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The Community Corridor Improvements Project, Specification No. 12-05, proposes
improvements to three (3) important Community Corridors in National City as follows:
4th Street: The Project will implement pedestrian/bicycle enhancements and traffic
calming measures along 41" Street from Roosevelt Avenue to Harbison Avenue.
Improvements include roughly 2.0 miles of Class II bicycles facilities (striped bike lanes,
bike signage, and bicycle detector loops and green bicycle boxes at signalized
intersections), high -visibility crosswalks, curb extensions, pedestrian refuge islands,
signing and striping, and reverse angle parking,
Coolidge Avenue/181" Street: The project will implement pedestrian/bicycle
enhancements and traffic calming measures along Coolidge Avenue from 18th Street to
Plaza Boulevard, and along 18t" Street from Wilson Avenue to D Avenue.
improvements include new sidewalks, ADA curb ramps, curb extensions, crosswalks, a
raised speed table, signing and striping, bike lanes, landscapelhardscape, and lighting
D Avenue: The project will implement pedestrian/bicycle enhancements and traffic
calming measures along D Avenue from Division Street to 30t" Street. Improvements
include roughly 2.0 miles of Class II and III bicycle facilities (striped bike lanes, bike
signage, sharrow pavement markings, and bicycle detector loops and green bicycle
boxes at signalized intersections), high -visibility crosswalks, a traffic calming roundabout
at '121" Street, curb extensions, pedestrian refuge islands, landscaping, lighting
enhancements, and reverse angle parking. Bicycle enhancements will also be
implemented along 30t" Street between D Avenue and Hoover Avenue, and along
Hoover Avenue between 30t" Street and the entrance to the Sweetwater River Bikeway
at 33rd Street.
In June, 2013, the bid solicitation was advertised in local newspapers and posted on the City's
website for the Community Corridor Improvements Project, Specification No. 12-05.
On July 22, 2013 four seated bids were received by tho 3:00pm deadline, opened and publically
disclosed. Pal General Engineering, lnc. was the apparent low bidder with a total bid amount of
Upon review of all documents submitted and reference checks, including information provided
during an administrative hearing regarding preliminary findings, Pal General Engineering is the
lowest responsible bidder qualified to perform the work as described in the project
Attached are the bid opening information sheet and the three lowest bidders summary sheet for
your information.
Staff recommendation is to, 1) award a contract in the not to exceed amount of $4,212,486.25 to
Pal General Engineering, Inc. for the Community Corridor Improvements Project, Specification
Number 12-05; 2) authorize a 15% contingency in the amount of $631,872.94 for any
unforeseen changes; and 3) authorize the Mayor to execute the contract.
Funding is available through various grants and Prop A.