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MATH ER, CA 95655
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Application Cover Sheet
Submitted by:
Lt. Keith Fifield
National City Police Department
City of National City
1200 National City Blvd.
National City, CA 919150
(Cal EMA Use Only)
Cal EMA # )0? - FIPS# 7,- .-- , CFDA#
Grant # ,07) I 0
AUG h ?Oil
The California Emergency Management Agency, hereafter designated Cal EMA, hereby makes a Grant Awadj¢ funds to the fond/mg:L
1. Grant Recipient: City of National City
in the amount and for the purpose and duration set forth in this Grant Award.
t V
2. Implementing Agency: ✓ 44th
Nit ncLal (ikyPolice Department 2a. Congressional District:
2b. State Senate District#: 40th 2c. State Assembly Districtff• 80th
2d. Location of Project: City of National City 2e. Congressional Distric s); // 44th
3. Disaster/Program Title Children Exposed to Domestic Violence SRP 4. Performance Period 1"//2011 to 09/30/2012
Fund Source
A. State
B. Federal
C. Total
D. Cash
E. In -Kind
F. Total
G. Total Project
6. Select
• Select
8. Select
9 Select
1oG. Total Project Cost:
11. This Grant Award consists of this title page, the application for the grant, which is attached and made a part hereof, and the
Assurances/Certifications which are being submitted. I hereby certify I am vested with the authority to enter into this Grant Award
Agreement, and have the approval of the City/County Financial Officer, City Manager, County Administrator, Governing Board Chair, or
Approving Body. The Grant Recipient certifies that all funds received pursuant to this agreement will be spent exclusively on the purposes
specified in the Grant Award. The Grant Recipient signifies acceptance of this Grant Award and agrees to administer the grant project in
accordance with the Grant Award as well as all applicable state and federal laws, audit requirements, federal program guidelines, and Cal
EMA policy and program guidance. The Grant Recipient further agrees that the allocation of funds may be contingent on the enactment of
the State Budget.
12. Federal DUNS Number 072494073
13. Federal Employer ID Number
14, Official Authorized to Sign for Applicant/Grant Recipient:
Name: Keith Fifield Title: Lieutenant
(area code)
Payment Mailing Addrs
(619) 336-4514 FAX: (619) 336-4525
/' /.(area code)
-12-0 Nationa]�Cify B,I . City:
� /
National City
Date: 07/09/2011
Zip + 4: 91950-4302
I here ycertify upon my own personal knowledge that budgeted funds are available for the period and purposes of this expenditure st ted
Aa Date Cal EMA Secre ry(or designee) Date
Cal EMA Fiscal Officer
Yr / Chapter: 2011-12 / 33 PCA No: 18221
Item: 0690-102-0890 Fed Cat. 11 : 93.643
Component: 40.20.902
Program:Children Exposed to Domestic Violence Specialized Response
Fund: Federal Trust
Match Req.: none / /5—/ /
Project No.: 11 CJAO Amount: $ / (/
GrantGard Face Sheet - Cal EMA 2-101 (Revised 01/11)
Payment Mailing Addr;s
Signature h
(Cal EMA Use Only)
Grant ti
The California Emergency Management Agency, hereafter designated Cal EMA, hereby makes a Grant Award of funds to the following:
1. Grant Recipient: City of National City
in the amount and for the purpose and duration set forth in this Grant Award.
2. Implementing Agency: National City Police Department
2b. State Senate District#: 40th 2c. State Assembly DistrictJ-1: 80th
2e, Congressional District(s): 44th
2d. Location of Project: City of National City
3. Disaster/Program Title
2a. Congressional District: 44th
Children Exposed to Domestic Violence SRP 8, Performance Period 0'1/10/2011 t0 09/30/2012
Fund Source A. State B. Federal C. Total
D. Cash E. In -Kind F. Total G. Total Project
Match Match Match Cost
$0 $0
..._ t;oc. Total Project cost:
$0 $175,000 $175,000I $0�V b0 $0 $175,000
11, This Grant Award consists of this title page, the application for the grant, which is attached and made a pert hereof, and the
Assurances/Certifications which are being submitted. I hereby certify 0 am vested with the authority to enter into this Grant Award
Agreement, and have the approval of the City/County Financial Officer, City Manager, County Administrator, Governing Board Chair, or
Approving Body. The Grant Recipient certifies that all funds received pursuant to this agreement will lee spent exclusively on the purposes
specified in the Grant Award. The Grant Recipient signifies acceptance of this Grant Award and agrees to administer the gent project in
accordance with the Grant Award as well as all applicable state and federal laws, audit requirements, federal program guidelines, and Cal
EMA policy and program guidance. The Grant Recipient further agrees that the allocation of funds naay be contingent on the enactment of
the State Budget.
12. Federal DUNS Number 072494073
14.. Official Authorix.ed to Sign for Applicant/Grant Recipient
Keith Fifield
'13. Federal Employer ID Number 956000749
Telephone: (619) 336-4514 FAX: 4619) 336-4525
(area code) , / .(area code)
Tl3P3 Natio
y ./
Email: kfifield@nationalcityca.gov
City: National City
Date: 07/09/2011
?-i` ,-... n, . _ .-t dXbat E A IS1 NiN
zip _4 4: 91950-4302
I hereby certify upon my own personal knowledge that budgeted funds are available for the period and purposes of this expenditure stated above.
Cal EMA Fiscal Officer Date Cal EMA Secretary(or designee) Date
Grant Award Face Sheet Cal EMA 2-101 (Revised 01/11)
Recipient City of National City Grant Number
Provide the name, title, address, telephone number, and e-mail address for the project contacts named below. NOTE: If you
use a PO Box address, a street address is also required for package delivery and site visit purposes.
1. The Project Director for the project:
Name: Keith Fifield
Telephone it: 619-336-4514
Title: Lieutenant
Fax#: 619-336-4525
Address/City/Zip: 1200 National City Blvd, National City, CA 91950
2. The Financial Officer for the project:
Name: Arnold Ocana
Email Address:
Title: Accountant
Telephone #: 619-336-4342 Fax#: 619-336-4349 Email Address: aocana@nationalcityca,gov
Address/City/Zip: 1243 National City Blvd. National City CA 91950�
3. The person having Routine Programmatic responsibility for the project:
Name: Jim White Title: Corporal
Telephone a : 619-336---4424 .._ Fax#: 619•336-4526
Address/City/Zip: 1200 National City Blvd. National City CA 91950
Email Address:
The pra?j having Routine,.Fiscal, expansibility for the project:
Name: Ronni Zengota
Telephone #: 619-336-4516
Tife: Operations Assistant
Fax#: 619-336-4525 Email Address: rzengota@nationalcityca.gov
Address/City/Zip: 1200 Natioinal City Blvd. National City, CA 91950
5. The Executive Qsjec:Or of a nonprofit organization or the chef Execgt`sve Of Lcer (i.e., chief of police,
superintendent of schools) of the implementing agency:
Name Adolfo Gonzales fiti.e: Chief of Police
Telephone #: 619-336-4432 Fax#: 619-336-4525 Email Address: agonzales@nationalcityca.gov
Address/City/Zip: 1200 National City Blvd. National City, CA 91950
6. The Official Designated by the Governing Board to enter into the Grant Award Agreement for the city/county
or Community -Based Organization, as stated in Block 14 of the Grant Award Face Sheet:
Name: Keith Fifield Title: Lieutenant
Telephone #: 619-336-4514 Fax#: 619-336-4525
Address/City/Zip: 1200 National City Blvd, National City, CA 91950
7. The chair of the Governing Body of the recipient:
Name: Chris Zapata
Telephone #: 619-336-4240
Email Address:
Title: City Manager
Fax#: 619-336-4240
Address/City/Zip: 1243 National City Blvd. National City, CA 91950
Project Contact Information Cal EiviA 2-102 (Revised 1/2011)
Email Address:
Grant Recipient: City of National City
Implementing Agency:
Grant Award It
National City Police Department
*The Project Director and Financial Officer are REQUIRED to sign this fe
*Project Director: Keith Fifield
Jul 16, 201 1
The following persons are authorized to sign for the
Project Director
Manuel Rodriguez
*Financial Officer: Arnold Ocana
The following persons are authorized to sign for the
Financial Officer
Ronni Zengota
Signature Signature
Name Name
Signature Signature
Name Name
Signature Authorization CalEMA 2-103 (Rev. 2/1/2009)
Children's Justice Act Grant Programs
The applicant must complete aCertification ofAssurance ofComp|iance'CJA(Cal EK4A2-1U4n).which
includes details regarding Federal Grant Funds, Equal Employment Opportunity Program (EEOP), Drug Free
Workplace Compliance, California Environmental Quality Act, Lobbving, Debarment and Suspension
requirements, Proof ofAuthority from Qh/ Council/Governing Boan1, and the special conditions for grand
awards with CN|dren'nJustice Act Fund. The applicant isrequired tosubmit the necessary assurances and
documentation before finalization ofthe Grant Award Agreement. |nsigning the Grant Award Face Sheet, the
applicant formally notifies Cal EIVIA that the applicant will comply with all pertinent requirements.
Resolutions are nolonger required ansubmission documents. Cal EIWAhas incorporated the resolution into
the Certification ofAssurance ofCompliance, Section VI, entitled, "Proof ofAuthority from City
Council/Governing Board." The Applicant is required to obtain written authorization (original signature) from
the City Council/Governing board that the official executing the agreement is, in faot, authorized todo ao, and
will maintain said written authorization on file and readily available upon demand. This requirement does not
apply tostate agencies.
Children's Justice Act Grant Progral,-,s
[ Lt. Keith Fifie|d hereby certify that
(official authorized to sign grant award. same person as Section 14 on Grant Award Face Sheet)
City ofNational City
National City Police Department
Children Exposed to Domestic Violence (CEDV) Special Response Program
is responsible for reviewing the Grant Recipient Handbook and adhering to all of 'the Grant Award Agreement
requirements (state and/or federal) as directed by Cal EMA including, but not limited to, the Following areas:
L Federal Grant Funds
Recipients expending $50O.00Oormoreinfederal grant funds annucI||vare required toSecure onZIudit
pursuant to OMB Circular A-1 33 and are allowed to LltiliZe federal grant kinds tO bUdget for the @Udit costs.
See Section 8000ofthe Recipient Handbook for more detail.
�q The above named recipient receives $500,000,0if mare in federal grant funds annuaily.
�] The above named recipient does no� receive $500,000 or inore in fede(a} gran1fiunds annually.
U{. Equal Employment Opportunity —(Rafc' ke��Handb�(ookl S,ectj'm.n2151)
It is the public policy of the State ofCa|ifornia to promote equ@/ employment mPpmrmmUv by Prohibiting
discrimination or harassment in employment because of race, religious cwaed, uo|or, na�iona| mhgin,
ancestry, disability (mental and physical) inc|uding H|V and A|DS, medica! condition (cancer and gene -tic
oharaotchsticm), marital status, sex. sexual orientation, denial nffamiK/pnedioa| oaoa|oave. denial of
prugnanoydisability leave, orage (over40). CmUEMA-fmmlahed pirojmcts oe»lifertihsl they �AiilUUmfommpUywwi��
all state and federal requirements regarding P,,f4uaU emmp0oyment*p�),ortuon�,�ty, nondiiocrIlminmtion and
civil rights.
Please provide the following information:
Equal Employment Opportunity Officer: Stacey Stevenson
Human Resources Director
140 E, 12Uh GL Suite 8, National CKy, CA91A150
Certification ofAssurance ofCompliance -CJACal EMA2-104c(Revised 1/2011) 2
U|. Drug -Free Workplace Act of1S90—(Recipient Handbook, Section 21S2)
The State of California requires that every person or organization awarded o grant or contract shall certify it
will provide odrug-free workplace.
IV. California Environmental Ouality Act (CEQA) — (Recipient Handbook, Section 2153)
The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQ/) (Public Resources Code, Section 2fDDDotam7jrequires all
Cal EK8Afundod projects to certify compliance with CEQA. Projects receiving funding must coordinate with their
city orcounty planning agency toensure that the project ieoomp|ianoevvithCEQAnnquirementa.
V. Lobbying —(2OU8Recipient Handbnok Snobon2Y54)
Cal EK8A grant fundn, grant property, or grant funded positions shall not be used for any lobbying ontivhos,
induding, but not limited to, being paid by v or on behalf ofthe underoiQned, to any person for influencing or
attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, e Member of Congress, on officer or
employee of ConQrenn, or on employee of Member of Congress in connection with the making of any
federal grant, the entering into of any cooperative aOneement, and the extension, nontinuation, renewal,
amendment, or modification ofany federal grant or cooperative agreement.
Vi OebannmutandSuypunsion—/Rwuip/ontHanuWmok Soo/i»n2i5ED
(This applies to federally funded grants only,)
Cal EWYA-funded projects must certify that it and its principals are not presently debornad, suspendrd,
proposed for dabarmont, declared ine|igib|e, sentenced to o denial of federal benefits by o state or federal
court, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any federal department of agency.
VU Proof ofAuthority from'City CouncillGow*rn/nEj Board
The above -named organization (applicant) accepts responsibility for and will comply with the requirement to
obtain written authorization from the city council/governing board in support of this program. The applicant
agrees to provide all matching funds required for said project (including any amendment thereoh under the
Program and the funding terms and conditions of Cal EK8A, and that any cash match will be appropriated as
required, It is agreed that any liability arising out of the performance of this Grant Award Agreement,
including civil court actions for damages, shall be the responsibility of the grant recipient and the authorizing
agency. The State of California and Cal EK8AUiodeim responsibility of any such liability. Fudhermona, it is
also agreed that grant funds received from Cal EMA shall not be used to supplant expenditures controlled
bythe city council/governing board. `
The applicant is required to obtain written authorization from the city council/governing board that the official
executing this agreement is, in fact, authorized to do so. The applicant is also required to maintain said
written authorization onfile and readily available upon demand.
Certification of Assurance of Compliance — CJA Cal EMA 2-104c (Revised 1/2011) 3
VUi Special Conditions for Grand Awards with Ch8oron'sJustice Ant Fund
Federal grant funds shall not be used to support inherently religious activities such as religious instruction,
worship, orprose |ytizaUon. Therefona, organizations must take steps Lo separate, if) time orlocation, their
inherently religious activities from the services -funded under this program. Regulations pertaining tnthe
prohibition of Federal funds for inherently religious activities can be found on the HIHS viebsite at:
bjLt cikwa)nqate21.pd[
Federal grant funds provided under this award may not be used by -the recipient to SUpport lobbying
activities in influence proposed or pending Federal nrState legislation or appropriations. This prohibition is
related to the use of Federal grant funds and is not intended to affect an individual's right or that of any
organization, to petition Congress or any other level of Government, through the use of other resources.
In accordance with Public Law 1U3-333.the "Department ofLabor, Health and Hurnan Snnjcem. and
grant award�
Section 507: "Purchase ofAnoehoan'&4ade Equipment and Products - It is the sense of
the Congress that, to the greatest extent pnaotinob|e, all equipment and products
purchased with funds made available inthis Act should beArnerioan'mida."
In accordance with Part of Public Low 103-227` the "Pro -Children Act of 1994.^ arfokng may no{ be
permitted in any portion of any indoor facility awned or regul-ady LlSed fO( the prmVioiomofhem|th.da�ome.
education, or library services to children under the age of '18, if the S�NiCeS are Wrided by Federal
programs wither directly or through State nr|moa| governments. Federal pro0rmmms ino|udmgramto.
cooperative agreements, loans and loan guarantees, and contracts. The law does not appk/tochi|dnen'a
services provided inprivate residences, faoi|iUeo/undedso|eiybyK8edicmnamr��edica���m'a.and
portions orfacilities and used for inpatient drug and alcohol treatment.
Certification ofAssurance ofCompliance -CJ8Cal EM82-1O4o(Revised 1/2011) 4
All appropriate documentation rnustbemaintained onfile bvthe p joctandavai|aNefor{�a|EMAor
public soruUnyupon request. FaUun*toconnp|yxv)ththunn' requirements may result insuspension of
payments under the grant or termination of the grant or both and the Recipient may be ineligible for
award of any future grants if the Cal EN1A determines that any of the following has occurred:
M> the Recipient has made false certification, or /2> violates the certification by failing to carry out the
requirements as noted above.
|. the OfDCi8| nGD1Sd below, 8D1 the S8rDH individual authorized to Sign the Grant AVV8[d
Agreement [Section 14 On Grant Avv8Pd Face Sheet], and hereby OVV8G[ that I 8rO duly
authorized legally to bind the contractor or grant recipient tothe above described certification.
| am fully aware that this certification, executed On the date and in the COUnh/ ���OVV is nUG�
under penalty Vfperjury under the laws of the State Of -G|iforni@. .-I' ' ~
Authorized Official's Signature -
Authorized Official's Title,Lieutenant
Date Executed.- July 0.2011
Federal Employer |D#: 956000749
Federal OUNS# 072484073
Current C8Dtn3| Contractor Registration Expiration Date:
Executed in the City/County of: City o[National City /CountyofSan Diego
Au'rHORIZED BY: (not applicable to State agencies)
0 City Financial Officer
City Manager
Governing Board Chair
Chris Zapata
C0UOtv Financial {}ffiue[
County Manager
City Manager, City o/National City
Certification of Assurance of Compliance — CJA Cal EMA 2-104c (Revised 112011)
Proiect Narrative
Problem Statonn8nt,(11 Pages - The program will take place in National City, located in
the southwestern portion of San Diego County with o population of 63.537 (5896
Hispanic, 1796Asian & P|. 1596White, 6%Aƒric8n`4nner|c8n. and 396 Other). Situated
|eoS than 10 miles from the Mexican border, the city is home to manyfinst-genenoU0n
immigrant families with limited resources and o minimal command of En8|ish, making it
difficult tofind secure employment and access com0uDity resources. The 0ty'aaverage
household size is 3.46 (the ooun1y'o highest). and 2796 of the population is aged 18or
less. In 1992. the city was listed as California's third poorest city in per capita income
and the thirteenth poorest in the nation, The average salary for jobs in National City is
$21.244, and the median household income is $29.826. Theoitv'S Unemployment r,-Itmis
10J% (up frorn 7.896 in 2004). In 2006. National CiWs violent crime rate of 8.25 per
1.000 population was the count/'a h|Qheat, and mapreaents o 15% increase from the
previous year. National Qty'a domestic violence rate of23 per 1.000 hou&leho|Un is the
thin] highest in the countv, after, Oceanside and Chula Vista (SANDAG. 2008).
National City Police Department /NCPD\. South 8ay Cnnnrnun�ty Seen/|cea
(8BCG), and the County of Gan Diego Child Welfar-e Services /C,�'VS` have vvmrhe�
collaboratively on the Domestic Violence Response Team /DVRT> since 198�SBCG'
DVRT AdvOcate, co -located at the Police Department, provides innrnediate on -site
advocacy during 811 o8Uo for domestic violence on a 24/7 basis (on scene with an
Officer within 1 hour). On -site services include crisis inban/onU0n, safety p|anniDg, and e
needs assessment for the adult victim and any children present. If needed, 'the Advocate
will refer the victims to other appropriate services that have been identified as necessary
during the GaSeaonnent, such as shelter and counseling. If the vioLino needs shelter
immediately, the Advocate 8aSinhs in the arrangements. CVVS is called if @ child has
been abused or neglected. Follow-up home visit the next day include intensive
Applicant: National City Police Dept. Grant Numberi
assessments to identify any needs for services, such as, Comprehensive client
centered, bilingual, culturally appropriate C8ne assessment and coordination; short-term
confidential shelter and long-term transitional housing (up to 18 rnonths), trauma -
informed individual and group counseling; emergency food, d0thinQ, and transportation',
TRO assistance and court accompaniment', therapeutic preschool-, and rental
assistance. In 07'08. the DVRTAdvoo@te provided immediate crisis response to 27 DV
ceUa, and provided non -emergency intervention in an additional 14 cases. These
numbers are |ow, given that NCPD responded to 202 calls for domestic violence in 2007.
and has responded to 252 ooUs since March 2008 /a 2596 inonaano in domestic violence
ooUs oo-far this yeah. NCPD and GBCG intend to |nonaaoS the number of DVRTcmUs to
100. of which approximately OO will involve children (two-thirds of cases).
NCPD has 92 officers, 1/3 of these hired during the last few years. Most of the
new officer's have not yet been trained to utilize the DVRTAdvooate when responding to
DV oaUa. and NCPD and 8BC8 are currently implementing otratoQiea, such as additional
roll oa|| traininQs. to improve the DVRTca|| rate. Hovvever, given the high number ofcalls
that involve nhUdnan. the existing DVRTstaff cannot adequately address the needs of all
of the children, In addition, many of these families have contact with multiple een/iceo,
such as the rmOinn'a School Resource Officers (8ROn) and our nchoo|/cornrnUnity'bGnnd
Juvenile Diversion program and Community Assessment Team, as well as the OVRT.
This contact is not always effectively u0Ondin8t9d, so that families may he interacting
with more than one case rn8n8ge[ or even receiving duplicated services, The proposed
Children Exposed to Domestic Violence Specialized Response Program (CE[)VcSRP)
will address these programmatic weaknesses.
8BCG in strongly committed to breaking the intorQener8don8| cycle of violence,
and has extensive experience addressing the npeo|8| needs of children traumatized by
domestic violence and re-establishing positive parenting relationships between these
Project Narrative —oa|swm 2'108(nvviavd 2/1/2009)
Applicant: National City Police Dept. Grant Number:
children and their non -offending parent whenever possible. The CEDV-SRP will enhance
families' access to SBCS' range of age -appropriate therapeutic, developmental, and
educational activities for children exposed to DV, including shelter, group & individual
counseling, therapeutic preschool, and a range of family supports.
2. Plan and Implementation ( 2 pages): The CEDV-SRP will be a new component of
the DVRT. The DVRT will be expanded to include an additional DV Advocate and Police
Officer who will join the DVRT to address the immediate and longer -term needs of any
child who has been exposed to DV. Required qualifications are (all require a clean driving
license and background clearance for working with. minors.):
Law Enforcement Officer: Graduation from high school or possession of 1 2th grade
G.F.D. certificate, and completion of Basic Police Academy.
DV Advocate: Minimum one year experience in child, youth, and fam ily services field,
preferably in a community based or neighborhood service orgairaizaltion Experience
in the areas of individual, group, and family counseling, outreach, community
education and development, advocacy, and case management. Ability to work with a
diverse cultural population. B.A. or B.S. degree, (M.A. or M.S.W. preferred) in social
work, psychology, or related field, experience may be substituted. 40 Hour DV
training. Bilingual preferred.
The DV Advocate and Police Officer are co -located at the National City Police
Department and communicate daily in person, by email and telephone. I addition they
attend regular meetings and training together. CWS does not want to commit a worker
to the program and did not want receive grant funds. As part of an informal collaboration
between Child Welfare Services and NCPD, a social worker has been stationed here
Project Narrative — CaiEMA 2-108 (Revised 2/1/2009)
Applicant� National City Police Dept. Grant Nurnber�
one day per week. Her name is JSnni Olson
and her desk in |noak*d in the Community Services office. She will be hOns
VVedn8sdays from approximately O83Otn 1200 hours.
Although Jenniwill only beatNCPO@few hours each week, she wants you to
know that she is available bv ta|nphnna Monday thrpuQh Friday until about 1730
hours. She can be reached at her cell phone [/619\ 419-6038] nrher CVV8 desk [/019\
336-5863], If we need to contact a 8Oci8| worker from CVV8 to evaluate a situation after
hours 0[onthe weekend then we must use the Child Abuse Hotline at /000\ 344-8000.
Jenni is offering to assist us inour investigations inseveral ways:
m Making child abuse reports tothe Child Abuse Hotline.
|fyou are onacall that may involve removing children from the home you can
coUJenni She will either respond iothe scene tnassist orget another worker tn
She can search the CWS database to assisl Detectives/Officers in determining
who resides at e particular address as well as obtaining other pertinent
information about the family living there,
m She will soon have access tothe County's Ca|48/in program kx*eMere, food
ntamps. Medi'Ca|) and can provide you with information that moyhe|p in your
She can assist Detectives/Officers in obtaining reports -from CWS.
t Ensure the CEDV-SRPteam receives specialized DVtraining in their own
During Advanced Officer Training every two years. officers are trained to complete DV
criminal investigations, including interviewing, photographing, and collecting evidence.
Applicant National City Police Dept. Grant Number:
AU GBCS staff are required to attend at |aa3[ 24 hours of training per year that is
appropriate and specific to their client caseload and are critical for working with Chi|Unan,
youth, and f8rniUeS in a community netting. including Child AbUSS Reporting, Cultural
Competency and Sensitivity, Tr8um8-informed Approach. and Confidentiality. OVRT
Advocates must meet the definition of DV Counselor as defined in the California
Evidence Code, Section 1037.1(a). Training for any new hires is scheduled within 30
days of their hiring. 8BCG is committed to creating a violence -free environment for all
vvonn8n, rnen, chUdnan, and families and has developed s strong training ourriou|umthat
offers the knowledge and skills to provide culturally sensitive counseling, roherna|s, and
advocacy for the survivors ofDVand their children.
CVVS Social Workers receive U weeks of initial training covering a variety of topics
when they are first hi/ed, as well as ongoing training om --I variety of topics induc-ing [}V
The county has o DV protocol that all social workers sn*tra|ned to follow.
In addition to the CEDV Officer, National City P[) is sending several to
tnsiOiOg, including police officers, detectives and the- SBCS Advocates over�he rQUCS8 Df
this project that are involved directly with GEQ\/ programs and training and / or FDA/
response and investigations. Cal Ek8/\ staff during earlier EV projects encouraged our
project personnel to attend as much training and conferences as possible ne|aiedtmtile
program of Children Exposed to DV. and to train others involved in the DV prooess, so it
has been apriority,
2. Ensure the CEDV-SRP team are cross -train' onthe identification of each
discipline's roles and procedures related tochildren exposed toeatir
violence, and each discipline's limitations inresponding to children exposed
tmdomestic violence,
All CEOV-8RP staff (Police Officers, Social VVO/hers' and DV Advoc8teo), indUding
roQu|o/ and on -call staff and day and night vvorkerS, will participate qU8rtedy cross
training, including roll call training for all Police Officers, 'that will supplement the orOss-
traininOn already provided by the OVRT. Topics will include the effects of witnessing QV.
Applicant: National City Police Dept. Grant Number:
signs of child abuse and neg|eot, and guidelines for child witness )ntSn/ievvn, as well as
each discipline's roles and procedures related to children exposed to OV, and each
discipline's limitations in responding to these children.
3. Develop a CEDV-SRP protocol specific le. the imi, enforcerrien." agency on the
San Diego County has developed e countywide protocol for law enforcement response
to DV. In 2007' a multi -agency committee revised and updated the protocol to reflect
changes in the law and specifically address the protection of children exposed to [)V.
The protocol includes the following p0|ioyst3teOnents� "Children Exposed to DV should
be considered as separate victims in DV inoidents''; and. "'Training will be provided
regularly to enhance law enforcement's response to DV and children exposed to D\^ It
includes a section on Children exposed to DV with guidelines for child witness
interviews. The MOT will review the OVRT protocol to incorporate additional chi|d-
focuseditems. based onthe Attorney General's CEDVprotocol.
4. Develop a comprehensive con/pWori7eddatabase for the purpose ofdaba
collection ando/nforinabnssharing,
-The DVRT already maintains a comprehensive COMPUterized database for the purpose
of data collection and information sharing which documents all of the information
required in the RFP. NCPDvviU be creating and implement aLaw Enforcement Database
using Mircrosoft Access and hardware purchased with 2009 CEDV-SRP funds.
5� A child protective services professional will attempt to provide immediate on -
site response to domestic violence calls where children are present imthe
targeted service area,
The Child Abuse Hotline will assess all hotline reports for an appropriate response time,
and Immediate Response Service (IRS) referrals will be aSuiQmsd for response within
24 hours. CVV8 South Region will evaluate the IRS and non -IRS referrals for immediate
on -site response to DV oaUn vvhane children are present. The 800io| VV0[her will
investigate child abuse and neglect allegations by interviewing and counseling p3rentn,
oh||dnan, and adolescents, analyzing information and data oo||octed, determining degree
Applicant: National City Police Dept. Grant Number:
of danger and risk of future abuse and neglect, determining if removal of the child from
the home is necessary, and conducting time sensitive investigations per court order or in
compliance with State of California law. If the CWS Social Worker determines that a
child needs to be removed from his/her home, they will arrange for an appropriate
placement and refer family members to appropriate services.
6. A domestic violence advocate will attempt to provide immeilate on -site
response to domestic violence calls where children are present in the targeted
service area.
DV Advocates stationed at the NCPD will provide immediate on -site advocacy, and will
be on scene with an Officer within 1 hour (usually within 20 minutes). DV Advocates
conduct crisis intervention, safety planning, and assessment. If needed, the DV
Advocate will refer the adult victim and/or child to other appropriate services as identified
during the assessment, such as shelter or counseling. If shelter is needed immediately,
the DV Advocate will assist in the arrangements. In cases in which DV Advocates are
not called to the scene, NCPD will provide the DV Advocates with a copy of the police
report, and the DV Advocate will immediately attempt to make contact to offer advocacy
and follow- up services. The DV Advocate will also coordinate with program staff of any
other program that the child is involved in.
7. Law enforcement officers will follow-up with the domestic violence adult victim
and children by way of safety patrols or similar activities.
Law enforcement officers will provide follow-up services such as neighborhood patrols if
appropriate, as well as informing 'the School Resource Officers at the child's school
about the situation so that the SRO is aware of the situation and can offer support to the
8. A child protective services professional and/or domestic violenc,- advocate
will attempt to make follow-up contact v'ith the child and family and refer the
family to relevant service providers for follow-up services.
The DV Advocate and CWS Social Worker will work together to provide follow-up
services for the child and family that address any needs identified by the assessment.
Follow-up home visits made the next day will include more intensive assessments and
Project Narrative — CalEMA 2-108 (Revised 2/1/2009)
Applicant: National City Police Dept. Grant Number:
identify any need for services. If the adult victim does not wish to make 8 follow-up
opp8iDtnneDt. the DV Advocate or CVV8 Social Worker will still attempt to make contact
the following day and iDthe ensuing weeks will make several phone calls t8ensure the
children and adult victim are Safe and avv@ra of 8:oi|ab|m services. If the adult victim
declines services o|together, the contact will be noted in the database. The DV Advocate
will refer children and fonni||e3 to a wide range offollow-up services such as bilingual,
culturally appropriate case assessment and c8ordiDatioD� emergency and long term (up
to 18 months) confidential ahe|ter, individual and QroupcouDae|ing� cane CoDsu|tatioD.
TF<O eaeiatanua and Court accompaniment, trauma -informed substance abuse
treatment; independent living skills classes and financial ennpnvvenneDt serviS8s;
parenting classes; emergency food, c|othiDg, and transportation-, and nanto| assistance
programs. Services for chi|dren, all using a "Point of Engagement" delivery system.
� Mi Eeoue|ita, a hee, fuU-day, therapeutic preschool for ohiNren aged 3 5vvho have
been traumatized by family violence, As a result ufthie innovative proQnam, children
develop emotionally, socially, and developmentally in supportive hnrne and school
envinonnnonto, increasing their chances of long-term healthy deve|opmontfreo from
� Community Services for Fanni|ies, providing intensive case rnanagement, support
gr8upo, parenting o|aSSes. and referrals for families experiencing or at risk of family
violence and child abuse. Most of the families are referred through CVVS, and many
suffer from DV.
Child Abuse Treatment PnOg[Gnn (CHAT, funded by the California Office of
Emergency Sen/|ces), providing intensive mental health services for child victims of
Applicant: National City Police Dept. Grant Number:
Health and Developmental Services for Children, which brings together social service,
health, and educational organizations to provide health and developmental
screenings, assessments, and treatment.
SBCS is developing a 23 hr. assessment center to provide short-terrn shelter and
services for child abuse victims recently taken from their home. SBCS envisions this
as being part of a Children's Village that brings together an array of organizations
providing tailored services and supports for victims of child abuse and family violence,
their non -offending parents, and foster families, resulting in long-term stability for child
abuse victims in the region.
9. Conduct hi -monthly regularly scheduled in person conferences to review all
NCPD, SBCS, and CWS will coordinate bi-monthly in -person case conferences to
review all cases. D\/RT staff will identify any other services and programs that the far
is accessing, and will work to ensure that the s rz ices are coordinated, seamless, and
unduplicative. Staff of these other programs may be invited to participate in the Case
consultations when appropriate.
10. Facilitate the regular exchange of information among personnel from law
enforcement, child protective services, probation, mental health, public health,
domestic violence agencies, and relevant attorneys through the development
of a multidisciplinary team which meets every other month,
The Multi -Disciplinary Team (MDT) including the CEDV-SRP staff (CVPD, SBCS,
CWS), representatives of the DA's office, and other relevant agencies, will meet
quarterly to exchange information, adjust services to meet current needs, address and
resolve challenges, evaluate the progress of the collaboration, and coordinate outreach
to the community.
National City Police Department, a department of the City of National City,
employs 92 police officers and 43 professional staff members and serves over 60,000
residents in a nine square mile area. In partnership with our community, NCPD is
committed to providing the highest level of service and public safety. We pursue this
Project Narrative -- CalEMA 2-108 (Revised 2/1/2009)
Applicant: National City Police Dept. Grant Number:
commitment with an unwavering naso|wa while akmeye respecting the rights and dignity of
those we serve. NCPD's Administrative Division has many years of experience
successfully managing federal and state gr8nts, including grants from State Homeland
Gecurity, Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Pnograrn, Urban Area Security
Initiative, the Office of Traffic Safety, and JUShCH Assistance.
NCP[). CVV8. and 8BC8 have worked collaboratively on DVRTservices for adult
victims and children since 1989. Originally, the OVRT only responded in cases where
children were preaent, but was later expanded to include all DV calls. For tile last 3
years, DV Advocates have been stationed full-time at the NCPO in order to provide
immediate response and have direct liaison with PO staff, This close contact ensures
mutual trust and cooperation and facilitates information sharing among the partners.
In the past. DV Advocates have found that victims are less receptive to
accessing foUovvup services if the follow-up contact takes place more than 72 hours
after the crisis is over. Hovvewar, if follow-up mon/|ces are suggested during the initial
OVRTvinit. clients one 50Y6 more likely t0connect with needed services. For this reason,
the roll call traininga greatly stress the importance of ensuring that the D\ RTAdvonates
are called immediate|y, so that this critical window of Opportunity is not missed. The
DVRT project also ennp|nya e Data Entry/Program Aide who is responsible for all data
entry of the project.
3BCG in the lead agency in the South Bay Regional Collaborative (GBRC), o
partnership between SBCS and the nagion'Sfour community coU8boradves. ChUdren'S
Hospital, and YyWC/\ Family Stress Counseling Services, The 3BRC is also contracted
with the County of San Diego to provide Community Services for Families (C8F) in the
South Region referred by the Chi|dren'n G8n/ine3 BUn)8U. These services include noee
management, parenting o|8a8eS. Support gnoupa, specialized training, and
prevention/referral services. 8BCS will ensure that victims with children who are served
p,ojectwa,muve- ca|eMx 2'108 (ne"iseuo1000e)
Applicant: National City Police Dept. Grant Number:
through the DVRT will be linked into the CSF program. The NCPD will facilitate a
quarterly Multi -Disciplinary Team (MDT) meeting to discuss domestic violence topics
with allied agencies, including hospitals, Adult Protection Services, Child Welfare
Services and the other DV Providers.
This collaboration demonstrates the region's intention to work together
toward the mutual goal of providing maximum available assistance for domestic
violence child victims. The outcome will be a permanent community collaboration
of public and private agencies providing response and focused,
comprehensive follow-up services for child victims of family violence. As a result
of contact with any of the partners of the Collaborative, child and adult victims of
domestic violence will gain automatic access to a wide array of services,
supports, and resources that will help therebuild self-sufficient, non-violent
lives for themselves and their children.
Project Narrative - CaleMA 2-108 (Revised 2/1/2009)
Applicant: City of National City, Police Dept. Grant Number:
Budget Narrative
The budget supports the objectives by using the majority of funds for direct service activities.
Part A: Personnel Services
The grant supports a .75 FIE Police Officer, who will participate in the CEDV-SRP Team,
provide immediate and follow-up response to DV calls in which children are present, inform the
other CEDV-SRP Team members (DV Advocate and CWS Social Worker) when responding to
such calls, participate in cross -training, protocol development, data sharing, case consultation,
MDT meetings, and program coordination. Qualifications: Graduation from high school or
possession of 12th grade G.E.D. certificate, and completion of Basic Police Academy. Benefits:
Medicate, Uniform Allowance, LTD Insurance, Insurance with Compensation, Life AD/D
Insurance, Pers (retirement), and Health Insurance. Total w/ benefits $106,250. (12 Months).
Part B: Operating
Subcontract with South Bay Community Services for one .5 F- l E DV Advocate, to work
on the CEDV SRP team. The DV Advocate will participate in the CEDV-SRP Team, provide
immediate and follow-up response to DV calls in which children are present, participate in cross -
training, protocol development, data sharing, case consultation, MDT meetings, and program
coordination. The DV Advocate will be located full time at the NCPD. Qualifications: Min. 1-year
experience in child, youth, and family services field, preferably in a community based service
organization. Experience in the areas of individual, group, and family counseling, outreach,
community education and development, advocacy, and case management. Ability to work with a
diverse cultural population. B.A. or B.S. degree, (M.A. or M.S.W. preferred) in social work,
psychology, or related field, experience may be substituted. 40 Hour DV training. Bilingual
preferred. The total sub -contract is $55,850 (12 Months).
There is no Subcontract with the County of San Diego for.5 FTE CWS Social Worker.
The county does not wish to participate fully as hoped and is not seeking any of the grant funds.
Budget Narrative - CalEMA 2-107 (Revised 2/1/2009)
App|ioanL City ofNational CitY, Police Dept. GnentNumber
None the |eaa. the Social Worker is committed to participate in the CED\/8RP Teom, provide
follow-up response to DV oaUS in which children are proa8nL, participate in cnoSs-tnaining,
protocol deve|opment, data aharinQ. Cone consultation, MOT meetings, and program
coordination. CVVS worker will not be available for 24hr coUout but is mxarhinQ on site once @
vve8h at NCPDwith the CEDV Police Officer and 8BCSAdvooato. Officers Will use CVV8 24hr
hotline to report. Child Abuse per current |ovvs, policy and pnoLoC0i Qualifications: BA in snoio|
work from an accredited college or university; OR; BA from an accredited college or uniwenskv
with at least 24 semester units in the behavioral scienoem. AND. 1 year ofwork experience or
oennesters of supervised internship experience in a family or chi|dnen's service ,agency
performing duties of supervision, tnaeLrnenL Or protective services 10 children.
National City PD is using the $3.000 to send several porsODOe1 tO trGi0iMg. inCiUdinQ Lh�
CEDV oOC8r, pD|iCo officers, detectives and the SBCS) AdYoc,,,ateB whQ 'are in DV
investigations and / or CEDV — DV training. C@| ENLA, sl@ff dUr!nB ea#ieer EV pro]8Ctm
encouraged our project personnel LV attend 3s 0UCh %1noiMiDQ and conferences 3� ponSib|e
related to the p[0g[ann Of {}hi|d[SD Exposed to, DV. -and iO train others iDVoWU in the, D'V
prooess, ooithas been opriority,
Total Funds Regueated:
Total amountborequest for EV11 /FY2O11-2O12>|S$175.00U.
Grant t_.
A- Personal Services -Salaries/Employee Benefits
Police Officer Salary (CEDVInvestigator)
Police Corporal 5),.75RE
Educational Incentive
Bi-LingualPey DUfPs9
Total Personnel -
LTD Insumnoo
Workers Comp
Tota|6ablry & Benefits =
Senior Office Assistant- Oveh-timeData En(�y
,$18,80per hour h»meand half =$28.21 per hour x12O hours =$3.385.20
Enter Data into CEFjV Police Computer Database
raining Coordinator - Overtime CEQVTmininyAsnosmenta8Admin.
2U3per hour @ time and half =$30.88per hour x00hours =$1.858�8O
Cal EMA2-100b(Revised 1/Z011)budget pages without match
Grant Recipient:
B. Operating Expenses
Sub Contract DVRT Advocate
Program Director
DVRT Advocate
DVRT - On Call Staff
Contract Compliance Staff
Total Salaries=
FICA 7.625%
SUI @ 4.25% of first $7,000
Insurance Y Vicornpensation @, 2 (1
Health Insurance
Total Benefits
Total Personnel
Non -Personnel
Office Supplies
Total Non -Personnel
Total Direct Cost
Admin Overhead @ 5% Direct Cost
Total Cost
South Bay Community Servci
Annual Salary
65,000 10%
40,456 50% (@ 19.45/hr)
19,500 50% (@ 75.00 /shift
36,400 10%
Irrc'ireat Costs National amity
Flat rate not exceeding 10% of Personnel Salaries
Celt Phone CEDV Officer
Office Supplies
DV Outreach Supplies ar d Pri ti
Subsistence (Lodging and Meals 50%
Tuition 20%
Travel 20%
12 forecasted nights @ $84 per night - $1008
$36.00 per diem @ 12 days = $432
1000 miles @.051 cents/mile to and from m $510
5 registrations @ $155.00 ea. $775
Incidentals 10%
Training is for all personnel including police personnel and advocates attending
CEDV program related training.
$1 5;n0
Grant Numb
2, 023
$2,51 6
2 66Q
Cal EMA 2-106b (Revised 1/2011) budget pages without match
Grant Red
C. Equipment
e Grant Award Face Sheet
Cal EMA 2-106b (Revised 1/2011) budget pages without match
��KU ` �������r
PROJECT .`_.~~--- ' _--~ _— — ''
1. ��ANT�����NQ.
2. PROJECT TITLE Children Exposed mDomestic Violence nnProgram 1001&011 to 08130/2012
(this is the same amount as 10G of
Name� —`—'--�--` Phone '---- � ____ the GmrAAward Face She�)
�1243 National City Blvd.
National City
1200 National City Blvd.
Zip: 919150
National City
Fax #:
The CEDV-SRP will be a component of the existing Domestic Violence response team (DVIRT).The DVIRTwill be
expanded to include an additional .5 FTE DV Advocate, a CWS Social Worker, and a,75 FTE Police Officer who
will join the DVRT to address the immediate and longer -term needs of any child who has been exposed to DV.
Team members will also pmrhnipoh+ in onma-tmininU, pmt000| development, data sharing., ouaa ounso}&uUon. MDT
meetings, and program coordination. As a result of contact with any of the partners of the Coll abo ra five, child and
adult victims of domestic violence will gain autornatic accesB to a wide array of services, supports,and resources
that will help them rebuild self-sufficient, non-violent lives for themrjelvesand their children.
— --'
Child Mtnesses to domestic violence experience seriou5 trauma which, without intervention, can result in physical,
m��Uo��.und�avo�pmen�ldelyaand i�uhamThepr��x wU}ia�e��ceinNaUo��Ci�`}o*a\eJinNe
southwestern portion clSan Diego County with upopulo8konof03`537(5S%Hispanic, 17Y6P|,15%VVhdo.
6% African -American, and 3% Other). Situated very close to the Mexican border, National City's domestic violence
rate of 23 per 1,000 households is the third highest in the county, and the city suffers frorn high rates of violent crime,
N unemployment, family poverty, and substance abuse.
Ensure the CEDV-SRP Team receive specialized DV training in their own discipline and each others roles;
n CEDV-SRP protocol; Develop u compmhenoNe computerized database; Provide immediate on -site response b8G
DVcalls where children are present-, Attempt to provide follow-up with GGDVadult victims and their children; Conduct
24 in person case conferences-, Facilitate 6 MDT mosh\nQo; Complete comprehensive programmatic evaluation.
Project Summary - CalEMA 2-150 (formerly OES 227) (Revised 2/1r2009)
Provide staff training and cross -training.
Review existing DVRT protocol to incorporate recommended child -related issues.
Provide immediate on -site response and follow-up services to all DV calls where children are present.
Conduct 24 in person case conferences.
Facilitate 6 MDT meetings.
Complete a comprehensive programmatic evaluation.
11. EVALUATION (if applicable)
An Evaluator will complete a comprehensive programmatic evaluation. The
evaluation will measure the impact the program has on reducing trauma to
children exposed to domestic violence and increasing their safety. The
evaluation is due in June 2011,
(these are the same amounts as on
Budget Pages)
(if applicable)
66 DV cases where children
are present
Project Summary - CaIEMA 2-150 (formerly OES 227) (Revised 2/1/2009)
Equipment TOTAL
Complete this form to report the total funds available to support the activities related to
accomplishing the goals and objectives of the Grant Award Agreement In the "Grant
Funds" column, report the CaIEMA funds requested by category. In the "Other Funds"
column, report all other funds available to support the project by category and then
calculate the totals by category in the "Program Total" column. Total each column to
arrive at the total program funds available
Personal Services
Operating Expenses
(Use only the grant funds
identified in the
preceding budget pages.)
(Enter numbers without $ or decimal points.)
-rely Ai
35,417 $146,91]
28,460 I $91,966
This form does not become f the grant ,avvard,
Other Funding Sources - CalEMA 2-151 (formerly OES 653) (Revised 2/1/2009)
List all currently funded Cal EMAprojects 8nUaUC@|EMAgn8DtSmw@rdGdh)thGappUnard
during the last five fiscal years. Include the fiscal year 0foperation, the grant number and the
amount OfCal EK8Afunding. For current and proposed grants that include positions funded bv
more than one Cal EMA grant, list these personnel by title and the percentage of the position
funded bvCal EyNA. The percentage Offunding must not exceed 1O0percent for any one
Project Director
Project Director
Project Director
Prior, Current and Proposed Cal EMA Funding 2-152 (Revised 612011)
1 COUNTY OR COUNTIES SERVED: Enter the name(s) of the county or counties
served by the project. Put an asterisk where the project's principal office is
San Diego County
2. U.S. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT(S): Enter the number(s) of the U.S.
Congressional District(s) which the project serves. Put an asterisk for the district
where the project's principal office is located.
" 44th Congressional District
3. STATE ASSEMBLY DISTRICT(S): Enter the number(s) of the State Assembly
District(s) which the project serves. Put an asterisk for the district where the
project's principal office is located.
80th State Assembly District
4. STATE SENATE DISTRICT(S): Enter the number(s) of the State Senate
District(s) that the project serves. Put an asterisk for the district where the
project's principal office is located.
*40th State Senate District
5. POPULATION OF SERVICE AREA: Enter the total population of the area
served by the project.
Project Service Area Information 2-154 (Revised 2/1/2009)