HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RESO 774DOCUMENT No. 7.--Ati
City Clerk
edetA --if 7 - 2,
RESOLVED, that it is the intention of the Board of
Trustees of the City of National City, California, to artier
the fo1loving work to be done and improvement to be rntde in
said City of National City, to..wit:
The grading, to the off ioffiq1A1 grade thereof, of
FIFTH STREET, in said City fobhe entire width of said
street,frorn property line to property line, from the easterly
line of First .Avenue to the easterly line of K Avenue, includ-
ing the entire width and length of the intersections of said
Fifth Street with all cross streets and alleys, between said
points, excepting the intersections of Fifth Street with National
,Avenue, F. Avenue, F Avenue, G Avenue, highland Avenue and J Ave'-
nue, and also excepting that portion of said Fifth Street des-
cribed as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the westerly
line of F Avenue with the southerly line of Fifth Street; thence
westerly along the southerly line of Fifth Street a distance of
115,48 feet; thence at right angles northerly a distance of
16 feet; thence easterly on a line parallel to and distant
16 feet northerly from the southerly line of Fifth Street a dia-
tance of 115.48 feet; thence at right angles southerly a distance
o f 16 feet to the point of beginning.
Also, as a part of said work, the construction of cement
concrete side*alke and cement concrete curbing on both sides
of said Fifth Street, from the easterly curb line of First
Avenue to the easterly line of K Avenue, including the re-
turne,in the northeasterly and southeasterly corners of First
Avenue with Fifth Street and in the intersections of said
Fifth Street with all cross streets, between said points,
and also including the curbing in the returns at the interseo-
tiona of said Fifth Street with all alleys, between said points,
excepting the sidewalks and curbing in the intersections of
said Fifth Street with National Avenue, E Avenue, F Avenue,
G Avenue, Highland Avenue and J Avenue; also excepting the curb-
ing in the alley return on the easterly side of the intersection
o f the alley, on the southerly side of Fifty: Street between E and
F Avenues, with said Fifth Street, and also excepting the side
walks and curbing on the southerly side of said Fifth Street,
between the westerly line of F Avenue and a point 115.48 feet
westerly from the westerly line of said F Avenue.
Also, as a part of said work, the construction of a
'cement concrete gutter contiguous to the curbing along the
southerly side of said Fifth Street, said gutter to be located
as follows: a strip 247.24 feet in length bet*een the easterly
Line of First Avenue and a point three feet' westerly from the
westerly line of National Avenue; also a strip 578.29 feet in
length between a point three .eet easterly from the easterly line
of National Avenue and the w terly line of B Avenue; also a strip
244.97 feet in length between a point three feet easterly from
the easterly line of B Avenue and a Point three feet westerly
from the westerly line of C Avenue produced northerly; also a
strip 244.98 feet in length between a point three feet easterly
from the easterly line of C Avenue produced northerly and a
point three feet westerly from the we8teJ1y line of D Avenue;
aaso a strip 244.56 feet in length between a point three feet
e asterly from the eaterly line of D Avenue and a point three
feet westerly from the *eeterly line of E Avenue; also a strip
247.56 feet in length between a point threes feet esteriy from
the eastely line of T Avenue and the westerly line of J Avenue;
also a strip 249.22 feet in length between the eateriy line of
J Avenue and a point three feet westerly from the westerly line
of K Avenue} also the construction of a cement concrete gutter
contiguous to the curbing along the northerly side of said
Fifth Street, said gutter to be rotated as follows: A strip
578.29 feet in length between a point three feet easterly from
the easterly line of National Avenue and the westerly line of
B Avenue; also a strip 575.93 feet in length between a point
three feet easterly from the easterly line of B Avenue and a
point three feet westerly from the westerly line of D Avenue;
also a strip 244.56 feet in length between a point three feet
easterly from the easterly line of D Avenue and a point three
Feet westerly from the westerly line of E Avenue; also a strip
247.96 feet in length bet*een the easterly line of E Avenue
and a point three feet westerly from the weeiterly line of F Ave-
nue; also a strip 244.48 feet in length between a point three
feet easterly from the easterly line of F Avenue and a point
three feet westerly from the westerly line of G Avenue; also a
strip 247.94 feet in length between a point three feet easterly
from the easterly line of G Avenue and the westerly line of
Highland Avenue; also a strip 247.56 feet in length between a
point three feet easterly from the easterly line of I Avenue
and the westerly line of J Avenue; also a strip 24922 feet in
length between the easterly line of J Avenue and a point three
feet westerly from the westerly line of K Avenue; also,the con-
struction of cement concrete gutters, each 30.53 feet in length,
contiguouw to the curb returns at the northwesterly and south-
westerly corners of the intersection of said Fifth Street with
B Avenue and at the northeasterly and southeasterly corners of
the intersection of said Fifth Street with E Avenue.
Also, as a part of said work, the conetruction of five
cement concrete manholes in connection with the drain herein-
after described, said naanholes,numbered consecutively from one
to five, to be constructed at the locations and in the manner
shown upon the plans hereinafter referred to.
Also, as a part of said work, the construction of an 18 inch
diameter corrugated iron pipe drain, the center line of said drain
being located as follows: Beginning at manhole No. rand running
northerly parallel to and distant 29.78 feet easterly from the
center line of B Avenue a distance of 54.56 feet to manhole No.2;
also beginning at manhole No. 2 and running westerly parallel to
and distant 29.25 feet northerly from the center line of Fifth
street a distance of 54.56 feet to manhole No. 3; also beginning
at manhole No. 3 and running westerly parallel to and 29.25 feet
northerly from the Centex line of Fifth Street a distance of
183.84 feet to manhole No. 4; also beginning at manhole No. 4 and
running northwesterly along a public right of way over and across
Tate 15, 14,13 and 12,Block 1,of Kimball'e Subdivision and over
and across a public alley and along a public right of way over
and across Lots 16, 17 18 and 19 of R.R.Morrison's Subdivision,
a distance of 354.65 feet to manhole No. 5,all as shown on the
plans hereinafter referred to; also, as a part of said work, the
con8truction of a cement concrete pipe catch basin with cement carte
crete bottom and east iron manhole ring and cover, said catch basin
bung located inside the Centex of the curb return at the southwest-
erly corner of the intersection of Fifth Street with B Avenue;
Also the construction of an inlet, through the curb return,
connecting with the above described catch basin; also the construct-
ion of an inlet through the curb return connecting with manhole No.3;
Also, as a part of said work, the constructon oP an
8 inch diameter corrugated iron pipe cuiver'4'dross s(i'hd'
Fifth Street, said culvert connecting the above described
catobbasin and manhole No. 3; also the construction of a
12 inch diameter corrugated iron pipe culvert, with head-
wall and appurterances, in the easterly gutter line of B
Avenue and ru ins northerly and easterly 'rom the southerly
line of Fifth Street a distance of II feet to a connection
with manhole No. 1; also the construction of a 15 inch
diameter corrugated iron pipe culvert, with headwall and
appurtenances, in. the southerly gitter line of Fifth Street
and running wster1y and southerly from the easterly line
o f B Avenue a distance of 11.4 feet to a connection with
manhole No. I; also the construction, of a 15 inch diameter
corrugated iron. pipe culvert, with headwall and apurtenances,
in. the northerly butter line of Fifth Street and running
westerly and northerly from the easterly line of B Avenue
a distance of 11.6 feet to a connection with manhole Nq.
also the construction of a 12 inch diameter corrugated iron.
pipe culvert, with headwall and. appurt enance, in the east-
e rly gutter line of B Avenue snd running southerly and east-
e rly from the northerly line of Fifth Street a distance of
11.6 feet to a connection with manhole No. 2; also the
construction. of an 8 Inch by 30 inch part circle corrugated
iron. culvert 80 feet in length together with a cement con
crete base and two cement concrete heawalls and appurte
nances, in the southerly* gutter line of iifth Street and
extending from the easterly property line to the wester1y
property line of C Avenue, produced northerly; also the
construct -ion of a &i inch by 16 inch part circle corrugated
iron. culvert, 16 feet in length, together with a cement con
crete base and. a cement cone rete headwall and appurtenances,
in the west e ri y butter line of C Mr enu and extending from
the southerly property line of Fifthi3treet to and connect,
ing with the culvert last above described; also the con
straction of a inch by 16 inch part circle corrugated
iron culvert, 16 feet in length, together with a cement con
crete base and a cement concrete headwall and appurtenances,
in the easterly platter line of 0 Avenue and extendIng from
the southerly property line of Fifth Street to and conn.ect
ing with the 8 inch by 30 inch u1tert above described;.
also the construction of an 8 inch by 30- inch part circle
corrugated iron culvert, 80 feet in. length, together with
a cement concrete base and two cement concrete heathvalls
and appurtenances, in the northerly butter line of Fifth
Street andextending from the easterly property line to the
westerly property line of DAvenue; also the construction
o f a 64 inch by 16 inch part circle corrugated iron culvert,
16 feet in length, together with a cement concrete base and
a cement concrete headwall and. appurtenances, in the west-
e rly gutter line of D Avenue and extending from the north-
erly line of Fifth Street to and connecting with the cul-
vert last above described; also the construction of an 8
inch by 30 inch part circle corrugated iron culvert, 16 feet
in length, together with a cement concrete base and a cement
concrete headwall anal appurtenances, in. the easterly gutter
line of D Avenue and etending from the hortherly line of
Fifth Street to and connectin.g with the 8 inch by 30 inch cul-
vert last above described; also the construction of an 8 inch
by 30 inch part circle corrugated iron culvert, 80 feet in
length, together with a cement concrete base and two cement
concrete headwalls and. appurtenances, in the southerly gutter
line of Fifth Street and extending :from the easterly paperty
line to the westerly property line of D Avenue; also the con-
struction. of a inch by 16 inch part circle corrugated iron
culvert, 16 feet in. length, together with a cement cone rote
base and a cement c on'c ret e headwall, and. app ur t enanc e s, in
the westerly butter line of D Avenue and exteiding from
the southerly property line of Fifth Street to arid con
necting with the culvert last above described also the
construction of a 64 inch by 10 inch part circle corrugated.
iron culvert, 16 feet in. length, together with a cement
concrete base and a cement concrete headwa1i and appur
t enan c e s in the easterly butter line of D avenue and. e x-
tending from the southerly property line of F±th Street
to and connecting with the 8 inch by 30 inch culvert last
above described; also the removal and reconstruction., to
offici1 grade, of a 12 inch dimneter cement concrete pipe
culvert in the northerly butter line of Fifth Street, to-
gether with the construction of one cement concrete headwall
and. appurteiiances, said culvert extending from the westerly
line of E Avenue to and connecting with the existing CatCh
basin located inside the curb return at the northeasterly
corner of the intersection of said Fifth Street and
Avenue; also the construction of an 8 inch cement concrete
pipe culvert, 16 feet. in length, in the westerly gutter
line of E Avenue, together with a cement concrete headwall
and. appurtenances, and ext end i ng from the northerly 1in.e
of Fifth Street to and connecting with the culvert last
above described; also the removal and reconstruction, t.o
official grade, of a 12 inch diameter cement concrete pipe
culvert in the southerly ;utter line of Fifth Street, to-
gether with the constriction of one cerent concrete head
wall and a ppur t en an c e s, said culvert extending from the
westerly line of E Avenue to and connecting with the existing
catch basin located inside, the curb return at the south
easterly corner of the intersection of said Fifth Street
and. E Avenue; also the construction of an 8 inch cement
concrete pipe culvert, 16 feet in length, in the westerly
gutter line of E Avenue, together with a cement concrete
headwall and appurtenances, and. extending from the southerly
property line of Fifth Street to and connecting with the 12
inch culvert last above described; also the construction of
a 10 inch diariieter -corrugated iron pipe culvert, 80 feet in
length, in the northerly gutter line of Fifth Street, to-
gether with two cement concrete headwalls and appurtenances,
and extending from the westerly property line of F Avenue
to the easterly property line of F Avenue; also the con-
truction. of an 8 inch diameter corrugated iron pipe culvert,
16 feet in• length, in. the westerly gutter line of F avenue,
together with a cement concrete headwall and aurtenances,
and extending From the northerly line of Fifth Street to
and connecting with the 10 inch culvert last above described;
also the construction of an. 8 inch diameter corrugated i r on.
pipe culvert, 16 feet in length, in the easterly butter line
of F Avenue, toether with a cement concrete headwall and
.appurtenances, and extending from the nrtherly line of
Fifth Street to and connecting with the 10 inch culvert last
above described; also the construction of an 8 inch diameter
corrugated iron. pipe culvert, 80 Feet •in. length, in. the
norher1y gutter line of Fifth Street, 'together with two
cement concrete headwalls and appurtenances, and extending
from the easterly property line to the westerly property
line of G Avenue;. also the construction of an 8 inch diameter
corrugated. iron pipe culvert, 16 feet in I en gt h, in the
westerly butter line of G Avenue, t ogether with a cement
concrete headwall and appurtenances, and extending fromthe
northerly line of Fifth Street to and connecting with the
culvert last above described; also the construction of an
8 inch diameter corrugated iron pipe culvert;, 16 feet in
length, in. the easterly gutter line of@ Avenue, together
with a c em en t concrete h e a d.wal I 'and a ppu rt e nan c e s, and e x -
tending from the northerly line of Fifth Street 'to and
connecting with the above described culvert in. the north-
erly gutter line of Fifth Street.; ` also the -construction
of a 10 inch diameter corrugated iron pipe culvert, 80
feet in. length, in. the easterly gutter line of Highland
Avenue, together with two cement concrete headwalls and
appurtenances, and extending from the n.ortherly property
line to the southerly property line of Fifth Street;
also the construction of an. 8 inch diameter corru4gated.
iron pipe culvert, 16 feet in. length, in the northerly
gutter line of Fifth Street, toether with a cement con
crete headwall and. appurtenances, and. extending from the
easterly line of highland Avenue to and connecting with
the 10 inch culvert above described; also the construction
of an 8 inch diameter corrugated iron pipe culvert, 16
feet in. length, in the southerly butter line of Fifth
Street, together with a cement concrete headwall and ap
purtenances, and extending; from the easterly line of
Highland Avenue to and connect ing with the 10 inch cul
vert above described; also the construction of an 8
inch diameter corrigated iron pipe culvert, 80 feet in
length, in the easterly gutter line of I .venue, together
with two cement concrete li ea dwal 1 s and ap pu rt enan c e s, and
ext end ing from. the n.. o rth en y p x pe r ty line to the south-
erly property line of Fifth Street; also the constructionof an 8 inch diameter corrugated iron pipe culvert, 16
Feet in length, in. the northerly gutter line of Fifth
Street, to ether with a cement concrete headwall and ap-
purtenances, and. extending from the easterly line of I
Avenue to and connecting with the culvert last above
described; also the construction of an 8 inch diameter
corrugated iron. pipe culvert, 16 feet in length, in.
the southerly gutter line of Fifth Street, together with
a cement concrete headwall and ap pu rt ena n.e e s, and extend-
ing from the easterly line of I Avenue to and connecting
with said 8 inch culvert in the easterly butter line of
I Avenue; also the construction. of n 8 inch diameter cor-
rugated iron pipe culvert, 80 feet in length, in the
westerly gutter line of K Avenue, together with two cement
concrete headwalls and appurtenance, and extending from
the northerly property line to the southerly property line
of Fifth Street; also the construction. of an 8 inch
diameter corrugated iron pipe culvert,. 20 feet in length,
in the northerly cutter line of Fifth Street, together
with a C eni e n it c o n.e r e t e headwall and ap pu nit e na nc e s, and.
extendin from the westerly line of K Aveime to and con-
necting with the culvert last above described.; also the
construction. of an. 8 inch diameter corrugated iron pipe
culvert, 20 feet in length, in the southerly gutter line
of Fifth Street, together with a cement concrete headwail
and appurtena.n.ces, and e x tend ing From the westerly line
of K Avenue to and connecting with the above described
culvert in the westerly gutter line of K Avenue; also the
c�nstriiction of an 8 inch diameter corrugated iron pipe
culet, 80 feet in length, in the easterly butter line
of venue, together with two cement concrete neadwalls
and ap pu rt enanc € B; and e xt en. ing From the northerly
property line to the southerly piperty line of Fifth
Street; also the construction of an. 8 inch Qiameter
corrugated. iron .-Dipe culvert, 20 feet in length, in the
northerly gutter line of Fifth Street, together with a
cement concrete headwall and appurtennces, and extending
from the easterly line of K venae to and, conn.ecGlng with
the culvert last above described; also the construction
of an 8 inch diameter corrugated iron pipe culvert, 20
Feet in I�Igth, in the southerly gutter line of ifth
Street, together with a cement concrete headwail and ap
purtenances, and ext ending from the easterly line of K
Avenue to andc onn.ec tin g with said 8 inch culvert above
described in the easterly gutter line of K Avenue.
Also, as a part of said work, the grading to the
official grade thereof of BIXTH STRJIICT in said City, for
the entire width of said street, from property line to
property line, from the easterly line of First Avenue to
the eaeterly line of K Avenue, including the entire width
and length of the intersections of said Sixth Street with
all cross streets and alleys, between said points, exoept-
ing the intereectiona of Sixth Street with National Avenue,
E Avenue, F Avenue, G Avenue, Highland Avenue and J. Avenue,
and also excepting those portions of' Sixth Street described
as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly line of
Sixth Street 100.12 feet easterly from the easterly line of
First Avenue; thence easterly along the southerly line of
Sixth Street a distance of 50 feet; thence at right angles
northerly a distance of 14 feet; thence westerly on a line
parallel to and distant 14 feet northerly from the southerly
line of Sixth Street a distance of 50 feet; thence at right
angles eoutherly a distance of 14 feet to the point of be-
ginning; Also, beginning at the intersection of the west-
o rly line of F Avenue with the northerly line of Sixth
Street; thence weeterly along the northerly line of Sixth
Street a distance of 115.46 feet; thence at right angles
southerly a distance of 16 feet; thence easterly on a line
paraliel to and distant 16 feet southerly from the northerly
line of Sixth Street a distance of 115.46 feet; thence at
right angles northerly a distance of 16 feet to the point
o f beginning; Also, beginning at the intereection of the
easterly line of F Avenue with the northerly line of Sixth
Street; thence easterly along the northerly Une of Sixth
Street a distance of 115.30 feet; thence at Tight angles
southerly a distance of 16 feet; thence westerly on a line
parallel to and distant 16 feet southerly from the northerly
line of Sixth Street a distance of 115.30 feet; thence at
right angles northerly a distance of 16 feet to the point of
beginning; Also, beginning at a point on the aoutherly line
o f Sixth Street 100.60 feet easterly from the inteseotion
o f the easterly line of F Avenue *ith the southerly line of
Sixth Street; thence easterly along the southerly line ofe
Sixth Street a distance of 25 feet; thence at right ang1e8
norther•ly a ditanoe of 16 feet; thence westerly on a line.
prallel to and distant 16 feet northerly from the southerly
Line of Sixth Street a distance of 25 feet; thence at right.
anglea southerly a dietanoe of 16 feet to the point of be --
ginning; Aleo beginning at the intersection of the weaterly
line of G avenue with the southerly line of Sixth Street;
thence westerly along the southerly line of Sixth Street a
distance of 75 feet; thence at right angles northerly a
distance of 16 feet; thence easterly on a line parallel to
and distant 16 feet northerly from the southerly line of
Sixth Street a distance of 75 feet; thence at right angles
southerly a distance of 16 feet to the point of beginning;
Also, beginning at the intersection of the easterly line of
G Avenue with the northerly line of Sixth Street; thence
easterly along the northerly line of Sixth Street a dietanoe
o f 115.44 feet; thence at right angles southerly a distance
of 16 feet; thence weaterly on a line parallel to and dis-
tant 16 feet southerly from she northerly line of Sixth
Street a distance of 11544 feet; thence at right angles
northerly a distance of 16 feet to the point of beginning;
Also, beginning at the intersection of the easterly Line
of Highland Avenue with the northerly line of Sixth Street;
thence easterly along the northerly line of Sixth Street a
distance of 125.47 feet; thence at right angles southerly a
d istance of 16 feet; thence westerly on a line parallel to and
d istant 16 feet southerly from the northerly line of Sixth
Street a*clietance of 125.47 feet; thence at right angles north-
e rly a distance of 16 feet to. the point of beginning; Aleq be-
ginning at the intersection of the easterly line of I Avenue with
the northerly line of Sixth Street; thence easterly along the
northerly line of Sixth Street a distance of 125.91 feet; thence
at right ankles southerly a distance of 16 feet; thence westerly
along a line parallel to and distant 16 feet southerly from the
northerly line of Sixth Street a distance of 125.91 feet; thence
at right angles northerly a distance of 16 feet to the point of
beginning; Also, beginning at the intersection of the westerly
line of J Avenue with the northerly line of Sixth Street; thence
westerly along the northerly line of Sixth Street a dietance of
105.00 feet; thence at right angles southerly a distance of 16
feet; thence eaeterly on a line parallel to and distant 16 feet
southerly from the northerly line of. Sixth Street a distance
of 105.00 feet; thence at right angles northerly a distance of
16 feet to the point of beginning.
Also, as a part of said work, the construction of cement
concrete sidewalks and cement concrete curbing on both sides
of said Sixth Street, from the easterly curb line of First
Avenue to the easterly line of K Avenue, including the returns
in the intersections of said hixth Street with all crone streets,
between said points, and alsoincluding the curbing in the re
turns at the intersection of said Sixth Street with all alleys,
between said points, excepting the sidewalks and curbing in the
intersections of said Sixth Street with National Avenie, E Avenue,
F Avenue, G Avenue, Highland Avenue and J Avenue, and excepting
the curbing in the alley returns described as follows: On the
easterly side of the intersection of the alley,on the northerly
side of Sixth Street between E and F Avenues, with said Sixth
Street; also on the westerly side of the intersection of the alley,
on the northerly side of Sixth Street between F and G Avenues,
with said Sixth Street; also on both sides of the ntereection of
the alley, on the northerly side of Sixth Street between T and J
Avenues, with said Sixth Street, and also excepting the sidewalks
and curbing between the following described points: On the
southerly side of said Sixth Street from a point 100.12 feet
e asterly from the easterly line of First Avenue to a point
150.12 feet easterly from said easterly line of First Avenue;
also, on the northerly side of said Sixth Street from the
westerly line of F Avenue and a point 115.46 feet westerly from
the westerly line of said F Avenue; also, on the northerly side
of said Sixth Street from the easterly line of F Avenue to a
point 115.30 feet easterly from the easterly line of said F Ave-
nue; also, on the southerly side of said Sixth Street from a
point 100.60 feet easterly from the easterly line of F Avenue to
a point 125.60 feet easterly from the easterly line of said F
Avenue; also, on the southerly side of said Sixth Street from the
westerly line of G Avenue to a point 75 feet westerly from the
westerly line of said G Avenue; also, on the northerly side of
said Sixth Street from the easterly line of G Avenue to a point
114.94 feet easterly from the easterly Line of said G Avenue;
also, on the northerly side of said Sixth 3uffreet from the
easterly line of Highland Avenue to a point 125.47 feet easterly
from the easterly line of said Highland Avenue; also, on the
northerly side of said Sixth Street from the easterly line
of I Avenue to a point 125.91 feet easterly from the easterly
line of said I Avenue; also, on the northerly side of said
Sixth Street from the westerly line of J Avenue to a point
105.00 feet westerly from the westerly line of said J Avenue.
Also, as a part of said work, the construction of a
cement concrete gutter contiguous to the curbing along the
southerly side of said Sixth Street, said gutter to be lo-
cated as follows: a strip 247.23 feet in length between the
easterly line of First Avenue and a point three feet west-
erly from the westerly line of National Avenue; also a strip
247.70 feet in length between a point three feet easterly from
the easterly line of National Avenue nd the westerly line of
A Avenue produced northerly; also a strip 247.89 feet in
length between a point three feet easterly from the eaaterly
line of I Avenue and the westerly line of J Avenue; also the
construction of a cement concrete gutter contiguous to the
curbing along the northerly side of said Sixth Street, said
gutter to be located as follows: A strip 247,70 feet in
length between a point three feet easterly from the easterly
line of National Avenue and the westerly line of A Avenue pro-
duced northerly; also a strip 247.91 feet in length between a
point three feet easterly from the easterly line of I Avenue
and the westerly line of J Avenue.
Also, as a part of said work, the construction of a
10inoh diameter corrugated iron pipe culvert, 64 feet in
length, in the easterly gutter line of B Avenue, together
with one cement concrete headwall and appurtenances, and ex-
tending frog the northerly line of Sixth Street to and oon
necting with a culvert in the southerly gutter line of said
Sixth Street; also, the construction of a lO-.4nch. diameter
corrugated iron pipe culvert, 16 feet in length, in the eouth-
erly gutter line of Sixth Street, together with a cement con-
crete headwall, and appurtenances, and extending from the
easterly line of B Avenue to and connecting with the culvert
last above described; also, the construction of an 8-inch
diameter corrugated iron pipe culvert, 16 Easy in length in the
northerly gutter line of Sixth Street, together with a cement
concrete head*ail and appurtenances, and extending from the
easterly line of B Avenue to and connecting with the culvert
above described in the easterly gutter line of B Avenue; also,
the construction of a 10-inch diameter corrugated iron pipe
culvert, 80 feet in length, in the southerly gutter line of
Sixth Street, together with two cement concrete headwalls and
appurtenances, and extending from the easterly property line to
the westerly property line of C Avenue; also, the construction
of an 8-inch diameter corrugated iron pipe culvert, 80 feet in
length, in the northerly gutter line of Bixth'Street, together
with two cement concrete headwalle and appurtenances, and ex-
tending from the easterly property line to the westerly pro
perty line of D Avenue; also, the construction of an 8-inch dia
meter corrugated iron pipe culvert, 16 feet in length, in the
westerly gutter line of D Avenue, together with a cement concrete
headwall and appurtenances, and extending from the northerly line
of Sixth Street to and connecting with the culvert last above des-
cribed; also, the construction of an 8-inch dianieter corrugated
iron pipe culvert, 16 feet in length, in the easterly guter line
of D Avenue, together with a Dement concrete head.wall and appur
tenances, and extending from the northerly line of Sixth Street to
and, connecting with the culvert above described in the northerly
gutter line of Sixth Street; also, the construction of a 10-inch
diameter corrugated iron pipe culvert, 80 feet in length, in the
southerly gutter line of Sixth Street,together with two cement
concrete hea4walle and appurtenances, and extending from
the easterly property line to the westerly property line of
D Avenue;, also, the cqetruction of an 8-inch diameter
corritgated iron pipe culvert, 16 feet in length, in the
westerly gutter line of D Avenue, together with a cement
concrete headwall and appurtenances, and extending from the
southerly line of Sixth Street to and connecting with the
culvert last above described; also, the construction of
an 8-inch diameter corrugated. iron pipe culvert, 16 feet in
length, in the easterly butter line of D Avenue, together
with a cement concrete heaciwall and appurtenancee, and ez-
tending from the southerly line of Sixth street to and connec-
ting with the lOinch culvert above described; also, the con
struotion of a la -inch diameter corrugated iron pipe culvert
2935 feet in length, in the gutter line contiguous to the
curb return at the northeasterly corner of the intersection
of said Sixth Street and E Avenue, together with two cement
concrete headwalls and appurtenances, and extending from the
easterly property line of E Avenue to the northerly property
line of said Sixth Street; also, the construction of an
8-inch diameter corrugated iron pipe culvert, 80 feet in
length, in the southerly gutter line of Sixth Street, together
with two cement concrete headwalls and appurtenances, and ex-
tending from the easterly property line to the we at e ri y pro-
perty line of E Avenue;. also, the construction of an 8-inch
diameter corrugated iron pipe cuvert, 16 feet in length in
the westerly gutter line of E Avenue, together with a cement
concrete headvvali and appurtenance3, and extending from the
southerly line of Sixth Street to and connecting with the
culvert last above described; also, the construction of an
8-. 1 nch diameter corrugated iron pipe culvert, 16 feet in
length, in the easterly gutter line of E Avenue, together
with a cement oonorete headwall and appurtenances, and ex-
tending from the southerly line of Sixth Street to and conneo-
ting with said 8-inch culvert in the southerly gutter line of
Sixth Street; also, the construction of a l2-inch diameter
corrugated iron pipe culvert, 80 feet in length, in the north-
e rly gutter line of Sixth Street, together with two cement
concrete headwalls and appurtenances, and extending ffom the
e asterly property line to the *e5ten1y property line of F Ave-
nue; also, the construction of an 8--inch diameter corrugated
iron pipe culvert, 16 feet in length, in the westerly gutter
line of F Avenue, together with a cement concrete headwall
and appurtenances, and extending from the northerly line of
Sixth Street to and connecting with the culvert last above
d eecnibed; also, the construction of an 8-inch diameter
corrugated iron pipe culvert, 16 feet in length, in, the east-
e rly gutter line of F Avenue, together with a cement concrete
h eadwall and appurtenances, and extending from the northerly
line of Sixth Street to and connecting with the 12-inch cul-
vert above described; also, the construction of an 8-inch
diameter corrugated iron pipe culvert, 80 feet in length, in
the southerly gutter line of Sixth Street, together with two
cement concrete headwalls and appurtenances, and extending
from the easterly property line to the westerly property line
of F Avenue; also, the construction of an 8-inch diameter
corrugated iron pipe ,culvert, 16 feet in length, in the we8t-
e rly gutter Line of F Avenue, together with a cement concrete
headwall and appurtenances, and extending from the southerly
line of Sixth Street to and connecting with the culvert last
above described; also, the canetruotion of an 8-inch dia-
meter corrugated iron pipe culvert, 16 feet in length, in the
easterly gutter line of F Avenue, together with a cement con-
crete headwall and appurtenances, and extending from the south-
erly line of Sixth Street to and connecting with said culvert
in the southerly gutter line of Sixth Street; aleq) the con-
struot.on of a 12-.1noh diameter corrugates iron pipe culvert,
80 feet in length, in the northerly gutter line of Sixth
Street, together with two cement concrete heact*e1la and appur-
tenances, and extending from the easterly property line to
the westerly property line of G Avenue; .also, the construction"
of an 8-inch diameter corrugated iron pipe culvert, 16 feet in
length, in the westerly gutter line of G Avenue, together With
a cement concrete headwall and appurtenances, and extending
from the northerly line of Sixth Street to and connecting with
the culvert last above described; also, the construction of
an 8-inch diameter corrugated iron pipe culvert, 16 feet in
length, in the easterly gutter line of G Avenue, together with
a cement concrete headwall and appurtenances, and extending'
from the northerly line of Sixth Street to and connecting with
the culvert above described in the northerly gutter line of
Sixth Street; also, the construction of a 10-inch diameter'
corrugated iron pipe culvert, 80 feet in length, in the north-
erly gutter line of Sixth Street, together with two cement
concrete headwalls and appurtenances, and extending from the .
easterly property line to the westerly property line of I
Avenue; also, the construction of an 8-inch diameter corru-
gated iron pipe culvert, 16 feet in length, in the *esterly
gutter line of I Avenue, together *ith a cement concrete
headwall and appurtenances, and extending from the northerly
line of Sixth Street to and connecting with the culvert last
above described; also, the construction of an 8-inch diameter
corrugated iron pipe cu1vert, 16 feet in length, in the east-
e rly gutter line of I Avenue, together with a cement concrete
headwall and appurtenances, and extending from the northerly
line of Sixth Street to and connecting with the 10-inch cul-
vert above described; also, the construction of an &-'inch•
diameter corrugated iron pipe culvert, 80 feet in length in
the southerly gutter line of Sixth Street, together with two
cement concrete headwalls and appurtenances, and extending
from the easterly property line to the westerly property line
e f I Avenue; £1o, the construction of an 8-inch diameter
corrugated iron pipe culvert, 80 feet in length, in the east-
e rly gutter line of J Avenue, together with two cement con-
crete heaciwall a and appurtenances, and extending from the
northerly property line to the southerly property line of
Sixth Street; also, the construction of an 8--inch diameter'
corrugated iron pipe culvert, 16 feet in length, in the north-
e rly gutter line of Sixth Street, together with a cement con-
crete headwall and appurtenances, and extending from the east-
e rly line of J Avenue to and connecting with the culvert last
above described; also, the construction of an 8-inch diameter
corrugated iron pipe culvert, 16 feet in length, in the south-
e rly gutter line of Sixth Street, together with a cement con-
crete headwall and appurtenances, and extending from the east-
e rly line of J Avenue to and connecting with the culvert above
described in the easterly gutter line of J Avenue.
Also, as a part of said work the grading, to the official
grade thereof, of SEVENTH STREET,in said City, for the entire
width of said street, from property line to property line, from
the easterly line of National Avenue to the easterly line of K
Avenue,including the entire *idth and length of the intersections
of said Seventh Street with all cross streets and alleys, between
said points, excepting the intersections of Seventh Street with
A Avenue, E Avenue, F Avenue, G Avenue, Highland Avenue and J Ave-
nue, and also excepting Seventh Street for its entire *idth, from
property line to property line, from the eaeterly line of J Avenue
to the westerly line of K Avenue, and also excepting those portions
of Seventh Street described as follows; Beginning at the intersec-
tion of the easterly line of A Avenue with the northerly line of
Seventh Street; thence Easterly along the northerly line of Seventh
Street a distance of 115.38 feet;thence at right angles southerly
a distance of 16 feet; thence westerly on a line parallel to and
distant 16 feet southerly from the northerly line of Seventh Street
a distance of 115.38 feet; thence at right angles northerly a dis-
tance of 16 feet to the point of beginning; Also, beginning at the
intersection of the westerly line of B Avenue with the southerly
line of Seventh Street; thence weeterly along the southerly line
of Seventh Street a distance of 117.38 feet; thence at right angles
northerly a distance of 16 feet; thence easterly along a line
parallel to and distant 18 feet northerly from the southerly line
of Seventh Street a distance of 117.38 feet; thence at right angles
southerly a distance of 16 feet to the point of beginning; Also that
portion in the return at the northeasterly corner of the intersec-
tion of C Avenue with said Seventh street; Also, beginning at the
intersection of the easterly line of C Avenue with the northerly
line of Seventh Street; thence easterly along the northerly line of
Seventh Street a distance of 115.42 feet; thence at right ankles
southerly a distance of 16 feet; thence westerly along a line para-
Ilel to and distant 16 feet southerly from the northerly line of
Seventh Street a distance of 115.42 feet; thence at right angles
northerly a distance of 16 feet to the point of beginning; Also,
beginning at the intersection of the westerly line of D Avenue
with the northerly line of Seventh Street; thence westerly along
the northerly line of Seventh Street a distance of 115.42 feet;
thence at right angles southerly a distance of 16 feet; thence
easterly along a line parallel to and distant 16 feet southerly
from the northerly line of Seventh Street a distance of 115.42 feet;
thence at right angles northerly a distance of 16 feet to the point
of beginning; i Al so that portion in the return at the northwesterly
corner of the intersection of D Avenue with said Seventh Street;
Also, beginning at the intersection of the westerly line of D Ave-
nue with the southerly line of Seventh Street; thence westerly
along the southerly line of Seventh Street a distance of 117.42
feet; thence at right angles northerly a distance of 16 feet;
thence easterly on a line parallel to and distant 16 feet north-
erly from the southerly line of Seventh street a distance of 117.42
feet; thence at right angles southerly a distance of 16 feet to the
point of beginning; Also that portion in the return at the south-
westerly corner of the intersection of D Avenue with said Seventh
Street; Also,beinning at the intersection of the westerly line
of E Avenue with the northerly line of Seventh Street; thence
weSterly along the northerly line of Seventh Street a distance
of 125 feet; thence at right angles southerly a distance of
16 feet; thence easterly on a line parallel to and distant 16
feet southerly from the northerly line of Seventh Street a
distance of 125 feet; thence at right angles northerly a dis-
tance of 16 feet to the point of beginning; Also, beginning
at a point on the southerly line of Seventh Street 75.43
feet westerly from the intersection of the westerly
line of F Avenue with the southerly line of seventh Street;
thence westerly along the southerly line of Seventh Street
a distance of 50 feet; thence at right angles northerly a
distance of 16 feet; thence easterly on a line parallel to
and distant 16 feet northerly from the southerly line of
Seventh Street a distance of 50 feet; thence at right angles
southerly a distance of 16 feet to the point of beginning;
Also, beginning at the intersection of the westerly line of
F Avenue with the northerly line of Seventh Street; thence
Westerly along the northerly line of Seventh Street a dis-
tance of 125 feet; thence at right angles southerly a die-.
tance of 16 feet; thence easterly on a line parallel to and
distant 16 feet southerly from the northerly line of Seventh
Street a distance of 125 feet; thence at right angles north-
erly a distance of 16 feet to the point of beginning; Also,
beginning at the intersection of the easterly line of F Avenue
with the northerly line of Seventh Street; thence easterly
along the northerly line of Seventh Street a distance of
250.72 feet to the intersection of the westerly line of G
Avenue with said northerly line of Seventh Street; thence at
right angles southerly a distance of 16 feet; thence westerly
on a line parallel to and distant 16 feet southerly from the
northerly line of Seventh Street a distance of 250.72 feet;
thence at right angles northerly a distance of 16 feet to the
point of beginning; Also, beginning at the intersection of
the easterly line of G Avenue with the northerly line of
Seventh Street; thence easterly along the northerly line of
Seventh Street a distance of 100 feet; thence at right angles
southerly a distance of 16 feed; thence westerly aloVg a
line parallel to and distant 16 feet southerly from the
northerly line of Seventh Street a distance of 100 feet;
thence at right angles northerly a distance of 16 feet to
the point of beginning; Alec, beginning at the intersection
of the waterly line of Highland Avenue with the northerly
Line of Seventh Street; thence westerly a1og the northerly
line of Seventh Street a distance of 100 feet; thence at
right angles southerly a distance of 16 feet; thence east-
erly along a line parallel to and distant 16 feet southerly
from the northerly line of Seventh Street a distance of 100
feet; thence at right angles northerly a distance of 16 feet
to the point of beginning; Also, beginning at the intersection
of the westerly line of J Avenue with the northerly line of
Seventh Street; thence westerly along the northerly line of
Seventh street a distance of 200 feet; thence at right angles
southerly a distance of 16 feet; thence easterly along a line
parallel to and distant 16 feet southerly from the northerly
line of Seventh Street a distance of 200 feet; thence at right
angles northerly a distance of 16 feet to the point of be-
ginning; Also, beginning at the intersection of the *esterly
line of J Avenue with the southerly line of Seventh Street;
thence westerly along the southerly line of Seventh Street a
distance of 150 feet; thence at right ankles northerly a
distance of 16 feet; thence easterly along a line parallel to
and distant 16 feet northerly from the southerly line of
Seventh Street a distance of 150 feet; thence at right angles
southerly a distance of 16 feet to the point of beginning.
Also, as a part of said work, the construction of cement
concrete sidewalks and cement concrete curbing on both sides
of said Seventh Street, from the easterly line of National
Avenue to the easterly line of K Avenue, including the returns
in the lnteraeotione of said Seventh Street with all cross
streets, between said pointB,an3. also including the curbing in
the returns at the intersection of said Seventh Street with all
alleys, between said points, excepting the eldewalke and curbing
in the iiitersectione of said Seventh Street with A Avenue, E Ave-
nue, F Avenue, G Avenue, J Avenue, the northe.ster1y and north
westerly cornere of Highland Avenue, and the eouthweaterly corner
o f D Avenue; also excepting the curbing in the alley returns des-
cribed as follows: on the easterly side of the intersection of the
alley, an the southerly side of Seventh Street between A and B Aye-
nuea, with said Seventh Street; also on the weSterly side of the
intersection of the alley, on the northerly side of Seventh Street
between A and B Avenues, with said Seventh Street; also on she
e asterly side of the intersection of the alley, on the southerly
side of Seventh Street between C and D Avenues,with said Seventh
Street; and also excepting the sidewalks and curbing between the
following described points: On the northerly side of said Seventh
Street from the easterly line of A Avenue to a point 115.38 feet
easterly from the easterly line of A Avenue; also, on the southerly
side of said Seventh Street from the westerly line of B Avenue to
a point 117.38 feet westerly from the westerly line of B Avdnue;
also, on the southerly side of aaid Seventh Street from the westerly
line of D Avenue to a point 117.42 feet westerly from the westerly
line of D Avenue; also, on the northerly side of said Seventh Street
from the westerly line of.E Avenue to a point 125 feet *esterly from
the westerly line of E Avenue; also, on the northerly side of said
Seventh Street from the *esterly line of F Avenue to a point 125
feet westerly from the westerly line of F Avenue; also, on the couth
e rly line of said Seventh Street from a point 75.43 feet westerly
from the westerly line of F Avenue to a point 125.43 feet weeterly
from said westerly line of F Avenue; also, on the northerly side
of said Seventh Street from. the easterly line of F Avenue to the
westerly line of G Avenue; also, or. the northerly Bide of said
Seventh Street from the easterly line of G Avenue to a point 100
feet easterly from the easterly line of G Avenue; also, on the
northerly side of said Seventh Street from the westerly line of
Highland Avenue to a point 100 feet westerly from the westerly line
of Highland Avenue; also, on the northerly side of said Seventh
Street from the westerly line of J Avenue to a point 200 feet west-
e rly from the westerly line of J Avenue; also, on the southerly
side of said Seventh Street from the westerly line of J Avenue to
a point 150 feet westerly from the westerly line of J Avenue; also,
on the northerly side of said Seventh Street from the easterly
Line of J Avenue to the westerly line of K Avenue; also, excepting
the curbing in the return at the northeasterly corner of the inter-
3ection of C Avenue with said Seventh Street; also, excepting the
curbing along the northerly aide of said Seventh Street from the
easterly line of C Avenue to a point 115.42 feet easterly from the
easterly line of C Avenue; also excepting the curbing in the re-
turns on both sides of the intersection of the alley, on the north
e rly side of Seventh Street between C and D Avenues, with said
seventh Street; also, excepting the curbing along the northerly
side of said Seventh Street from the westerly line of D Avenue to
a point 115.42 feet westerly from the westerly line of D Avenue;
also, excepting the curbing in the return at the northwesterly
corner of the intersection of D Avenue with said Seventh Street.
Also, as a part of said work, the construction of a cement
concrete gutter, 245.23 feet in length, contiguous to the curb-
ing along the northerly side of said Seventh Street from a point
three feet easterly from the easterly line of S Avenue and a
point three feet westerly from the westerly line of J Avenue.
Also, as a part of said work, the construction of a
10-inch diameter corrugated iron pipe culvert, 80 feet in
length, in the northerly gutter line of Seventh Street,
together with two cement concrete headwalls and appurtenances
and extending from the easterly property line to the westerly
property line of A Avenue; also, the construction of an
8-inch diameter corrugated iron pipe culvert, 16 feet in
length, in the westerly gutter line of A Avenue, together
With a cement concrete headwall and appurtenances, and ex-
tending from the northerly line of Seventh Street to and
connecting *ith the culvert last above described; also,
the construction of an 8-inch diameter corruga.ted iron pipe
culvert, 16 feet in length, in the easterly gutter line of
A Avenue, together with a cement concrete headwall and appur-
tenance, and extending from the northerly line of Seventh
Street to and connecting *.ith the 10-inch culvert above dea-.
oribed; also, the construction of a 10-.inch diameter corru-
gated iron pipe culvert, BO fact in length, in the southerly
gutter line of Seventh Street, together with two cement con-
crete headwalle and appurtenances, and extending from the
easterly property line to the *eeterly property line of
A Avenue; also, the construction of a 10-inch diameter corru-
gated iron pipe culvert, 80 feet in length, in the northerly
gutter line of Seventh Street, together with two cement con-
crete headwalls and appurtenances, and extending from the
easterly proDerty line to the westerly property line of B
Avenue; also, the construction of an S-inch diameter COTTU
gated iron pipe culvert, 16 feet in length, in the westerly
gutter line of B Avenue, together with a cement concrete
headwall and appurtenances, and extending from the northerly
line of Seventh Street to and connecting with the culvert
last above described; also, the oon&truction of an 8-inch
diameter corrugated iron pipe culvert, 16 feet in length, in
the easterly gutter line of B Avenue, together with a cement
concrete headwall and appurtenances, and extending from the
northerly line of seventh Street to and connecting *ith the
10-inch culvert last above described; also, the construction
of a 10-inch diameter corrugated iron pipe culvert, 80 feet
in length, in the southerly gutter line of Seventh Street,
together with two cement concrete headwalls and appurtenancea,
and extending from the easterly property line to the westerly
property line of B Avenue; also, the construction of an 8--inch
diameter corrugated iron pipe culvert, 16 feet in length, in
the we�terly gutter line of B Avenue, together with a cement
concrete headwall and appurtenances, and extending from the
southerly line of Seventh Street to and connecting with the
culvert last above described; also, the construction of an
8-inch diameter corrugated iron pipe culvert, 16 feet in
length, in the easterly gutter line of B Avenue, together
with a cement concrete headwall and appurtenances, and ex-
tending from the southerly line of Seventh Street to and
connecting with the 10-inch culvert last above described;
also, the construction of a 10-inch diameter corrugated
iron pipe culvert, 80 feet in length, in the northerly
gutter line of Seventh Street, together with two cement con-
crete headwalle and appurtenances, and extending from the
easterly property line to the westerly property line of C
Avenue; also, the construction of an 8-inch diameter corru-
gated iron pipe culvert 16 feet in length, in the westerly
gutter line of C Avenue, together with a cement concrete
headwal]. send appurtenances, and extending from tife northerly
line of Seventh Street to and connecting *ith the culvert
last above described; also, the construction of an 8-noh
diameter corrugated iron pipe culvert, 16 feet in length,
in the easterly gutter line of C Avenue, together rvi.th a
/ Jr
4 Or
cement concrete headwall and appurtenances, and extending
from the northerly line of Seventh Street to and connecting
with the 10-inch culvert last above described; also, the
construction of a 1Oinch diameter corrugated iron pipe
culvert, 80 feet in length, in the southerly gutter line of
Seventh Street, together with two cement concrete headwalle
and appurtenances, and extending from the easterly property
line to the westerly property line of C Avenue; also:; the
contruction of an 8-inch diameter corrugated iron pipe
culvert, 16 feet in length, in the westerly gutter line of
C Avenue, together with a cement concrete headwall and
appurtenances, and extending from the southerly line of
Seventh Street to and connecting with the culvert last above
described; also, the 00n3tru0t10n of an 8inch diameter
corrugated iron pipe culvert, 16 feet in length, in the east-
erly gutter line of C Avenue, together with a cement con-
crete headwall and appurtenances, and extending from the
southerly line of Seventh Street to and connecting with the
1O-inoh culvert last above described; also, the construct-
ion of a 10-inch diameter corrugated iron pipe culvert, 80
fwet in length, in the northerly gutter line of Seventh
Street, together with two cement concrete headwalls and
appurtenances, and extending from the easterly property line
to the westerly property line of D Avenue; also, the com-
struction of a 10-inch diameter corrugated iron pipe culvert,
80 feet in length, in the southerly gutter line of Seventh
Street, together with two cement concrete headwalls and appux'-
tena,ncee, and extending from the easterly property line to
the westerly property line of D Avenue; also, the oon8truction
of a 0ioh diameter corrugated iron pipe culvert, 80 feet
in length, in the northerly gutter line of Seventh Street,
together with two cement concrete head*a.11s and appurtenances,
and extending from the easterly property line to the westerly
property line of E Avenue; also, the conBtruction of a 10-inch
diameter corrugated iron pipe culvert, 80 feet in length, in
the southerly gutter line of Seventh Street, together with
two cement concrete headwalls and appurtenances, and extend..
ing from the easterly property line to the westerly property
line of E Avenue; also, the conatruction of an 8-inch died -
meter corrugated iron pipe culvert, 16 feet in length, in the
westerly gutter line of E Avenue, together with a cement con-
crete headwall and appurtenances, and extending from the
southerly line of Seventh Street to and connecting with the
culvert last above described; also, the construction of an
8-inch diameter corrugated iron pipe culvert, 16 feet. in
length, in the easterly gutter line of E Avenue, together
with a cement concrete headwall and appurtenances, and ex
tending from the southerly line of Seventh Street to and
connecting with the 10.-inch culvert last above described;
also, the construction of an 8-inch diameter corrugated
iron pipe culvert, 80 feet in length, in the northerly gutter
line of Seventh Street, together with two cement concrete_
headwalls and appurtenances, and extending from the easterly
property line to the westerly property line of F Avenue; also,
the construction of an 8--inch diameter corrugated iron pipe
culvert, 80feet in length, in the southerly gutter line of
Seventh Street, together with two cement concrete headwalls
and appurtenances, and extending from the easterly property
line to the westerly property line of F Avenue; also, the
construction of an 8-inch diameter corrugated iron pipe cul-
vert, 16 feet in length, in the westerly gutter line of
F Avenue, together with a cement concrete headwall and RPPUT.-
tenanoeB, and extending from the southerly line of Seventh
Street to and connecting with the culvert last above des-
cribed; also, the oonstruction of an 8-inch diameter corru
gated iron pipe culvert, 16 feet in length, in the easterly
gutter line of F Avenue, together with a cement concrete head-
wall and appurtenancee, and extending from the southerly line
of Seventh Street to and connecting with the culvert above
described in the southerly butter line of Seventh Street, also,
the construction of an 8-inch diameter corrugated iron4i1vert,
80 feet in length, in the northerly gutter line of Seventh
Street, together with two cement concrete headwalle and appur-
tenances, and extending from the easterly property line to the
westerly property line of G Avenue; also, the construction of
an 8-inch diameter oorrugated. ikon pipe culvert, 16 feet in
length, in the westerly gutter line of G Avenue, together with
a cement concrete headwall and appurtenances, and extending
from the northerly line of Seventh Street to and connecting
with the oulvert last above described; also, the construction
of an 8-inch diameter corrugated iron pipe culvert, 16 feet
in length, in the easterly gutter line of G Avenue, together
with a cement concrete headwall and appurtenances, and extend-
ing from the northerly line of Seventh Street to and oonneot
ing with the culvert above deecribed in the northerly gutter
line of Seventh Street; also, the construction of an &-inch
diameter corrupted iron pipe culvert, 80 feet in Length, in
the northerly gutter line of Seventh Street, together with
two cement concrete head*alla and appurtenances, and extend-
ing from the easterly property line to the westerly property
line of I Avenue; also, the construction of an 8-inch dia-
meter corrugated iron pipe culvert, 16 feet in length, in the
westerly gutter line of I Avenue, together with a cement con-
crete headwall. and appurtenances, and extending from the north-
erly line of Seventh Street to and connecting with the culvert
last above deseribed also, the construction of an 8-inch
diameter corrugated. iron pipe culvert, 16 feet in length, in
the easterly gutter line of I Avenue, together with a cement
concrete headwall and appurtenances, and extending from the
northerly line of Seventh Street to and connecting with the
culvert above described in the northerly gutter line of Seventh
Street; also, the construction of an 8--inch diameter corrugated
iron pipe culvert, 80 feet in length, in the southerly gutter
line of Seventh Street, together with two cement concrete heads
iRalls and appurtenances, and extending from the easterly pro-
perty line to the *eaterly property line of I Avenue; also,
the construction of an 8-inch diameter corrugated iron pipe
culvert, 80 feet in Length, in the northerly gutter line of
Seventh Street, together with two cement concrete headwalls
and appurtenancee, and extending from the easterly property line
to the westerly property line of J Avenue; also, the construct-
ion of an 8-inch diameter corrugated iron pipe culvert, 16 feet
in length, in the westerly gutter line of J Avenue, together
with a cement concrete headwall and appurtenances, and extending
from the northerly line of Seventh Street to and connecting
with the culvert last above described; also, the oonetruotion
of an 84-inch diameter corrugated iron pipe culvert, 16 feet in
length, in the easterly gutter line of J Avenue, together with a
cement concrete headwall and appurtenancee, and extending from
the northerly line of Seventh Street to and oonneoting with the
culvert above described in the northerly gutter line of eventh
All of the said work and imp rovernent shall be done and
made strictly in accordance with the plans, profiles, dra*-
ings, typicl arose -sections and epecification therefor
contained in Document No. 2.1.52eLf on file in the office of
theCity Clerk of said City, and copies of which are off} file
in the office of the City Engineer of said City.
All of said plans, profiles, drawings, typical cross
cections and epecificationB contained in said Document No.21361/
are hereby approved and adopted as the plans, profiles, dra*-
inge, typical cross -sections and specifications to be followed
in making said improvement, and by reference thereto all said
plans, profiles, drawings, typical cro8SectionB and specifi.
catione contained in said Document No. fLare incorporated
herein and made a part hereof.
The said Board of Trustees hereby determines that aerial
bonds bearing interest at the rate of seven per cent per anniixn
shall be issued to represent assessments of twenty-five dollars
or over for the cost of said work or improvement. Said serial
bonds shall extend over a period of nine years from the second
clay of January next succeeding their issuance, and an even
annual proportion of the principal sum thereof shall be payable
by coupon, on the second day of January, every year after their
elate, until the *hole is paid, and the interest shall be payable
semi-annually, by coupon, on the second days of January and
July, respectively, of each year, at the rate of seven per cent
per annum on all sums unpaid, until the whole of said principal
and interest are paid. Said bonds shall be issued in accordance
with the provisions of an Act of the Legislature of the State
of California, entitled, "An Act to Provide a System of Street
Improverlert Bonds to Represent Certain Assessments for the
Cost of Street Work and Improvement Within Municipalitiee,and.
also for the Payment of such Bonds", approved February 27th,
1893, and of all acts supplementary thereto or amendatory
thereof And said Board of Trustees hereby determines that
said aerial bonde shall be issued to represent the expenses
of said work or improvement.
That the contemplated work oral improverrient hereinbefore
mentioned is, in the opinion of said Board of Trustees, of'
more than local and ordinary public benefit, and the expense
of said work and improvement is made chargeable upon the dis-
trict hereinafter described, and said Board of Trustees does
hereby declare said district to be the district benefited by
said work and improvement, and to be assessed to day the costs
and expenses thereof. Said district is described as follows,
tompwit: All that real property in the said City of National
City, California, included within the following exterior
boundary lines, to -suit:
Commencing at a point on the center line of National
Avenue and distant 150 feet southerly from the southerly
line of Seventh Street; thence northerly along the center line
of National, Avenue to' a point 125 feet northerly from the
northerly line of Seventh Street; thence westerly on a line
parallel to and distant 125 feet northerly from the northerly
line of Seventh Street to the center line of First Avenue;
thence northerly along the center line of First Avenue to a
point 125 feet northerly from the northerly line of Fifth
Street; thence easterly parallel to and distant 125 feet
northerly from the northerly line of Fifth Street to a point
on the center line of the alley in the R. R. Morrison Sub-
division; thence northerly along the center line of said alley
and said center line produced northerly to its intersection
with the center line of Fourth Street; thence easterly along
the center line of Fourth Street to the intersection of the
center line of Fourth Street and the center line of B Avenue;
thence northerly along the center line of B Avenue to the
interjection of the center line of.B Avenue and the center
line of Third Street; thence easterly along the center line
of Third Street to the intersection of the center line of
Third Street and the center line of D Avenue; thence north-
erly along the center line of D Avenue to the intersection
of the center line of fl Avenue and the center line of Second
Street; thence easterly along the center line of Second Street
to the intersection of the center line of Second Street and
the center line of G Avenue produced northerly; thence south-
erly along the center line of G Avenue produced northerly and
� � 19q
the center line of G Avenue, to the intersection of the center
line of G Avenue with the center line of Third Street; thence
easterly along the center 11n6 of Third Street and the center
line of Third Street produced easterly to a point 125 feet
e aBterly from the easterly line of Highland Avenue; thence
southerly parallel to and distant 125 feet easterly from the
easterly line of Highland Avenue to a point 125 feet northerly
from the northerly line of Fourth Street; thence easterly
parallel to and distant 125 feet northerly from the northerly
line of Fourth Street a distance of 165 feet to an intersection
with the center line of I Avenue produced northerly; thence
southerly- along the center line of I Avenue produced northerly
and the center line of z Avenue to a point 125 feet southerly
from the southerly line of Fourth Street; thence easterly para-
llel to and distant 125 feet southerly from the southerly line
o f Fourth Street to a point on the center line of the alley in
Block 12, Frank A. Kimball's Subdivision, said point being
125 feet easterly from the easterly line of K Avenue; thence
southerly parallel to and distant 125 feet easterly from the
easterly line of K Avenue to a point 125 feet southerly from
the southerly line of Seventh Street;1 theno,e westerly parallel
to and distant 125 feet southerly from the southerly line of
Seventh Street to the easterly line of D Avenue; thence west
e rly across said D Avenue to the southeasterly coiner of Lot 8,
Block 4 of T. Parson's Addition, according to map No. 57 on file
in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, State
of California, being a subdivision of Ten Acre Lot 8, Quarter
Section 155; thence westerly along the southerly line of said
Lot 8 to the southwesterly coiner of said Lot 8; thence west-
e rly to the southeasterly coiner of Lot 3, Blo�k 4 of said T.
Parson's Addition; thence westerly along the southerly line of
said Lot 3 to the southwesterly cornea of said Lot 3; thence
westerly to the southeasterly corner of Lot 8, Block 3 of
said T. Parson's Addition; thence *esterly along the southerly
line of said Lot 8 to the southwesterly corner of said Lot 8;
thence *esterly tot the southeasterly corner of Lot 3, Bloch 3
of said T. Parson's Addition; thence westerly along the southerly
line of said Lot 3 to the'southwegterly corner of said Lot 3;
thence westerly to the southeasterly cornea of Lot 8, Block 2
o f said T. Parso&e Addition; thence westerly along the south-
e rly line of said Lot 8 to the southwesterly corner of said
Lot 8; thence westerly to the southeasterly corner of Lot 3,
Block 2 of said T. Parson's Addition; thence westerly along
the southerly line of said Lot 3 to the southwesterly corner
o f said Lot 3; thence westerly to the southeasterly cornea of
Lot 8, Block 1 of said T. Pareon'B?Addition; thence westerly
along the southerly line of said L�t 8 to the southwesterly
coiner of said Lot 8; thence westerly to the southeasterly
corner of Lot 3, Block 1 of said T. Pareon)s Addition; thence
westerly along the southerly line of said Lot 3 and said
southerly line produced westerly to the point of beginning;
e xcepting therefrom all public streets, roads, alleys, avenues
and highways.
„orfe' A plat of *hich said district, indicating by a boundary
line the extent of the territory included in said assessment
district, approved by this Board of Trustees, is on file in the
o ffice of the City Engineer of said City, reference to which
is hereby made.
That The National City News, a weekly ne*spaper published
and circulated, and of general circulation in said City of
National City be, and it is hereby designated as the ne*spaper
in which this Resolution of Intention shall be published by
two insertions, and the notice of the passage thereof shall be
publised by one insertion in the manner and by the persona
required by law.
That the Clerk of said City of National City be, and he
is hereby directed to post this Resolution conspicuously for
two days on or near the chamber door of said Board of Trustees,
and cause the same to be published by two insertions in said
weekly newspaper in the manner required by law.
That the Superintendent of Streets of said City of National
City shall, after the passage of this Reeo1utin of Intention,
cause to be conspicuously ,posted along all streets and parts of
streets and other public places and rights -off -gray where the rrk
and improvement hereinbefore described is to be done and made,
notices of the paeeage of this Resolution in the manner and in
the form required by law, and shall also cause a notice similar
in substance to be published by one intertion in said national
City News in the manner required by law, and thereupon said
Superintendent of Streets shall cause to be filed in the office
of the City Clerk of said City affidavits showing the poeting
and publication of said notices of said work.
That the City Clerk of said City be, and he is hereby
directed, immediately upon the passage of this Resolution of
Intention to mail with postage thereon pre. -paid to each
property owner whose property is to be assessed to pay the
costs and expenses of said improvement at hie last known
address as the same appears upon the tax rolls of said City, or
when no address so appearB,to the general delivery,a postal card
'1)1‘ al.
containing notice of the passage of this Resolution designating
the location and limits of the improvement provided for herein
as required by law, and referring to this Resolution for parti-
culars, and stating that property belonging to such owner is
to be assessed for such improvement, all in the manner, substance
and form as prescribed by law, and thereupon said Clerk shall
cause to be filed Affidavits in proof of such mailing..
Passed and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the said
City of National City, California, this L!day of .
X9-e.,,e„, j 192-2--3 by the following vote, to -*it :
AY . - Trustees./.4q1w640(ii;.(A,i2,,,,/,,1 ,
gLee .
. . . . .,.,W5F-en. . . . . . . . . . . .
NOES-- ' ..
A11 B S IC I T - - .. '`4 ....... .
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• • 4• • • • • • • • • • • • S. #
President of. the Bo of Trustees
of the City of National City,
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing Resolution
of Intertian *as passed by the Board of Trueteeo of the said
City of National City, at the time and by the note above
City Clerk of the City of National
City, California, and Ex--Officto
Clerk of the Board of Trustees of
the City of National City.