2014-09 CUP, CDP, IS, 100 West 35th Street, Suite "A"
1 That the site for the proposed use is adequate in size and shape, since the
proposed use will be within an existing building and since no expansion of the
building is proposed.
2. That the site has sufficient access to National City Blvd., an arterial street and State
Route 54, a freeway to accommodate the additional 23 average daily trips (ADT),
and since no building expansion is proposed.
3. That the proposed use will not have an adverse effect upon adjacent or abutting
properties, since the use is contained wholly within an existing building and the use
is consistent with an industrial use, which is conditionally -permitted in the Light
Manufacturing zone.
4. That the proposed use is deemed essential and desirable to the public convenience,
since it will provide a service in need in the area among members of the community
who are looking for cremation services.
5. That the granting of this Conditional Use Permit is consistent with and
implements the Certified Local Coastal Program, since the project does not
involve any land alterations and provides for a use on an existing industrially -
zoned parcel in an area designated by the Local Coastal Program and the
General Plan for such use.