HomeMy WebLinkAboutInvestment Report ended September 30, 2013. (Finance)o- C.ALI:FORN..!A.+-a- T1 ao City Council Staff Report December 17, 2013 ITEM Staff` Report: Investment Report for the quarter ended September 30, 2013. BACKGROUND The California Government Code (§ 53646(b)) requires that, when the treasurer or the chief fiscal officer of a local agency renders to the legislative body of the agency a quarterly report on the agency's investment portfolio, such report shall include the following information regarding all securities, investments, andmoneys held by the local agency: type of investment; i► issuer (bank or institution); r' date of maturity; r dollar amount invested; and current market valuation as of the date of the report, In addition, the Government Code (§ 53646(b)(2)) requires that the report state the City's compliance with its investment policy and include a statement regarding the ability of the local agency to meet its pool's ability to meet its expenditure requirements Code (§ 53646(b)(3)). OVERVIEW OF CITY INVESTMENTS The City's pooled investment portfolio balance as of September 30, 2013 is summarized below and compared to the balance as of September 30, 2012. 9/30/2013 9/30/2012 Book Value 1 $ 57,226,835 $ 53,961,651 Market Value 2 $ 66,985,205 $ 53,885,249 (1) actual cost of investments (2) amount at which the investments could be sold The California Treasurer's Local Agency Investment Fund ("LA1F") and The County of San Diego Pooled Money Fund comprise 60.24% of the City of National City's total investment portfolio (51.47% and 8,77 %, respectively). These are liquid invest,nent pools that allow participants to earn market rate returns, while retaining access to funds within 24 to 48 hours of a withdrawal request with no penalty. The remainder of the City's portfolio is composed of investments that may be liquidated at any time. However, these investments likely do not provide Page 2 Staff Report: Investment Report for the quarter ended September 30, 2013. December 17, 2013 the short liquidity (Le., quick access to funds) of the pooled money funds, and liquidation/withdrawal of these investments is at the risk of loss and/or penalty to the City. Summaries of the City's investment portfolio are illustrated below. INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO SUMMARY BY ISSUER/MANAGER As of September 30, 2013 Issuer/Manager Local Agency Investment Fund Chandler Asset Management County of San Diego Neighborhood National Bank First Tennessee National Bank2 Totals for September 2013 Book Value 29,314,418 20,412,417 5,000,000 2,000,000 500, 000 Total Market Values 29,331,049 20,140,172 4,998, 000 2,000, 000 515,984 Market % of YTM Portfolio 0.24% 0.49% 0,41 % 0.65% 1.97% 51.47% 35.34% 8.77% 3.51% 0.91 % 1 includes accrued Interest 2 calculated on 30f360 basis County of San Diego $4,998.000_ Chandler Asset' Management $20,140,172 57,226335 56,035,205 0.00 100.00% TOTAL MARKET VALUE $56,985,205 Neighborhood National Bank $2,000,000 %%AN\ '411111111. First Tennessee National Bank2 $515,984 ----Local Agency Investment Fund 1000•01 $29, 331.049 Page 3 Staff Report: Investment Report for the quarter ended September 30, 2013. December 17, 2013 INVESTMENT PERFORMANCE BY ISSUER/MANAGER For the Quarter Ended September 30, 2013 Issuer/Manager Local Agency Investment Fund Chandler Asset Management County of San Diego Neighborhood National Bank (CDARS CD) First Tennessee National Bank Totals for September 2013 includes accrued interest 2 withdrew $2,094,000 on 8/29/2013 Total Market Value 6/30/13 9/30/13 Change Yield (Net) $ 31,408,418 $ 29,331,049 $ (2,077,369) a 0.29% 1.32% 2.42% 20,073,957 20,140,172 4,968,000 4,998,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 519,354 515,984 66,215 30,000 3,279 0.65% (3,370) 0.31% r$ 58,969,729 $ 56,985,205 $ (1,981,245) %.' COMPLIANCE STATEMENT All of the City's investments are in compliance with the City's investment policy (City Council Policy No. 203) and the California Government Code (§ 53601 et seq). FINANCIAL STATEMENT Realized and unrealized gains/(losses), reflected below, for the period were $120,519. These changes include changes in security market values, gain/(loss) from the sale of assets, accrued interest, and reinvested interest/earnings. Issuer/Manager Gain/(Loss) Chandler Asset Management County of San Diego First Tennessee Bank 1 LAIF Neighborhood National Bank 1 Totals for September 2013 ' interest paid to the City is not reinvested 66,215 30,0007 1,194 19,83171 3,279 $ 120,519 Staff certifies that there are sufficient funds to meet the pool's expenditure requirements. RECOMMENDATIONS Accept and file the Investment Report for the quarter ended September 30, 2013. CR Monthly Account Statement City of National City September 1, 2013 through September 30, 2013 Chandler Team For questions about your account, please call (800) 317-4747 or Small operations@chandlerasset.com Custodian Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company Kitty Kwong +1(213)630- 279 Information contained herein is confidential. We urge you to compare this statement to the one you receive from your qualified custodian. Prices are provided by !DC, an independent pricing source 62E5 tWV alsoleverd t ion Mom CA 12fI1 1 Phone 404.317.474t I see M1413T/1 1 Irene cfisnd wseet-owr City of National City Account 610162 PORTFOLIO MII.ARACTERISTICS Average Duration Average Coupon Average Purchase YTM Average Market YTM Average 8&P/Moody Rating Average Final Maturity Average Life 1.75 1.94% 0.55 % OAS % AA+/Aea 1.85 yrs 1.79 yrs SECTOR ALLOCATION As oncY r (776 91) PERFORMANCE REVIEW Total Rate of Return As of M3012013 City of National City Money CNN Market Fund FI (0 1 96) us Ttees'sy (22,2 %) Portfolio Summary As of 9/30/2013 ACCOUNT SOMMARY Bag. Values End Values as of 8131/13 as of t 0/13 Market Value 19,978,365 20.049,145 Accrued Interest 106,814. 91,027 Total Market Value 20,0110,179 20,140,172 Income Earned CortVWD Per Book Value Cost Value 32,921 32,176 -1,006 19,844,935 19,897,421 20,391,939 20,412,417 20,391,939 20,412.417 MATURITY DISTRIBUTION 1-3 Yr TreastrryAgency Chancier Awe Meneg rnent CONFIDENTIAL 35% 30% 2596 2046 15% 1096 5% 96 Si.09i Current Law Year Month 3 Months To Dale 0.28 % 0.34 % 0.14 % TOE' ISSUERS Issuer Government of Untied Stales Federal National Mortgage Assoc Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp Federal Home Loan Bank Federal Farm Credit Bank Federated Govt Obligation Macey % Portfolio 22.2% 22.0% 20A% 19.4 % 15.9 % 0.1 % 100.0 % CREDIT QUALITY (S&P) AA (99.0 96) 1 Yr 3 Yrs 0.25 % N/A 0.22 % 0.29 % 0.29 % 0.37 % NIA Pepe 1 Annuallastl 6 Yra 10 Yrs N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.49 % 2/29/2012 0.48% �tAA (0.1 %) Moos 012 0.77% 0.77% annular Tr,a:1DW2/2013tan PM City of National City Account #10162 Holdings Report As of 9/30113 f'altcha se p Zito CUSP Stirur,ry 0titrit ,or, PM hILirrUndb f3siui, ICIJI1d Cos! V,i1Lrt $11 Price V.oloe '-. of Fo.rr. Moody Mi1L.r.ty Scam, VAILUr Mite YTfi1 ACt1,10.1 in1.. GatIVId:s; S4P AGENCY 8133X3AE8 FHLB Note 3.825% Due 10/18/2013 560,000.00 02/21/2012 0.34 % 590,312.81 500,312.81 100.17 0.29 % 560,931.84 2,83 % Aaa 0.05 9,191.39 (29,380,97) M+ 0.05 3134A4UK8 FHLMC Note 460,000.00 02/24i2012 496,671,18 100.59 482,720.18 2.34 % Aaa 0.13 4.87814 Due 11115/2013 0.3414 495,671.16 0.13 % 8,471.87 (32,941,96) AA+ 0.12 31331RP90 FFCB Note 546,000.00 02/28/2012 593,701.20 101.04 550,588.17 2.78 % Aaa 0.20 5 45% Due 12/11/2013 0,42 % 503,701.20 0.15 % 9,075.78 (43,013.03) AA+ 0.20 31398AV22 FNMA Note 470,000 00 02124/2012 492,683.61 101.20 475,836.24 2,36 % Ms 0.48 2.75% Due 3/13/2014 0.36 % 492,663.61 C.10 % 646.26 (17,047,37) AA+ 0A5 3137EACB3 FHLMC Note 475,000.00 02/21/2012 496,260.53 101.36 461,401,43 2.4214 Aaa 0.56 2.5% Due 443/2014 0.42 % 496,260.53 0,09 % 5,211.81 (14,799.10) AA+ 0.56 3133)C7PK5 FHLB Note 530,000.00 02/21/2012 589,291.10 103.65 549,333.34 2.77 % Aaa 0.72 5.25% Due 8/18/2014 0.4014 589,291.10 0.15 % 7,961.04 (39,957 78) AA+ 0.70 3137EACD9 FHLMC Note _ 470,000.00 02/24/2012 4911,859.88 102.31 480,846.19 2,40 % Aaa 0.82 3% Due 7/28/2014 0.45 % 498,859.88 C.21 % 2,467.50 (18,013.69) AA+ 0.82 81388AZV7 FNMA Note 470,000.00 02J21/2012 498,614,22 1002,80 483,181,15 2.42 % Aaa 1.14 2,625% Due 11/20/2014 0.54 % 496,814.22 0.15 94 4,489.48 (13,433.07) M+ 1,12 313381H24 FHLB Note 625,000.00 06/21/2013 624,343.75 -,00.04 625,268.13 3.11 % Aaa 1.30 0.2514 Due 1/16/2015 0.32 % 624,343,75 0,22 94 325.52 924.38 AA+ 1.29 3137EA0110 FHLMC Note 560,000.00 02124/2012 596,380.18 '.03.55 579,864.48 2.89 % Aaa 1.38 2.875% Due 2/9/2015 0.53 % 598,380.16 (1.25 % 2,325.56 (18.495.68) AA+ 1.34 31331KLE8 FFCB Note 540,000.00 05/16/2013 554,277.60 102.09 551,288.70 2.75 % Aaa 1.63 1.8% Due 5/18/2015 0.2814 554,277.60 0.32 % 3,192.00 (2,988.90) AA+ 1.61 31398AU34 FNMA Note 470,000.00 02/24/2012 497,406.17 03.55 487,174.74 2.43 % Aaa 1.82 2.375% Due 71284016 0.8514 497,406./7 0.37 % 1463,44 (10,231.43) AA+ 1.79 3133EADW5 FFCB Note 425,000.00 04/19/2012 424,280.50 100.12 425,489.18 2.11 % Me 1.88 0.56% Due 8/17/2015 0.80 94 424,260.50 0.48 % 285.e9 1,228.68 AA+ 1.87 3137EACM9 FHLMC Note 535,000 00 02/24/2012 855,189.50 102,54 549,108,49 2.73 % Aaa 1.95 1.76% Due 9/10/2015 0.67 % 555,169.90 0.39 % 540,15 (6,061.01) AA+ 1.92 313370.1135 FHLB Note 566,000.00 01/11/2013 585,407.80 102.55 579,380.94 2.88 % Aaa 1.95 1.75% Due 9111/2015 0.36 % 585,407.80 044 % 549.31 (6,026.86) AA+ 1.92 31398A4M1 FNMA Nate 525,00000 05/06/2013 541,779.00 102.45 637,830.40 2.89 % Ma 2.07 1.625% Due 10126/2015 0.32 % 541,779.00 0.44 % 3,673.18 (3,939.60) AA+ 2.03 313314251 FFCB Note 375,000.00 02/27/2012 386,490.75 102,30 383,612.63 1.92 % Aaa 2,13 1,6%Due 11/16/201s _ 0.6614 368,490.75 0.411 2,109,38 (2,878.12) AA+ 2.09 313371NW2 FHLB Note 600,000.00 11/10/2012 817,928.00 10194 511,020.20 3.05 % Asa 2.20 1.375% Due 12/11/2015 0.39 % 617,928,00 0,45% 2,520.83 (6,307.50) AA+ 2,18 3135005130 FNMA Note 490,000,00 11/26/2012 488,858.30 99.74 458,703.95 2.43 % Me 3.22 0.375% Due 12/21/2016 0.45 % 488,858.30 0.49 % 510.42 (154.35) M+ 2.21 3133ECFV1 FFCB Note 515.000.00 02/25/2013 514,902.15 99.79 513,903.05 2.55 % Aaa 2.33 0.43% Due 149/2016 0.441 514.002.15 0.5214 381.39 (999.10) AA+ 2,31 Chandler Asset Management Page 3 teteeutlee 71ee: 10122013 1:09:39 PM .4;JAICity or National City Account 010182 Holdings Report As of 8t30/13 CL151F Sfet:ut,ty Dracoptan ARBIGY Pin- FM1hh 0itr Pat Y,114:011nlrs took Voelrl Cant Value Book V1alWr eM AI Pend Olai,kNt Valhi& of Part Moody Matt,rri,ry VIM TTM Attn.ad Inr Gaui'Llo5a SeP [1Uratiton 3133EAJU3 FFCB Nola 1.05% Dug 3/28/2018 3135G0BA0 FNMA Note 2.375% Due 4/11/2016 3137EACT4 3137EACW7 FHLMC Nate 2.5% Dike 5/27/2018 FHLMC Note 2% Due 8t2512018 344,310.52 29.75 (1,768.28) AA+ 2.48 391,383.00 1.96 % Ass 2.53 0.88 % 357,992.13 0.83 % 4,205.73 (6,810.13) AA+ 244 375,000.00 03/20/2012 395,804,63 104.80 393,001.13 1.97 % Ms 2.88 1.14 1 395,804,63 0.67 % 3.229,17 (2,803.50) AA+ 2.56 575,000.00 01/09/2013 604.782 00 103.62 695,802.35 2.96 % Asa 2.90 0.58 14 804,762.00 0.74 % 1,150.00 (8,959,85) AA+ 2.82 31331V3Z7 FFCB Note 6.2°/6 Due 9/15/2018 365,000.00 08V22/2012 430,134.25 112.68 411,277.28 2.05 % Asp 2.96 0.88 % 430,134.25 0.85 % 843.56 (18,856.99) AA+ 2.78 313371P112 FHLS Note 1.8251 bug 12/912018 480,000.00 07/29/2012 494,868.80 102,03 489,752,64 2,44 % Ms 3.19 0.97 % 424,688.80 0.98 % 2,422.67 (4,918,16) AA+ 3.09 3135GOGY3 FNMA Note 400,000.00 09/17/2012 409,328.00 1.25% pus 1/30/2017 _ u 031 % 409,328.00 3135G0UY7 FNMA Callable Note 1X 2127/15 1 % Due 2/27/2017 3137EADCO FHLMC Nate 1% Due 3/8/2017 3135G0M23 FNMA Note 0.875% Due 8/28/2017 313378A43 FHLB Note 1.376% Due 3f912018 Taint Agency KOREY PARKET FUND Fl 101.12 404.485.20 2,01 % Asa 9.34 0.91 % _ 847.22 (4,842.80) AA+ 3,25 800,000.00 04/26/2013 605.786,00 100,01 600,045,60 2.981 Ase 3A1 0.74 % 805.766.00 0.99 % 666.67 (5,72040) AA+ 1.39 535,000,00 0812012012 538,388.5E 100.31 0.86 % 638,386.56 0.91 % 545,000.00 06/15/2013 535,429.80 99.01 1.32 % 535.426.80 1.13 % 470,000.00 09/17/2013 464,472.80 99.74 1.65 % 464,472.80 1.44 % 19,855,423.35 16 611,000.00 0,69 % 18,889,423.38 A:51 % 50934N807 Federated $ovt Obllg Fund Inst. 27,421.16 T81e1 Money Mufrkst Fund FI US TREASURY 27 1.1• 912828PB0 US Treasury Note 0.5% Due 10/15t2013 912828P1l8 US Treasury Note 0.5% Due 11/15/2013 03/1112013 340,000.00 348,079.20 101.27 0.48 % 346,079.20 0.54'N� 375,000,00 02/244012 397,993.13 104.37 Varlaus 0.011 536.280.24 2,57 % Ada 3,44 341.61 (1,725_01) AA+ 3,.37 539,594.15 2.88 % Asa 3.91 437.14 4,164.35 AA+ 3.83 488,760.81 2.33 % Asa 4.44 394.93 4,287.61 AA+ 4.29 15,553.154.53 77.62 % $0,Se0A2 12.228.82 AA. 136 27,421.16 1.00 27,421.16 0.01 % 27,421.18 0,00 0.14 % 0.00 Asa MA 0.00 0.00 27,421.12 27,421.12 0.1414 Aas 0.00 0.01 % 27A21.16 0.01 1 0.00 0.00 AAA 0.00 1.71 16 Ass 2.49 Au 1.98 601,271.21 100.02 500,078,00 2,49 % Ass 0.04 501,271.21 0.121 1,154.37 (1,193.21) AA+ 0.04 490,000.00 02/21/2012 491,705.16 100.05 490,288.03 2.44 % Asa 0.13 0.30 % 491,705.18 0.08 % 925.41 (1A3713) AA+ 0.12 9128228P27 U8 T essury Note 500,000.00 02/21/2012 509,493.68 100.54 602,715.00 2.60 % Asa 0.45 1,25% Due 3115t2014 0.32 % 509A93.88 0.071 276.24 (8.778.86) _ AA+ 0.46 912828LK4 US Treasury Note 470,000.00 02t24/2012 493,244.54 102.06 479,675.42 2.39 % Ma 0.92 2.375% Due 8/31/2014 0,39 % 493,244.54 0.13 % 955.90 (13.689.12) AA+ 0.91 500,000.00 01/30/2013 0,14 % Chandler Asset Menenemerrt-CONFIDENTIAL Pecs 4 deaatlon Tkno 10/212013 teee:33 NM t City of Natlornllt tatty +,�, ( Account #10162 Holdings Report As of 9/30/13 P,lir4isr afi Clain Cali 11 hit' Mkt P,s a M ,het +lalua of POI! Money tJatur„ty iCU51P 'oous1ty Dostriptian rim vor..r.una, Book YlIalrt 134dh''Slit& ?AM TM Amnitatr Int GanWL.:S{ 5.Ef' I otlressn US `nhSAIURY 912828MZO US Treasury Nobs 2.5% Due 4/30/2015 420,000 00 0212412012 0.49 % 9128287K5 U$ Treasury Note 0.259E Due W15/2015 912826PE,4 US Treasury Note 1.25% Due 10/31/2015 520,000.00 04129/2013 0.25 % 436,000.00 02/24/2012 0.59 % 0128280A1 US Treasury Note 2.25% Due 3131/2016 912828RF9 US Treasury Nola 570,000.00 10/12/2012 881,367.38 101.05 1 %Due 8131/2010 0.48 % 681,357.38 0.83 94 485.12 (5.301.13) AA+ 2.87 4.458,589,46 '122.24 % Aaa 1.42 0.37 % 10,8611.48 5.003.10) AA+ 1.39 446,512.34 103.58 446,812.34 0.25 % 434,946.12 4,394.02 Total U5 Treasury TOTAL PORTFOUO TOTAL N1ARK'ET VALUE PLUS ACCRUED 500,000.00 12/14/2012 0.38 % 4,405,00000 � 897,421.16 520,022.05 620.022,05 445,434,66 446,434.66 530,431.36 530,431.36 4,519,872.66 4,519,672.55 0.27 % 99.90 519,471.68 0.30 % 186,03 '101.85 443,054.46 0.38 % 2,275.4a 104.46 522,304,50 0.45 % 30.91 20,412,417.07 2.18 % Asa 1,58 (11,666.22) AA+ 1.55 2.58 % Aati 1.87 (550.37) AA+ 1.87 2,21 % Aaa 2.08 (2,380.20) AA+ 2.05 2,59 % Aam 2.50 (8,128.66) AA+ 2.44 576,050.25 2.86 % Aaa 2.92 20,048.146.15 100.00 % Ma 1.5 8 llMase 0, % 20,412,417.07 0,45 % lr1,028 >10 (86a,271:92) AA+ i.75 `�- 20,140,172.68 Cost/Book Value as of 09/30/13 Cost/Book Value as of 06/30/13 $20,140,172 $20,073,957 Net earnings for lst quarter ending September 30, 2013 $ 66,215 Chandisr MMi Meneiinnsrd- CONFIDENTIAL Pegs 5 ewecsNan Tk :18W201111 :00:58 PM County of San Dies o Treasurer Investment Report MONTH ENDING September 301 2013 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO TREASURER TAX COLLECTOR Participant Cash Bala.nces San Diego Pooled Money Fund as of September 30, 2013 WOO) P1111 FMIV FMB %ot NW PMV PMV 9i of PiesupPST COU2trylm�lai maim omit ram! PARTP PA157 i1r�►str�3 it lria AelrlaM3 IOW 006,515 $ 206,60e * 000.781 10 20% 'rmnss Ibsen 4,606 8,006 ',en COUNTY -SPI CIAL'TRUST F118011 1,33%1= 1,221.172 1.133,131 17.58% Mieasoo Pins MO 0 0 0 peone.COt$fryielnie711sowiy FMCS 283,445 2 5,114 2601,112 3.06% Minim Rosowvs Oanieratkof Ditr14e 416 41e 417 SCHOOL* -(11111218.11311 3,081,713 2.517.701 3,678.950 44.50% Noe Ceea*y Cooietrty PUtrlct 1.424 1,023 1,047 COOMeUINTYcowleeB North Comity O.mety P.rpeteol 1,400 1, lee 1,103 Mtn County Pdan Di40oCateees04.Q00 070;7Y11 611,MI0 7.lt11, Meth Cemetery 1,405 1,404 1,4>ao Minx Costaont 45.3'16 116,307 117.047 1,01% North County Eke2Olopeteh 20B 2,200 2 � Palmer Costa 26.028 24,167 171aT 0.1171G 0,10o 5110* 2.120 . Olry Water tll.triot tntrerbrrrrl+t 1b0,103 1s.10pe 10„17I0 100,007 144,410 1a7,472 2.10% Folmar Rssoume Censeneellon Mao* 0 0 0 Southwestern 180,743 184,500 103,230 Phu Vallee PPD 5oi aa4 8118 Talal Commonl0l 4oU.ass 5051 30 072,a73 M0,051 14.00% Panwndo Cam F21112tual 12 12 11 Sew 1 Parw nslo Oonsiery Clot** ,615 1.612 1.452 SANDAL 4,500 4,1114 Ci4,065 RamonaCamorory Distdat 018 OYO ti00 MPS 72,687 72.800 06,026 Ramona msleey PelP029111 348 343 346 SOMAS 701 750 701 Rancho Banda Fa FPO 11,041 10.20a 0402 106,0111 100,000 106.176 !Berl Mao leaning Cannllsetan 2,370 2.372 a CITI tese Mega Rune Flea a 0 0 San Disarelto Meer 0 .106 7 Chris Vilma w02 26,000 $9,049 OW Ma co* FPO 1 1 1 0.4 Mier Emirates 3,012 0,000 3,012 son MOW FPD o,000 3,385 2.110 2 2 2 *art VOW $anite tiort 15 12 12 Wheel City 4.996 4,002 4,84e Santa Fs lydestion MOM 4,OM4 4.040 4,222 SIE IM11eriel Alepalt Aut adty MOOS 288.0011 2ek2aa So Canty OPS C• ar 1.116 $2 743 Spring Vallay►roOra ate da O00 0 C v 4,100 4.183 5.410 Upper San We Illy Rs me* 13 13 13 1.340 1,245 1,10e, VCRoolese Wolter OlatrI a.001 0,015 5 050 6,057 6.61115 6,505 Vaby darter PPD 3.000 9,961 0AM 14 14 14 Volley entr Cemstary ea es 66 446 445 446 wily Ctr Com Psrpetteol 226 238 225 206 207 206 Vellsy Otr Water OleMet 13,061 13.01 14,002 550 318 1110 Vista PPD 2,022 002 2,065 6.140 7.193 6,510 Tote] todapondont ASPolneell 2€i3 11,2114 11,2111 11,00 410 230 341 Ili AR0@IC1R0 FPD Donna Sonnystde FPD swam apamas FPD Deeraprh1QS FPO Palibrooh Pubis Dti Public *gamy SsII linou sees System .hohrr eiye m.ou PPD 401m Crgraneaa Rao 8 park leicealde Pits telueselle Water Dhttrlot t.4rrsr Sweetvedi r PPD 423*.00% Pooled lond Maas Tt ,�,._.� 284 25t2i34408 $e 535 10030% COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO TREASURER - TAX CODA -CYO,* !8 Investments LAID Fmds:l Agency 3 cutllles CDARB Inveldnianta Total Earnings Cum* Auertage 0011y Bates Merv* Rots of Refuro Cfty of National City Portfolio Management Portfolio Summon/ Sept mbar 30, 2013 Clog of Na8omi C1lr Par W Value * Bonk %or dry►% YT1VC VITUS1Value Pa gild Tenn Wu* 300 Equiv. 3 5 Equiv. 2%314.418.25 20.331,04as1 20,9140 e - 82.14 1 1 0.241 0.344 500.000.08 514.780.00 800,008A0 1.17 1.820 e68 1.8701 M0 2,008,000.00 8.20 584 117 0.841 0.s90 31.81404111.25 31.°,46,83631 31,8140412.23 100.00% 53 22 0203 0287 Se a�tean6ar 30 Month Ending 8.085.55 31.814‘111.25 S.311i