HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RESO 759..f,,./ if2. ..
.54 1
i92 -
City Clerk
TO X AVES 9, A= $EVE}IT.H... r ST . •
NAT 1 L.
a i r
,Y,,/,---t4 -6, 67 / /, Or'-- 2',)
BE iT. REBOLVFD by the Board of Trustees at the City
of National City, California, aa foflow�, to -wit:
That the elevatl�no of the �fftclal Gracie of
I Avenue in said City, betwoen the Southerly line of
fourth Street and the Northerly. line of Ethth Street,
above the ootabliched datum line of said City, ae here-
by'fixed and eetabliohed aoo1iova, towit:
At th 6outheaeterly corner of the tntereeotlofl of
said I Avenue and Fourth Street at 80.76 .Ze�t;
At the 8�uthwe�teriy corner of the interneoton of
said S Avenue and Fourth St r o ot at 79a4 f cot;
At the Northeaaterly oorner of the tntereeotion at
said T Avenue and fifth Street. at ?7.60 Peet;
At the 2Iorthwssterly oorner of the intereection of
said Avenue And Fifth Stroot at 76.L0 feet5
At the South�aeterly corner of the inteeeotton of
Bald I Avenue and Fifth Street At 7840 feet;
At the •Southweeterly Darner of the interaeot3ofl o£
said I Avenue and. Fifth 13treet at 77.50 feet;
At the Northeaeterly corner of the inter�eotton of
said I Avenue and $ith Street at 77.69 feet;
At the North*eeterly corner of the interneotion of
said I Avenue and Sixth Street at 76.6 feet;
At the 8outheaeterly corner of the intere��tiorij of
paid i Avenue and Sixth Street at 77.00 Peet;
At the Southweeterly corner of the intereeoCf,oa ;bt
said I Avenue and Sixth Street at 76.00 Seat,
At the Northeaeter1yoorne of the intersection Of
said I Avenue and Seventh Street at 76.00 feet; 4
At the Northwesterly corner of the intersection of
said Avenue and Seventh Street at 75.00 feet;.
At the Southeataterly corner of the intersection of
said I Avenue and Seventh 8tree 76.00 feetp
At the Suthw4�t•�r1y correr of the intersootton of
eat4l.Avenue and Seventh Street at 75.00 test;
At the 1ortheaeter1y comer of the intereection at
said I Avenue and Eighth Street at 7.R.00 tenet;
At the Northweeterly corner of the tnterecot±on of
said I Avenue and Eighth Street at 71.00 feet
That the grade of said I Avenue between the p�nta
fixed by this Resolution shall be of unform ascent and
All of said elevatione to be above the daturi Une at
levels as ftxed by Ortnanoe No. 50.5 of the Ordinance of
eW City of National City, entttlot "An OUnnoo fixing
a. datum line; eetabliehing a primal bonch mark; providing.
that all offiotal grades shall be de�orihe4 with reference
to said official datu lin�; eetabliohlngourb elevtiona
and abutter depths and fixing the Width of sidewalks in the
City of National City, Catforn1a, and repealing orcUnancoe
No. et 18, 76,. 105, 346, 40?, 438 and 472 of eid City,
approved the 3rd day of November, 1920•
PASSED AND ADOPTED, by the Board of Trustees of the City of National City,
California, this
• by the following vote, to -wit:
AYES: Trustees
NA YS: Trustees
___day of
City Clerk,
President of the Board of Trustees
of the City of National City,
(Resolution I hereby approve the foregoing j difrvetftorriZa this__________ day of_ , 192__
President of the Board of trustees
of the City of National City,
I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, and true copy of
of the Resolutions}
No.of the City of National City, California, as adopted by the Board
of Trustees of said city, and approved by the President of said Board of Trustees, on the
day of _------- ---- 192_
City Clerk of the City of
National City, California.
BE IT RESOLVED by -the Board of Trueteee o the City of
National City California, ae follows, to.wit:
SECTION 1. That the elevationa of the Offi�i&1 Grade of
Fifth Street . ,in said City, between the Ea9toriy line of Frnt
Av�nu and the Easterly line of K Avenue, above the eatabii-
ahecl datum line of said City, are hereby' fixed .and eetabllnhed
as foliows, to -wit:
At the Northeaaterly corner of the interseotion of said
Fifth Street and. -First Avenue at 25.80 feet;
At the Southeasterly corner of the interse.otion of said
Fifth Street and First Avenue at 26.00 feel;
At a point on the North•erly line of said Fifth Street
and 75 feet Easterly from the !3aeteriy line of Fret Avenue
at 26.40 feet;
At a polnt:on the Northeriy.lthe of said Fifth Street
and 175 feet Easterly From the Easterly line of First Avenue
at 28.81 feet;
The grade between the last two named pointe ohal.1 be a
vertical curve whose middle.orcltnato le 0.40 feet;
At a point on the Southerly line of paid Fifth Street
and 75 feet Easteriy from the Easterly line of First Avenue
At a point on the Southerly line Of oaid Fifth Street
and 175 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of First Avenue
at 30.20 feet;
The grade between the last two named paints Ghali be
a vertical curve whose. middle ordinate is 0.28 feet.
At the Northeaeteriy �orner of the intersectlon of said
Fifth Stre�t and National Avenue at 33.02 feet;
At the Northweaterly ��rner of the inteneation of said
Fifth Street Nand National Avenue. at 31.81 feet;
At the Southeaeterly oorner of ltho liitoreeotton 0±'. eald
Fifth street and National Avenue at 34.34 feet;
At theSOuthw�f3terly corner of the interaeotionofua41d
Ftth Street and National Avenue at. 33.22 foot;
At a point on the Northerly line of said Fifth f3tro�t
and 100 feet Eaeterly from ;he Eaoteriy line of National
Avenue at 38.02 feet;
At a point on the Northerly line of said Fifth street
and 300 f�et Fa9te±1y from the Eaeteriy line. of National
Avenue at, 39.02 feets
The grade betweet the last two -named potnta shali be a
vertical curve whose middle ordinate i� 2.25 'foot;,
At a point �n the Southerly liloof said Fifth Street
and. 100 feet Easterly £romthe Easterly line of Nati,nai
Avenue at 39.24 Z�et;
At a. point on the Southerly line of said fifth Stroet
and 300 Feet Eaaterly from the Eaiterly line of N'PtiOna1
Avenue at 40.24 feet;
The grade between the last two narnedp�thtashali be a
vertical ourve.*hoee middle ordinate is 2.25 feet;
At a point on the Northerly line of said Fifth Street
andU5 feat °Easterly from theEa3terlylineof.flational
Avenue at 39.58 if eet a
At a point on the Northeriy line of aaid Fifth Street
and 235 feot.Eaeterly from the Easterly line, ofNational.
Avenue at4O.68feet;'•
at a point an the Southerly line of said Fifth Street
and 135 feast Easterly from the. Easterly of.
of National
Avenue at 40•80 feet;
At a point on the Southeriy line of said Fifth Street
and 335 feet Eaeteriyfrom the aeer1y line of ?rational
Avenue at 41.86 feet;
At a point on the Northerly line of aid Fifth Street
and 350 feet Easterly from the Eaeterly line of National
Avenue at 37.02 feet;
At a point on the Northe.rly line of 9at4Ftfth Street
and 450 feet: Eaatorly from the EaeterlyUne of National
The grade between the last two named points ahl1 be a
vertical curve whose middle orUnate is 0.45 feet;
At a point on the Southerly line of said Fifth Street
and 350 feet Eaet�rly from the Easterly. line of National
Avenue at 38.24 feet;
At a point on the Southerlyline of said Fifth Street
and 450 feet Easterly from the Eaaterly line of Nati�nal
Avenue at 36.0.3 feet;
Tho grade between the last two named pointo hafl be a
vertical curve whose middle ordinate is 0.45 feet;
At a point on the Northerly line qf aaid Fifth Street
and 400 feet Easterly from the Eaoterly line of National,
Avenue at 35.47 feet;
At point on the Southerly line o said Fifth Street
and 400 feet Eaeterly. from the Eaoterly line of National
Avenue at 36.69 feet;
At the Northea�terly cornea of the intersection of said
Fifth Street an B Avenue at 35.30 feet;
At the Northwesterly coiner of the intersection of Baid
Fifth Street and B Avenue at 34.30 feet;
At the Southeaet erly corner of the intere at ion of said
Fifth Street and B Avenue at 36.50 feet;
At the Southwesterly oornero thinteroot.1on of Bad
Fifth Street and B Avenue at 35.50"feet;
At the Sot'heaterly cornea of the thteraection of said
Fifth Street and C Avenue at 46.00 feet;
At the Southwest erly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and C Avenue at 44.50 feet;
At a point an the Northerly line of said Filth Street
and 351 feet Easterly from the aetely line of B Avenue
at 43.50 feet;
At a point on the Northerly line of eatd Fifth Street
and 331 feet Eawterly from the Easterly line of B Avenue
at 4.0O feet;
At the Northeasterly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and D Avenue at 50.50 fast;
At.theNorthWeaterly corner of the interuection of said
Fifth Street and D Avenue at 49150 feet;
At the corner of the tnteraeotton of
Fifth Street and D Avenue at 51.50 feet;
At the So.uthweateriy corner ofthe,tnteraootion of
Fifth Street and D Avenue at 50.50 feDt;
At the Uortheaeterly corner of the intersection of
Filth Street and t Avenue at 63.7? feet;
At the Northwesterly coiner of th tntaree�tlon of
Fifth Stroet and E Avenue at 5.43 fact;
At the Southeaeterly corner of the tnteroectibn of
Fifth Street and E Avenue at 54.23 Feet;
At the Southwesterly corner of the.intersocttou of
Fifth Street and E Avenue at 53.10 feet;
At the Northeasterly coiner of the Lntersection of
Fifth Street and F Avenue at 61.37 feet;
At the Northwesterly coiner of the intersection of
Fifth Street and.FAveiie at 59.61fest,
At the Southeasterly corner of lin Thter�eation of
Fifth Street and F Avenue at 61.20 feet;
At the Southwesterly corner of the tnteraeotion of
Fifth Street and F Avenue at 59.62 feet;
At the Northeater1ycorner of the thterseoton of
Fifth Street and G Avenue at 67.06 feet;
At the N�rthweoterly corner of'th.6 thtereectionof
fifth Street and G Avenue at 60.35 feet;
At the Southeasterly corner of the interection.of
Fifth St,reet and G Avenue at .67.43 feet;
At the Southweteriy corner of the interseotion of said
Fifth Street and G Avenue at 66.5 feet;
At a point on the Northerly lane of said Fifth Street
and 75 feet Eaaperly from the masterly line of G 4venue
at 67.62 feet;
At a point. on the 1orthoriy :ling of eatd Fith Stret
and 175 feet Easterly from the Eaotorly line of G Avenue
at 69,88 feet;
The grade between the last two narnd potntt c;hall be a
vertical curve whose middle ordinate is 0.38 feeti.
At a point on the 'Southerlyline of eatd Fifth Street
and 75 feat Ea�teriy from the Eaeterly line of G Avenue
at 67,61 feet;.
At a point on the Southerly 1ne of eald. Fifth Street
and 175 feet Easterly from the Easterly line.of G Avenue
at 69.56 feet;
The grade between the last two nmed points �hail be
a vertioal 4curve whoae middle ordinate is 0.39 feet;
At the Northeasterly corner of the intersection
Fifth Street and Highland Avonue at 73.15 Best;
At the Northwesterly corner of the intereotion
Fifth Street and Highland Avenue at 72.69 feet;
At the Southeasterly cornea of the intereeotion
Fifth Street and Highland Avenue at 72.75 feet;
At the Southwcaterly Corner of the interuection
Fifth Street and Highland Avenue at,71.91 feet;
At the Northeasterly corner of the intereection
Fifth Street and I Avenu� at 77.50 feet;
At the Northweeterly oornerof the Interacotlon
Fifth Street and I Avenue at ?6.1O feet;
At the Southeasterly corner of the intersection
Fifth Street and I Avenue at 78.50 feet;
At the Southwesterly corner of the intersection
Fifth Street and I Avenue at 77.50 feet;
At the Northeast er)y corner of the Intersection
Fifth Street and J Avenu� at 89.41 feet;
At the Northwesterly corner of the intersection
Fifth Street and J Avenue at 89.65 feat;
of said
of said
of said
'of said
of said
of said
of said
of said
of said
of paid
At the 8outheaeterly corner of the intereection of said
Fifth Street and J Avenue at 91.55 feet;
At the Southwesterly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Streit and J Avenue at 91.43 feet;
At the Northeasterly corner of the inter�eotion of saidFifth Street and IC Avenue at 84.7O feet;
At the Northwesterly corner of the tntereeotion of aaid
Fifth Street and K Avenue at .85.00 feet;
At the Southeasterly corner of the interaeotion of eald
Fifth Street and K Avenue at 85.20 feet;
At the $outhweoterly corner of the iutereeotton of said
?i'fth Street and. t Avenue at 86410 feet.
That the grade of said Fifth Street between the points
fIxed by this Resolution, shall be, unleao otherwise shown,
of uniform ascent and descent,
SECTION 2.. That the elevatione of the Official Grade
of Sixth Strcettn said City, between the Eaeteriy line of
Firot Avenue and the Easterly lino of X Avenue, above.the
established datum line of oa1d1 Clty, are hereby ftxecl and
�Gtabltshedae f�ilowe,to-wit: 4
At the Northea�terlycorner�f the interaeoio.n
Sixth Street pond Firet Avenue at 28.34 feet;
At the. Southeaeteriy corner of the interaection
Sixth Street.andFtrst Avenue at 39..30 feet;
of said
of said
At the .Nortbeaoterly cornor of the Interseation of said
Sixth Street and NationalAvertuaat 38.00 Peet;
At the,Northweoterly oprner of ttieinteraect4on of eatd
Sixth 8treeand Natioxi1 Avenue at 37.22 feet;
At the Southeasterly corner �the lnte.reeot.ion of said
Sixth Street and Natiorial A'u� at3?.80 feet;
At the Southveoter1y oorner of the intersection of said
Sixth Street and National Avenue at 37.76 feet;
At a point on the Northerly -line of said Sixth Street
and 100 Feet EaeterLy from -the Eautera$ line of National
Avenuo at 42'50 feet;
At a point on the Northerly line of said Slxth Street
and 200. feet Easterly from the Easterly line of National
Avenue at 45.40, feet;;
The gratis between the last two named pointy ahall be
a verttca1curve whose middle ordinate.io 0.40 beets.
At a point on'theSoutherly line of said Sixth Street
and 100 fee' Easterly from the.Easterly1i-ne of National
Avonue at 41.6? feet;
At a .point ori she. Southerly line of said 6ixth1Street
and 300 feat Eaatcrly from theEastoriy-ltne of iation31
Avenue at 44.00 Feet;
The grade between the. last two fla1ne4 pointa shall be
a vertjoa1ourqe whoeernjddlsorctthate.isO.38 feet;
At a point on the Northerly line of said StXth Street
and230 feet riaeterly from the Easterlylthe of National
Avenue at45.75-eet;
At a point on the Northerly line of said Slxth Street
and 340 feet Eaoteriy from the Eaeterly line of National
Avenue at 4640 feet;
The grade between the last two named points .shafl be
a vertical ou4rve vnhose iniddle ordinate le 0.86 feet;
At a point '.� the Northeriy line of said Sixth Street
and 250 feet• Easterly from the Easteriy line of National
Avornie at 46.00 feet;
At the Southeasterly cornea of the of said
Sixth Street -and A Avenue at 45.3.5 foot;
At the Southwesterly oorner of the iutereeot&or of said
sixth Street and •AAveriueat 44.40 feet;
At the -Northeasterly corner a the intersection of .oaici
Sixth Street and B Avenue,.. at 45.00 feet.;
At the NoDthwoeteriy corner of the thtertasoton of said
Sixth Street and B Avenue at 44.00 feet; •
At the 3outheaaterly corner of the intereeott�n ot �aid
Sixth Street and B Avenue at 45.50 feet;
At the Southweeterly oornorof! the intori3eot�nof said
Sixth Street and B Avenue at 44.50 feet;
At the Northaaeter1yoorne of the intersection of said
Sixth Street and C Avenue at 5O.5Ofeet;
At theNorthweeterlyroorner of the 1nter9eoti0xt of said
Sixth Street and C Avenue at 49.00 feet;
At the Sutbeaater1y e�rner of thetnteree�ttonof said
Stxth Street and C ,Avenue at 49.30 Thet;
At the So,uth*esteriy corner of the intereootionof said
Sixth Street and C Avenue at 48•30 feet;
At the Northea�terly corner of the intereeotion of said
Sixth Street and D. Averse at 54.60 feet; 4
lit the Nortbweaterly oorner of th%) tnteree'otton of said
Sixth Street and D Avenue at 53.60..feet;
At the Southeaeterly oorner of the tnterei3ctlon of eaid
Sixth Street. and D Avenue at 53.60 feed;
At the South*e�te» oornex of the interseotion of said
Sixth Street and D Avenue at,53.00 feet;
AL the NortbeaBterly oornorof the thteraeotl�n of said
Sixth Street andE Avenue at 51.10 feet;
At the Northweeterly oorner of the intersection of said
Sixth Street and E Avenue -at 5•94 feet;
At the S�utheaeterly oorner of the tnteree�tion of oaid
• SiXtb Street and. at5?.33 feet;
At the South*eeter.ly oorner of the intereeotion of said
Sixth Street and E Avenue at 56.83 feet;
'r •
At the Northeasterly corner of the tnterection of said
Sixth street and F Avenue at 60.40 Leet;
At the Worthweeterly oorne of the intereection of said
Sixth Street and F Avenue at 59.26 feet;
At the Southeasterly corner of the iwtoreeotion of said
Sixth street and F venue at 60.3? feet;
At the Southwesterly corner of the interaootton of said
Sixth Street and F Avenue at 59.26 feet;
At the Northeasterly corner o the intereection of said
Sixth Street and G Avenue. at 66.69 feet;
At the orthweeter3y corner of the ln'teraeotiofl of a1d
Sixth Street and G Avenue at 86.21 feet;
At the Southeaoterly corner of the interseotion of said
Sixth Street and G Avenue at 66.69 feet;
At the 6outhweeterl.y. corner of the 1uter3eottOr of said
Sixth Street and G Avenue at 66.1,6 feet;
At the Northeaateriy oorner of the intereoctiori of said
Sixth Street and Highland Avenue at 72.02 feet;
At the Northwesterly corne of the thtereotion of said
Sixth Street and Hih1nd Aven'ri at !7Q.99 feet;
At the Southeauterly corner of the interecotlon of said
Sixth Street and Highland Avenue at 71.58 feet;
At the southwesterly oorrxer of the thteraection of taid
Sixth Street and .Hgbland Avenu9 at 70.54 feet;
At the Northeaeterly corner of the interGeotlon of aaid
Sixth Street and T Avenueat 77.69 foot;
At the Northecterly corner of the interuoction of said
Sixth street and I Avenue at 7.16 feet;
At the Southeaeterly corner of thl tnteraootlon of said
Sixth Stret and S Avenue at 77.00 feet;
at the cornea of the intere�tion of said
Sixth Street and T Avenue at 76.00 feet;
At the Northeaeterly OOne of the interaeotion of paid
Sixth Street and J Avenue at 90.40 Feet;
At the NQrthwo9terly corner of the tntmeot1on of said
Sixth Street and J Avenue at 89.69 feet;
At the outheaatorly corner of the interoection of said
Sixth Street and J Avenue at 90.00 feet;
At the Southweoterly oofter of the intoreection of said
Sixth Street and J Avenue at 87.9? feet;
At a point on the Northerly line of 83idBi*th Strt
and.115 feet. Easterly from the Easterly line. of JAvenue
at 92.12 feet;
At a point on the Northerly line:of said Sixth. Street
and 215 feet taeterly from the Eatcr1y line of J Avenue
at 92.60 feet;
• The gra.de bet*een the laat two named points ehaii be a
vertloal curve whose middleorithat� is O.6 feet;
At a point on the outheriy iin� of said Sixth Street
and 115 feetEasterly from the Eaateriy line of J Avenue
mt 92.09 feet;
At a point an the Southerly line of said Sixth Stret
and 215 feet Easterly from the Easterly •J.ine of J Avenue
at 9330 feet;.
The grade bOtit�fl the last two naied points ahail be a
vertical curve whoeo'. rniddi� ordinate Ia. 0.16 feet;
At theNortheauterly corner of the interection of oaid
Sixth Street and K Aveme'at.93.0O feet;
At the Idorthwesterly corn of the intorseotton of said
Stxth Street and Avenue at 92.40 feet;
At the 3outhea'e'teriy corner of the intersection of said
Sixth Streetand K Avenue at 93.20 test;
At the Southwe.terly corner of the intereotion of said
Sixth Street and K Avenue at 93.50 feat;
That the grade of oa.td Sixth Street between the
fixed by this Resolution, ohali be, uniesa otherwise ah�n,
of uniform aaoent and de�oent.
SECTION 3i That the elevations of the OfficIal Grade
of Seventh ;street in saId City, between the Eaeterly line of
National Avenue and the .Eawterly. Line of K Avenue, above the
eetabliohed datum line of saId City, are hereby fixed and
established ac foUowo
At the Northeasterly corner of the intareeotion of said
Seventh Street and Nattoirni Avenue at 38.00 feet;
At the Southeasterly corner of theHintereection of said
Seventh Street and National Avenue at 37.80 feats
At the Northe3eter1y corner of the intereotion of said
Seventh Street And A Avenue at 41.80 feet;
At the No14threaterly corner of the tntor43eotior of said
Sventh Street and A Avenue at 41.15 feet;
At the 8outhritr1y oorrir of trn thteriot1on of said
SQventh 3treet and A Avenue at 41.84 feet;
At ,fie South'3ter1y corner of the 1flteT33t&Ofl of said
Seventh Street and. A Avenue at 41.41 feet;
At the Northeater1y corner of the intereotton of said
Seventh treet and B Avenue at 43.40 feet;
At th Nrtht�1y corner of IJAA• 1n6T3OtiOfl of said
Seventh Street and B Avernus at 43.00 Peet;
At the 8outheater1y corder o tho intoraotion of said
Sovent1i Street and B Avenue at 43.10 feet;
At the o'rthvter1y ornr of th3 iflter5•'otiofl of said
Seventh street and B Avenue at 42•80 feet;
At one Northeaeterly corner of the interecotion of oaid
Seventh Street Ina C Avenue at 46.50 feet;
At the North eteriy corner of th'3 tntreotion of said
flovnth Street and C Avnue at 47.00 feet;
At the 3outhtor1y corner of tie interseotion of said
Seventh 8reet 9ald C Avenue at 43.50 Let;
At tale Southwestorly oorir of the tntereotiofl of uaict
Seventh Street anU C Avenue at 47.00 foot)
Soya nih
the Northeter1y cornea of the intersection of said
Street and D Avenu at 54.20 fe�t;
Worth•vetriy corner of tha inter960ti0n of said
"treat and D Avenue at S3.1 feet;
the Southeasterly corner of tho interaotion of said
fltreet and D Avenue at 53.50 feet;
tho Southwesterly corner of the interseotton of said
Street and D Avenue at 53.00 feet;
the Northeasterly oorne of the ±ntorr,eotion of said
treet and E Avenue at 58.45 feet;
the Northwesterly oorner of the interseotion of said
Street and E Avenue at 57.70 feet;
the I3outhecsotor1y corner of the interseotion of said
street and E Avenue at 58.40 Beet;
tho Southweoterly corner of the interseotion of said
treet and E Avenue at 57.60 Feet;
the Northeater1y oornr of the intersection of said
street and F Avenue at 61.00 feet;
At the Northwesterly corn�r ottbeint0r9e0ti0n.of said
Seventh Street and Avenue at 60,15 feet;
At th8 Southeaote•rly corner of the 1nterection o ea4
Seventh Street and F Avenue at 60.60 pet;
At the SouthweSter1y corner of the intorseotion
Seventh Stret and F Avenue at 60.00 feet; 4
At the NortheaGter1y earner of the tntereootion
Seventh Street and G Avenue at 65.80 fee;;
At the florthweterly '�rn•er of the internoction
Seventh Street and G Avoirne. at 65.13 Th�t,;
At the Southeaeterly corner of the intersection
Seventh Street and G Avenuo at 65• ao feet;
At the South*eGterly corner.ofth intersection
Seventh Street and G Avenue at 64.65 feet;
of said
of said
o f said
of said
At the Northeasterly earner of the iritereeotion of
Seventh Street and Highland AvenuG at 70.00 feet;
At the Forthwesterly corner of tho thtorGeotton
Seventh street and.HighlandAvenue.,at 69.00 feet;
At the $outheaoterly corner of the intoreaction
Seventh Street and Hgh1and Avenue at 69.10 feet;
� r
At the Southwetcr1y o�zer, of they lnteraeotton
Seventh Street and Highland Avenue. at 68.65 feet;
At the Northeater1y corner of the interaoot±or
Soventh Street and I Avenue at 76.00 feet;
At the Northwoeter3.y Carnes of the tnt.eroeotion
Seventh. Street and I Avenucat 75.00 feet;
At the Southeasterly corner of the intersection
Seventh Streotand I Avenue at 76.00 feet;
At the outhw3eter1y corner of the intereeotorn
Seventh Street and I Avenue at 75.00 feet;
�f aid
o f said
of oaid
of aid
o f said
of 13aid
of aaid
At a point an the North�.rly lino of said Seventh Street
and 125 feet EaGterly fr�m' the Easterly line of I Avenue.
at81.20 feet;
At a point on this Southerly line of said 6eventh Street
and 125 feet Easterly from -the Easterly line of I Avenue
at 80,40 f e e t;
At the Notheaetir.1y, coiner of the rinterseqtion.of said
Seventh Stre3t 3ndJ Avenue at 88.45 feet;
At the NorthweGterly coruer of the tntorsott�n of said
Seventh Street And J ?venue at 86.75 feet;
At the 6outtheaeterly corner of the Thteroeotton o �ad
Seventh Street and J Avenue at 86.05 gent;
At the S�uthwoat�rly 'corner of the interecotlon of said
$ovonth Street and J Avenue at 85.45 feot;
At the Northeasterly corner of the thteroeotion of said
Seventh Str�et and K Avenue at 91.90 :Feet;
At the North*eoterly �ornor of the interaeotion of said
Sevcnth 1treet and K Avenue at 91.60 Thct;
At the Southeaoterly corner of the ttsreeot±on of oaid
Seventh Street and K A ye nue at 91.40 feat;
At the Southwecterly corner of the intereection of paid
Seventh Street and K Avenue at 91.00 feet;
That the grade of.9aid Seventh Street botweentho points
fixed by this fleoolut ion °hall be of uniform aecent and decent.
All of said elevationo to be abovo the datum line of
lovelo ace fixed by Ordlnanoe No. 505 of the Ordinance of said
City of National City, entitled "An Oxd&nance fixing a datum.
line; e�taUo1'dn a primal bonch mark; providing that afl
offici'I rade be 4000ribod Ttrith referenae to said
o.Uici1.. datutn' line; e8tab).ihthg curb elevations and utter
dopthu and fixing the width of 3id0v7a1ko in the City of
Matiomtl City,. CaiifQrni3,and repealing ordinanc�s No. 8, 16,
76, 105, r346, 407,438 and 472 of aid City', appxove4 the
3rd day of November,. 1920. •
PASSED AND .ADOPTED, by the Board of Trustees of the City of National City,
California, this__ __ day of _ 192,
by .the following vote, to -wit:
AYES: Trustees__.________ _
NA YS: Trustees
City Clerk,
President of the Board of Trustees
of the City of National City,
I hereby approve the foregoing lanozratre.} this _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _day of , 192_
President of the Board of Trustees
of the City of NationalCity,
I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, and true copy of
Resolutions No. of the ovionexcexf of the City of National City, California, as adopted
by the Board
of Trustees of said city, and approved by the President of said Board of Trustees, on the
day of
City Clerk of the City of
National City, California.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of the City of
National City, California, as follows, to -wit:
SECTION 2. That the elevations of the Official Grade of
Fifth Street in said City, between the Easterly line of First
Avenue and the Easterly line of K Avenue, above the establi-
shed datum line of said City, are hereby fixed and estab1ihed.
as follows, to -grit
At the Northeasterly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and First Avenue at 25.80 feet;
At the Southeasterly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and First Avenue at 26.00 feet;
At a point on the Northerly line of said Fifth Street
and 75 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of First Avenue
at 26.40 feet;
At a point on the Northerly line of said Fifth Street
and 175 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of First Avenue
at 28.81 feet;
The grade between the last two named points shall be a
vertical curve whose middle ordinate is 0.40 feet;
At a point on the Southerly line of said Fifth Street
and 75 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of First Avenue
at 27.33 feet;
At a point on the Southerly line of said Fifth Street
and 175 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of First Avenue
at 30.20 feet;
The grade betifeen the last two named paints shall be
a vertical curve whose middle ordinate is 0.28 feet.
At the Northeasterly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and National Avenue at 33.02 feet;
At the Northwesterly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and National Avenue at 31.81 feet;
At the Southeasterly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and National Avenue at 34.24 feet;
At the Southwesterly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and National Avenue at 33.22 feet;
At a point on the Northerly line of said Fifth Street
and 100 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of National
Avenue at 38.02 feet;
At a point on the Northerly line of said Fifth Street
and 300 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of National
Avenue at 39.02 feet;
The grade between the last two named points shall be a
vertical curve whose middle ordinate is 2.25 feet;
At a point on the Southerly line of said Fifth Street
and 100 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of National
Avenue at 39.24 feet;
At a point on the Southerly line of said Fifth Street
and 300 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of National
Avenue at 40.24 feet;
The grade bet*een the last two named points shall be a
vertical curve whose middle ordinate is 2.25 feet;
At a point on the Northerly line of said Fifth Street
and 135 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of National
Avenue at 39.58 feet;
At a point on the Northerly line of said Fifth Street
and 235 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of National.
Avenue at 40,68 feet;
At a point on the Southerly line of said Fifth Street
and 135 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of National
Avenue at 40.80 feet;
At a point on the Southerly line of said Fifth Street
and 235 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of National
Avenue stab 41.86 feet;
At a point on the Northerly line of said Fifth Street
and 350 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of National
Avenue at 37.02 feet;
At a point on the Northerly line of said Fifth Street
and 450 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of National
Avenue at 34.81 feet;
The grade between the last two named points shall be a
vertical curve whose middle ordinate is 0.45 feet;
At a point on the Southerly line of said Fifth Street
and 350 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of National
Avenue at 38.24 feet;
At a point on the Southerly line of said Fifth Street
and 450 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of National
Avenue at 36.03 feet;
The grade between the last two named points shall be a
vertical curve whose middle ordinate is 0.45 feet;
At a point on the Northerly line of said Fifth Street
and 400 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of National
Avenue at 35.4? feet;
At di point on the Southerly line of said Fifth Street
and 400 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of National
Avenue at 36,69 feet;
At the Northeasterly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and B Avenue at 35.30 feet;
At the Northwesterly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and B Avenue at 34.30 feet;
At the Southeasterly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and B Avenue at 36.50 feet;
At the Southwesterly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and B Avenue at 35.50 feet;
At the Southeasterly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and C Avenue at 46.00 feet;
At the Southwesterly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and C Avenue at 44.50 feet;
At a point on the Northerly line of said Fifth Street
and 251 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of B Avenue
at 43.50 feet;
At a point on the Northerly line of said Fifth Street
and 331 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of B Avenue
at 45.00 feet;
At the Northeasterly oorner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and D Avenue at 50.50 feet;
At the Northwesterly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and D Avenue at 49.50 feet;
At the Southeasterly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and D Avenue at 51.50 feet;
At the Southweaterly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and D Avenue at 50.50 feet;
At the Northeasterly cornea of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and E Avenue at 53,77 feet;
At the Northwesterly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and E Avenue at 52.43 feet;
At the Southeasterly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and E Avenue at 54.23 feet;
At the Southwesterly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and E Avenue at 53.10 feet;
At the Northeasterly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and F Avenue at 61.37 feet;
At the Northwesterly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and F Avenue at 59.61 feet;
At the Southeasterly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and F Avenue at 61.20 feet;
At the South*eeterly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and F Avenue at 59.62 feet;
At the Northeasterly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and G Avenue at 67.06 feet;
At the Northwesterly corner of the interseotion of said
Fifth Street and G Avenue at 66.65 feet;
At the South�aeterly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and G Avenue at 6'?.03 feet;
At the Southwesterly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and G ,Avenue at 66.56 feet;
At a point on the Northerly line of said Fifth Street
and 75 feet Easerly from the Easterly line of G Avenue
at 67.62 feet;
At a point on the Northerly lino of said Fifth Street
and 175 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of G Avenue
at 69.88 feet;
The grade between the last two Harmed points shall be a
vertical curve whose middle ordinate is 0.38 feet;
At a point on the Southerly line of said Fifth Street
and 75 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of G Avenue
at 67.61 feet;
At a point on the Southerly line of said Fifth Street
and 175 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of G Avenue
at 69.56 feet;
The grade between the last two named points shall be
a vertical curve whose middle'ordthate is 0,29 feet;
At the Northeasterly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and Highland Avenue at 73.15 feet;
At the Northwesterly corner of the interseotion of said
Fifth Street and Highland Avenue eat 72.69 feet;
At the Southeasterly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and Highland Avenue at 72.75 feet;
At the Southwesterly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and Highland Avenue at 71.91 test;
At the Northeasterly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and I Avenue at 77.50 feet;
At the Northwesterly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and I Avenue at 76.10 feet;
At the Southeasterly corner of the intersection of said
Fl fth Street and I Avenue at 784150 feet;
At the Southwesterly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and I Avenue at 77.50 feet;
At the Northeasterly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and J Avenue at 89.41 feet;
At the Northwesterly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and J Avenue at 89.65 feet;
At the Southeasterly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and J Avenue at 91.55 feet;
At the Southwesterly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and J Avenue at 91.43 feet;
At the Northeasterly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and K Avenue at 84.70 feet;
At the Northwesterly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and K Avenue at 85.00 feet;
At the Southeasterly earner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and K avenue at 85.20 feet;
At the South*eeterly corner of the intersection of said
Fifth Street and K Avenue at 86.00 feet.
That the grade of said Fifth Street between the points
fixed by this Resolution, shall be, unless otherwise shown,
of uniform ascent and descent.
3ECTIOR 2. That the elevations of the Official Grade
of Sixth Street in said City, between the Easterly line of
First Avenue and the Easterly line of K Avenue, above the
e stablished datum line of said City, are hereby fixed and
e stablished as follois, to-�vit:
At the Northeasterly corner of the interseotion of said
Sixth Street and First Avenue at 28.30 feet;
At the Southeasterly corner of the intersection of said
Sixth Street and First Avenue at 29.30 feet;
At the Northeasterly corner of the intersection of said
Sixth Street and National Avenue at 38.00 feet;
At the Northwesterly corner of the intersection of said
Sixth Street and National Avenue at 37.23 feet;
At the Southeasterly corner of the intersection of said
Sixth Street and National Avenue at 37.80 feet;
At the South*eeterly corner of the intersection of said
Sixth Street and National Avenue at 37476 feet;
At a point on the Northerly line of said Sixth Street
and 100 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of National
Avenue at 42.50 feet;
At a point on the Northerly line of said Sixth Street
and 200 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of National
Avenue at 45.40 feet;
The grade bet*een the last two named points shall be
a vertical curve *hoae middle ordinate is 0.40 feet;
At a point on the Southerly line of said Sixth street
and 100 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of National
Avenue at 41.6? feet;
At a point on the Southerly line of said Sixth street
and 200 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of National
Avenue at 44.00 feet;
The grade between the last two named points shall be
a vertical curve whose middle ordinate is 0.38 feet;
At a point on the Northerly line of said Sixth Street
and 230 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of National
Avenue at 45.75 feet;
At a point on the Northerly line of said Sixth Street
and 330 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of National
Avenue at 46.00 feet;
The grade between the last two named points shall be
a vertical curve whose middle ordinate is 0.26 feet;
At a point on the Northerly line of said Sixth Street
and 250 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of National
Avenue at 46.00 feet;
At the Southeasterly corner of the intersection of said
Sixth Street and A Avenue at 45.33 feet;
At the Southwesterly corner of the intersection of said
Sixth Street and A Avenue at 44.40 feet;
At the Northeasterly corner of the intersection of said
Sixth Street and B Avenue at 45.00 feet;
At the Northwesterly corner of the intersection of said
Sixth Street and B Avenue at 44.00 feet;
At the Southeasterly corner of the interseation of said
Sixth Street and B Avenue at 45.50 feet;
At the South*esterly corner of the intersection of said
Sixth Street and B Avenue at 44.50 feet;
At the Northeaeterly corne of the interseotion of said
Sixth Street and C Avenue at 50.50Tfeet;
At the Northwesterly corner of the intersection of said
Sixth Street and C Avenue at 49.00 feet;
At the Southeasterly corner of the intersection of said
Sixth Street and C Avenue at 49.20 feet;
At the Southwesterly oorner of the intersection of said
Sixth Street and C avenue at 48.50 feet;
At the Northeasterly corner of the intersection of said
Sixth Street and D Avenye at 54.60 feet;
At the Northwesterly cornea of fhb intersection of said
Sixth Street and D Avenue at 53.60 feet;
At the Southeasterly corner of the intersection of said
Sixth street and D Avenue at 53.60 feet;
At the South*esterly corner of the interesotion of said
Sixth Street and A Avenue at 53.00 feet;
At the Northeasterly corner of the intersection of said
Sixth Street and E Avenue at 57.10 feet;
At the North*eeterly corner of the intersection of said
Sixth Street and E Avenue at 56.94 feet;
At the Southeasterly corner of the mt ersection of said
Sixth Street and E Avenue at 57.33 feet;
At the Southwesterly coiner of the intersection of said
Sixth Street and E Avenue at 56.83 feet;
At the Northeasterly corner of the intersection of
Sixth Street and F Avenue at 60.40 feet;
At the Northwesterly corner of the intereection of
Sixth Street and F Avenue at 59.26 feet;
At the Southeasterly corner of the intersection of
Sixth Street and F avenue at 60,37 feet;
At the 8outhweeterly corner of the interseotton of
Sixth Street and F Avenue at 59.26 feet;
At the Northeasterly corner of the interjection of
Sixth Street and G Avenue at 66.69 feet;
At the Northweaterly corner of the intersection of
Sixth Street and G avenue at 66.21 feet;
At the Southeasterly corner of the intersection of
Sixth Street and G Avenue at 66.69 feet;
At the Southwesterly corner of the intersection of
Sixth street and G Avenue at 86.18 feet;
At the Northeasterly corner of the intersection of
Sixth Street and Highland Avenue at 72.02 feet;
At the Northwesterly corner of the intersection of
Sixth street and Highland Avenue at 70.89 feet;
At the Southeasterly corner of the intersection of
Sixth Street and Highland Avenue at 71.58 feet;
At the Southwesterly corner of the intersection of
Sixth Street and Highland Avenue at 70.54 feet;
At the Northeasterly oorner of the intersection of said
Sixth Street and I Avenue r&t 77.69 feet;
At the Northwesterly oorner of the intersection of said
Sixth Street and I Avenue at 76,16 feet;
At the Southeasterly corner of the intersection of said
Sixth Street and I Avenue at 77.00 feet;
At the South*esterly corner of the intersection of said
Sixth Street and I Avenue at 76.00 feet;
At the Northeasterly oorner of the intereeotlon of said
Sixth Street and J Avenue at 90.40 feet;
At the Northwesterly corner of the intersection of said
Sixth Street and J Avenue at 88.69 feet;
At the outheaaterly oorner of the intersection of said
Sixth Street and J Avenue at 90.00 feet;
At the South*eeterly corner of the intersection of said
Sixth Street and J Avenue at 87.97 feet;
At a point on the Northerly line of said Sixth Street
and 115 feet Easterly from the Eaoterly line of J Avenue
at 92.12 feet;
At a point on the Northerly line of said Sixth Street
and 215 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of J Avenue
at 92,60 feet;
The grade between the last tmo named points shall be a
vertical curve whose middle ordinate is 0•26 feet;
At a point on the Southerly line of said Sixth Street
and 115 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of J Avenue
at 92.09 feet;
At a point on the Southerly line of said Sixth Street
and 215 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of J Avenue
at 93.30 feet;
The grade between the last two named points shall be a
vertical curve whose middle ordinate is 0.16 feet;
At the Northeasterly corner of the intersection of said
Sixth Street and K Avenue at 92.00 feet;
At the Northwesterly corner of the interaeotion of said
Sixth Street and K Avenue at 92.40 feet;
At the Southeasterly corner of the intersection of said
Sixth Street and K Avenue at 93.20 feet;
At the Southwesterly corner of the intersection of said
Sixth Street and K Avenue at 93.50 feet;
That the grade of said Sixth Street between the paints
fixed by this Resolution, shall be, unless otherwise shown,
of uniform ascent and descent.
SECTION 3. That the elevations Of the Official Grade
of Seventh Street in said City, between the Easterly line of
National Avenue and the Easterly line of K Avenue, above the
established datum' line of said City, are hereby fixed and
established as follo*e, to -wit:
At the Northeasterly corner of the intersection of said
Seventh Street and National Avenue at 38.00 feet;
At the Southeasterly corner of the intersection of said
Seventh Street and National. Avenue at 37.80 feet;
At the Northeaeterly corner of the interseotion of
Seventh Street and A Avenue at 41.80 feet;
At the Northwesterly corner of the intereection
Seventh Street and A Avenue at 41.15 feet;
At the Southeaeterly corner of the Intersection
Seventh Street and A Avenue at 41.84 feet;
At the South*esterly corner of the intersection
Seventh Street and A Avenue at 41.41 feet;
At the Northeasterly corner of the intersection
Seventh Street and B Avenue at 43.40 Peet;
At the Northwesterly corner of the interseotion
Seventh Street and B Avenue at 43,00 feet;
At the Southeaeterly corner of the intersection
Seventh Street and B Avenue at 43.10 feet;
At the Southwesterly corner of the intersection
Seventh street and B Avenue at 43.80 feet;
At the Northeasterly corner of the intersection
Seventh Street and C Avenue at 48.50 feet;
At the Northwesterly corner of the intersection
Seventh Street and C Avenue at 47.00 feet;
At the Southeasterly corner of the intersection
Seventh Street and C Avenue at 48.50 feet;
At the Southwesterly corner of the intersection
Seventh Street and C Avenue at 47.00 feet;
At the Northeasterly corner of the intersection
Seventh Street and D Avenue at 54.20 feet;
At the Northwesterly corner of the intersection
seventh Street and A Avenue at 53.13 feet;
At the Southeasterly corner of the intereeotion
Seventh street and D Avenue at 53.50 feet;
At the Southwesterly corner of the intersection
Seventh Street and D Avenue at 53.00 feet;
At the Northeasterly corner of the interecotion
Seventh Street and E Avenue at 58.45 feet;
At the Northireeterly corner of the intersection
Seventh Street and E Avemie at 57.70 feet;
At the Southeasterly corner of the intersection
Seventh Street and E Avenue at 58.40 feet;
At the Southwesterly corner of the Intersection
Seventh Street and E Avenue at 57.60 feet;
At the Northeasterly corner of the intersection of said
Seventh street and F Avenue at 61.00 feet;
At the North*eeterly corner of the intersection
Seventh Street and F Avenue at 60.15 feet;
At the southeasterly corner of the intereection
Seventh Street and F Avenue at 60.60 feet;
At the South*e�terly corner of the intereect ion
Seventh Street and F Avenue at 60.00 feet;
At the Northeasterly corner of the intersection
Seventh Street and G Avenue at 65.80 feed;
At the Northweeterly �rner of the interseotion
Seventh Street and G Avenue at 65.13 feet;
At the Southeasterly corner of the interseotion
Seventh Street and G Avenue at 65.20 feet;
At the Southweeterly corner of the intersection
Seventh Street and G Avenue at 64.65 feet;
At the Northeasterly corner of the interseotion
Seventh Street and Highland Avenue at 70.00 feet;
At. the North*eaterly corner of the intersection
Seventh Street and Highland Avenue at 69.00 feet;
At the Southeaeterly corner of the Intersection
seventh Street and Highland Avenue at 69.10 feet;
At the Southwesterly corner of the intersection
Seventh Street and Highland Avenue at 68.65 feet;
At the Northeasterly corner of the intersection
Seventh Street and. I Avenue at 76.00 feet;
At the Northwesterly corner of the intersection
Seventh Street and I Avenue at 75.00 feet;
At the Southeasterly corner of the 1nt0r860t10n of said
Seventh Street and I Avenue at 76.00 feet;
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At the Southweaterly corner of the intersectiofi of said
Seventh Street and I Avenue at 75.00 feet;
At a point on the Northerly line of said Seventh Street
and 125 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of I Avenue
at 81.20 feet;
At a point on the Southerly line of said Seventh Street
and 125 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of I Avenue
at 80.40 feet;
At the Northeasterly corner of the Intersection of said
Seventh Street and J Avenue at 88.45 feet;
At the Northwesterly corner of the int0r560t10n of said
Seventh Street and J Avenue at 86.75 feet;
At the Southeasterly corner of the intersection of
Seventh Street and J Avenue at 86.85 feet;
At the South*eeterly corner of the intersection of
Seventh Street and J Avenue at 85.45 feet;
At the Northeasterly corner of the lnteri3eotion of
Seventh Street and K Avenue at 91.90 feet;
At the Northwesterly corner of the int0r560t10n of
Seventh Street and K Avenue at 91.60 feet;
At the Southeasterly corner of the intersection of
Seventh Street and K Avenue at 91,40 feet;
At the South*esterly corner of the intersection of
Seventh St reet and K Avenue at 9100 feet;
That the grade of said Seventh Street between the paints
fixed by this Resolution shall be of uniform ascent and descent.
All of said elevations to be above the datum line of
levels as fixed by Ordinance No. 505 of the Ordinance of said
City of National City, entitled "An Ordinance fixing a datum
line; establishing a primal bench mark; providing that all
official grades shall be described with reference to said
official datum line; establishing curb elevations and butter
depths and fixing the width of ldewa1ke in the City of
National City, California, and repealing ordinances No. 8, 18,
76, 105, 346, 407, 438 and 472 of said City", approved the
3rd day of November, 1920.
City Clerk,
PASSED AND ADOPTED, by the Board of Trustees of the
City of National City,
California, this f day of 47r„) � _ 192�;
by the following vote, to -wit:
AYES: Trustees
NAYS: Trustees
I hereby approve the foregoing
w• m.o. — _ - .FFIL
_/3 cz-
President of the Board of Trustees
of the City of National City,
__D_ __:C7_7 -____day of
-��i , 192_
President of the Board of Tru44A-----)e-----?-__ z#0-"'
stees <-..-(_
of the City of National City,
I hereby certify that the above and foregoingis a5 Resolution full, and true copy of
(Resolutions ofthe CityNational City, as ado ledNo.__of the�exograf of California,,fp by the Board
of Trustees of said city, and approved by the President of said Board of Trustees, on the
day of ---- _. -- ---- ---. _ _ 192
Clerk of the City of
National City, California.