HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Policy No. 107 - BCCs Amended November 16 2021CITY COUNCIL POLICY
AMENDED: November 16, 2021
ADOPTED: June 17, 1986
POLICY # 107 TITLE: Appointments to Boards, Commission and Committees
To establish a procedure to serve as a guide in making appointments to various City Boards,
Commissions, and Committees. The City currently has the following Boards, Commissions, and
Committees to which this Policy applies:
Mayor’s Appointments:
1. Board of Library Trustees
2. Community and Police Relations Commission
3. Park, Recreation, and Senior Citizens Advisory Committee
4. Public Art Committee
5. Sweetwater Authority
6. Traffic Safety Committee
7. Veterans and Military Families Advisory Committee
City Council Appointments:
1. Civil Service Commission
2. Planning Commission
3. Housing Advisory Committee including Ex-Officio Members
4. Port Commission
Appointment Process
A. Opportunity to apply. All interested individuals shall be given an opportunity to submit
applications for vacancies on City Boards, Commissions, and Committees. Incumbent
Appointees are not automatically re-appointed but are required to fill out an abbreviated
application provided by the City Clerk, indicating their interest in continuing to serve.
B. Unexpired terms. If an incumbent Appointee was appointed to fill an unexpired term
and the Appointee serves for less than one year in that position, the Council may re-
appoint the incumbent without considering other applicants.
C. Vacancies. When vacancies occur, the following procedure shall be followed:
1. Schedule vacancy. When a term is expiring or expires, public notice of the vacancy
shall be made, inviting interested individuals to submit applications for the vacancy
on a form provided by the City Clerk on the City website.
Unscheduled vacancy. An unscheduled vacancy shall be filled according to
AMENDED: November 16, 2021
ADOPTED: June 17, 1986
POLICY # 107 TITLE: Appointments to Boards, Commission and Committees
Government Code Section 54974, which generally provides as follows: Whenever
an unscheduled vacancy occurs, whether due to resignation, death, termination, or
other causes, a special vacancy notice shall be posted in the Office of the City Clerk,
the City website, outside City Hall on the Bulletin Board, and on City social media
platforms not earlier than twenty (20) days before or not later than twenty (20) days
after the vacancy occurs. The City Council shall not make a final appointment for
at least ten (10) working days after posting the notice in designated locations. The
notice’s posting and application period shall be thirty (30) calendar days. However,
if it finds that an emergency exists, the City Council may, fill the unscheduled
vacancy immediately. According to this section, a person appointed to fill the
vacancy shall serve only on an interim basis until the final appointment.
The end of term for the members of Boards, Commissions, and Committees
generally occurs in an annual rotation during the months of March and September.
Appointments will be considered at those times unless a vacancy resulting from a
resignation results in the lack of a Quorum on the Board, Commission, or
Committee, in which case the appointment could occur at the time of the
unscheduled vacancy in accordance with the procedure set out above.
3. Government Code Section 40605, and National City Municipal Code Title 16, grants
the Mayor, with the City Council’s approvals, the authority to make all appointments
unless otherwise explicitly provided by statute. The exceptions are:
1. Civil Service Commission
2. Planning Commission
3. Housing Advisory Committee including Ex-Officio Members
4. Planning Commission
The City Council fills vacancies on these bodies.
D. Implementation. Implementation of Council policy for appointment to Boards,
Commissions, and Committees requires the following:
1. Per Government Code Section 54972, on or before December 31 of each year,
the City Council shall prepare a list of appointments of all regular and ongoing
Boards, Commissions, and Committees appointed by the City Council. The
City Clerk will prepare the list of all regular and ongoing Boards, Commissions,
and Committees appointed by the Mayor or the City Council. The list shall
contain a list of all terms that will expire during the next calendar year, the
incumbent appointee’s name, the appointment date, the term’s expiration date,
and the position’s necessary qualifications. It shall also include a list of all
AMENDED: November 16, 2021
ADOPTED: June 17, 1986
POLICY # 107 TITLE: Appointments to Boards, Commission and Committees
Boards, Commissions, and Committees whose members serve at the City
Council’s pleasure and the qualifications required for each position. This Local
Appointments List shall be made available to the public on the City website.
2. Notice. A public notice for vacancies must be placed in the newspaper of
general circulation within the City, on the City’s website, City Hall Bulletin
Boards, and City social media platforms.
3. Expiration of term. All appointees will receive a letter as their terms expire
asking if they would like to re-apply for the position.
4. Applications. Applications shall be available on the City website and in the City
Clerk’s Office. Submissions must be received before the advertised deadline for
consideration for the appointment. All applications will be retained in the City
Clerk’s Office for one year from the date the application was submitted. During the
one-year retention period of the application, an applicant shall be considered for
other vacancies on Boards, Commissions, and Committees. The City Clerk’s Office
will notify the applicant being considered for an appointment to confirm that they
are still interested in volunteering.
5. A member may only serve on one (1) Board, Commission, or Committee at a time.
If an applicant applies for another position on a different Board, Commission, or
Committee, that applicant will forfeit the prior seat and a vacancy will occur per
6. Interviews:
a. Mayor Appointments: Interviews for Mayoral appointments will be
conducted by the Mayor outside of the public meeting and scheduled by
the Mayor’s Office.
b. City Council Appointments: Interviews for the four (4) Civil Service
Commission, Planning Commission, Housing Advisory Committee, and
Port Commission who serve at the City Council’s pleasure and are
appointed by the City Council as a body will be interviewed in the public
forum at a City Council Meeting as described below.
7. Mayoral Appointments:
The Mayor will make the motion to appoint (naming the appointee) and
Councilmembers may second the motion. The City Clerk will then take a roll call
AMENDED: November 16, 2021
ADOPTED: June 17, 1986
POLICY # 107 TITLE: Appointments to Boards, Commission and Committees
vote of the City Council. A majority vote of the City Council will be required for the
appointment. If the majority of the City Council choose to deny the proposed
appointment, the Mayor shall either propose an alternative candidate from the
current application pool or choose to reopen the application period and return to the
City Council at a future City Council Meeting with a different applicant for
consideration. If a Mayoral Appointment is not approved by the majority of the City
Council by confirmation, that applicant is removed from the pool for that seat. The
Mayor will return to a future meeting with a substitute Mayoral appointment.
8. For City Council Appointments, the Interview Process is as follows:
a. The City Clerk will provide an overview of the Board, Commission, or
Committee(s) with current vacancy (ies). The Mayor will introduce the
applicant and two (2) questions will be asked of each applicant on behalf
of the City Council.
b. Each applicant is given two (2) minutes to make a brief introduction of
themselves and their qualifications to the City Council.
c. Mayor and City Councilmembers will ask questions of each applicant. All
applicants must be asked the same questions.
d. Total time per applicant is five (5) timed minutes with time allowed for
clarification at the discretion of the City Council, not to exceed ten (10)
minutes total per applicant.
e. All appointments and interviews before the City Council will be scheduled
as needed to fill unexpected vacancies, with every effort to be made
before an individual's term expires. Interviews may take place at one
meeting, with appointments made at a subsequent meeting.
9. Vacancies for City Council Appointed Positions. If the vacancy is for a City
Council appointed position, and there is more than one (1) applicant for a given
position, the voting process will proceed as follows: Once the interviews are
complete, each Councilmember votes for their choice via a written ballot
provided by the City Clerk. Each Councilmember shall print and sign their name
on the ballot. All ballots shall be considered a public record and be open to
inspection by the public. The ballots are passed to the City Clerk who announces
the number of votes for each candidate.
AMENDED: November 16, 2021
ADOPTED: June 17, 1986
POLICY # 107 TITLE: Appointments to Boards, Commission and Committees
If the appointment process is conducted via a virtual meeting the process is the
same except the ballot/vote process. The City Clerk’s Office will provide a Vote
Sheet (a piece of paper electronically) with the name of each applicant to be
considered. The Mayor will count to three (3) and the Council will hold their
vote sheet up in front of their face to make sure it is captured on the camera
during the live virtual meeting. The City Clerk will tally the votes and will then
confirm the votes with a verbal roll call. The applicant with the most votes is
In the event of a tie, each Councilmember votes again until one (1) candidate
has the majority vote and is declared to be the newly–appointed member of the
Board, Commission, or Committee.
10. Re-appointment beyond two terms. Anyone wishing to be re-appointed to any Board,
Commission, or Committee and has served two or more full terms already must be
approved by a four-fifths vote of the City Council. If all five members of the City
Council are not present, or if one member abstains or recuses their vote, the four-
fifths requirement shall be changed to require only a simple majority.
11. Report to Council:
All applications received for vacancies, whether Mayoral Appointment or City
Council Appointment, will be attached to the staff report to Council. All applications
will have private personal information redacted (name, street numbers and name of
street address, and phone number). This redacted information is in alignment with
Government Code Section 6255(a) because the public interest served by not
disclosing the applicant’s personal, private information and protection of the
applicant’s right to privacy outweighs the public interest served by disclosing that
12. An automatic vacancy upon becoming a Non-Resident. An unscheduled vacancy
automatically occurs when a resident holding an appointment position on a City
Board, Committee, or Commission becomes a non-resident by moving out of
National City limits. When an unscheduled vacancy occurs due to a resident
becoming a non-resident, the unscheduled vacancy may be filled as follows:
a. A special vacancy notice shall be posted in the Office of the City Clerk, and
in other places as directed by the City Council, not earlier than 20 days
before or not later than 20 days after the vacancy occurs. Final Appointment
at a City Council Meeting shall not be made by the Appointing Authority for
at least 10 working days after the posting of the notice in the City Clerk’s
AMENDED: November 16, 2021
ADOPTED: June 17, 1986
POLICY # 107 TITLE: Appointments to Boards, Commission and Committees
b. The Appointing Authority may appoint the former resident to a Non-
Residential position if a Non-Residential position is vacant.
However, the Appointing Authority may, if it finds that an emergency exists, fill the
unscheduled vacancy immediately. A person appointed to fill the vacancy shall
serve only on an acting basis until the final appointment is made pursuant to this
13. Only City Residents may be elected to Chair and Vice-Chair positions. To be
eligible to be elected as the Chairperson of a City Board, Committee, or
Commission, the member must be a resident of the City.
14. Resignations, Attendance, Training, and Removals
If a Commissioner or Member of a Board, Committee, or Commission is unable to
continue serving because of health, business requirements, or personal reasons,
a letter of resignation shall be submitted to the City Clerk, who will present to the
City Council.
Regular attendance at meetings is critical to be effective operation of City Boards,
Commissions, and Committees. The City Council relies on the advice of the City’s
Boards, Commissions, and Committees, which is the result of discussions among
appointed members. The City Council anticipates that members of Boards,
Committees, and Commissions shall make every reasonable effort to attend all
regular and special meetings of their respective Boards, Commissions, and
Committees, and to be prepared to discuss matters on their respective agendas.
A Commissioner or Member of a Board, Committee, or Commission shall be
considered removed from any advisory board under the following conditions:
1. A Commissioner or Member of a Board, Committee, or Commission with
unexcused absences from three consecutive regularly scheduled meetings.
2. A Commissioner or Member of a Board, Committee, or Commission misses
more than 25% of the advisory body’s meetings in a calendar year.
AMENDED: November 16, 2021
ADOPTED: June 17, 1986
POLICY # 107 TITLE: Appointments to Boards, Commission and Committees
3. A Commissioner or Member of a Board, Committee, or Commission must be
present at least one hour, or 50% of the entire meeting, whichever is less, to
be counted as present for purposes of attendance.
Excused Absences:
An “excused absence” is only granted when absolutely necessary and pre-
approved if at all possible. The City Council encourages Boards, Commissions,
and Committees to refrain from scheduling meetings on cultural and religious
holidays in order to encourage full participation by all Commissioners, Board
Members, and the public. The pre-approval of excused absences will be by the
body as a whole and documented in the meeting minutes.
Excused absences are listed as follows:
1. Illness of the Commissioner or Member of the Board, Committee, or
Commission, their family member, or their personal friend;
2. Business commitment of the Commissioner or Member of the Board,
Committee, or Commission that interferes with the attendance at a meeting;
3. Attendance of the Commissioner or Member of the Board, Committee, or
Commission at a funeral, religious service or ceremony, wedding, or other
similarly-significant event; or
4. Other reason for which the Commissioner or Member of the Board,
Committee, or Commission has given notice to the Chairperson or Secretary
of their unavailability fifteen (15) days in advance, as long as the unavailability
is not expected to last longer than 30 days.
The Secretary or Lead of each Board, Commission, or Committee will report the
attendance to the Office of the City Clerk on a monthly basis. If the attendance or
absences fall within these guidelines, the Office of the City Clerk will prepare a
report to City Council for review and possible removal of the Commissioner,
Member, or Alternate sitting on the Board, Committee, or Commission. Any
Commissioner, Member, or Alternate sitting on a Board, Committee, or Commission
may be removed from office at any time by a simple majority vote of the City Council
at a regularly scheduled Council meeting with or without cause.
Mandatory Training and Filing Requirements:
Commissioners and Members of Board, Committee, or Commission, as
appointed by the legislative body, are entrusted with certain responsibilities and
AMENDED: November 16, 2021
ADOPTED: June 17, 1986
POLICY # 107 TITLE: Appointments to Boards, Commission and Committees
concomitant training and reporting. The following are requirements of
Commissioners and Members of Boards, Commissions, and Committees. This
training is required to be completed within 30 days of appointment or
1. Oath of Office (Article XX of the California Constitution, and California
Government Code Section 36507)
2. Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) Statement of Economic
Interest Form 700 Filing (California Government Code Section 87100 et
3. AB1234 Ethics Training (California Government Code Section
4. Sexual Harassment Training
5. Brown Act Training
6. Social Media Training
7. Any training required by State Law, Federal Law, or City Policies.
All training is offered in a variety of formats including in person, via Zoom,
training website/software, and pre-recorded video. Currently, these are all
requirements of the Mayor and City Council, and City staff.
Failure to complete any of these requirements within 30 days of the
appointment date or date of notification is cause for automatic removal.
Related Policy References
Government Code Section 40605
Government Code Section 54970, et seq.
Article XX of the California Constitution, and California Government Code Section 36507
California Government Code Section 53235(b)
California Government Code Section 87100 et seq
National City Municipal Code Title 16 (pending)
Prior Policy Amendments:
February 2, 2021 (Resolution No. 2021-08)
May 19, 2020 (Resolution No. 2020-95)
November 9, 1993 (Resolution No. 93-173)
June 11, 2013 (Revised – No Resolution – Refer to Meeting Minutes)
October 8, 2013 (Resolution No. 2013-147)
May 19, 2020 (Resolution No. 2020-20)