By and Between
"AGREEMENT") is entered into this 19th day of June, 2007, by and between the
a public body, corporate and politic (hereafter referred to as "CDC"), and MARINA
GATEWAY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC, a California limited liability corporation
(hereafter referred to as "DEVELOPER"), on the terms and provisions set forth below.
WHEREAS, on July 18, 1995, the City Council of the City of National City adopted the
Harbor District Redevelopment Plan Amendment for the City of National City
("REDEVELOPMENT PLAN") that expanded the National City Redevelopment Project Area
WHEREAS, the CDC is the owner of certain real property within the Project Area: (i)
Assessor Parcel Number 559-118-02 and the adjacent property roughly described as running
from the southeast corner of the APN parcel, along the western edge of the Caltrans right of way,
to the intersection of the projection of the centerline of McKinley Avenue; and then, along the
centerline projection, to the projection of the northern boundary of the Site; and then, along the
northern boundary projection, to the northeast corner of the Site and (ii) Assessor Parcel
Numbers559-117-04, 05, 06, 07, 12, in National City (further described in `EXHIBIT A'), as
further described herein ("SITE"); and
WHEREAS, on May 18, 2004, the DEVELOPER was selected by the CDC as the
preferred developer for the SITE; and
WHEREAS, the DEVELOPER is interested in purchasing the SITE from the CDC and
developing the SITE to include two (2) mid to high quality level restaurants and other allowed
commercial uses under the current zoning (hereafter referred to as "PROJECT"); and
WHEREAS, the CDC desires to increase the number of restaurant and commercial
businesses in the PROJECT AREA as stated in the REDEVELOPMENT PLAN, and the
DEVELOPER agrees to develop three (3) mid to high level restaurants: two (2) on the SITE and
one (1) on the Marina Gateway Hotel project site or another project that may be determined to be
more feasible. In addition, the DEVELOPER agrees not to object or otherwise impede the
formation of both a Tourism Business Improvement District pursuant to the Parking and
Business Improvement District Law of 1994, plus a Landscape and Lighting Maintenance
District to pay for the installation, maintenance and operation of high quality landscaping and
lighting in the public areas adjacent to the SITE and Marina Gateway Hotel project site; and
WHEREAS, the contemplated project would be designed to use slab on grade
construction or other techniques that will minimize the need for significant excavation and will
avoid underground parking or similar improvements; and
WHEREAS, the CDC and the DEVELOPER desire to enter into this AGREEMENT to
initiate exclusive negotiations for up to three hundred sixty (360) days (hereafter referred to as
"EXCLUSIVE NEGOTIATION PERIOD") to allow the DEVELOPER to (i) undertake due
diligence activities regarding the PROJECT; (ii) design the PROJECT; (iii) discern potential
tenants' respective appetites for the PROJECT; (iv) establish the responsibilities, schedule, and
financial parameters for developing the PROJECT; (v) negotiate the purchase price of the SITE;
and (vi) negotiate a Disposition and Development Agreement (hereafter referred to as "DDA");
WHEREAS, the AGREEMENT supersedes any agreement made prior to the entering of
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the recitals and mutual covenants and
conditions contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows:
The SITE constitutes the real property that is the subject of this AGREEMENT.
The SITE is Assessor Parcel Number 559-118-02 and the adjacent property roughly
described as running from the southeast comer of the APN parcel, along the western edge
of the Caltrans right of way, to the intersection of the projection of the centerline of
McKinley Avenue; and then, along the centerline projection, to the projection of the
northern boundary of the Site; and then, along the northern boundary projection, to the
northeast corner of the Site of Block 233, located on the north east corner of the Bay
Marina Drive and Cleveland Avenue intersection and Assessor Parcel Numbers 559-117-
04, 05, 06, 07, 12 of Block 280 in National City, located on the north west corner of the
Bay Marina Drive and Cleveland Avenue intersection within National City, CA. The
exact square footage of the SITE will be determined during the Site planning activities
outlined below.
A. Exclusive Negotiation Period
The EXCLUSIVE NEGOTIATION PERIOD begins when the CDC executes this
AGREEMENT (hereafter referred to as "COMMENCEMENT DATE").
B. First Negotiation Period
During the first two hundred seventy (270) days of the EXCLUSIVE
the DEVELOPER and CDC shall meet regularly, in good faith, and jointly formulate a
plan to develop the PROJECT (hereafter referred to as "Development Program").
The Development Program shall include and delineate the following elements:
1. The type and scope of the PROJECT;.
2. Development concept including a phased build out of the SITE;
3. Required on and off -site infrastructure improvements;
4. Project, infrastructure, and state and local regulatory requirement
5. Prepare a market feasibility analysis for the PROJECT;
6. Funding sources for the PROJECT;
7. The parties/entities responsible for the various PROJECT
development activities; and
8. A detailed Project development schedule.
C. Due Diligence
as applicable, shall conduct their respective due diligence activities, including but not
limited to:
1. DEVELOPER'S timely delivery and submission to the CDC of
sufficient evidence that the DEVELOPER is financially viable
and has the required equity and financing to complete Site
2. DEVELOPER'S timely review of preliminary title report
information prepared for the SITE;
3. DEVELOPER'S timely investigation of the SITE. In conjunction
therewith, and subject to the DEVELOPER receiving all prior
governmental approvals and agreeing to all conditions of such
approvals, DEVELOPER and its consultants and agents shall
have the right to enter upon the SITE to conduct tests, studies, and
investigations pursuant to an Right of Entry Agreement, the form
of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit 1;
4. DEVELOPER'S timely submission of the Development Program
to the CDC for review and comment.
D. Design Concept Plan Submission/Entitlements/Environmental Review
By the end of the FIRST NEGOTIATION PERIOD, DEVELOPER shall submit
its Design Concept Plan for the PROJECT, including a Site Plan, Floor Plans, Exterior
Elevations and Project Description and elevations, for review and consideration of
acceptance by the Board of Directors of the CDC (hereafter referred to as "CDC
BOARD"). Upon the acceptance of the Design Concept Plan by the CDC BOARD, the
DEVELOPER shall prepare and process with the City any necessary land use
entitlements, environmental studies and reports.
Following Design Concept Plan acceptance by the CDC BOARD, and the close
of the FIRST NEGOTIATION PERIOD, the CDC agrees to negotiate exclusively with
the DEVELOPER for the remaining ninety (90) days of the EXCLUSIVE
PERIOD") in order to negotiate and attempt to finalize the DDA.
If, at the close of the SECOND NEGOTIATION PERIOD, the CDC and
DEVELOPER have not agreed to the terms of the DDA, this AGREEMENT shall
automatically terminate. Notwithstanding the above, the DEVELOPER or the CDC's
Executive Director in his sole discretion, may extend the Negotiation Period for up to an
additional one hundred and eighty (180) days to complete DDA negotiations, the land use
entitlements and the environmental studies, if the CDC's Executive Director determines
additional time is reasonably required.
F. Execution of DDA
After the DEVELOPER and the CDC Executive Director agree upon a proposed
DDA, the EXCLUSIVE NEGOTIATION PERIOD may be extended for up to an
additional ninety (90) days at the discretion of the CDC's Executive Director, or its
acting Director (hereafter referred to as "THIRD NEGOTIATION PERIOD") in order to
enable the CDC and the City to:
1. Notice and conduct a public hearing pursuant to Section 33433 of
the California Health and Safety Code on the DDA; and
2. Process Site development, environmental and entitlement
applications through the City's Planning Commission and City
The CDC agrees that during the EXCLUSIVE NEGOTIATION PERIOD, and
during all of its extensions, the CDC shall not negotiate or enter into an agreement with
any other person or entity regarding development of the SITE. The obligation to
negotiate in good faith requires the respective parties to communicate with each other
with respect to those issues for which agreement has not been reached, and in such
communication to follow reasonable negotiation procedures, including meetings,
telephone conversations, and correspondence. The parties understand that final accord on
all issues may not be reached. It is also understood that, (1) neither party is under any
obligation to reach agreement on the SITE purchase price and/or DDA, and (2) the CDC
reserves the right to approve or reject a DDA, the Project, or any disposition of the SITE,
in its sole discretion, as more particularly set forth in Part IV of this AGREEMENT.
G. CDC and Developer Obligations
obligations shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
1. CDC Obligations
a. Provide the DEVELOPER with documents in the CDC's
possession that would assist the DEVELOPER with the due
diligence activities;
b. Upon acceptance of the Development Program and
verification of DEVELOPER financial commitments to
both purchase and develop the PROJECT, prepare a draft
of a DDA.
2. Developer Obligations
a. Use its best efforts to investigate the SITE;
b. Submit site plans, elevations, schematic drawings, detailed
Project development costs, Project pro formas for Site
improvements as well as a pro forma summarizing the total
Project and respective returns and other documents
necessary for CDC and City review; and
c. Submit proof of adequate funding or funding commitments
for the PROJECT.
Upon the approval of this AGREEMENT by the CDC BOARD, the
DEVELOPER shall deposit with the CDC Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000)
(hereafter referred to as "DEVELOPER'S DEPOSIT"), in the form of a cashier's or
certified check, or wire transfer, payable to the CDC. The CDC agrees to hold the
DEVELOPER'S DEPOSIT in the CDC's account and make disbursements therefrom
only pursuant to the terms and provisions of this AGREEMENT.
DEVELOPER agrees that the CDC may use the DEVELOPER'S DEPOSIT to
reimburse itself for reasonable and actual attorneys' fees, consultant fees, appraisal fees,
title reports, and any other related fees (excluding CDC staff costs) and costs (hereafter
referred to as "DDA NEGOTIATION COSTS") incurred by the CDC in (i) negotiating
and preparing this AGREEMENT, (ii) reviewing any documents submitted in furtherance
of this AGREEMENT and/or DEVELOPER'S proposal to develop the PROJECT, (iii)
any negotiations relating to the DDA and any related documents, and (iv) drafting the
DDA or any other related documents. The DEVELOPER shall be responsible for any
additional costs and deposit the funds within ten (10) days of written request from CDC.
CDC shall submit to DEVELOPER invoices reasonably detailing DDA NEGOTIATION
COSTS CDC has incurred at the time it submits a reimbursement notice to the
DEVELOPER. CDC shall be free to withdraw funds from the DEVELOPER'S
DEPOSIT, as needed, provided that it has submitted such invoices to the DEVELOPER.
incurred to date (hereafter referred to as "BALANCE OF DEVELOPER'S DEPOSIT"),
if any, shall be refundable to DEVELOPER in the event this AGREEMENT is terminated
prior to or at the conclusion of the EXCLUSIVE NEGOTIATION PERIOD. In the event
the DDA is fully executed and approved by all requisite action, the BALANCE OF
DEVELOPER'S DEPOSIT, if any, shall be applied to the DEVELOPER'S purchase
price for the SITE if the parties consummate the proposed transaction.
It is anticipated that the PROJECT and the DDA providing for its implementation
will be presented to the CDC BOARD for approval. The parties understand that the CDC
is reserving the right to exercise its discretion as to all matters which it is, by law, entitled
or required to exercise its discretion, including, but not limited to the following:
A. Approval by the CDC of the Final Project as Contained in the DDA
The parties understand that the CDC has the complete and unfettered discretion to
reject the DDA without explanation or cause. The risk of loss of all processing, design
and developmental costs incurred by the DEVELOPER prior to DDA approval and
execution shall be absorbed entirely by DEVELOPER.
B. Review and Approval by the CDC of all Discretionary Findings and
The duty of the CDC to dispose of the parcel comprising the SITE shall be
conditioned upon the successful review and approval of all necessary findings and
conclusions which the CDC BOARD is required to make, including all necessary
findings and determinations required under CEQA, state and local land use provisions,
and the California Community Redevelopment Law. As to any matter which the CDC
may be required to exercise its unfettered discretion in advancing the PROJECT to
completion, neither anything contained herein, nor to be contained in the DDA shall
obligate the CDC to exercise its discretion in any particular manner, and any exercise of
discretion reserved hereunder or required by law, shall not be deemed to constitute a
breach of CDC duties under this AGREEMENT.
C. No Pre -Commitment by the CDC
By its execution of this AGREEMENT, the CDC is not committing itself to or
agreeing to undertake any activity requiring the subsequent exercise of discretion by the
CDC, or any department thereof including, but not limited to, the approval and execution
of a DDA; the proposal, amendment, or approval of any land use regulation governing
the SITE; the provision of any financial assistance for the development of any public or
private interest in real property; the acquisition of real property or any other property
interest; or any other such activity.
This AGREEMENT does not constitute a disposition of property or exercise of
control over property by the CDC and does not require a public hearing. CDC execution
of this AGREEMENT is merely an agreement to enter into a period of exclusive
negotiations according to the terms hereof, reserving final discretion and approval by the
CDC as to any proposed DDA and all proceedings and decisions in connection therewith.
A. Developer Experience
As a condition precedent to the CDC's execution of this AGREEMENT,
DEVELOPER shall have submitted to the CDC a detailed description of the development
experience of the DEVELOPER and its principals, associates, employees, partners, and
joint ventures.
B. Offices of the Developer
The principal offices of DEVELOPER are located at:
Marina Gateway Development Company, LLC
c/o MRW Group, Inc.
922 West 23rd Street
National City, CA 91950
The Project Manager for the DEVFI OPER will be: We need a person's name in
this spacc.MRW Group, Inc.
Other prime developers, employees, consultants, or representatives who are
proposed to be directly involved in the Project will be determined by DEVELOPER and
submitted to the CDC upon any such determination.
C. Full Disclosure
The DEVELOPER shall maintain full disclosure to the CDC of its principals,
officers, stockholders, partners, joint ventures, and all other pertinent non -confidential
information concerning the DEVELOPER.
D. Assignment
The DEVELOPER without prior written approval of the CDC may not assign this
AGREEMENT. The CDC agrees that, notwithstanding the foregoing, the DEVELOPER
may assign its rights under this AGREEMENT to a corporation, trust, or partnership of
which the DEVELOPER owns the majority beneficial interest and operational control.
E. Progress Reports
The DEVELOPER agrees to provide written reports advising the CDC on
progress and/or problems with the proposed development every thirty (30) days during
the term of the AGREEMENT.
A. The DEVELOPER shall prepare all necessary environmental documents,
conventionally undertaken by developers, and as required by the California
Environmental Quality Act (public Resources Code Section 21,000 et seq.) and local
regulations, for certification by the City. The DEVELOPER agrees to cooperate with the
City and the CDC, as requested, to help determine the environmental impact of the
proposed development and to prepare any other additional documents as may be needed
to complete environmental review for the development of the PROJECT on the SITE;
provided, however, that the CDC and the City shall not incur costs or expenses in
collection therewith nor will CDC or City reimburse the DEVELOPER for costs incurred
related to preparing these materials.
The CDC has not engaged a broker, agent, or finder in connection with this transaction.
As such, the CDC will not be responsible for any claims by a broker, agent or finder, and the
DEVELOPER agrees to defend, indemnify, protect and hold the CDC harmless from any claim
by any broker, agent, or finder retained by the DEVELOPER.
A. Legal Actions
1. Institution of Legal Actions
In addition to any other rights or remedies, either party may institute legal
action to cure, correct or remedy any default, to recover actual damages for any
default, or to obtain any other remedy consistent with the purposes of this
AGREEMENT; provided, however, that Paragraph C of this Part VIII shall
supersede any conflicting provisions of this Paragraph A.1. Such legal actions
must be instituted and maintained in the Superior Court of the County of San
Diego, State of California, or in any other appropriate court in that county.
2. Applicable Law
The laws of the State of California shall govern the interpretation and
enforcement of this AGREEMENT.
3. Acceptance of Service of Process
In the event that any legal action is commenced by the DEVELOPER
against the CDC, service of process on the CDC shall be made by personal
service upon the Executive Director or Secretary of the CDC, or in such other
manner as may be provided by law. In the event that any legal action is
commenced by the CDC against the DEVELOPER, service of process on the
DEVELOPER shall be made by personal service upon the DEVELOPER or in
such other manner as may be provided by law, and shall be valid whether made
within or without the State of California.
B. Rights and Remedies are Cumulative
Except as otherwise expressly stated in this AGREEMENT, the rights and
remedies of the parties are cumulative, and the exercise by either party of one or more of
its rights or remedies shall not preclude the exercise by it, at the same or different times,
of any other rights or remedies for the same default or any other default by the other
C. Specific Performance as Developer's Exclusive Remedy
Subject to the DEVELOPER'S right to terminate this AGREEMENT in
accordance with the terms of Paragraph E of this Part VIII, the DEVELOPER'S
exclusive remedy for an uncured CDC default under this AGREEMENT is to institute an
action for specific performance of the terms of this AGREEMENT, and in no event shall
the DEVELOPER have the right, and the DEVELOPER expressly waives the right, to
seek monetary damages of any kind (including but not limited to actual damages,
economic damages, consequential damages, or lost profits) from the CDC in the event of
a default by the CDC under this AGREEMENT or any action related to this
AGREEMENT. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the DEVELOPER shall retain the right
to seek a writ of mandate in the event of any final denial by the CDC of any CDC permit
or approval pertaining to the PROJECT.
D. Attorney's Fees
If either party to this AGREEMENT is required to initiate or defend litigation in
any way connected with this AGREEMENT, the prevailing party in such litigation in
addition to any other relief which may be granted, whether legal or equitable, shall be
entitled to its actual and reasonable attorney's fees. If either party to this AGREEMENT
is required to initiate or defend litigation with a third party because of the violation of any
terms or provision of this AGREEMENT by the other party, then the party so litigating
shall be entitled to its actual and reasonable attorney's fees from the other party to this
AGREEMENT. As used herein, the term "attorney's fees" shall include attorney's fees
incurred related to the foregoing described litigation and for any appeal, and in addition a
party entitled to attorney's fees shall be entitled to all other reasonable costs for
investigating such action, retaining expert witnesses, taking depositions and discovery,
and all other necessary costs incurred in such litigation. All such fces shall be deemed to
have accrued on commencement of such action and shall be enforceable whether or not
such action is prosecuted to judgment. The parties hereto acknowledge and agree that
each such party shall bear its own legal costs incurred in connection with the negotiation,
approval, and execution of this AGREEMENT.
E. Termination Rights
Notwithstanding the nominal EXCLUSIVE NEGOTIATION PERIOD
hereinabove set forth, either party may terminate this AGREEMENT if the other party
has materially defaulted in its obligations herein set forth, and the terminating party has
provided the defaulting party with written notification of such determination, and the
defaulting party has refused to cure same. The written notification shall set forth the
nature of the actions required to cure such default if curable. The defaulting party shall
have thirty (30) days from the date of the written notification to cure such default. If such
default is not cured within the thirty (30) days, the termination shall be deemed effective.
For purposes of this paragraph, the parties hereby acknowledge that time is of the
essence. Each party shall also have the right to terminate this AGREEMENT in the event
that (a) the CDC or the DEVELOPER determines that the PROJECT is infeasible, based
on financial or environmental impact considerations, or not in the public interest; or (b)
the parties reach an impasse in their negotiation of the DDA which cannot be resolved
after good faith efforts. Upon such a termination, the CDC shall return the BALANCE
F. Indemnity
The DEVELOPER shall indemnify, protect defend and hold harmless the CDC
and the City and the CDC's and the City's respective elected officials, officers,
employees, representatives, members, and agents from and against any and all challenges
to this AGREEMENT or to the PROJECT, and any and all other losses, liabilities,
damages, claims or costs (including attorneys' fees) arising from DEVELOPER'S
negligent acts, errors, or omissions with respect to its obligations hereunder or the SITE.
This indemnity obligation shall survive the termination of this AGREEMENT.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event of a third party challenge to the validity of
this AGREEMENT or to the PROJECT, DEVELOPER shall have the option to terminate
this AGREEMENT in lieu of its indemnity obligation.
G. Notices Demand and Communications Between the Parties
Formal notices, demands, and communications between CDC and DEVELOPER
shall be given either by (i) personal service, (ii) delivery by reputable document delivery
service such as Federal Express that provides a receipt showing date and time of delivery,
or (iii) or by mailing in the United States mail, certified mail, postage prepaid, return
receipt requested, addressed to:
To CDC: Community Development Commission
With copy to:
To Developer:
With copies to:
Attn: Brad Raulston, Executive Director
1243 National City Boulevard
National City, CA 91950-4301
City of National City
Attn: George Eiser, City Attorney
1243 National City Boulevard
National City, CA 91950-4301
Marina Gateway Development Company, LLC
Attn: MRW Group, Inc., Michael Weber
922 West 23rd Street
National City, CA 91950
MRW Group, Inc.
Attn: Ivar Leetma
922 West 23rd Street
National City, CA 91950
Notices personally delivered or delivered by document delivery service shall be deemed
effective upon receipt. Notices mailed in the manner provided above shall be deemed effective
on the second business day following deposit in the United States mail. Such written notices,
demands, and communications shall be sent in the same manner to such other addresses as either
party may from time to time designate by mail.
H. Nonliability of City and CDC Officials and Employees
No member, official, employee, or contractor of the City or the CDC shall be
personally liable to the DEVELOPER in the event of any default or breach by the CDC
or for any amount, which may become due to the DEVELOPER or on any obligations
under the terms of the AGREEMENT.
I. Interpretation
The terms of this AGREEMENT shall be construed in accordance with the
meaning of the language used and shall not be construed for or against either party by
reason of the authorship of this AGREEMENT or any other rule of construction which
might otherwise apply. The Part and Paragraph headings are for purposes of convenience
only, and shall not be construed to limit or extend the meaning of this AGREEMENT.
J. Entire Agreement, Waivers, and Amendments
This AGREEMENT integrates all of the terms and conditions mentioned herein,
or incidental hereto, and supersedes all negotiations or previous agreements between the
parties with respect to all or any part of the subject matter hereof. All waivers of the
provisions of this AGREEMENT must be in writing and signed by the appropriate
authorities of the party to be charged, and all amendments and modifications hereto must
be in writing and signed by the appropriate authorities of CDC and DEVELOPER.
K. Counterparts
This AGREEMENT may be executed in counterparts, each of which, after all the
parties hereto have signed this AGREEMENT, shall be deemed to be an original, and
such counterparts shall constitute one and the same instrument.
L. Successors
This AGREEMENT shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the
permitted successors of each of the parties hereto.
M. Further Assurances
The parties hereto each agree, without further consideration, to execute such other
and further documents, and to perform such other and further acts, as may be necessary
or proper in order to consummate the transaction set forth in and contemplated by this
N. Severability
In the event any section or portion of this AGREEMENT shall be held, found, or
determined to be unenforceable or invalid for any reason whatsoever, the remaining
provisions shall remain in effect, and the parties hereto shall take further actions as may
be reasonably necessary and available to them to effectuate the intent of the parties as to
all provisions set forth in this AGREEMENT.
O. Time is of the Essence
Time is of the essence for each of the DEVELOPER'S obligations under this
The DEVELOPER acknowledges and agrees that the CDC is a public entity with
a responsibility and, in many cases, legal obligation to conduct its business in a manner
open and available to the public. Accordingly, any information provided by the
DEVELOPER to the CDC with respect to the SITE, the PROJECT or the DEVELOPER
may be disclosed to the public either purposely, inadvertently, or as a result of a public
demand or order. With respect to any information provided that the DEVELOPER
reasonably deems and identifies in writing as proprietary and confidential in nature, the
CDC agrees to exercise its best efforts to keep such information confidential.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the CDC and the DEVELOPER have signed this
AGREEMENT on the respective dates set forth below.
Ron Morrison, Chian
By: /� £t. m
George Eiser, I CDC Counsel
Manna Gateway Development Company, LL.0
By MRW Group, Inc., Managing Member
Its 11935iiin
By -
THIS RIGHT OF ENTRY AGREEMENT (hereafter referred to as "Agreement") is
made and entered into as of November 21, 2006, by and between the COMMUNITY
corporate and politic (hereafter referred to as "CDC"), and MARINA GATEWAY
DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC, a California limited liability corporation (hereafter
referred to as "Developer"), with respect to the following:
A. The CDC and the Developer have entered into an Exclusive Negotiate
Agreement, dated as of May 19, 2007, for the negotiation of a disposition and development
agreement with respect to certain real property in the City of National City known as Assessor
Parcel Number 559-118-02 and 559-117-04, 05, 06, 07, 12, 16, 17 (hereafter referred to as
B. The Developer desires to perform certain predevelopment work consisting of
certain tests, studies, and analyses necessary to evaluate the condition of the Property (hereafter
referred to as "Predevelopment Work").
C. The CDC wishes to accommodate the Developer's desire to commence the
Predevelopment Work on the Property by granting a right of entry to Developer upon certain
terms and conditions.
NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, Developer and CDC do
hereby agree as follows:
1. Right of Entry. Provided that all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement
are fully satisfied, the CDC hereby grants to Developer and its employees, agents and contractors
the nonexclusive right to enter upon the Property to perform the Predevelopment Work, and for
no other purposes without the prior written approval of the CDC's Executive Director or his
designee. This Agreement shall automatically terminate and expire three hundred and sixty
(360) days from the date of this Agreement. The term of this Agreement may be extended at the
sole and absolute discretion of the CDC Executive Director or his designee for an additional
period not to exceed one hundred eighty (180) days. It is expressly understood that this
Agreement does not in any way whatsoever grant or convey any rights of possession, easement
or other interest in the Property to the Developer.
2. Agreement. By execution of this Agreement, Developer agrees for itself and on
the behalf of its employees, agents, consultants and contractors as follows:
(a) That Developer will not permit any dangerous condition to be created on
the Property.
(b) That all acts and things done by Developer on the Property will be done in
a careful and reasonable manner, in accordance with all federal, state and local laws.
(c) That Developer enters the Property entirely at its own cost, risk and
(d) That prior to the Developer's entry upon the Property and during the
period of this Agreement, there shall be in effect and shall provide satisfactory evidence
to the CDC of the following:
a. Workers' compensation insurance as required by law;
b. Commercial general liability insurance written on an occurrence
basis, with a combined single limit of at least One Million Dollars
($1,000,000) consisting of both bodily injury and property damage
coverage; and
c. Automobile liability insurance, including liability for all owned,
hired and non -owned vehicles, with minimum limits of One
Million Dollars ($1,000,000) for bodily injury per person, One
Million Dollars ($1,000,000) property damage and One Million
Dollars ($1,000,000) combined single limit per occurrence.
CDC of National City shall be named as an additional insured under the commercial
general liability policy.
(e) That Developer shall not permit any mechanics', material men's or other
liens of any kind or nature (hereafter referred to as "Liens") to be filed or enforced
against the Property in connection with the Predevelopment Work. Developer shall
indemnify, defend and hold harmless CDC from all liability for any and all liens, claims
and demands, together with costs of defense and reasonable attorneys' fees, arising from
any Liens. CDC reserves the right, at its sole cost and expense, at any time and from
time to time, to post and maintain on the Property, or any portion thereof, or on the
improvements on the Property, any notices of non -responsibility or other notice as may
be desirable to protect CDC against liability. In addition to, and not as a limitation of
CDC's other rights and remedies under this Agreement, should the Developer fail, within
ten (10) days of written request from CDC, either to discharge any Lien or to bond for
any Lien, or to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless CDC from and against any loss,
damage, injury, liability or claim arising out of a Lien, then CDC, at its option, may elect
to pay such Lien, or settle or discharge such Lien and any action or judgment related
thereto and all costs, expenses and attorneys' fees incurred in doing so shall be paid to
CDC by the Developer upon written demand.
(f) That Developer shall not have any interest in the Property or be entitled to
any reimbursement or repayment for any work performed upon the Property pursuant to
this Agreement. Developer shall, at the written request of the CDC, leave the Property in
a condition that does not create an unreasonable risk of harm to the public.
(g) The Developer shall take all necessary precautions to prevent the import
and/or release into the environment of any hazardous materials, which are imported to, in,
on or under the Property during the performance of the Predevelopment Work. If
hazardous materials are imported onto the Property as a result of the performance of the
Predevelopment Work, the Developer shall be solely responsible for removing such
imported hazardous materials in conformance with all Governmental Requirements. The
Developer shall report to the CDC, as soon as possible after each incident, any unusual or
potentially important incidents with respect to the environmental condition of the
3. Indemnity. Developer hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and hold the CDC and
its officers, officials, members, employees, agents and representatives, harmless from and against
any and all loss, damage, injury, liability, claim, cost or expense (including, without limitation,
reasonable attorneys' fees, expert witness fees, court costs, and expenses) arising from or
attributable to the activities of Developer or any of its employees, agents, consultants or
contractors upon the Property pursuant to this Agreement. All use of and entry upon the
Property shall be at the sole cost, risk and expense of the Developer.
4. Miscellaneous.
(a) Choice of Law. This Agreement is to be governed by, and construed in
accordance with, the laws of the State of California.
(b) Remedies. Either party shall, in addition to all other rights provided
herein or as may be provided by law, be entitled to the remedies of specific performance
and injunction to enforce its rights hereunder, except to the extent expressly provided to
the contrary in this Agreement. All rights and remedies under this Agreement are
cumulative and no one of them shall be exclusive of any other, and each party shall have
the right to pursue any one or all of such rights and remedies or any other remedy which
may be provided by law, whether or not stated in this Agreement, except to the extent
expressly provided to the contrary in this Agreement.
(c) Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in two (2) or more
counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original but all of which together shall
constitute one and the same instrument.
(d) Non -Liability of Public Officials. No officer, employee, member, agent
or representative of the CDC shall be personally liable to Developer, or any successor in
interest, in the event of any default or breach by the CDC, or for any amount which may
become due to Developer or its successor, or for any breach of any obligation of the
terms of this Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have entered into this Agreement as of the
date first set forth above.
an, a public body, corporate and politic
Brad Raulston, Executive Director
opment Company, LLC
Managing Member
Its ' W-.WLbc'✓L Pt :Ct rwt
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RESOLUTION NO. 2007 — 147
(APNs 559-117-04, 05, 06, 07, 12, 16)
WHEREAS, the Community Development Commission of the City of National
City (CDC) owns property located within the boundaries of the Harbor District and National City
Redevelopment Project Area; and
WHEREAS, the CDC desires to increase the number of restaurant and
commercial businesses within the National City Redevelopment Project Area; and
WHEREAS, on May 18, 2004, Marina Gateway Development Company, LLC was
selected as the preferred developer for the property located at the southeast corner of Bay
Marina Drive and Harrison Avenue, and on June 1, 2004, the CDC and Marina Gateway
Development Company, LLC entered into an Exclusive Right to Negotiate for the property at
720 West 23rd Street; and
WHEREAS, Marina Gateway Development Company, LLC desires to expand the
scope and scale of the project to develop two mid to high quality level restaurants, one on the
720 West 23rd Street site and one on the property located between Bay Marina Drive, Harrison
Avenue, 23rd Street, and Cleveland Avenue.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Community Development
Commission of the City of National City hereby authorizes the Chairman to execute an
Exclusive Negotiation Agreement with Marina Gateway Development Company, LLC for the
property at 720 West 23rd Street and block between Bay Marina Drive, Harrison Avenue, 23rd
Street, and Cleveland Avenue. Said Exclusive Negotiation Agreement is on file in the office of
the City Clerk.
PASSED and ADOPTED this 19th day of Jun
George . Eiser, III
Legal Counsel
on Morrison, Chairman
Passed and adopted by the Community Development Commission of the City of
National City, California, on June 19, 2007, by the following vote, to -wit:
Ayes: Commissioners Morrison, Natividad, Parra, Ungab, Zarate.
Nays: None.
Absent: None.
Abstain: None.
Chairman, Community Development Commission
Secretary, CT'*•' ievelopment Commission
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
RESOLUTION NO. 2007-147 of the Community Development Commission of the City
of National City, Califomia, passed and adopted on June 19, 2007.
Secretary, Community Development Commission
City of National City, California
AVENUE (APN # 559-117-04, 05, 06, 07, 12, 16)
Colby Young (Ext. 4297)
Redevelopment Intern
Redevelopment Division
EXPLANATION The mentioned CDC owned property is within the National City Redevelopment
Project Area. The CDC desires to increase the number of restaurants and commercial businesses within
the Redevelopment Project Area and Manna Gateway Development Company, LLC desires to purchase
the property to develop two (2) mid to high level quality restaurants. The Exclusive Negotiation
Agreement will initiate exclusive negotiations for up to three hundred and sixty (360) days to allow the
Marina Gateway Development Company, LLC to (i) undertake due diligence activities regarding the
restaurant development; (ii) design the restaurants; (iii) establish the responsibilities, schedule, and
financial parameters for developing the restaurants; (iv) negotiate the purchase price of the property;
and (v) negotiate a Disposition and Development Agreement. The Exclusive Negotiation Agreement in
no way commits to a future project.
Environmental Review Not applicable.
Financial Statement Upon approval of the Exclusive Negotiation Agreement, Marina
Gateway Development Company, LLC shall deposit with the CDC Twenty Five Thousand
Dollars ($25,000) in the form of a cashier's or certified check, or wire transfer, payable to the
CDC. Half of the deposit ($12,500) shall be refundable to Marina Gateway Development
Company, LLC if there is a material default by the CDC of its obligations pursuant to the
Exclusive Negotiation Agreement.
Account No
STAFF RECOMMENDATION Adopt the resolution.
ATTACHMENTS Resolution No. " 0 () rk . r"'
1. Proposed Exclusive Negotiation Agreement
City of National City
Office of the City Clerk
1243 National City Boulevard, National City, CA 91950-4397
Michael R. Della, CMC - City Clerk
(619) 336-4228 Fax: (619) 336-4229
July 25, 2007
Mr. Michael Weber
Marina Gateway Development Company, LLC
MRW Group, Inc.
922 West 23rd Street
National City, CA 91950
Dear Mr. Weber,
On June 19, 2007, Resolution No. 2007-147 was passed and adopted by the
Community Development Commission of National City, approving an exclusive
negotiating agreement with Marina Gateway Development Company, LLC.
We are enclosing for your records a certified copy of the above Resolution and a
fully original executed agreement.
Michael R. Dalla, CMC
City Clerk
cc: Community Development Commission
Ivar Leetma, MRW Group, Inc.
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