HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RESO 783DOCUMENT No. FILE D � ...-�.<-�.... �!O 19,23_ By V RESOLUTION NO. 7 City Clerk Deputy • ORDERING CHANGE AI`TD ESTABLISR- MENT OF GRADE OF PORTIONS OF SECOND AND THi STREETS. 67444fZeTrk? RESQI,UTION NO. 13 CfIAiJGING AND ESTABLSSHIIdG THE GRADE OF THE FOLL417IidG STREETS IN TIE CITY OF NATIONAL CITY, CALIFORNIA, TO -WIT: second Street FROM THE EASTERLY LINE OF FIRST AVENUE_TO THE tiYESTER.LY LII1E OF F AVEATUE, A2SThird Street FROM THE EASTERLY LINk' OF FIRST AVENUE TO THE WE ST E RL Y LINE OF H I GH LA 1W AVENUE. WHEREAS, all the acts and things required by law to confer jurisdiction upon the Board of Trustees of the City of National City, California, to order the change and establishment of the grade of Second. Street from the Eeter1y line of Fircrb Avenue to the Westerly line of F Avenue, and Third Street from the Eate:c1y line of First Avenue to the Westerly line of Highland Avenue, in said City, as decribed. in Resolution of intention No. 757, on file in the office of the City Clerk of eaid City, have been done and no protests against such proposed change, modification or establishment of grade having been filed T.Rith the Clerk of said Board of Trustees within the time provided by la*, - NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of the Ci'ty of national City, California, hereby orders the change, modification and establishment of the grade of Second Street from the Easterly line of First Avenue to the Westerly line of F Avenue to be made as proposed by and described in said Reao1utio Of intention, as fo11oWB, to -gait: At the Northeater1y corner of the intersection of Second Street in said City with First Avenue be changed from an elevation of 22.00 feet to an elevation of 12.50 feet. At the Southeasterly corner of said intersection be changed from an elevation of 21.00 feet to an elevation of 12.00 feet. 1.• At the Northeasterly cornea of the intersection of Second Street in said City with National Avenue be chaned ' from an elevation of 27.30 feet to an elevation of 27.86 feet. At the Northwesterly corner of said intersection be changed from an elevation of 27.30 feet to an elevation of 27.02 feet. At the Southeasterly corner of said intersection be changed from an elevation of 27.30 feet to an elevation of 28.10 feet. At the Southwesterly corner of said intersection be changed from an elevation of 27.30 feetto an elevation of 27.10 feet. At a point on the Northerly line of said second Street and 75 feet easterly from the Easterly line of National avenue be established at an elevation of 34.61 feet. At a point on the Northerly line of said Second Street and 225 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of National Avenue be established at an elevation of 43.94 feet. The grade between the last taro named points 8hall be a vertical curve whose middle ordinate is 1.04 feet. At a point on the Southerly line of said Second Street and 75 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of National Avenue be established at an elevation of 34.85 feet. At a point on the Southerly line of said Second Street and 225 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of National Avenue be established at an e1evtion of 44.23 feet. The grade between the last two named points shall be a vertical curve whose middle ordinate is 1.03 feet. At the Northeasterly corner of the intersection of Second Street in said City with A Avenue be changed from an elevation of 44.00 feet to an elevation of 46.60 feet. At the Northwesterly corner of said intersection be changed from an elevation of 44.00 feet to an elevation of 44.80 feet. At the Southeasterly corner of said intersection be changed from an elevation of 44.00 feet to an elevation of 47.00 feet. At the South*eet.'r1y corner of said intersection be changed from an elevation of 44.00 feet to an elevation of 45.10 feet. At a point on the Northerly line of said Second street and 250.85 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of National Avenue be established at an elevation of 44.80 feet. At a point on she Northerly line of said Second Street and 330.85 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of. National .Avenue be established at an elevation of 46.60 feet. At the Northeasterly corner of the intersection of Second Street in said City w±th B Avenue be changed from an elevation of 47.50 feet to an elevation of 48.00 feet.. At the Northwesterly corner of said intersection to remain at an elevation of 47.50 feet. 4, At the Southeasterly corner of said intersection be changed from an elevation of 48.50 feet to an elevation of 49OO feet. At the SouthweSterly corner of said intersection to remain at an elevation of 485O feet. At the Northester1y coiner of the intersection of Second Street in said City with C Avenue to remain at an elevation of 50.50 feet. At the Northwesterly corner of said intersection to .remain at an elevation of 50.00 Beet. At the Southeasterly corner of said intersection be changed from an elevation of 50.50 feet to an elevation of 51.20 feet. At the South*eterly corner of said intersection be changed from an elevation of 5OOO feet to an elevation of 50.70 feet. At the Northeasterly corner of the intersection of Second Street in paid City with D Avenue be changed from an elevation of 60.00 feet to an elevation of 60.60 feet. At the ,northwesterly corner of said intersection be changed from an elevation of 59.00 feet to an elevation of 59.20 feet. At the Southeasterly corner of said intersection be changed from an elevation of 60.00 feet to an elevation of 60.40 feet. At the Southwesterly remain at an elevation of 59.00 feet. corner of said intersection to At the Northeasterly corner of the intereection of Second Street in said City with F. Avenue be changed from an elevation of. 73.00 feet to an elevation of 72.90 feet. At the North*eeterly corner of said inteeection be changed from an elevation of 72.00 feet to an elevation of 72.20 feet. At the Southeasterly corner of said intersection be changed from an elevation of 72.OQ feet to an elevation of 71.70 feet. At the South*esterly corner of said intersection be changed from an elevation of 71.00 test to an elevation of 71.15 feet. At a point on the Northerly dine of said Second Street and 250.75 Test Westerly from the Westerly line of F Avenue be established at an elevation of 72.90 feet. At a point on the Northerly line of said Second Street and 330.75 feet Westerly from the Westerly line of F.' Avenue be established at an elevation of 72.20 Test. At the Northwesterly corner of the intersection of Second Street in said City with F Avenue to remain at an e levation of 76.70 feet. At the South*esterly corner of said intersection to remain at an elevaUon of 75.50 feet. The grade of said second Street bet*een the point& hereinbefore mentioned, shall have, unless otherwise shorn, a u'hzform ascent and descent. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Trustee& of the City of National City, California: hereby ordere the chane, modification and establishment of the grade of Third Street from the Easterly line of First Avenue to the Westerly line of Highland Avenue to1b'. h4e .as proposed by and described in said. Resolution of intention, we follow, to -wit: At the Northeaterly corner of the intersection of Third Street in said City *ith First ?venue be established at an elevation of 15.40 feet. At the Southeaeterly• corner of said intersection be e stablished at an elevation of 16.00 Test. p. At the Northeasterly earner of the inteection of Third Street in said City with National Avenue to remain at an elevation of 28.70 feet. At the Northwesterly corner of said interaection be e tab1ihed at an elevation of 27.35 feet. At the Southeasterly corner of said intersection to remain at an elevation of 28.80 feet. At the South*eaterly coiner of said interection be established at an elevation of 27.50 Test. At the Northeasterly cone� of the inteiection of Third Street in said City with A Avenue to remain at an elevation of 43.90 feet. At the iTorth*eSterly corner of ead intersection to remain at an elevation of 42.50 feet. At she Southeasterly corner of aid ±nterectionsaid be charmed from an elevation of 43.50 feet to an elevation of 44.50 feet. • At the South*esteri corner of said intersection to remain at an elevation of 42.40 feet. At a ?point on the Southerly line of said Third Street and 250.85 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of 7ational Avenue be established at an elevation of 424O feet. At a point on the Southerly line of said Third Street and 330.85 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of Plational Avenue be established at are elevation of 44.50 feet. At the NortheaBterly corner of the intersection of Third Street in said City with B Avenue be changed from an elevation of 49.90 feet to an elevation of 50.10 feet. At the Northweterly corner of said intersection to remalfl at an elevation of 49.40 feet. At the SoutheaBterly corner of said intersection be changed from an elevation of 5O0O feet to an elevation of 50.17 feet. At the Southwesterly corner of said intersection to remain at an elevation of 49.30 feet. At the Northea3terly corner of the intersection of Third Street in said. City with C Avenue to remain at an elevaticn of 52.00 feet. At the NorthweSterly corny of said intersection be changed from an elevation of 51.50 feet to an elevation of 51.90 feet. At the interjection of the Southerly line of Third Street with the Easterly line of C Avenue i:roduced to remain at an elevation of 52.00 feet. At the intersection of the Southerly line of Third Stz'eet with the center line of C Avenue produced be changed from an elevation of 51.80 feet to an elevation of 51.90 feet . a At a point on the Southerly line of said Third Street and 250.8 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of B Avenue be established at an elevation of 51.EO feet. At the 1'lortheaoterly corner of the intersection of Third Street in said City with D Avenue to remain at an elevation of 59.50 feet. At the Idoxthvreetexiy corner of said intersection to remain at an elevation of 57.50 feet. At the Southea2ter1y corner of said intersection to ✓ emain at an elevation of 59.00 feet. At the outh*eteriy corner of said interection to remain at an elevation of 5?.lQ feet. At the Northeately corner of the intereection of Third Street in said City with E Avenue be charmed from an e levation of 67.00 feet to an elevation of 67.30 feet. At the Northweeterly corner of said interection be chaxiged f TOrn an elevation of 66.80 feet to,an elevation of 67.10 feet. At the Southeasterly corner of said interectict. be changed from an elevation of 66.20 Test to an elevation of 66.60 feet. At the Southwesterly corner of said intersection be charged from an elevation of 65.80 feet to an elevation of 66.00 feet. At the Northeateriy corner of the intersection of Third Street in said CtT with F Avenue be changed from El.n e levation of 70.20 feet to an elevatIon of 70.50 feet. At the 1'TorthweSterly coner of said interection be changed from an elevation of 69.00 feet to an Elevation of 69.30 feet. At the southeasterly corner of said intersection be cnaflge� from an elevation of 69.00 Feet to an elevation of 69.20 feet;. At the Southwesterly corner of .said intersection be changed from an elevation of 68.00 feet to an elevation of 68.30 feet. .At the Northeaterly corner of the interection of Thi±dStreet in said City with G Avenue he changed from an elevation of 77.00 Feet to an elevation of 77.70 feet. At the North*esteriy coxner of said intersection be changed from; an elevation of 75.50 feet to an elevation of 76.00 feet. At the Southeasterly corner of said in4pemection be changed from an elevation of 76.50 feet to an elevatior. of 76.90 feet. At the Southwesterly corner of said intersection be changed from an elevation of 75.00 feet to an elevation of 75.20 Test. At the orthweeter1y corner of the intersection of Third Street in said City with Hihland Avenue be changed from an elevation of 80.00 feet to an elevation of 80.85 feat. At the Southwesterly cornea of said intersection be changed from an elevation of 79.00 feet to an elevation of 78.90 feet. The grade of said Third Street between the points hereinbefore mentioned shall' have a uniform ascent and descent, All of said elevations to be above the datu line of levels as fixed by Ordinance No. 505 of the Ordinance of said City of National City, entitle' "An Ordinance fixing; a datum line; .eetabli6hing a primal bench mark.; prbviciiflg that all official grades shall he described *ith reference to said official datum line; establishing curb. elevations and gutter depths and fixing the width of eidewa1k€ in the City of National City, C1ifo±nia, and repealing orcUnances No. 8, 18, 76, 105, 346, 40?, 438 and 472 of said. City", approved the 3rd day of I\Tovemher, 1920. That The National City Ne*e, a weekly newspaper published and circulated and of general circulation in the said City of National City, by and it is hereby designated AP as the ne*spaper in which this Resolution ordering the change and establishment of grade, shall be published by one in8ertion in the manner and by the persons required by law. That the Clerk of said City of National City be and he is hereby directed to cause this Reo1ution ordering the change and establishthant of grade to be publiBbed by one insertion in said weekly newepaper in she manner required by law. PASSED AND ADOPTED, by the Board of Trustees of the City of National City, California, this by the following vote, to -wit: A YES: Trustees NAYS: Trustees _ _ ABSENT: ATTEST: day of City Clerk, Resolution I hereby approve the foregoing orattarax t I Presiden dre the Board of Trustees of the City of National City, California. 19 President of the Board of Trustees of the City of National City, California. I hereby certify that the above and ,foregoing is a full, and true copy of -1(1151:Mratuivi Resolutioni, Resolutions ofthe CityNational City, as ado ted1Vo. _ _ of the ,rof California,,fp by the Board of Trustees of said city, and approved by •the President of said Board of Trustees, on the day of _--------_ ----- I 92_ - 4 City Clerk of the City of National City, California.