HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit ACOUNTY CONTRACT NUMBER 547767 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY AGREEMENT WITH CDC, CITY OF NATIONAL CITY FOR SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM EXHIBIT A — PERFORMANCE WORK STATEMENT 1. Scope of WorldPurpose Contractor shall provide nutritionally sound meals and support services to individuals sixty (60) years old and older living throughout San Diego County. The meals shall be provided in two (2) settings: congregate (group setting) at Senior Dining Centers, and home delivery to frail seniors. There is no charge to the senior for these services, but Contractor shall provide the opportunity for the senior to make a contribution. Priority shall be given to serving persons with the greatest economic or social needs, in particular low-income minority individuals. 2. Background Information The Senior Nutrition Program, which began in the County of San Diego in 1975, is funded through Title III of the Older Americans Act, a federal program administered by state and county governments and operated under rules, policies, and regulations of the California Department of Aging (CDA). Aging & Independence Services (AIS), as an Area Agency on Aging, oversees this program for the County of San Diego. Nutrition services assist older individuals to live independently by promoting better health and reduced isolation through a program of coordinated congregate meals, home -delivered meals, transportation and supportive services. Various contractors provide lunch for seniors at several sites throughout the county, and many contractors also provide home -delivered meals. Breakfast is also provided at some sites. Live Well San Diego was developed by the County of San Diego as a comprehensive, innovative strategy on wellness. This long-term plan combines the efforts of partners inside and outside county government to help all residents be healthy, safe and thriving. All HHSA contractors, to the extent feasible, are expected to advance this initiative, which is being implemented in a phased approach. The first phase, Building Better Health, was adopted by the Board of Supervisors on July 13, 2010. Building Better Health focuses on improving the health of residents and supporting healthy choices. The second phase, Living Safely, was adopted October 9, 2012. The goal of Living Safely is to ensure residents are protected, neighborhoods are safe, and communities are resilient. The third phase, Thriving, will be implemented in 2014 with a goal to promote communities in which residents can enjoy the highest quality of life. Section 10 of this Performance Work Statement contains specific initiatives related to the contract. Information about the Live well San Diego initiative can be found at: http://www.sdcounty.ca.gov/hhsa/programfsdflive_welI san_siegofindex.html 3. Goal 3.1 Contractor shall provide the services described herein to accomplish the following goals: 3.1.1 Assist individuals sixty (60) years and older to live independently because of better health and reduced isolation as a result of the Senior Nutrition Program, a program of coordinated congregate meals, home -delivered meals, and referrals to appropriate supportive services. 4. Deliverables 4.1 Congregate Meals. Contractor shall provide the maximum number of meals annually. pursuant to Exhibit C, to seniors in a congregate setting a minimum of five (5) days per week. A lesser frequency must be approved in advance by the County. The number of meals shall be based upon historical actuals and shall not exceed the annual amount without prior County approval. Exhibit A— Performance Work Statement City of National City Page 1 of 8 Contract # 547767 COUNTY CONTRACT NUMBER 54770 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY AGREEMENT WITH CDC, CITY OF NATIONAL CITY FOR SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM EXHIBIT A — PERFORMANCE WORK STATEMENT 4,1,1 Contractor shall complete an assessment to determine the eligibility of participants. All assessments shall be made available to the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) upon request. 4.1.2 Contractor shall complete a reassessment of the participant's need on an annual basis prior to or on the date of the original assessment. 4.1.3 Contractor shall have a paid staff member or a trained volunteer responsible for the day- to-day activities at each site, and be physically on site during the time nutrition program activities are taking place. 4.1,4 Contractor shall ensure that each site has equipment, including tables and chairs, which are sturdy and appropriate for older individuals. 4.1.5 Each meal shall contain at least one-third (1/3) of the current Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) as established by the Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences (2007), which are incorporated by reference. http://www, i om.edu/Activiti es/Nutri lion/Summary DR.Is/—/med ialFiles/Activity%20Fi les /Nutrition/DRIs/5 Summarv%20Table%20Tables%201-4.pdf 4.1.6 Meals shall comply with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (2010, 7th edition) established by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. http://fn ic.nal. usda.gov/di etaiy -gu i d ance/dietary-gu id e l Ines 4.1.7 Meals shall be planned in accordance with Title 22, Social Security, Division 1.8 California Department of Aging, Chapter 4.(1) Title III Programs — Program and Service Provider Requirements, Article 5. Title III C- Elderly Nutrition Program (herein referred to as Title 22) Section 7638.5 Nutrition Requirements of Meals https://www.aging.ca.gov/ProgranisProviders/AAA/NutritionJCode of Regulations/ and CDA Program Memo 12-17 (P) Nutrition Older Americans Act Nutrition Services Menu Guidance for Compliance with Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010. https ://www.aging.ca, gov/PM/#2012 4.1.8 If the program provides two (2) meals per day, a minimum of two-thirds (2/3) of the DRI must be provided. 4.2 Horne -Delivered Meals. Contractor shall provide the maximum number of home -delivered meals annually, pursuant to Exhibit C, to seniors a minimum of five (5) days per week. 4.2.1 Contractor shall assess the level of need for home -delivered nutrition services of each eligible participant. The initial assessment may be conducted by telephone. A written assessment shall be conducted in the participant's home within two (2) weeks of initiation of services, and shall include an assessment of the type of meal (e.g. hot, cold, frozen) that is appropriate for the participant in their living environment. A reassessment of the participant's need shall be completed quarterly and a reassessment in the participant's home shall be conducted at least every other quarter. Exhibit A — Performance Work Statement City of National City Page 2 of 8 Contract 4 547767 COUNTY CONTRACT NUMBER 547767 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY AGREEMENT WITH CDC, CITY OF NATIONAL CITY FOR SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM EXHIBIT A — PERFORMANCE WORK STATEMENT All assessments shall be made available to COR upon request. 4.2.2 Contractor shall provide written instructions for handling and re -heating of the meal in the language of the participant receiving the meal. 4.2.3 Each meal shall contain at least one-third (1/3) of the current Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) as established by the Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences (2007), which are incorporated by reference. http://www.iom.edulActivities/Nutrition/SummaryDRIsf lmediaiFiles/Activity%20File s/Nutrition/DRIs/5 Summary%20Table%20Tables%201-4.pdf• 4.2.4 Meals shall comply with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (2010, 7`' edition) established by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. http://fnic.nal.usda.zov/dietary-guidance/dietary-guidelines 4.2.5 Meals shall be planned in accordance with Title 22, Social Security, Division 1.8 California Department of Aging, Chapter 4.(1) Title III Programs — Program and Service Provider Requirements, Article 5. Title III C- Elderly Nutrition Program (herein referred to as Title 22) Section 7638.5 Nutrition Requirements of Meals https://www.aging.ca.gov/ProgramsProviders/AAAINutritionlCode of Regulations;' and CDA Program Memo 12-17 (P) Nutrition Older Americans Act Nutrition Services Menu Guidance for Compliance with Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010. https://www.aging.ca.gov/PM/#2012 4,2.6 If the program provides two (2) meals per day, a minimum of two-thirds (2/3) of the DRI must be provided. 4.3 Transportation. Contractor shall provide units of transportation annually, pursuant to Exhibit C, to eligible program participants. Contractor shall count each trip to and from Senior Dining Centers as a one-way trip. 4.3.1 Contractor's staff and/or volunteers providing transportation services shall possess a current and valid driving license issued by the State of California, and Contractor shall maintain a copy(ies) of said licenses on site for review by COR. Drivers shall maintain the appropriate type of California license for the size vehicle used to transport passengers. 4.4 Nutrition Education. Contractor shall provide a minimum of four (4) nutrition education units per contract year to participants in each of Contractor's congregate sites and home delivered meal programs. 4.4.1 Nutrition Education services shall be provided in accordance with Title 22, Section 7638.11. Nutrition Education Services for Participants. 4.4.2 Nutrition Education shall include teaching participants about healthful food choices, balancing food and physical activity, and promoting behaviors recommended in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. 4,4.3 The County Contractor for Registered Dietitian services shall provide input, review and approve the content of nutrition education prior to presentation. 4.4.4 Contractor shall develop an annual nutrition education plan which shall be implemented, monitored and kept on file. Exhibit A — Performance Work Statement Page 3 of 8 Contract # 547767 1 City of National City COUNTY CONTRACT NUMBER 547767 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY AGREEMENT WITH CDC, CITY OF NATIONAL CITY FOR SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM EXHIBIT A — PERFORMANCE WORK STATEMENT 5. Target Population and Geographic Service Area Contractor shall provide services to individuals sixty (60) years old and older living throughout the County of San Diego. Priority shall be given to serving persons with the greatest economic or social needs, in particular low-income minority individuals. 5.1 Congregate dining site location, days of service, hours of service and type(s) of meal served (breakfast and/or lunch): Dining Site: George H. Waters Senior Nutrition Center, 1415 D Ave., National City, CA 91950 5.2 Home -delivered meal zip codes: 91950 6. Payment for Services 6.1 Contractor shall submit a monthly claim for the actual service deliverables for the prior month to the COR by the fifteenth (15th) of the following month. 6.1.1 Claims and data not submitted by the fifteenth (15th) of the month will not be processed. for payment until all required information is submitted. 6.2 Funding Components; Fiscal Terms and Conditions. The Senior Nutrition Program is funded by the following components and follow the fiscal terms and conditions listed below: 6.2.1 Older Americans Act (OAA)/California Department of Aging (CDA) Title II] Allocation. This funding is allocated as follows: State of California C-1 Funding Stream. This is the fixed supplemental rate dollar amount for a portion of Contractor's congregate meals costs. Payments are monthly compensation payments to Contractor for the provision of congregate meals according to Exhibit A, Performance Work Statement. State of California C-2 Funding Stream. This is the fixed supplemental rate dollar amount for a portion of Contractor's home -delivered meal costs. Payments are monthly compensation payments to Contractor for the provision of home -delivered meals according to Exhibit A, Performance Work Statement. State of California B Funding Stream. This is the fixed supplemental rate dollar amount for a portion of Contractor's transportation costs. Payments are monthly compensation payments to Contractor for the provision of transportation (one-way trips) services according to Exhibit A, Performance Work Statement. 6.2.2 Nutrition Services Incentive Program (NSIP). This is the fixed supplemental rate dollar amount for incentive payments from the NSIP. NSIP payments are monthly incentives based on Contractor's ongoing high achievement based on the number of meals (C-1 and C-2) served during the prior contract year. This amount will be determined annually by the County, based on funds received from the State and Contractor's prior year's performance (i.e., meals served). NSIP funds shall be used to purchase food to be used in the Senior Nutrition Program and not to meet cost sharing or to match funds for any other federal program. Exhibit A — Performance Work Statement Page 4 of 8 Contract # 547767 City of National City COUNTY CONTRACT NUMBER 547767 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY AGREEMENT WITH CDC, CITY OF NATIONAL CITY FOR SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM EXHIBIT A —PERFORMANCE WORK STATEMENT 6.2.3 One -Time -Only (OTO) Allocation. OTO allocations are one-time annual monetary awards for designated goods or services related to Title C-1, C-2 or B Programs, which are directly related to the Senior Nutrition Program, based on special cost reimbursement requests from Contractor. OTO awards are based on funds received from the State of California, and must be approved in advance by the County. Contractor shall procure the goods or services by utilizing competitive measures, and provide documentation of receiving three (3) or more quotes to substantiate fair and reasonable pricing. County will reimburse costs upon submission of receipts with the invoice in the month following the month in which the expenditure(s) occurred. 6.2.4 Contractor's program income, which is participant donations/contributions and guest fees. 6.2.5 Contractor's other revenue, such as fundraising. Said compensation is not designed to fully fund the Senior Nutrition Program. The fixed supplement rates are determined to offset the cost of providing services based on and subject to availability of funds from the State of California, California Department of Aging (CDA). The County shall have the authority to increase or reduce the contract compensation, via the issuance of a Unilateral Amendment, signed by the County's Director of Purchasing and Contracting, as required to execute 6.2.2 and 6.2.3 above. 7. General Requirements for Service Delivery 7.1 Contractor's services shall be based upon the California Code of Regulations, Title 22, The California Retail Food Code (CRFC) http://www.sdcounty.ca.gov/dclv'food/pdf/publications calcodc.pdf, and. comply with the Division of Occupational Safety and Healthy (Cal/OSHA), Department of Industrial Relations requirements https:f/www.dir.ca,gov/dash/ regarding staff and participant safety. 7.1.1 Contractor shall possess a valid health permit from the County of San Diego Department of Environmental Health http://wwwsdcountv.ca.gov/deh/ for all food preparation sites. A copy of a valid health permit for a subcontracted Caterer must be kept on file onsite. 7.1.2 Food preparation is defined as packaging, processing, assembling, portioning, or any operation that changes the form, flavor or consistency of food. 7.2 Contractor shall comply with the Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA), California Department of Industrial Relations requirements regarding staff and participant safety. All Contractor facilities are subject to inspection and approval. 7.3 Performance Expectations, Contractor shall maintain ninety-five percent (95%) compliance with service levels stated in this Agreement. A Performance Improvement Plan may be required to be submitted by Contractor if Contractor consistently (i.e., three (3) consecutive months or more) falls below ninety percent (90%) of the service levels. Service levels shall be reviewed monthly, quarterly, and annually by Contractor and County staff. Failure to bring service levels up to the contracted levels may result in re -negotiation of the contracted service levels or termination of the contract. The budget level will be revised to be commensurate with the lower level of service(s). Exhibit A— Performance Work Statement City of National City Page 5 of 8 Contract # 547767 COUNTY CONTRACT NUMBER 547767 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY AGREEMENT WITH CDC, CITY OF NATIONAL CITY FOR SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM EXHIBIT A — PERFORMANCE WORK STATEMENT 7.4 Reference to AIS. All printed materials, publicity, and media outreach prepared or conducted by Contractor shall include a reference to Aging & Independence Services as a funding source. Copies of publicity materials related to programs identified in this contract shall be filed with Aging & Independence Services Contract Operations. 7.5 Match. Contractor is required to provide a minimum of a fifteen percent (15%) match for program costs in cash or in -kind income. 7.6 Cultural Competence and Diversity. Contractor shall support the County of San Diego, Health and Human Services Agency, and Aging & Independence Services through organizational and systematic practices demonstrating cultural competence and diversity. Contractor shall have an employee training plan that addresses these competencies. All services provided shall be oriented to meet the linguistic and cultural needs of the diverse clients to be served. 8. Specific Requirements for Service Delivery 8.1 Food Service. Contractor shall provide a hot or other appropriate meal that meets minimum nutrition requirements, served a minimum of five (5) or more days a week in a congregate setting. Meals to participants who are homebound must be made available every day of the year, although frozen rneals for the weekend or holidays may be delivered during the week (see above for Title 22 link). Meals shall be prepared, served and delivered in a manner which complies with local public health laws and regulations. 8.2 Support Services. Contractor shall conduct outreach activities to ensure participation of eligible older persons, particularly those in greatest economic or social need. Contractor must develop or maintain coordination with other social services agencies and plan for and provide nutrition education services. 8,3 Advisory Role of Participants. Contractor shall have procedures for obtaining the views of participants regarding the services they receive. This may be implemented through the establishment of a Program Council or other advisory body of participants. 8.4 Staffing/Administration. Contractor shall maintain an adequate number of qualified persons to assure the satisfactory implementation of: program leadership; program planning; provision of nutrition services; outreach and other services; volunteer activities; financial and contract management; data collection for required federal, State and County reports and records. Notification of program changes must be made to the County within twenty-four (24) hours when said changes will affect the delivery of services to the participants. 8.4.1 Contractor shall comply with Title 22 Section 7636.3 Staff Qualifications. https://www.aging.ca,gov/ProgramsProviders/AAAfNutritionICode of Regulations/ 8.5 Meal Contributions by Eligible Participants. Eligible persons receiving nutrition services shall be given the opportunity to contribute to the costs of the service provided and shall determine for themselves what they are able to contribute. Contractor shall not deny services to any person because of failure to contribute. Methods to receive contributions shall ensure anonymity and protect the privacy and confidentiality of each recipient with respect to the recipient's contribution or lack of contribution. The minimum suggested donation shall be developed with input from the Program Council or other advisory body of participants. 8.5.1 Contractor shall establish written procedures to protect contributions and fees from loss, mishandling, and theft. Such procedures shall be kept on file at Contractor's site. Exhibit A — Performance Work Statement City of National City Page 6 of 8 Contract # 547767 COUNTY CONTRACT NUMBER 547767 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY AGREEMENT WITH CDC, CITY OF NATIONAL CITY FOR SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM EXHIBIT A —PERFORMANCE WORK. STATEMENT 8,5.2 Contributions are considered program income and shall be used to increase the number of meals served. 8.6 Meal Charges for Staff and Guests under Sixty (60) Years of Age. Contractor may serve meals to staff and guests under sixty (60) years of age if doing so will not deprive an eligible participant of a meal. These individuals shall pay at least the full cost of the meal. 8.6.1 Charges for meals are considered program income and shall be used to increase the number of meals served. 8.7 Records, Reports and Distribution Information. Contractor shall maintain a system for the collection of data that will accurately reflect the Contractor's program and financial operations, will meet requirements with respect to confidentiality, and fulfill the information required by this contract. 8.7.1 Contractor shall ensure that all employee who have access to confidential, sensitive, and or personal information of participants of this program complete annual Security Awareness Training via the CDA website. http:/fwww.aging,ca.zov/ProgramsProvideis Contractor is responsible for maintaining reification of completion of training on -site and will make verification available to COR upon request. 8.8 Holida s. A maximum of twelve (12) recognized holiday closings will be allowed per year. These holidays must be submitted in advance to the COR at the beginning of each fiscal year. Exceptions will be handled on a case -by -case basis. 8.8.1 If more than twelve (I2) holiday closings are taken, Contractor must make up the days lost. 8.9 Data Collection and Reporting 8.9.1 Contractor shall utilize the AIS-identified Automated Data Collection System to: Register and maintain all client demographic and assessment data for all active clients within each fiscal year. Track and report all service unit delivery data (via bar-coding and manual data entry) within each fiscal year. 8.9.2 Contractor shall maintain and report accurate, daily meal counts, nutrition education and transportation units in the County -identified Automated Data Collection System. 8.9.3 Contractor shall submit monthly summary reports of the information listed above in 8.7 and claims to AIS Contract Operations by the fifteenth (15`1') of the month following the month in which the services were provided. Claims will be paid upon successful detennination of reconciled data as mentioned in paragraphs 8.9. l .1 and above. 8.9.4 Contractor shall submit a completed report of actual costs expended for each service category at the end of each contract fiscal year for the term of the contract, as requested by the County, in the form and format as provided by A1S. 8.10 Customer Satisfaction Survey. Contractor shall annually obtain the views of participants regarding the services received through the development and utilization of a customer satisfaction survey which is to be pre -approved by the County. 8.10.1 Contractor shall provide a summary report of the results of the satisfaction survey to the COR by the fifteenth (15'1') of the month following the completion of the survey cycle. Exhibit A — Performance Work Statement City of National City Page 7 of 8 Contract # 547767 COUNTY CONTRACT NUMBER 547767 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY AGREEMENT WITH CDC, CITY OF NATIONAL CITY FOR SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM EXHIBIT A — PERFORMANCE WORK STATEMENT 8.10.2 Contractor shall achieve an overall "very satisfied" or "somewhat satisfied" rating from a minimum of ninety percent (90%) of clients with each Customer Satisfaction Survey. Contractor shall incrementally improve service each year to achieve this rating. 8.10.3 Contractor shall make all survey results available to COR upon request. 9. Disaster Preparedness 9.1 As a provider of critical services to seniors and persons with a disability during a disaster, Contractor shall: 9.1.1 Establish and maintain a disaster plan to ensure preparedness and the ability to continue to deliver services during and post -disaster. 9.1.2 Provide the County with the following: Primary and secondary emergency contact phone numbers. Status updates, upon request, during and post -disaster, including the following at a minimum: Operability of sites and/or services. Services provided to the target population. Service capacity. 10. Live Well San Diego and Related Initiatives 10.1 Contractor shall provide County -supplied SNAPICaIFresh program information to all senior nutrition clients as the information is available. 10.2 Contractor shall ensure policies that support tobacco -free environments are in place, which includes: 10.2.1 Smoke -free entrances. 10.2,2 Smoke -free facilities (no designated smoking areas). 10.2.3 No smoking signs are posted at all entrances/exits. 10.3 Contractor shall ensure staff are trained in elder abuse awareness and know how and when to report if they suspect an elder may have symptoms of abuse or neglect. Contractor may contact local law enforcement or 1-800-510-2020 to report suspected elder abuse. 10.4 Contractor will include, when feasible, the use of locally grown foods and identify potential partnerships and relationships with local producers and providers of locally grown foods. Exhibit A — Performance Work Statement City of National City Page 8 of 8 Contract # 547767