HomeMy WebLinkAboutFacility Use Applicationcity ormitioo city Faciiity Use, Application Rev:6128111 2100 Heaver .Avcntie National city, CA 91950 (150$1,6-450 Fax (619)336-4594 After halm dispatch: (619)33641.411 -7) TO ALL APPLICANT.St,If is strongly teeemmendedithat an le-titivatinguse a:City giei1ity-ettens;I I1In-City Connell 4meeting When -tit ate iKsoltndtilettrfor consideration in order Viattswany fqwee-tionalva. the City Council. fealitY-Ret111 please circle !vlartin Latta King Jr. off ooni -Spelt Roori 0 Date(s) of Use: Tinin-Of Use; Froth:, Dity(s) Oat": - Tv; Type -of FanetionlAetivitr1/4 Is ate event open to the -ptt Wane & Address aotganitationlfttIP Non- profit ntp*Oti:01 Antieipatett,Mexlintat Atteadenea SI&'--PereePtage etNatieW CinSittleas wiil Abtassion be eheigest Anna 56 Wiffihis be aPuntigaittaVent2 Wo ajapinentatqueateet of etaire Paittathdetophone , - - ,AttclibaNisael Equipment Regained-2 c, La.ptvpj „pros...down Oet4g :.42.0#.4-4, 414. Ito-:)0 WSVCif Kiffikeffi X Yes No lisextreaa ferat' nwand,Ovent, Is the Use otmohaittquonal Will other Oa servieesbe,esettiN e, Poluttier$41 nteri J, an-2- . , Nana Phone iikOMASt AtrAtithtett ,01.4,GRAm rqffipe.jS Wwsj Qutpc+9+ Rhone 144 irrop444fis How many -times -in the last twelve months have you requested to use a City Facility? It is expressly understood and agreed that the applicant assumes all risk for loss, damage, V Liability, injury, cost or expense that may arise during or he caused in way by such use H or occupancy of the facilities of the City of National City and/or Community Services Department. The applicant nttthcragIceathathl'eeflaideraus of being permitted the use of facilities agreed to, they will save and held harmless the said city of National City, its cows, agents, employees and volunteers from any loss, claims, and liability damages, and/or injuries to roans and proper.* that in any Way may be caused by applicant's or ocettPaneY= the undersigned, hereby certify to Shy the agree to abide by all City ofNational City Ordinances and facility and policies, and be representative of the user Organizations. Farther, I agree to bcperapnallrresponsible- for any damagelloss sustained by the ground, building, furniture or equipment or unusual clean up occurring through the occupancy of said, facilities. Application r.ettalzes. andandergaudsthat. use of Cbritacility may create &possessor), interest subject to property taxation and that applicant may besubject to the -payment-ofproperty taxes on such interest. Applicant further agrees pay any and all property taxes, tryanyas-olid4c4attiwthe*6orthe eitP facilitYlattsUant tnaeetielKIM'and 107.6 of the reVeS1Wandlakarlba-IleileataitistVlitiOnes possessory interest in the rattily, CEldtErniAtutAirE ItEcEntn,A coMolotimatims Abto ittOVIATION$FPR InnAntatvitEQUESTED, AND I AGREE:FOR:MY QAP:aq ATIPWQROPPI-O, CoNtreRm TO &LLOFTS PRO VISION DATE COMPUTED L* * PRINT NAM- % 1.101 StOlsaTTIRE: ADDRESS or APEticAND CITY, StatilyANOzoC PHONE: DA\&U UTY1351FAX K 7>" CONTAMBERSONDN TORDAVOE THE EVENTI7 EltdREtirciti CELL: HAW YOUR On :OF ArrI4CATION IN PDS SESION DURING IS • Please type :of TOW clearly with a WalinolatPcn,41.41cm application must be submitted and,payment-aubmitted,in advanced , of the event, NbItiVala Spirt Rental AmPuntReCelYed; RectO Amount tif.p$PK4kRaltiatt *kasit ChCck ItkriSS:dt CITY OF NATioNAL GiTy PUBLIC PROPERTY USE 110LBIIARIVELESS SFICATION AGREEMENT Person requesting use of City property, fatilities,Or'perSonnel are'requitedio-provide- mitilinunrof!tpoopoo: combined single limit insurance for bodily injurrand-.:.property damage which intiti4.4he,e1:% its officials. agents and employees named as additional insured and to sign the hold harmless agreement; Certificate-OfInsurance;must,be attached to this permit. Person in charge ofactiv Address: a \Cthtm Teiepho E-Mail: City Facilities and/ or property requested: Dates of use: - SW& HOLD 410aMS AGREEMENT MigXPISMPO of the bae904MPRWIYWPPIldtg;9190.00* *MAP" QtilittbSoravAtdoonify, the undersigned hattlys**(0-104:0004, indemnify and hold harmless theof sologgjiy4t4*445WPRIPI9YM1t4a9P4•WIYand , against any-4.0W)tatio4:4004.40altiWk liability ordamages for -any personal itinsiMvPri*.,PPPAY*IPAM'C'I PP% or Witttgfej 4g4A*Nliggy* includingditotaAfoa,14144-40:bitS of ittlgatintiiiiiii4outot,telated to the nsC,Of public PIPPawfklmtkiatYlgkmqmOgrOiwmigit$rfkmioifipKiWe"vookyo!vr -contractors. Certineate,efinsurance ApprovedV eand Title Safety/ Security Vieq§e tieseriheyontprotedures for crowd eontrol,nnd internal security:. X1 NO Have you hired any Prefessienal Security-orptliza -Wu to handle SeetwityntrdepinetiL4 tor this tAle rit?-0Wkpie-ftle ;list *cu6tj Ortotstio: acireitrokmtzgribILMOrms; statrityrittmtut Nam* PliOne: Monitoring Alcohol Consumption Please describe your podnogra for monitoring alcohol cpwmptiom Orgflizatitthi0Wt4o4fito 6:spotott uli*Utft-thati 'alcohol is MITtat:0;pOte:2 ramotogp,thatiSttititstaniolokat serverlpot also be 21 years of or olden., 14.4010 A* '4 cofitaeffihat:niiiiibiii\Sdayore' hita nyTrnfoasio ' YES- NO:HaVt you 4 1 ribr ougasuzintou to handle Security arrangements fern vehr if yEs,ilioaselist Security , ailfStiofe SePPrittY`OrganjzatThn Address: anglify Diruotot €144414)±: P11940; KITCHEN 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 COLOR GUARD 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 H E A D T A B L E H E A D T A B L E STAGE/AV SET UP MAIN REGISTRATION