Neighborhood Services Divison
Temporary Use
1243 National City Boulevard/ National City, CA 91950 * Ph. 619-336-4364 * Fax 619-336-4217
Certain special events, structures or activities that are beneficial to the public can often
be permitted for limited periods of time even though they would not comply with the
zoning, building, fire or other codes, if they were permanent. Chapter 15.60 of the
National City Municipal Code regulates these special events. In general, any organized
activity that uses public property, facilities, parks, sidewalks or streets requires a permit,
known as a "Temporary Use Permit" (TUP). In some cases, events taking place on
private property also require a TUP permit. See the list below for more information. The
Department of Community Services is responsible for coordination of the application and
issuance of the permit.
Classes of Temporary Use Permits
Temporary Use Permits are either Class A, requiring City Council approval, Class B,
which may be approved by the Building & Safety Director, or Class C subject only to
the business license regulations. For Class B & C Permits, please contact the
Building and Safety Department for additional information.
Class A Temporary Use Permits
The following uses require a Class A Temporary Use Permit.
4I Outdoor auctions conducted by charitable or philanthropic organizations
4I Balloon rides or races
4I Block or Holiday parties and displays conducted outdoors or in temporary
4I Carnivals, circuses, traveling shows and midways
4I Exhibitions (boxing, wrestling, etc.)
4I Fairs, bazaars, exhibits or trade shows conducted outdoors or in temporary
4I Temporary farmer's markets
4I Temporary helicopter landings
4I Las Vegas nights conducted by non-profit organizations
4I Live domestic animal rides
4I Membrane structures
4I Musical concerts and festivals of all types conducted outdoors or in temporary
4I Outdoor pet shows
4I Outdoor stages or platforms for sales promotions, events or grand openings
and similar activities
4I Parades, bicycle tours, walks, runs and similar activities on city streets.
4I Political activities conducted outdoors or in temporary structures.
4I Special lighting displays for advertising
4I Temporary vehicle display areas conducted outdoors or in temporary
4I Uses or activities which exceed the normal duration
Class A Temporary Use Permits are limited to no more than two occurring
concurrently on the same day and only one event per day in the City parks.
1 Complete the application found at the end of this booklet.
2. Return the completed application to the Neighborhood Services Division located
at 1243 National City Blvd, National City, CA 91950.
3. Pay the processing fee, unless a waiver of fees is requested. If requesting a
waiver of fees the fee waiver application must be submitted also.
4. Your application is routed to all impacted City Departments for approval. During
the review process you may be contacted to provide additional information
5. The application and the conditions of approval received from the various
departments are routed to the City Council for final approval. You will be notified
of the City Council meeting date. It is suggested that you attend the meeting to
answer any questions that may arise.
6. The City Council approves or denies the application.
7 If approved and all required certificates of insurance, etc. are received, the
approved permit is mailed to you.
Application Deadline
A Class A Temporary Use Permit must be submitted to the Community Services
Department a minimum of 45 working days prior to the event.
It is suggested that the application be submitted well before the event to allow for
approval prior to promoting, marketing or advertising the event. Acceptance of your
application does not guarantee approval of the event. The event must be approved by
the City Council and all conditions of approval must be met before the permit will be
Events at City Parks
Before applying for a Temporary Use Permit in a City park, it is necessary to contact the
Public Works Department to schedule the event. City Council Policy only allows one
event per day in the Park and one special event every six weeks.
The City Council will not approve the sale or consumption of alcohol in City parks in
conjunction with any event requiring a Temporary Use Permit. This prohibition will not
impact the existing policy regarding the sale or consumption of alcohol with in buildings
in the parks, such as the Community Center, which will continue to be subject to City
Council approval.
If the event involves either 1) live musical performances; 2) the use of amplified sound
systems other than hand held or portable systems; 3) fireworks or 4) other activities or
events which the City Council determines notification is required, then the applicant must
provide written notification to the occupants of the properties adjacent to the park.
Written notification must be made to the surrounding neighbors at least 72 hours prior to
the event. The notification must include the name and telephone number of the sponsor
of the event, the nature of the event, the date and hours of set-up and tear -down for the
event, the date and hours of the event, and the name of the sponsor's representative
who will be at the park on the day(s) of the event and how that individual can be
contacted should the need arise.
Written notification must be mailed to the occupants of properties adjacent to the park
as reflected on the map of adjacent properties available from the Community Services
Department. Written notification shall be submitted to the Building & Safety Director for
review and approval prior to mailing.
Failure to provide notification may be cause for the revocation of the Temporary
Use Permit or denial of future Temporary Use Permit applications submitted by
the sponsoring organization.
Events at Plaza Bonita Mall
Before applying for a Temporary Use Permit for Plaza Bonita Mall, the applicant must
contact the mall for approval and to schedule the event. The mall will give the
applicant written approval for the event, which must be presented to the Community
Services Department at the time of submittal.
Photography and Motion Picture Events
Applications for a Temporary Use Permit for Photography/Filming shall be based on the
model photography/filming permit developed by the California Film Commission. The
applicant may be required to reimburse the City for costs incurred in providing support
A Class A Temporary Use Permit is required for photography or filming on public or
private property that requires street closures and/or traffic control in excess of three
minutes, or that involves stunts or special effects, which may require City services. A
Class A Photography or Motion Picture Temporary Use Permit must be submitted to the
Community Services Department at least 10 working days before the event.
All Photography and Filming Temporary Use Permits must be accompanied by a
Certificate of Insurance and Neighborhood Notification Form when required by the Risk
Manager and the Director of Building and Safety.
The cost of processing the permit is dependent on the number of departments that must
review the application. The maximum fee is $345. Unless a fee waiver is requested, the
application fee is required at the time of submittal.
The temporary use permit fees for events which are later withdrawn are
The Class A Temporary Use Permit will be valid for ten days or as limited by the City
Council. The permit is valid for the dates specified on the permit only.
Where the use of City facilities is involved, the applicant may be required to provide a
certificate of insurance, evidencing combined single limit coverage of at least $1 million
and naming the City of National City and its officials, employees, agents and volunteers
as additional insured's. Amounts of coverage are to be determined by the National City
Risk Manager.
In all cases involving the use of City facilities, the applicant is required to provide a Hold
Harmless Agreement holding the City harmless from liability arising from the use of the
Business Licenses
A business license is required if monies are solicited; admittance is charged; or food,
beverages or merchandise are sold. Each separate vendor must have a separate
business license.
Vendors currently licensed by the City may operate on their existing license. If any of
the vendors or organizations are registered not -for -profit there will not be a charge for
their business license.
A list of all participating vendors (with their address, phone number and current National
City business license number) is to be submitted to the Revenue and Recovery Division
of the Finance Department prior to the event for verification of business license
A fireworks permit must be obtained from the Fire Department. The fee for the permit is
$349.00. The permit must be obtained at least two weeks prior to the event. The Fire
Department has absolute authority, control and decisions over all fireworks and/or
pyrotechnic displays. An inspection from the Fire Department must be obtained prior to
any ignition of fireworks.
Tents or Canopies
A permit is required from the Fire Department to erect a tent excess of 200 square
feet or a canopy in excess of 400 square feet or any combination that exceeds the
limits. Tents and canopies shall be treated with a flame retardant and labeled as
such. The fee for the permit is $349.00 and may be obtained from the Fire
Type of Event:
_ Public Concert _ Fair _ Festival _ Community vent
_ Parade _Demonstration Circu Block Party
Motion Picture _ Grand Opening X Other icycle Ride
Event Title: The Classic GranFondo San Diego
Event Location: Please see attached event guide
Event Date(s): From 4/6/14 to
Actual Event Hours:7:15 AMam/pm to 5:00 PM am/pm
Total Anticipated Attendance: 1,500 (1,500 Participants Spectators)
Setup/assembly/construction Date: 4/05/13 Start time: 7:00 AM
Please describe the scope of your setup/assembly work (specific details):
Dismantle Date: 4/06/13 Completion Time: 5:00 PM am/pm
List any street(s) requiring closure as a result of this event. Include street name(s), day
and time of closing and day and time of reopening.
Please see attached info sheet.
Sponsoring Organization: Little Italy Association of San Diego
Chief Officer of Organization (Name)Steven Galasso, President
Applicant (Name): Christopher Gomex
Address: 1668 Columbia Street, San Diego, CA 92101
Daytime Phone: (619) 233.3898 Evening Phone: (619) 454.1596
Fax: c1 9 233.4866 E-Mail:
Contact Person "on site" day of the event:Tobias Panek Cellular: 858.997.8853
Is your organization a "Tax Exempt, nonprofit" organization? X YES _ NO
Are admission, entry, vendor or participant fees required? X YES _ NO
If YES, please explain the purpose and provide amount(s):
$65, $95, and $108. Kid's rides are free.
$ Estimated Gross Receipts including ticket, product and sponsorship
sales from this event.
Estimated Expenses for this event.
$ What is the projected amount of revenue that the Nonprofit
Organization will receive as a result of this event?
Please provide a DETAILED DESCRIPTION of your event. Include details
regarding any components of your event such as the use of vehicles, animals,
rides or any other pertinent information about the event.
Please see attached event guide.
YES X NO If the event involves the sale of cars, will the cars come exclusively from National
City car dealers?
If NO, list any additional dealers involved in the sale:
YES X NO Does the event involve the sale or use of alcoholic beverages?NOt in National City
YES X NO Will items or services be sold at the event? If yes, please describe:
Not in National City
X YES _ NO Does the event involve a moving route of any kind along streets, sidewalks or
highways? If YES, attach a detailed map of your proposed route indicate the
direction of travel, and provide a written narrative to explain your route.
X YES _ NO Does the event involve a fixed venue site? If YES, attach a detailed site map
showing all streets impacted by the event.
X YES _ NO Does the event involve the use of tents or canopies?, If YES: Number of
tent/canopies (4) Sizes 10' X 10' canopies NOTE: A
separate Fire Department permit is required for tents or canopies.
YES X NO Will the event involve the use of the City or your stage or PA system?
In addition to the route map required above, please attach a diagram showing the overall layout
and set-up locations for the following items:
Alcoholic and Nonalcoholic Concession and/or Beer Garden areas.
Food Concession and/or Food Preparation areas Please describe how food will be served
at the event:
If you intend to cook food in the event area please specify the method:
n Portable and/or Permanent Toilet Facilities
Number of portable toilets: (1 for every 250 people is required, unless the applicant can
show that there are facilities in the immediate area available to the public during the event)
Tables # and Chairs #
n Fencing, barriers and/or barricades
nGenerator locations and/or source of electricity
Canopies or tent locations (include tent/canopy dimensions)
n Booths, exhibits, displays or enclosures
n Scaffolding, bleachers, platforms, stages, grandstands or related structures
Vehicles and/or trailers
nOther related event components not covered above
nTrash containers and dumpsters
(Note: You must properly dispose of waste and garbage throughout the term of your
event and immediately upon conclusion of the event the area must be returned to a clean
condition.) Number of trash cans: 4 Trash containers with lids: 0
Describe your plan for clean-up and removal of waste and garbage during and after the event:
Please describe your procedures for both Crowd Control and Internal Security:
Not applicable for rider aid station. Road and lane closure handled by traffic
control company.
YES X NO Have you hired any Professional Security organization to handle security
arrangements for this event? If YES, please list:
Security Organization:
Security Organization Address:
Security Director (Name): Phone:
YES X NO Is this a night event? If YES, please state how the event and surrounding area will
be illuminated to ensure safety of the participants and spectators:
Please indicate what arrangement you have made for providing First Aid Staffing and Equipment.
See attached event guide.
Please describe your Accessibility Plan for access at your event by individuals with disabilities:
Not applicable
Please provide a detailed description of your PARKING plan:
Not applicable for bicycle riders. Staff will park in the streets.
Please describe your plan for DISABLED PARKING:
Use existing disabled parking as required.
Please describe your plans to notify all residents, businesses and churches impacted by the
event: Will follow direction from city staff to fullfill this requirement.
NOTE: Neighborhood residents must be notified 72 hours in advance when events are
scheduled in the City parks.
YES X NO Are there any musical entertainment features related to your event? If YES,
please state the number of stages, number of bands and type of music. Number
of Stages: Number of Bands:
Type of Music:
YES X NO Will sound amplification be used? If YES, please indicate: Start time:
am/pm Finish Time am/pm
YES X NO Will sound checks be conducted prior to the event? If YES, please indicate: Start
time: am/'pm Finish Time am/pm
Please describe the sound equipment that will be used for your event:
YES X NO Fireworks, rockets, or other pyrotechnics? If YES, please describe:
X YES _ NO Any signs, banners, decorations, special lighting? If YES, please describe:
18" x 18" free standing event route directional signs will be placed
on route.
Revised 02/29/12
City of National City
Persons requesting use of City property, facilities or personnel are required to
provide a minimum of $1,000,000 combined single limit insurance for bodily
injury and property damage which includes the City, its officials, agents and
employees named as additional insured and to sign the Hold Harmless
Agreement. Certificate of insurance must be attached to this permit.
Organization GranFondo Cycling Tours
Person in Charge of Activity Tobias Panek
17897 Camino Del Roca, Romona, CA 92065
Telephone 858.997.8853
Date(s) of Use 4/6/2014
As a condition of the issuance of a temporary use permit to conduct its activities
on public or private property, the undersigned hereby agree(s) to defend,
indemnify and hold harmless the City of National City and the Parking Authority
and its officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims,
demands, costs, losses, liability or, for any personal injury, death or property
damage, or both, or any litigation and other liability, including attorneys fees and
the costs of litigation, arising out of or related to the use of public property or the
activity taken under the permit by the permittee or its agents, employees or
Signature of Applicant Official Title Date
For Office Use Only
Certificate of Insurance Approved Date