SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105- 2219
VOICE (415) 004- 5200
FAX (415) 904. 5400
TDD (415) 597-5$85
The California Coastal Commission announces the availability of Fiscal Year 2013-2014 grants
to support local government development or update of their Local Coastal Programs (LCPs)
under the California Coastal Act to conserve and protect coastal resources with special emphasis
on addressing impacts from climate change and sea -level rise. The grant application form is
available here: http:llwww_coastal.ca.gov/lcp/lcpgrantprogram.html.
The purpose of these grants is to support local coastal punning to develop new LCPs for
certification in areas that are not currently certified, or to update existing certified LCPs to reflect
new information and changed conditions, especially in light of the effects of climate change, in a
manner fully consistent with the policies of the California Coastal Act. LCP completions and
updates to include policies and implementing ordinances that address sea -level rise and other
climate change impacts will be given special consideration.
LCP Grant Application Form FY 13-14
The Commission staff is available to work with local governments and to assist you during the
application process. For staff contact information, please see page 9.
The LCP Program is an essential component of the California Coastal Act. LCPs implement the
statewide goals and policies of the Coastal Act at the local level. LCPs are required by the
Coastal Act for each coastal jurisdiction. LCPs must specify the kind, location, and intensity of
land uses, the applicable resource protection and development policies and implementing
ordinances, and must be developed with the widest opportunity for public participation. LCPs
and LCP update amendments are developed by local governments, and, once certified by the
Commission, the local government assumes responsibility for issuance of most coastal
development permits pursuant to the certified LCP. The Commission retains some continuing
permit authority and authority to hear appeals of some local coastal permits acted on by local
Goal 4 of the Commission's adopted Strategic Plan' is to strengthen the LCP Program. One
important way to do this is to complete the certification of LCPs. While most of the coast
(approximately 85% of the geographic area) is governed by a certified LCP, there are some
remaining uncertified areas. When these areas become certified, local government would assume
responsibility for issuing most coastal development permits in these areas. This would allow
local government more control and input with respect to coastal regulation, while at the same
time allowing the Commission to focus more resources on assisting with matters of statewide
significance and oversight, including with respect to ongoing review and coordination with local
governments on LCP update and implementation.
Many important public access, coastal resource protection, and priority coastal development
issues remain to be more comprehensively addressed by an updated LCP in these areas, as
contemplated by the Coastal Act.
In addition to the areas that are not yet certified, many of the LCPs that were certified in the
1980s and 1990s are out of date and would benefit from updating to reflect changed conditions,
new information and knowledge, and new programs and policies, especially those related to
climate change and sea -level rise. Updated LCPs provide more certainty for economic
development and enable stronger coastal resource protection in light of current environmental
conditions and other factors.
Financial assistance has, and will continue to be, a critical means to assist local governments in
their coastal planning. Such financial assistance can serve as an incentive for local governments
to undertake such planning work. However, with available funds limited, it is essential that the
Commission gives emphasis to producing the most value for these funds. The proposals for these
California Coastal Commission, Strategic Plan 2013-201 S, Approved April 2013. Accessed on 8/1/2013 at
http:l/www.coastal.ca.gov/California%20Coastal%20Commission%20Fina1%20Strategic%20P1 an%202013-
LCP Grant Application Form FY 13-14
LCP grant funds will require a complete work program, benchmarks and a schedule for
completion of the LCP planning work. The Commission will review and approve the
recommended award of any grant funds, and the proposed work programs will be part of that
future action. Thus, as proposed, this grant program will facilitate the completion and update of
LCPs consistent with the provisions of the Coastal Act and California Code of Regulations.
Applications are due November 22. 2013. Application packets must be RECEIVED by 5
pm, November 22, 2013. Proposals must be emailed or mailed; faxed responses will not be
lithe governing body of an applicant cannot adopt a resolution similar to Attachment A of the
application by this date, the applicant can submit the proposal with a draft resolution, provide a
date for when the governing body will consider adoption of the resolution and submit the
adopted resolution by 5 pm, December 19, 2013. All other materials must be submitted by the
November 22, 2013 deadline. Applications will not be deemed complete until an adopted
resolution is received. Applications that do not contain a final, adopted resolution by 5 pm,
December 19, 2013 will not be considered for funding.
The Commission plans to award grants in early 2014.
The grant application must include the Application Form, Project Description, Work Program,
Budget, Schedule, and a resolution from the applicant's governing body (either adopted or noting
when adoption will occur). The application form can be downloaded here:
http://www.coastal.ca.gov/lcps/LCPGrantProgram.html. The application must include a
resolution adopted by the governing authority. A sample resolution is available in Attachment A
of the Application Form.
Please subunit the completed application form, including all attachments, via email to
LCPGrantProgram@,coastal.ca.gov. Submit all application materials in a single PDF document
AND submit the application form in a word document. If you are unable to submit via email, you
may mail a CD a,nd laid copy o:
Hilary Papendick
Statewide LCP Grant Coordinator
California is Coastal Commission
45 Fremont Street, Suite 2000
San Francisco, CA 94105
Please note: all information that you submit is subject to the unqualified and unconditional right
of the State of California to use, reproduce, publish, or display it, free of charge. All documents
LCP Grant Application Form FY 13-14
submitted will be considered a public record upon submittal. Please indicate if credit is requested
for any photos and/or maps.
A complete grant application package will consist of the following materials:
1. The Application Summary (see attached form).
2. A Project Description (written in 12-point font) of no more than 5-7 pages, single-spaced,
including the following information, organized under subheadings to describe how the
proposed project will address the grant priorities and criteria:
(a) The goals and objectives of your project, how you will accomplish each objective, and
how your objectives will accomplish your goals. (Objectives should be simple,
understandable and as specific and measurable as possible).
(b) Project details, including a specific description of how the project will be carried out,
including specific plans for community outreach and how the project will address grant
priorities and criteria (see page 6). Also, please include a description of the factors that
will ensure the successful completion and implementation of the project.
(c) Information on the need for the requested funding, including a description of any
other resources that are available and/or that will be applied to the project. If the project is
expected to continue beyond the end of this grant term, explain the longer -term funding plan.
3. A Work Program, Budget and Schedule for the project, with benchmarks for reporting.
(Bear in mind that funds will not be available until early spring 2014 and some work tasks
must be scheduled to begin on or before April 30, 2014.) Please include:
a. Description of tasks, cost of tasks, products and schedule; and
b. Description of any applicable work product benchmark and projected status reports.
(See the sample Application Budget Form.)
4. A resolution from the applicant's governing body that contains the following
authorizations: 1) authority to submit the proposal, 2) authority to enter into a contract with
the California Coastal Commission if the grant is awarded, and 3) designation of the
applicant's authorized representative (name and title). Resolutions should also contain clear
statements of commitment to full completion of the intended grant process, including
submission of applicable LCP products (LCP submittal or amendment) to the Commission
for review.
A total of $1,000,000 is available for awards through this competitive grant program for FY
2013-2014. There are no established minimum or maximum grant amounts. Based on prior grant
experience, we expect the applications to range in amount from $50,000 to $300,000 and that the
number and total dollar amount of the applications will exceed the available funds. Awards may
be offered for less than an applicant requests. It is anticipated, but not guaranteed, that an
additional round of grants for at least S 1,000,000 will be available in FY 2014-2015.
LCP Grant Application Form FY 13-14
Local governments in the coastal zone are the only eligible applicants_ These grants are intended
to provide assistance to local governments responsible for developing and amending Local
Coastal Programs under the Coastal Act. Based on the appropriation, other entities with authority
for developing and amending other plans under the Coastal Act, such as Port Master Plans, Public
Works Plans or University Long Range Development Plans are not eligible.
Pursuant to the Commission's LCP Grant Program adopted priorities [see
http://documents.coastaLca.govlreports/2013/8/W3lb-8-2013.pdf], projects may include:
• Completion of land use plan andlor zoning work to achieve certification of a Local
Coastal Program (LCP) or an Area of Deferred Certification (ADC) resulting in the new
transfer of coastal development permit authority to the local government in these areas;
• Planning andlor zoning work to significantly update certified LCPs or LCP segments in
whole or in part to reflect changed conditions, new information and scientific knowledge,
new programs and policies, or other significant changed circumstances.
• LCPs and Updates that address the effects of climate change, such as sea -level rise, will
be given special consideration.
• Completion of updated resource studies or other potential components needed to
complete an LCP submittal or LCP amendment may only be eligible if they are part of an
LCP Amendment or submittal that otherwise ranks high on the criteria for grant awards,
such as a high likelihood of success to address an important coastal resource issue or set
of issues.
Because the funds were appropriated to focus on LCP completion and update, project -specific
LCP Amendments are not eligible for these grants unless such proposals will result in
certification of an LCP for a complete ADC or complete LCP segment.
Completed proposals received by November 22, 2013 will be evaluated by a committee of
Commission staff. Proposals lacking 5nal adopted resolutions will be reviewed, but will not be
considered for funding absent submittal of a final, adopted resolution by December 19, 2013. As
a competitive grant program, Commission staff will review and evaluate the applications based
on the project's relative significance and how well it meets the Selection Criteria stated below.
Commission star will prepare a listing of all applications received and recommendations for
award of grants to the Coastal Commission for review and action at a public hearing in January
LCP Grant Application Form FY 13-14
or February 2014. Applicants may be contacted to provide additional information during the
review process. Commission staff may seek assistance in evaluating the proposals from
individuals and/or technical experts with pertinent expertise from other governmental agencies.
The level of funding that staff will recommend to the Commission for a particular award will be
determined by evaluating the grant requests against other considerations including:
• the amount of available grant funds ($1,000,000) and the number of competing proposals;
• the sequence of tasks and likelihood of timely completion of the work program;
• the necessity of each task; and,
• the reasonableness of costs proposed for specific tasks.
The Commission will base the size of the recommended award on each project' s needs, its
overall benefits, and the extent of competing demands for funds.
Applications for FY 13-14 LCP planning grants will be evaluated for their ability to complete or
update an LCP. Projects selected for funding will be those that best meet the Commission's
following adopted criteria:
♦ PubIic Benefit/Significance
The Commission will consider the extent to which the proposed LCP planning effort will address
issues of statewide significance and maximize public benefits of the coast. These can include:
preserving and enhancing coastal habitat, protecting, providing and enhancing public access,
protecting priority land uses such as agriculture, coastal dependent development or recreation,
Smart Growth and sustainable development initiatives, protecting and providing lower cost
visitor and recreational opportunities, and addressing climate change and sea -level rise.
Provisions for citizen participation must be a part of the work program.
♦ Relative Need for LCP Update/Extent of Update
The Commission will consider the relative need for an LCP update, considering the length of
time since an LCP or LCP segment has been updated and the significance of the issues proposed
to be updated. In addition, the extent or scope of an update is an important consideration, with
higher priority being placed on proposed updates of greater extent/scope, such as a complete
LCP update, or an update that results in comprehensive updating of one or more policy areas or a
geographic sub -area. Applicants will be asked to demonstrate how the proposed project will be
effective in conserving and protecting coastal resources, and how the proposed project builds
upon or complements existing efforts that may be underway or completed for their local
♦ Addressing the Effects of Climate Change
Climate change is one of the most significant policy areas to emerge since many LCPs have been
certified. The Commission is seeking LCP development and updates that address the effects of
climate change, including sea -level rise and other coastal hazards, as well as other issue areas
affected by climate change, such has changes in habitat, fire hazards, and transportation and land
LCP Grant Application Form FY 13-14
use policy to facilitate reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and vehicle miles travelled.
Special consideration will be given to proposals that address this policy area.
♦ Likelihood of Success/Effectiveness
An applicant will need to specifically explain how this grant will support development, or update
of an LCP. The applicant should describe the complete planning process, steps or mechanisms
for coordination with the Coastal Commission, and how this grant would advance that process.
Applicants should provide a detailed timeline for implementation of the project and identify the
specific elements of their LCP that they expect to update through this work. if your jurisdiction
previously received LCP grant funds but are not yet certified, please explain why current
circumstances make the success of this planning effort more likely. The Commission will
consider the likelihood of success of each proposal, including evaluating the practicality,
feasibility, and effectiveness of a proposed work program that may lead to succcssfal
Proposals should address the mechanisms for coordination with the public and with the Coastal
Commission, and provide for practicable benchmarks for LCP amendment development and
review. Other material in support of these criteria may include resolutions of intent and
endorsement for the proposed work, matching funds or other complementary efforts (see below),
that may signal broad support for the planning effort and that may affect the likelihood that an
LCP amendment will be successfully completed. Applicants will be asked to describe any LCP
and related planning work that has been initiated or is already underway at the local level and
how this grant program is needed to substantially further that effort.
For new LCP development, the local government should demonstrate its willingness and
capacity to assume local coastal development permit processing. Some areas of the coastal zone
remain uncertified because the Commission and local government have been unable to reach
agreement on the resolution of issues, or an issue is particularly intractable. When reviewing
applications, the Commission will consider the likelihood that such areas and specific policy
questions can be successfully addressed, leading to certification of the area.
• Workload
The Commission will consider the level of existing permit workload generated by uncertified
jurisdictions and thus the relative statewide benefits of certification of any particular jurisdiction
♦ Project Integration/Leverage/Matching Funds
Grant amounts will be limited and the ability to leverage other resources, provide matching funds
or commit significant in -kind resources that could help support a comprehensive LCP
certification effort or update will be considered. The Commission will consider the relationship
of the LCP work program to other planning work being undertaken by the jurisdiction.
Applicants will be asked to describe any other related grants awarded or applied for (such as
through the Ocean Protection Council, Coastal Conservancy or the Strategic Growth Council)
that may support the LCP planning work and any availability and amount of local matching
funds. Applicants will need to demonstrate their capacity to achieve the proposed work,
including identifying key staff and other resources that will be committed to the project.
However, the matching funds criteria may be waived for communities that demonstrate hardship.
Such communities should explain the circumstances for such consideration.
LCP Grant Application Form FY 13-14
Projects recommended for funding are subject to Coastal Commission approval. Project funding
will not be available until after approval of the grant award by the Commission at a noticed
public meeting, and upon the execution of a funding contract between the Commission and the
grantee. The earliest possible Commission meeting at which projects will be considered is
January 2014.
1. Commission. The Coastal Commission will draft and execute the contracts and review, and
approve and process invoices under the contracts. The Commission will also appoint an LCP
grants project representative to function as the main point of contact for grantees.
2. Grantee. The grantee must assume responsibility for administering the project, including:
employing any necessary staff or consultants, maintaining complete accounting and time
records, and providing fiscal management. The grantee must designate a project director. The
project director may be a staff member of the applicant agency or an elected official. The
project director will be the main point of contact for the Commission and will be responsible
for reviewing and signing the work products prepared as part of the program. If awarded a
grant, all contracts with the state, and any subcontract under the grant, must comply with all
provisions of the State Public Contract Code, State Administrative Manual, and the State
Contracting Manual (see Application, Attachment C for a sample contract, including contract
terms and conditions).
3. Payment. Grant funds will not be available in advance of expenditures. Expenses will be
paid in arrears no more than once per month upon submission of an approved invoice by
the grantee. Reimbursement will be dependent upon successful completion of work
benchmarks detailed in the contract. Based on work program and budget, grant
reimbursements may be made up to 80% of the grant award pending final completion of the
4. Schedule. Because the funds for these grants were appropriated in FY 2013-2014, which ends on
June 30, 2014, proposals must include work tasks that begin on or before April 30, 2014.
Grantees will have two years to complete tasks, and must be completed by April 30, 2016.
The California Coastal Act and California Code of Regulations may be accessed from the
Coastal Commission website at:
http:/Iwww .coastal.ca. gov/ccatc.html#otherlegislation
Information on Updating the LCP can be reviewed at:
Information on LCP status and history can be reviewed at:
LCP Grant Application Form FY 13-14
Coastal Commission staff are pleased to assist local governments during preparation. of LCP
grant applications. Please send questions on the grant application process to Hilary Papendick,
Statewide LCP Grant Coordinator, via email at LCPGrantProgram(aocoastal.ca.gov, (415)
904-5294. A frequently asked questions document will be posted to the Coastal Commission
website. Questions regarding the LCP process and update approach should be directed to the
relevant Coastal Commission district contact person, via phone or email.. LCP Grant contacts for
the district offices are listed below.
North Coast (Del Norte, Humboldt, Mendocino Counties)
- Alison Dettmer, Deputy Director
Email: Alison.Dettrner@coastal.ca.gov, Phone: (415) 904-5200
Bob Merrill, District Manager
Email: Bob.Merrill@,coastal.ca.gov, Phone: (707) 826-8950
North Central Coast (Sonoma, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo Counties)
- Dan Carl, Deputy Director
Email: Dan.Carl@coastal.ca.gov, Phone: (831) 427-4863
Madeline Cavaliers, District Manager
Email: Madeline.Cavalieri@coastaLca.gov, Phone: (831) 427-4863
Central Coast (Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Luis Obispo Counties)
- Dan Carl, Deputy Director
Email: Dan.CarlAcoastal.ca.gov, Phone: (831) 427-4863
Madeline Cavalieri, District Manager
Email: Madeline.Cavalieri(a coastal.ca.gov, Phone: (831) 427-4863
South Central Coast (Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties, and the Malibu portion of Los
Angeles Counties)
- John (Jack) Ainsworth, Senior Deputy Director
Email- John.Ainsworth@coastal.ca.gov, Phone: (805) 585-1800
Steve Hudson, District Manager
Email: Steve.Hudson@coastal.ca.gov, Phone: (805) 585-1800
South Coast (Los Angeles (except Malibu) and Orange Counties)
- John (Jack) Ainsworth, Senior Deputy Director
Email: John.Ainsworth@coastal.ca.gov, Phone: (562) 590-5071
LCP Grant Application Form FY 13-14
Sherilyn Sarb, Deputy Director
Email: SherilynSarb(a7coastal.ca.gov, Phone: (562) 590-5071
Teresa Henry, District Manager
Email: Teresa.Henry@coastal.ca.gov, Phone: (562) 590-5071
San Diego (San Diego County)
- Sherilyn Sarb, Deputy Director
Email: Sherilyn.Sarb@a,coastal.ca.gov, Phone: (619) 767-2370
- Deborah Lee, District Manager
Email: Deborah.LeeAcoastal.ca.gov. Phone: (619) 767-2370
Liz Fuchs, Manager, Statewide Planning (Available after September 20th)
Email: Elizabeth.Fuchs@a,coastal.ca.gov, Phone: (415) 904-5287