elevation of 44.00 feet to an elevation of
45.10 feet.
At the Northeasterly corner oUsaid Intersection of
A Avenue in said City *ith Third St reet be changed from
an elevation of 44.00 feet to an elevation of 43.90 feet.
At the North*eaterly corner of said intereection be
ohangect from an elevation of 43.50 feet to an elevation of
42.50 feet.
The grade of said A Avenue bet*een the points hereim-
before mentioned shall have a uniform ascent and descent.
To change and establish the grade of B Avenue in said
City, between the Southerly line of First Street and tIs
Northerly line of Tenth Street, as follows:
At the Southeasterly corner of the intersection of
B Avenue in said City with First Street be changed from
an elevation of 44.00 feet to an elevation of 44.61 feet.
At the Southwesterly corner of said intersection be
changed from an elevation of 42.50 feet to an elevation of
43.20 feet.
At the Northeasterly corner of the intersection of
B Avenue in said City with Second Street be changed from
an elevation of 47.50 feet to an elevation of 48.00 feet.
At the Northwesterly corner of said intersection to
remain at an elevation of 47.50 feet.
At the Southeasterly corner of said intersection be
changed from an elevation of 48.50 feet to an elevation of
49.00 feet.
At the Southwesterly corner of said intersection to
remain at an elevation of 48.50 feet.
At the Northeasterly corner of the intersection of
B Avenue in said City with Third Street be changed from
an elevation of 50.00 feet to an elevation of 50.10 feet.
At the Northwesterly corner of said intersection be
changed from an elevation of 49.50 feet to an elevation of
49.40 feet.
At the Southeasterly corner of said intersection be
changed from an elevation of 5000 Peet to an elevation of
50.17 feet.
At the Southwesterly corner of said intersection be
changed from an elevation of 49.50 Feet to an elevation of
49.30 feet.
At the Northeasterly corner of the intersection of
B Avenue in said City *ith Fourth Street be changed from
an elevation of 50.00 feet to an elevation of 49.29 feet.
At the Northwesterly corner of said intersection be
changed from an elevation of 48.50 feet to an elevation of
48.69 feet.
At the Southeasterly corner of said intersection be
changed from an elevation of 48.00 feet to an elevation of
48.18 feet.
At the Southwesterly corner of said intersection be
changed from an elevation of 47.50 feet to an elevation of
47.76 feet.
At the Northeasterly corner of the intersection of
B Avenue in said City with Fifth Street be changed from
an elevation of 39.00 feet to an elevation of 35.30 feet.
At the Northwesterly corner of said intersection be
changed from an elevation of 38.00 feet to an elevation of
34.30 feet.
At the Southeasterly corner of said interseotion be
changed from an elevation of 40.00 feet to an elevation of
36.50 feet.
At the Southwesterly corner of said interseotlon be
changed from an elevation of 39.00 feet to an elevation of
35.50 feet.
At the Northeasterly corner of the interseotion of
B Avenue in said City with Sixth Street be changed from
an elevation of 46.00 feet to an elevation of 45.00 feet.
At the Northwesterly corner of said intersection be
changed from an elevation of 45.80 feet to an elevation of
44.00 feet.
At the Southeasterly corner of said interseotion be
changed from an elevation of 46.00 feet to an elevation of
45.50 feet.
At the Southwesterly corner of said intersection be
changed from an elevation of 45.80 feet to an elevation of
44.50 feet.
At the Northeasterly corner of the interBeotion of
B Avenue in said City with seventh Street be changed from
an elevation of 43.00 feet to an elevation of 43.40 feet.
At the Northwesterly corner of said interseotion be
changed from an elevation of 42.50 feet to an elevation of
At the Southeasterly corner of said intersection be
changed from an elevation of 43.00 feet to an elevation of
43.10 feet.
At the Southwesterly corner of said intersection be
changed from an elevation of 42.50 iZeet to an elevation of
42.80 feet.
At the Northeasterly corner of the intersection of
B Avenue in said City with Eighth Street be changed from
an elevation of 43.50 feet to an elevation of 44.18 feet.
At the Northwesterly corner of said intersection be
changed from ant el. e vat ion of 42.50 feet to an elevation of
44.10 feet.
At the Southeasterly corner of said intersection be
changed from an elevation of 44.10 feet to an elevation of
44.02 feet.
At the Southwesterly corner of said intersection be
changed from an elevation of 44.20 feet to an e14vat1on of
44.08 feet.
At the Northeasterly corner of the intersection of
B Avenue in said City with Ninth St reet be changed from
an elevation of 39.00 feet to an elevation of 40.47 feet.
At the Northwesterly oorner of said ia'tereeotion be
ohanged from an elevation of 40.40 feat to an elevation of
At the Southeasterly corner of said intersection be
chanced from an elevation of 39,70 feet to an elevation of
39.80 feet.
At the Southwesterly oorner of said intersection be
changed from an elevation of 39.30 feet to an elevation of
39,32 feet.
At the Northeasterly eorner of the intereection of
B Avenue in said City with Tenth Street be changed from
an elevation of 32.70 feet to an elevation of 40.47 feet.
At the Northwesterly corner of said intersection be
changed from an elevation of 32.60 feet to an elevation of
40.46 feet.
The grade of said B Avenue between the points hereim
before mentioned shall have a uniform ascent and descent.
To change and establish the grade of C Avenue in
said City, between the Southerly line of First Street and
the Northerly line of Third Street and between the Southerly
line of Fifth Street and the Northerly line of Tenth Street,
AB follows:
At the Southeasterly corner of the intersection of
C Avenue in said City with First Street be changed from an
elevation of 50.00 feet to an elevation of 51.02 feet.
At the Southwesterly corner of said intereection be
changed from an elevation of 48.50 feet to an elevation of
49.66 feet.
At the Northeasterly cornea of the intersection of
C Avenue in said City with Second Street to remain at an
elevation of 50.50 feet.
At the Northwesterly corner of said intersection to
remain at an elevation of 50.00 feet.
At the Southeasterly corner of said intersection be
changed from an elevation of 50.50 feet to an elevation of
51.20 feet.
At the Southwesterly corner of said intersection be
changed from an elevation of 50.50 feet to an elevation of
50.70 feet.
At the Northeasterly corner of the intersection of
C avenue in said City with Third Street to remain at an
elevation of 52.00 feet.
At the Northwesterly corner of said intersection be
changed from an elevation of 52.00 feet to an elevation of
51.90 feet.
At the Southeasterly corner of the intersection of
C Avenue in said City with Fifth Street to remain at an
elevation of 46.00 feet.
At the Southweeterly corner of said interseotion be
changed from an elevation of 45.00 feet to an elevation of
44.50 feet.
At a point on the Westerly line of said C Avenue
and 60 feet Southerly from the Southerly line of Fifth
Steet be establiehect at an elevation of 46.90 feet.
At a point on the Westerly line of said C Avenue
and 210 feet Southerly from the Southerly line of Fifth
Street be established at an elevation of 49.31 feet.
The grade between the last tiro named points shall be
a vertical curve whose middle ordinate is 0.60 feet.
At a point on the Easterly line of said C Avenue
and 60 feet Southerly from the Southerly line of Fifth
Street be established at an elevation of 48.40 feet.
At a point on the Easterly line of said C Avenue
and 210 feet Southerly from the Southerly line of Fifth
Street be established at an elevation of 50.81 feet.
The grade between the last two named points shall be
a vertio curve whose middle ordinate is 0.60 feet.
At the Northeasterly corner of the intersection of
C Avenue in said City with Sixth Street be changed from
an elevation of 49.00 feet to an elevation of 50.50 feet.
At the Northwesterly corner of said intersection be
changed from an elevation of 48.40 feet to an elevation of
49.00 feet.
At the Southeaeterly corner of said intersection be
changed from an elevation of 49.00 feet to an elevation of
49,20 feet.
At the South*esterly corner of said Intersection be
changed from an elevation of 48.40 feet to an elevation of
48.30 feet.
At the Northeasterly corner of the Intereotion of
C Avenue in said City with Seventh Street be changed from
an elevation of 48,20 feet to an elevation of 48.50 feet.
At the North*eeterly corner of said intersection to
remain at an elevation of 47.00 feet.
At the Southeasterly corner of said intersection be
changed from an elevation of 48.20 feet to an elevation of
48.50 feet.
At the Southweeterly corner of said intersection to
remain at an elevation of 47.00 feet.
At the Northeasterly corner of the intersection of
C Avenue in said City with Eighth Street be changed from
an elevation of 49.00 feet to an elevation of 49.60 feet.
At the Northwesterly corner of said intersection be
changed from an elevation of 48.00 feet to an elevation of
48.40 feet.
At the Southeasterly corner of said intersection be
changed from an elevation of 49.70 feet to an elevation of
49.64 feet,
At the Southweeterly corner of said intersection be
changed from an elevation of 48.60 feet to an elevation of
48.28 feet.
At the Northeasterly corner of the intereeotion of
C Avenue in said City with Ninth Street to remain at an
elevation of 44.40 feet.
At the Northwesterly corner of said intersection be
changed from an elevation of 43.50 feet to an elevation of
43.83 feet.
At the Southeasterly corner of said intersection to
remain at an elevation of 43.30 feet.
At the Southwesterly corner of said intersection be
changed from an elevation of 42.30 feet to an elevation of
42.40 feet.
At the Northeasterly corner of the intersection of
C Avenue in said City *ith Tenth street be changed from
an elevation of 38.50 feet to an elevation of 38.46 feet.
At the Northweeterly corner of said intersection be
changed from an elevation of 37.10 feet to an elevation of
37.16 feet.
The grade of said C Avenue between the pointe herein —
before mentioned, shall have, unless otherwise shown, a
uniform ascent and descent.
To change and establish the grade of D Avenue in said
City, between the Southerly line of Second Street and the
Northerly line of Tenth Street, as follows:
At the Southeasterly corner of the intersection of
D Avenue in said City with Second Street be changed from
an elevation of 61.00 feet to an elevation of 60.40 feet.
At the 8outhweeterly coiner of said intersection to
remain at an elevation of 59.00 feet.
At the Northeasterly oorner of the intersection of
D Avenue in said City with Third Street to remain at an
elevation of 59.50 feet.
At the Northwesterly COrneT of said intersection to
remain at an elevation of 57.50 feet.
At the Southeasterly oorner of said intersection to
remain at an elevation of 59.00 feet.
At the Southwesterly corner of said intereection be
charged from an elevation of 57.00 feet to an elevation of
57.10 feet.
At tie Northeasterly corner of the intersection of
D Avenue in said City with Fourth Street be changed from
an elevation of 54.00 feet to an elevation of 54.34 feet.
At the Northwe5terly corner of said interseotion be
changed from an elevation of 53.00 feet to an elevation of
53.42 feet.
At the Southeasterly corner of said intersection be
ohanged from an elevation of 53.00 feet to an elevation of
53.39 feet.
At the Southwesterly corner of said intersection be
changed from an elevation of 52.00 feet to an elevation of
52.42 feet.
At the Northeasterly corner of the interaection of
,D Avenue in said City with Fifth Street be changed from
an elevation of 50.00 feet to an elevation oY 50.50 feet.
At the NorthWesterly corner of said intersection be
changed from an elevation of 49.00 feet to an elevation of
49.50 feet.
At the Southeaaterly corner of said iriterseotion be
changed from an elevation of 51.00 feet to an elevation of
51.50 feet.
At the South*esterly corner of said inter'eotion be
changed from an elevation of 50.00 feet to an elevation of
50.50 feet.
At the Northeasterly coiner of the intersection of
D Avenue in said City with Sixth Street be changed from
an elevation of 54.00 feet to an elevation of 54.60 last.
At the Northwesterly corner of said intersection be
changed from an elevation of 54.00 feet to an elevation of
53.60 feet.
At the Southeasterly corner of said intersection be
changed from an elevation of 54.00 feet to an elevation of
53.60 feet.
At the South*eeterly corner of said intersection be
changed from an elevation of 54.00 feet to an elevation of
53.00 feet.
At the Northeaeterly corner of the intersection of
D Avenue in said City with Seventh Street be changed from
an elevation of 53.50 feet to an elevation of 54.20 feet.
At the Northwesterly corner of said intersection be
changed from an elevation of 53.00 feet to an elevation of
53.13 feet.
At the Southeasterly corner of said intersection to
remain at an elevation of 53.50 feet.
At the Southwesterly corner of said intersection to
remain at an elevation of 53.00 feet.
At the Northeasterly corner of the intersection of
D Avenue in said City with Eighth Street be changed from
an elevation of 52.00 feet to an elevation of 52.80 feet.
At the North*eeterly corner of said intersection be
Changed from an elevation of 52.00 feet to an elevation of
53.00 feet.
At the Southeasterly corner of said intersection be
changed from an elevation of 52.00 feet to an elevation of
52.18 feet.
At the Southwesterly corner of said intersection be
changed from an elevation of 52.00 feet to an elevation of
52.14 feet.
At the Northeasterly corner of the Intersection of
D Avenue in said City with Ninth Street be changed from an
elevation of 51,00 feet to an elevation of 51.30 feet.
At the Northwesterly corner of said intersection be
changed from an elevation of 51.00 feet to an elevation of
50.30 feet.
At the Southeasterly corner of said intersection be
changed from an elevation of 51.00 feet to an elevation of
51.20 feet.
At the Southwesterly corner of said intereeotion be
Changed from an elevation of 51.00 feet to an elevation of
50.00 feet. •
At the !brtheaeterly corner of the intersection of
Avenue in said City with Tenth Street be changed from an
elevation of 52.00 feet to an elevation of 50.53 feet.
At the Northwesterly corner of said intersection be
changed from an elevation of 52.00 feet to an elevation of
49.71 feet.
The grade of said D Avenue between the points herein -
before mentioned shall have a uniform assent and descent.
All of said elevations to be above the datum line of
levels as fixed by Ordinance No. 505 of the Ordinanoeg of
said City of National City, entitled "An Ordinance fixing a
datum line; establishing a primal bench mark; providing that
all official grades shall be described with reference to said
offiolal datum line; establishing curb elevations and gutter
depths and fixing the Width of sidewalks in the City of
National C it y, California, and repealing ordinances No. 8, 18,
76, 105, 346, 407, 438 and 472 of said City", approved the
3rd day of November, 1920.
And said Board of Trustees hereby sleets to proceed in
making said change of grades under the provisions of the
"Change of Grade Act of l9O9:
That The National City News, a weekly newspaper pub.
lished, and circulated and of general circulation in said City
of National City, California, be and it is hereby designated
as the newspaper in which this Resolution of Intention shall
be published for two days, and the notice of the passage thereof
shall be published for two days in the manner and by the persons
required by law.
That the Clerk of said City of National City be and he is
hereby directed to post this Reao1utin of intention conspicu-
ously for two days on or near the Chanber door of said Board
of Trustees and to a au s e the same to be published by two ins-
sertions in said newspaper in the manner required by law.
That the Street Superintendent of the City of National City,
California, shall thereupon cause to be oon�piouously posted
along the streets designated in this Resolution of Intention
where said change or modification of grade is proposed to be
made, at not more than one hundred feet in distance apart, but
not less than three in all, notices of the passage of this
Resolution of Intention, in the manner and in the form
required by law, and shall also pause a notice similar is
substance to be published for two days in The National City
flews in the manner required by law.
California, this f2'
by the following vote, to -wit:
AYES: Trustees
NA YS: Trustees
I hereby approve the ,foregoing
the Board of Trustees of the
day of
City Clerk,
City of National City,
President of the Board oTrusties
of the City of National City,
day of e‘?p•_ofZ,
President of the Board of Trustees
of the City of National City,
I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, and true copy of
No, of the{=IOU= -41. 4
of the City of National City, California, as adopted by the Board
of Trustees of said city, and approved by the President of said Board of Trustees, on the
day of
City Clerk of the City of
National City, California.